February 7, 2001 ®t|c Jlortlanh (Observer an d A sh ley B ryan, a u th o r o f A B C o f A frican A m erica n P oetry. T h ise v e n t w ill b e o n Saturday, Feb. 10,at 11 a.m . at B arnes & N o b le located at N E . 13th and B roadw ay. Remembering Ida B. Wells Monday, Feb. 12 P ortland S tate U n iv ersity w ill be honoring B lack H eritage M onth w ith a presentation o n “ R em em b erin g Ida B. W ells.” T h is ev en t w ill be held at the M u lticultural C en ter o n M onday, Feb. 12 at no o n tim e. It is sponsored b y the H isto ry D ept. o f PSU . Historic Buildings of the African American Communities Tuesday, Feb. 13 OnTuesday,Feb. 13,Cathy Galbraith, D irector o f die Bosco-M illigan Foun- ‘Tisl^et JT Tas^et Jour Va [entitle’s headquarters Wishes You a Happy Valentine Day B eat the H oliday Rush, Place Your Valentine V Order Today! Baskets: Medium $35 Large $50 Baskets Include: Lotions Books Candles Candy Stuffed Animals Massage Oils Boxers Socks Lingerie Love Coupons Fun Toys Children Baskets $20 Basket Includes: Candy Crayons Pens Books Stuffed Animals Additional items available upon request Balloons Mylar $2.50 Latex $1 Bouquet $10 You Don’t Want to Miss Out Place Your Order Today! Delivery available $5 most areas Call (503) 888-2155 Page 9 dation will doaslide presentation about “Historic Buildings o f the African- A m erican Com m unities.” H er presen­ tation will include information about private residences, churches, social halls and commercial buildings and their im portance to the history o f Portland. The event will take place at the PCC Central Portland W orkforce Training Center, located at SE Clay and W aterSt. nearO M SI, from 1 - 3 pjn.Call5O3/231-1889. Tribute to Black Women Wed. Feb. 14 Portland State University will be honoring B lack H eritage M onth with apresentation called “Tribute to B lack W om en” in the Vanport R oom , SM C 333. T he event will be on W ednes­ day, Feb. 14 at 7 p.m . and spon­ sored b y the K appa A lpha Psi Fraternity. OSU’s Visiting Writers Series Thursday, Feb. 15 O n e o f th e n a tio n ’s m o st n o te d A fric a n A m e ric a n p o ­ e ts w ill re a d form h e r w o rk s o n T h u rs d a y , F e b . 15 in C o rv a llis as p a rt o f O reg o n S tate U n iv e rs ity ’s V isitin g W riters Series. Toi D erricotte, w h o h a s p u b li s h e d f o u r b o o k s o f p o e try , w ill g iv e a re a d in g a t the C o rv a llis A rts C e n te r b eg in n in g at 7 :3 0 p .m . T h e c e n te r is lo cated a t 700 S W . M a d iso n in C o rv allis, r h e e v e n t is free an d o p e n to th e p u b lic. S he w ill also m eet in fo rm a lly w ith stu d e n ts a t 3 p .m . o n T h u rs d a y in th e M a lam u d R oom o fM o re la n d Hall. A Gospel Explosion Saturday, Feb. 17 T h e N ew H o p e M issio n ­ ary B ap tist C hurch, located at 3725 N . G an ten b ein St. w ill host the G ospel E xplosion at 6 p.m . on Saturday, Feb. 17. This y e a r’s th ese is called “T he M aking o f an A m erican T ap ­ e stry .” The Sunday Book Group Sunday, Feb. 18 T he Sunday B ook G roup is Bames & N oble’s monthly book group w here they will discuss titles o f interest to A frican - A m ericans. The event will take placeatN E . 13“’and Broadway. 7 p.m. For m ore information on the current m onth’s title, call 503/335-0201 Ballet. P hoto by S tephen C ridland African American Arts and Literature Tuesday, Feb. 20 Portland StateUniversity will feature a talk entitled' ‘African-Am erican A rts and Literature’ ’ by Savon Lindsay w ho began writing poetry in the second grade. O f his public readings, it is said that he "leads his audience through the inferno and m axim um security prisons, street gangs, crack houses and body bags at themotgue. This program will be show n on Tuesday, Feb. 20 from 1 - 3 pm.atPCC'sCentralPortlandWorktirrce Training C enterat SE. C lay and W ater S t nearO M SI. Federal Agency Celebrates Black History Month Wednesday, Feb. 21 R oy Jay, president and ch ief execu­ tive officer o f the O regon Convention and VisitorServices Network will speak. Featured entertainment will be the Grant H igh School gospel choir, the Bridge Builders Prospective Gents C lub cane team and vocalist Lunora V inson. This event will take place on W ednesday, Feb. 21 in the Robert D uncan Plaza, 333 S W First Ave. This year’s them e is “Creating and Defining the African- AmericanCommuruty: Family,Church, Politics and Culture.” Annual Soul Food Dinner Thursday, Feb. 22 B on Apetit will present the annual SoulFoodD inneronThursday.Feb. 22, 5pm.atIewTs&ClarkCollege(0615SW Palatine Rd.; Fields Dining Room , T em pleton Student Center). The menu will inc ludeBBQ ribs, chicken, red beans and rice, fried okra, catfish.and other items. C ost for the dinner will be $8, and isopen to the public. F orm orc informa­ tion, call Ray W aircn at 503/768-705 1. The Origin of Oregon Rappers Wednesday, Feb. 28 M ackin R ob (aka Y oung Fam e) w ill discuss the origin o fO reg o n rap­ pers from 12:30- 1:30p.m. in Rm. 122 ofT errell Hall at the C ascade C am pus o fP o rtlan d C o m m unity C ollege.