Page 10 3* tie February 7, 2001 •\ ^ A ’S A 'I A ’S A ^ ’ A ’SA W A ’ A ^ J ÍJ Coming Soon »J *' February 2001 J COh^er u ev Saluting Portland’s First’s for Black History Balloons in Flight *V 2322 NE M LK BLVD 503-331-1101 *v K “QUALITY THAT WON’T LET YOU DOWN” »\ SPECIALIZING IN: BALLOON BOUQUETS BIG BOUQUETS GET WELL BABY SHOW ERS PARTIES AND CELEBRATIONS WEDDINGS SPECIAL EVENTS Bethel AME Church is one of Portland’s Oldest Black Christian churches that’s over 100 years old. It was formed by a small group of twenty Christians in 1889. It has moved several times and is currently located in Northeast Portland. LATEX BALLOONS IN ALL SIZES, COLORS AND DESIGNS, ALSO MYLARS IN A VARIETY OF ’ SHAPES AND SIZES (NO OUTSIDE SOURCE BALLOONS) STORE HOI RS: MONDAY - SATURDAY (9:00-5:30) SUNDAYS (10:00 - 2:00) WEBSITE: HTTPtfAV WW.BALLOONSINELIGIIT.COM E-MAIL ADDRESS: BALLOONSIXFL1GHT« ¡UStVEST.NET Sponsored in part by (Elp 'j j ì o r t l a n ò Bus it t o L in c o ln City. F ro m th e R o se City. X Take our FREE bus to Chinook Winds Casino. Call us to reserve your seat and to determine which location is most convenient for you. You’ll get a FREE Casino Fun Book full of great discounts and offers. So call us, to bus you, to the coast’s only casino, Chinook Winds Casino. Monday & Sunday Beaverton Hillsboro (2 n d M o n d a y o f Bus transportation is for Casino patrons o nly a nd is n ot to be the m o n th o n ly ) Newberg McMinnville Tigard Tuesday, Saturday Clackamas & Sunday Gateway Vancouver Friday used as p u b lic transportation Patrons must p lay a minim um NW N a tu ra l (iD bserucr W Tr jfrrM- »f» b f r r smooth ja i s TH E LEG EN DARY M C M E N A M IN S W H IT E CAFE, SALOON and ROCK & ROLL HOTEL HOTEL ROOM RATES Queen $45 Full $35 Bunk $25 o f $10 per tn p using their Winners Circle Card. Chinook W inds reserves the right to refuse service t o anyone This European-style lodging with shared baths. z program may b e changed or cancelled at any tim e Oregon City Tualatin Room rates are the same for single or double occupancy. Add 11.5% (AHinry room r.u. C hinook WI nds C a s in o __ & C O N V E N T IO N CENTER Call 1-877-594-4627 for reservations and schedule. I -866-271-3377 o r fro m P o rtla n d 503-335-8900 'M ust b e 21 years o r oWer O N THE BEACH O N LINCOLN CITY, OREGON » For inform ation call toll-free McMENAMINS W HITE EAGLE «36 NORTH RUSSELL • PORTLAND • (503) 282-681«' w w w . m e i n e n a m i n s . c o i n The 11th Annual Cascade Festival of African Films Schedule This month of February promises to be an exciting time for Portland Commu­ nity College. A variety of cultural events will grace PCC’s campuses during the m onth to com m em orate Black History Month. All events are free and open to the public, including the cen­ terpiece o f the celebration, the l l lh Annual Cascade Festival o f African Films, which will show more than 20 films. The film festival will also pay tribute to the great Senegalese director Djibril Diop Mambety, who died in 1998. In a p a rtia l regrospective, the films are The Girl Who Sold the Sun, and two earlier festival fa­ vorites: Touki Bouki and Hyenas. There is a new element to the festival this year. On Thursday evenings, a se­ ries of documentary films from Cameroon, Sudan, Si­ erra Leone, and South Af­ rica are planned. As with the other evening film showings, a discussion will follow, generally by in­ dividuals from those coun­ tries. The film festival will continue to have Thursday afternoon matinees, begin­ ning at noon. This will be a chance for the community to see the same films that will be shown on Friday and Saturday evenings. Finally, Kirikou and the Sorceress (now in English) will be shown for the Family Film Day at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 17. Bring the children for a time o f storytelling, film and more. McMenamins Kennedy Schoola nd the O regon Council for the Humanities sponsor the 11th Annual Cascade Festival of Afri­ can Films. For more infor­ mation, phone the informa­ tion line at 503/244-6111 (ext. 3630).