Page A 6 IR • sa Business {j .• A T T E N T IO N : m in t a r y s e r v ic e m e m b e rs an d th e ir fa m ilie s ... Need help with processing a discharge? Need a legal or medical referral? Feel like you’re being treated unfairly? Harassed or abused? Know someone who is absent w/o leave? CALL: W a r R e s is t e r s L e a g a e - ( 5 0 3 ) 2 3 1 - 0 0 0 5 AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE PLAN $11.95- Individual Plan F e b ru a ry 7, 2001 ï Ht' ÿloritanô (ßhserupr Oregon Business Association Grows with Nike The Oregon Business Asso­ ciation, Orêgon’s newest rep­ resentative for business and in­ dustry, has announced the addi­ tion of Nike, Inc. to it member­ ship. Also joining the associa­ tion in recent weeks are Les Schwab Tire Centers, Standard Insurance, the Yoshida Group, GBD, Architects and Azumano Travel. Now just over one year old, the Oregon Business Associa­ tion brings a practical and in­ creasingly powerful force to Oregon’s business and political landscape. It membership includes many of the state’s major Corpora­ tions, such as Northwest Natu- Lawmakers Take Aim at Eco-Terrorists $19,95 - Family/Household Covers: Dental, Vision, Pharmacy, Orthodontic, Chiropractic A n d ... More For More Information: Call (503) 288-1140 Ask for Maudie White, Plan Broker (AP) - The Oregon Legislature is taking up the issue o f eco-terrorism, getting to work on two bills to toughen penalties for environmental arson and vandalism. The most significant o f the measures is House Bill 2344, which would expand the state’s racketeer­ ing laws to include crimes against research, livestock and agricultural facilities. Such crimes would become Class A felonies punishable by a prison sentence o f up to 20 years and ral Gas, Portland General Elec­ tric, Wells Fargo Bank, U.S. Bank, BearCreek Corporation, Pacificorp, Columbia Forest Products, Stoel Rives, and CH2MHÌ1I. OBA also includes some of Oregon’s well-known home-grown companies, such as Neil Kelly Company, Norm Thompson, Pow ell’s Book- Free Tax Help Available a fine o f 300-thousand dollars. Another bill — House Bill 2385 — would make it a felony to “interfere with agricultural research.” Representative Lane Shetterly — a Republican from Dallas— says the laws are needed to help authorities deal better with extremist groups like the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front. Shetterly says the bill has strong support in the Legislature. Help is available in Portland through April 12 for taxpayers needing assistance in preparing their income tax returns. The American Association o f Retired Persons (AARP) provides free assistance in preparing basic state and federal income tax returns for the elderly and other with low or modest incomes. The program ’s volunteers are trained by qualified trainers with experience in federal and state tax law. Volunteers will be available in Portland every Thursday at the state office building at 800 N.E. Oregon from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. In April, two Tuesdays, April 3 and 10, will be added to the regular schedule. Awesome Task w e st. Authorized Dealer Do you need w ireless service w ith : ? no turndow ns * no c r e d it ch eck no c o n tra c t G a lo r e A Q w e s t h a v e t e a m e d up t o o f f e r c e llu la r s e r v ic e r a t c o m p e t it iv e r a t e s w it h no c r e d i t c h e c k p b . Special stores, and Sokol B losser Winery.“We are growing rap­ idly for one fundamental rea­ son,” Tom Kelly Chairman of the OBA Board said. “We represent a more con­ structive, bi-partisan approach to solving Oregon’s problems and that is what Oregon busi­ ness wants.” Debbie Miller, administrative assistant to Dave Henderson, Director o f the Legislative Administration is busied by the tasks o f keeping the 71“ Oregon Legislative Assembly functioning smoothly. The office maintains the Legislature 's accounting system, media support, human resources support, building maintenance and creating public access, ju st to name a fe w o f its responsibilities. The Legislature Administration encourages public involvement in the process. (P hoto by L arry J ackson /P orti and O bserver ) new digital phone w /lO O O mins. w /2 mos. p re -p a id 5 0 0 mins per month only T he B lack U nited F und of O regon , I nc . P resents PUTTING THE PIECES TOGETHER 7318448857 CREATING WEALTH FOR YOU ANP YOUR FAMILY F inancial and E state P lanning C onference F ebruary 10, 2001 • 8AM - 4PM O regon C onvention C enter Come And Learn About! Youth Empowerment • Investing and Investment Clubs • Homebuying • Retirement Planning • Estate Planning • Philanthropy. I Just think: Your son is b rig h t, h e a lth y a n d h e a d e d fo r college one day You love the direction your Examples of workshop topics include and “Stocks and Mutual Funds’ , “Understanding Your Credit", and "The Benefits of Charitable Giving" Registration is $15 for adults. $10 for seniors 65 years & older, $10 for youth 18 years and under, and $25 for couple- married & domestic partners Multiple workshop sessions, career has taken. You're doing a lot o f the things you planned and even a few you didn't. Living life to the fullest is easy when you have family b e h in d 'y o u . Am erican Family Mutual Insurance. Call and talk to one o f our helpful, friendly agents. lunch, entertainment and a one-vear complimentary subscription to Black Enterprise You'll find out w hy were consistently rated A+ (Superior) by A M . Magazine are included in the registration fee. Best, the insurance rating authority Then, go on. Dream. Plan. Registration deadline extended: February 5, 2001 Please call Adrienne at (503) 282-7973 for a registration brochure or down load the application at What you do next is up to you and we ll be here to help you. J ^ > u have family behind you. The first 50 individuals that register will be entered into a drawing for $100 dollars! Conference sponsors ere American Express Financial Advisor*. Portland General Electric. Albma Community Bank. P o rtta n d /S e a M Ie Chapter o* National Black MBA Association Oregon Community Foundation. Schwabe. Williamson and Wyatt. Portland Development Commission. Slack Enterprise mi ey e in g . Oregon Lottery. Lie Mitermque of Avive Design and Mufly Pnnting Services LLC A ll Y o u r Protection U n d e r O n e Roof. "row»* » s k w " XSH American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries Madison. Wl 53783-0001 www I I