February 7, 2001 Page B4 £he ^lorManò (ßbsertter Portiani» (Ohsrriirr CARPET CLEANING 2001 CARPET CLEAN UP MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE I^CARPETCLEANINGj 2 A rea M inim um 1 Small Hall Free P re-S pray T raffic A reas • Stairs $ 1 .SO each U PH O LSTERY CLEA N IN G | • • • • • Sofa (u n d er 6 ft.) $69 Sofa (over 6 ft.) $79 Sectional $79 Loveseat $49 R ecliner $39 CARPET % • Dining C hairs • O ttom an $20 $20 ^ W m O N A L S E R Y IC E S ^ • Auto*Boat*RV Cleaning • Deodorizing • D irt R esistant (Teflon) Protection • Pet O dor T reatm ent • Spot & Stain Removal N EW SERV ICE • L e a th e r Cleaning COUPON 2 A rea M inim um Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Area UPHOLSTERY COUPON T Sofa (under 6 ft) $69 Loveseat or Chair $49 M CLEANING Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning V Commi Commercial and Residential Services ANTIAGO,Chile(AP)Gen. A ugusto Pinochet, who once ruled Chile unchal­ lenged, was put under house Wednesday after he was formally notified that he faces homicide and kidnapping charges. Angry supporters o f the former ruler shouted insults as two vehicles carrying court officials and police officers sped to Pinochet’s country­ side home in Bucalemu, 80 miles southwest o f Santiago, to serve him notice that Judge Juan Guzman in­ dicted him and ordered his house arrest. The procedure marked the enforce­ ment o f Monday’s house arrest or­ der, meaning that Pinochet must re­ main confined to his countryside residence. Lawyers for the 85-year-old former S dictator meanwhile, continued to prepare their appeals to try to have the charges and the arrest order an­ nulled. arrest Members ofPinochet’s legal team and several right-wing politicians were inside the house as the notice was served. Retired Gen. Luis Cortes, one o f Pinochet’s closest associates, urged the demonstrators, who chanted pro- Pinochet slogans, to remain calm and allow the notification to be completed. The charges filed by Guzman on Monday stem from the “Caravan o f Death," one o f the most notorious cases o f human rights abuses during Pinochet’s 1973-90 dictatorship. The caravan was a military group that executed 75 political prisoners shortly after the 1973 coup led by Pinochet. The remains o f 18 o f the victims were never recovered. Pinochet’s lawyers wereplanning to appeals on two fronts, according to lawyer Ainbrosio Rodriguez. Rodriguez told state television that one appeal will insist that Pinochet’s old age and poor health prevent him from properly defending himsel f, thus violating his constitutional right to a just trial. Chilean penal law only exempts people from trial if they are declared insane or demented, but not for physi­ cal ills. Pinochet lawyers have argued, unsuccessfully so far, that the right to a fair trial is granted by the consti­ tution, which prevails over penal law. Pinochet suffers from “moderate dementia,” according to medical tests ordered by Guzman earlier this month. In indicting Pinochet, the judge ruled that that mental condition “re­ duces, but not eliminates,” his capac­ ity to stand trial. “In spite o f his physical troubles, his advanced age and his motion problems, he understands questions posed to him and answers clearly,” the judge added. A se c o n d a p p e a l, law y er Rodriguez said, will seek to prove that the indictment issued by Guzman “is baseless” because the judge lacks proof against Pinochet. Guzman held Pinochet responsible for the caravan because its com­ mander, Gen. Sergio Arellano, was acting as his personal envoy. Another retired general, Joaquin Lagos, who commanded one o f the military regions where most o f the killings occurred, recently said Pinochet was responsible. Kidnapped American Oil Worker Found Dead in Ecuador Jungle $25 1 Small Hali Free Pinochet Put Under House Arrest % CALL LOR APPOINTMENTS 503-281-3949 QUITO, Ecuador (AP) A U.S. oil worker who was kidnapped last year w ith seven other foreigners in Ecuador’s jungles was found dead, shot in the back. A sheet covering his body said he was killed because the oil company refused to pay a ransom, authorities said Thursday. Police identified the victim as Ronald Sander, a technician for Helmerich & Payne Inc., based in Tulsa, Okla. He and the others were kidnapped in October. Dressed in khaki-colored overalls and leather boots, Sander’s body was covered with a white sheet, em­ blazoned with the words in Spanish: “ I am a gringo. For non-payment of ransom. HP company.” According to a police report, j s un “home run”, y avanza directamente... a través de su parabrisas. Y AHORA, ¿QUIÉN PUEDE AYUDARLE? Un pequeño y talentoso pelotero logra batear la bola y sacarla del esta­ dio. ¡Y la envía dir tamente sobre el parabrisas de su automóvil! Para atender reclamos como éste es qué existe American Family Insurance. Más de 70 años de experiencia signif­ ican un servicio rápido y efi­ ciente, y protección automovilís­ tica en que usted puede confiar. Cuando una bola de béisbol quiebra su parabrisas, ¡nada mejor que saber que la cobertura total de American Family cubre todas las bases para poder ayu­ darle rápidamente! Llame boy a uno de nuestros atentos y capaces agentes. O visite nuestro sitio en la red: www.amfam.com. ¡Averigüe todas las maneras en que “Family” puede ayudarle! ¡Toda Su Protección Bajo Un Solo Techo! Busqu« et agente mas cwconc o usted en su fliiecfofio local te petizo que compre esta disponible sólo en ingles. QAnw'lcan Fanrty Mutual inautame Companv y sus subtuAv*»« OStína Cantral ■ M«fcnn, s r « 3 O tora 0 * 1 C o ta **» . 0 « Sander was found with five gunshot wounds to the back Wednesday in an isolated jungle region known as El Condor, about 110 miles northeast o f the capital, Quito. A spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Quito said he was aware o f the report but declined to comment. “W e are deeply sad­ dened by the tragic loss ofRon Sander and extend our deepest sympathy and prayers to his family and friends,” said Hans Helmerich, the company’s presidentand chiefexecutive officer. “Ron had over 24 years o f faithful service to the company and his loss will be felt throughout our organiza­ tion.” Sander, 54, w orked as a toolpusher on a Helmerich & Payne drilling rig when he was abducted, the company said. Sander is from Missouri, but Helmerich & Payne declined to release his hometown. Officials said the company had been working for four months to attempt to win the release o f Sander and the other hostages. Sander, whose body was flown back to Quito, was one o f five Ameri­ cans seized Oct. 12 fr om oil camps in Ecuador’s El Coca region, about 150 miles east o f Quito. The other Americans have been identified as David Bradley, ofCasper, Wyo., an oil field platform foreman for Helmerich & Payne; and Arnold Alford, Steve Derry and Jason We­ ber, all employees o f the Oregon- based Erickson Air-Crane Co., and residents o f Gold Hill, Ore. Also among the kidnap victims are a Chilean, an Argentine and a New Zealander. Two Frenchmen also were seized, but escaped days later. Ecuadorean authorities have said in recent months that negotiations with the kidnappers — thought to be a criminal gang — had stalled over the amount o f ransom demanded. Oil industry and military sources have told The Associated Press that the kidnappers are strongly sus­ pected in deadly dynamite attacks in t>ecember against the country’s main oil pipeline. A top oil company executive, speaking on condition o f anonymity, told The Associated Press last month that the blasts began after a demand for$ 12 million was metwithacounter- offerof$500,000. Soon after, the first explosion hit Dec. 9, destroying a section o f pipe­ line in an isolated jungle area, 83 miles northeast o f Quito. The executive said negotiations resumed by radio after the kidnap­ pers made contact from their secret lo c a tio n , d em an d in g “ a le sse r amount,” which the executive de­ clined to specify. The negotiators made a counteroffer of$800,000, which the kidnappers also turned down. Another round o f blasts on Dec. 12 followed, one o f which killed eight passengers in a passing bus and se­ riously injured 19 others. Authorities believe the kidnappers are members ofthe same criminal gang that held seven Canadians and an American for ransom for 100 days in late 1999. Alberta-based United Pipe­ line Systems has never confirmed reports that it paid $3.5 million for the release o f its Cuba Frees Czech Citizens After They Admit Breaking Law HAVANA (AP) — Two promi­ nent Czechs jailed for more than three weeks in communist Cuba headed home Tuesday after they admitted breaking the law in a case that strained relations between two former Cold War-era allies. Czech lawmaker Ivan Pilip and Jan Bubenik were arrested Jan. 12 after meeting with Cuban dissidents. They were released Monday night after crafting an admission signed before diplomats from several nations. Havana had accused Pilip, 37, a former finance minister, and Bubenik, 32, a former student leader, o f travel­ ing to Cuba on behalf o f American interests, accusations that U.S. au­ thorities called “ludicrous.” The pair met with dissidents after flying in from a meeting with repre­ sentatives from Freedom House, a pro-democracy group that receives money from both the U.S. govern­ ment and private sources. Freedom House has declined comment on whether it was involved in the Czechs’ trip to Cuba. Tension between the two coun­ tries ran high in recent weeks, with Cuban President Fidel Castro calling the Czech embassy in Havana “a cave o f spies,” which had “spent 10 years spying.” TheCzechs could have laced up to 20 years in prison if convicted o f ac ting against Cuba ’ s security and inciting a rebellion. Pilip and Bubenik’s admission, which they drafted Sunday, said they came to Cuba of their own accord and that they didn’t know their activities on the island would be considered subversive and illegal, Johnson said. They acknowledged “that they violated national law and if that vio­ lation had offended the Cuban people then they ask for forgiveness,” said Juan Pablo Letelier, a Chilean con­ gressman and president o f the Inter­ parliamentary Union’s human rights committee, at an airport news confer­ ence. The statement was not made available. In Prague, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Kavan expressed relief at their release. He stressed that they were freed without the official Czech apol­ ogy Castro demanded. “We have no. reason to apologize,” Kavan said. Czech President Vaclav Havel in­ vited them to visit him Wednesday. In Cuba, the Communist Party daily Granma did not mention the Czechs’ release. Cuban authorities remain furious about the Czech Republic’s role last year in introducing a U.N. resolution to condemn Cuba for its human rights record. Poland, another former so­ cialist ally, cosponsored the resolu­ tion, which was later approved at a meeting in Geneva. Centro Mexicano’s Annual Partnership and Networking Celebration In its first two years o f operation, Centro Mexicano, the nonprofit Mexi­ can Cultural Center o f Oregon has established numerous partnerships with educators, businesses, artists and social service agencies. These organizations have used the center’s Happy 5™ Birthday Adrianna Love NaNA resources to create enhanced rela­ tionships with Oregonians o f Mexi­ can descent, while expanding com­ munity awareness and understand­ ing o f the rich cultural traditions of America’s closest neighbor. Centro Mexicano will host a special Febru- fab ary round-table meeting as an infor­ mal opportunity for all o f the center’s com m unity partners, from civic groups and educators, to media out­ lets and busineses, to meet each other face-to-face. The event promises to be more than learning about each partner’s involvement in Centro Mexicano. It will also be a celebration o f many successes and recognition of the value o f each partnership. It will also be an opportunity for other orga­ nizations interested in forging new re­ lationships with someone who may be interested in Centro Mexicano’s pro­ grams, we encourage you to share this invitation with them. The event will be onTuesday, Feb. 21, from 5:30-7p.m. at C entro M exicano, 1224 SW. Morrison St. For nore information, please call 503/274-9973.