February 7,2001 Page 11 (T h e |3 ö r t l a t t b ( O b s e r v e r Recognizing Porticine!*/ Block firrt*/ Robert Ford was one of the first two Black teachers in Portland. He taught at Holladay School. The other teacher was Leota Stone. (Courtesy o f OHS) Clarence G. “Stanton ” Duke was one o f the first Portland Blacks in news media in 1959. (Courtesy o f OHS) First celebrated in 1926, February, 2001 is the Si SPIPJT M OUNTAIN CASINO WELCOMES B.B.KINq . A The Urban League of Portland MARCH 14, 2001 7:00 P.M. Doors open at 6 p.m. Ticket prices are $25 and $35, available at the Spirit M ountain box office, all Fred Meyer Fastixx locations or by calling 1-800-992- TIXX. S P IM I M O U N T A IN CASINO Hwv. 18. Grand «onde • www.spiritnitMintain.com. N o one under 21. N o refunds or exeh.ingc«« Joins with friends and neighbors in observance of Black History Month. We welcome the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of African Americans whose achievments have contributed so much to this nation. O ur M essage... "To serve African Americans and all who strive tow ard economic self-reliance and social equality."