February 7, 2001 Page A4 IfJorHanò (ftbseruer ■ Opinion Z*"V ( J u r t l. lliì » • • BET and Viacom: The New businesses of America (Tlje sportiani» (©bseruer B y F red M c K issack In the 1976 movie "Network,” talk show host Howard Beale tells his audience that the world is neither in the post-industrial ing around larger corporations who, in turn, revolve around gi­ ant corporations, and this whole endless, eternal, ultim ate cos­ mology is expressly designed for the production and con- s u m p tio n o f u s e le s s things.” Som e 24 years later, BET Holdings II, a small corporation that owns sev­ eral entertainm ent-related brands, including 20-year- old Black Entertainm ent Television, will now be or­ biting around Viacom, the w orld’s third largest me­ dia company. V iacom paid $3 billion for BET in early Novem ber. B E T C h a irm a n and C hief Executive O fficer R obert L. Johnson and Sum m er R e d s to n e , V iacom ’s CEO seem to be all smiles and love about the deal. Johnson says that BET has found a perfect home at V iacom, whose roster o f brands includes CBS, M TV, UPN and Simon & Schuster. Some black leaders - includ­ ing the Rev. Jesse Jackson and USPS 959-680 Established 1 9 7 0 STA FF E d it o r P C in h ie f , u b l is h e r Charles H. Washington E d i T o » Larry J. Jackson, Sr. B u s in e s s M anager Gary Ann Taylor Fred McKissack age nor the inform ation age. ‘We are now a corporate so­ ciety, a corporate world, a cor­ porate universe,” he says. “This world is a vast cosm ology of sm all c o rp o ra tio n s o rb itin g around large corporations orbit­ N A A C P P r e s id e n t K w e isi Mfume - have expressed angst that BET was sw allow ed by Viacom. This is laughable on several levels. First, Johnson sold the com pany to Viacom; fellas, this w asn’t hostile take­ over. And, for all the carping about black independent televi­ sion vanishing because o f the merger, let’s face facts about what BET is and is not. W hile 90 percent o f African Americans who watch televi­ sion know the brand name BET, N ielsen ratings show B E T ’s prime time shows gam er around 1 percent o f the black popula­ tion, or a little more than 350,000 people. This despite the fact that BET can be seen in more than 60 m illion homes. Why so few viewers? Simple: The netw ork stinks, and it has stunk for a long time. W ell, not e v e ry th in g has smelled. The news division (es­ pecially Tavis Sm iley and Ed Gordon) has been the high point. And in m id-Novem ber, the net­ work announced that its film division, in association with PBS, had begun production work on “ A H uey P. New ton Story.” The film is being directed by Spike Lee, who will bring to it a level o f cinem atic expertise the subject m atter and audience so richly deserve. G enerally, however, BET has been the king o f black m edioc­ rity in the corporate-entertain­ ment com plex. L et’s not forget that earlier this year BET H old­ ings II killed Emerge, a truly independent and intellectual m agazine. In his 1999 book,"Color Bars: T e le v is io n ’s D iv e rs ity D i­ lem m a,” form er BET executive Tom Jacobs scolds Johnson for building and m aintaining his empire on the electronic equiva­ lent o f junk mail. From sexually explicit videos, featuring epic levels o f misogyny and violence, to near endless com edy showcases and celeb­ rity infotainment, BET has never lived up to the prem ise that people believed was inherent in its charter, a netw ork where blacks could see reflections o f them selves in m irrors not con­ trolled by media outlets that w ere o verw helm ingly v/hite • male and tacitly unsym pathetic. "Bob Johnson has m ade it abundantly clear that he feels no responsibility to use his busi­ ness a vehicle for delivering posi­ tive m essages or socially re­ sponsible programming to Black A m erica,” Jacobs writes. Johnson apparently also feels no responsibility to the people that work for him, as w itnessed in his insistence on not paying equitable wages to com edians who whooped it up on one o f the n e tw o rk ’s s ta p le s , “ C om ic V iew .” These brothers and sisters were m aking $150 per appear­ ance, while BET was m aking m illions in ad revenue. This should have caused a ruckus among black leaders and the m asses, yet th ere w a s n ’t a peep. If this had been a white- owned network, there w ould’ve been a boycott. BET is proof that the business o f business is the production and consumption o f useless things. Fred McKissack covers cul­ ture fo r The Progressive maga­ zine. He can be reached at pmproj@progressive. org. A sst . P ublisher Michael Leighton C o py E d it o r Joy Ramos C r e a t iv e D ir e c t o r Robert Parker 4 7 4 7 NE M artin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 e-mail Area Residents Urged to Speak Out Now “T he leg isla tu re convenes only six m onths, every two year cycle. N ow is the p er­ fect tim e d u ring the session for c itizen s to get involved in th e s e i m p o r ta n t i s s u e s ,” G ordly said. N ear the top o f the list o f concerns are proposed cuts in sen io r and d isa b ility services. A ll told, the s ta te ’s long-term care system w ould be reduced by m ore th an $93 m illio n . T h o u s a n d s o f s e n io r a n d people w ith d isab ilities would lose the a ssista n c e that helps them rem ain independent in th eir ow n com m unities. “N ow is the perfect tim e to get in v o lv ed ,” said State Sen. M a rg a ret C a rte r, re g a rd in g proposed laws that w ould posi­ tively and negatively affect all O regonians, e sp ecially those in N orth and N ortheast P o rt­ land. W ith the O regon L eg is­ lature in its opening days, c iti­ zen input in Salem is needed now to m ake inform ed choices, C arter said. Sen. Avel G ordly, D -Port- land, also w ants to em phasize how crucial this stage o f the le g i s la t iv e p r o c e s s is fo r people in contacting th eir rep­ resen tativ es and senators. new9@portlandobserver.com sd»c>iptkxi@portlandofaeeiverxom ads@portiandobserver.com P ostmaster : ¿end address changes to Portland Observer PO Box 3137 Portland, OR 97208 Periodical Postage paid in Portland, OR Subscriptions are $60.00 per year FOR ALL SUBMITTED MATERIALS: onday by 5 p . m . ADS: Friday by noon The PortlandObserverwelcom es freelance submissions. M anusc ripts and photographs should be c learly labeled an d w il l be returned ifaccom pam edbyaselfaddressed envelope .All created design disp lay ads becom e the sole property o f the new spaper and cannot be used m otherpubl ications o r personal usage w ithout the w ritten consent o f the general m anager, unless the client has purchased the com position O 19 9 6 T H E P O R T L A N D O B ­ SERVER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PRO- o f such ad. HIBITED. T h e Portland O b s e rv e r-O re g o n 's O ld e s t M u lticu ltu ral P u b lic a tio n -is a m em ber o f the N ational N ew spaper Association - Founded in 1885 , and T h e N ational A d v e rta a ig Represen­ tative A m algam ated Publishers, Inc. N e w Y o rk, N Y , and T h e W est Coast B lack Publishers Association- Serv ing Portland and Vancouver » I “ W hat the legislators in this building need to hear from their co n stitu en ts is to bring back continuing service levels for these program s so that we can p rovide esse n tia l support to seniors and th o se w ith d is ­ a b ilitie s ,” C a rte r said. A p ro p o se d O reg o n C h ild re n ’s Plan has also re ­ ceived a great deal o f a tte n ­ tion. The program spends over $60 m illion to screen all first births in O regon for an id en ti­ fiable set o f risk s that can negatively affect a c h ild ’s life. A nother im portant initiative w ould require insurance com ­ panies to provide coverage for b iith co n tro l expenses. W om en pay sig n ific a n tly m ore in health care ~osts then m en, m ainly because o f the cost o f co n tracep tiv es. A n o th e r im p o rtan t health care in itia tiv e is a proposal to increase insurance coverage for m ental health issues to a lev el eq u al to fu n d in g for p hysical health problem s. In­ cluded in the category o f m en­ tal h ealth issues are alcohol and d rug dependency. C a r te r c o n ti n u a ll y h a s stressed the im portance o f this issue. “ W e need to recognize that m ental health pro b lem s are ju s t as vital to address and take care o f as physical health p ro b le m s,” C arter said. An excellen t source o f up- to -d a te in fo rm a tio n on the L eg islatu re is av ailable from O reg o n O n - L in e at w w w .s ta te .o r.u s . C om m ents can also be left for any leg isla to r at no cost by calling 1-800-332-2313. In or­ der to speak directly w ith a senator or rep resen tativ e, call 503-986-1950 for R epublican law m akers and 503-986-1700 for D em ocrats.