The Northwest Afrikan American Ballet, one o f the many events to celebrate Black History Month Honoring Portland’s Black History T h e P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r c o n tin u e s its c e le b ra tio n o f B lack H isto ry M o n th w ith o u r s p e c ia l F o cu s se c tio n , in sid e . C o n trib u tio n s b y A fric a n A m e ric a n s in P o rtla n d an d th e s ta te o f O re g o n a re v ery m u ch a p a rt o f o u r ric h h e rita g e . C o lle c tiv e ly , P o rtla n d b la c k s h av e th riv e d d e s p ite d is c rim in a to ry p ra c tic e s a g a in s t th em . P le a s e jo in u s as w e e x a m in e th e tra g ic a n d p ro g re s s iv e h is to ry o f A fric a n A m e ric a n s in P o rtla n d from th e e a rly 1 9 0 0 ’s to 1 9 7 0 ’s. I h r |Jnrtlanò Volume XXXI Number 06 PAID PORTLAND OR PERMIT NO. 1610 K n ig h t L ib r a r y 1299 U n iv e r s ity o f O re g o n E u g e n e O R 9 7 4 0 3 -1 2 0 5 Committed to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 PRSDRT STD USPOSTAGE Wednesday February 7, 2001 50* ■HE* MMMMB HHB Portland: Now 150 Years and Going Strong I 1 in 3 urban young gay black men are HIV-positive CHICAGO — Nearly one-third o f young gay black men injix U.S. cities are infected with HIV, the AIDS virus, re­ searchers reported Monday, describing the findings as “chilling.” Young gay and bisexual men o f all races have fared only marginally better, with infection rates av­ eraging 12.3%. Although medical care can extend life a decade or so, AIDS remains a fatal disease, and most ofthese men can be expected to die prematurely. Official says many Indian cities vulnerable to quakes AHMADAB AD, India — Buildings in many Indian cities are highly vulner­ able to earthquakes because o f govern­ ment failure to control profit-hungry construction companies, a Cabinet min­ ister said Tuesday. The official said construction companies and architects were guilty o f serious safety lapses and that state.govnrnuier-wtaiUd a> tighten building codes despite a recent study that found many areas vulnerable. The overall death toll from the quake is ex­ pected to rise to 30,000. Nor’easter bombards New England CONCORD, N.H. — A winter storm that has buried much o f the Northeast in heavy snow continued to pummel New England early Tuesday, with parts of New Hampshire seeing up to 5 inches of snow an hour. The powerful weather system dropped as much as 3 feet of snow in parts o f the state, and blan­ keted other sections o f New England with similar amounts. Heavy snow fell Monday in parts o f Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. Former employee kills four at Illinois engine plant MELROSE PARK, 111.— Workers who survived a gunm an’s rampage returned to the Navistar engine plant Tuesday, meeting with counselors who told them there was almost no way to avoid such tragedies. Employees were allowed to stay home, but the plant reopened Tues- day m o rning. On M onday, fired Navistar employee William D. Baker showed up at about 10 a m. Monday with a golf bag filled with weapons and shot four people to death. The City o f Portland, also known as the Rose City o f the World, officially marks its ISO* birthday Thursday. The Mayor and City Council will have a birthday party in City Hall to celebrate the 150th anniversary o f the bill signed by Oregon’s Territorial Governor that established the city. Mayor Vera Katz has called fo r other birthday events throughout the year, encouraging people to take lessons from our history and asking them to play a role in shaping our future. Canada Announces Top-Level Changes Portland School District Superintendent Benjamin Canada has announced a change in the district’s top administration. The change includes the departure o f Deputy Superintendent Susan Dyer and two reas­ signments. Dyer was with the district for seven months, and during that time drew criticism for how she dealt with teachers and principals. “ Susan Dyer and the Port­ land Public Schools District have agreed that it is in their mutual best interest that she leave the district to complete her doc­ torate at Harvard University, where she has received a fellowship to participate in a select program for urban school educa­ tors,” said Canada. “Her departure is truly a mutual deci­ sion. Ms. Dyer was not terminated or forced to resign. She could have remained with the district had she so chosen. “Ms. Dyer came to the district with a stellar reputation in urban public educa­ tion,” said Canada. “While in Portland for the past seven months she has done all that she has been asked to do by the dis­ trict under difficult circumstances. She has done nothing that detracts from her repu­ tation as a strong leader who creates a positive education climate for urban stu­ dents.” In the interim, Assistant Superintendent Pat Burk will be assuming the deputy’s duties. John Lashley, a former teacher and Job Training Center Coming to Cleanup Site Big Construction Project Underway WASHINGTON — The Federal Re­ serve aggressively cut short-term interest rates another half-point to 5.5% Wednes­ day in an effort to prevent the weakening economy from slipping into a full-fledged recession. One acquitted, one convicted in Lockerbie case CAMP ZEIST, Netherlands— A Scot­ tish court convicted a Libyan intelligence officer o f murder Wednesday and sen­ tenced him to life imprisonment with the possibility o f parole after 20 years for his role in the 1988 bombing ofPan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. The attack killed 270 people. A second Libyan was acquitted. New Georgia flag hoisted The former Wagstaff Battery Company on Williams Avenue, a site designated as a Brownfield property because ofpossible contaminations will be cleaned up and rebuilt into a center fo r training and jobs fo r people with developmental disabilities. (P hoto by M ark W ashington /P ortland O bserver ) t $2.5 million renovation and construction project to pro vide training and jo b s for people with developmental disabilities has begun in North Portland. Located on W illiam s Avenue, the new Port City Developm ent Center is the first o f five Portland sites scheduled for de­ velopm ent under the federal Brownfield Showcase Program. M cCarthy Contracting will completely renovate three existing building totaling approxim ately 17,300 square feet on the site o f a form er battery remanufacturing plant. In addition, a 5,800-square-foot building will be constructed between these existing structures to connect them. Fi­ nally, M cCarthy will construct two resi­ dential duplexes and a 1,500-square-foot house on site. The project has a 10-m onth construc­ tion schedule. “ Preservation o f older buildings is an im portant issue to which the city o f Port­ land has com m itted itself. To help in this effort, we will be working to match exist­ ing plaster facades, clay ro o f tiles, w in­ dow system s and cornices on existing and new structures to maintain a consis­ tent look for the new center,” explained M cCarthy Project M anager Julie Rich­ ard. A Fed cuts interest rates again ATLANTA — A new Georgia flag with a much smaller Confederate battle emblem was hoisted above the state­ house, nearly a half century after legis­ lators stamped the rebel symbol on the state banner. The flag was raised qui­ etly and quickly, much like the compro­ mise that Gov. Roy Barnes began hus­ tling through the Legislature one week ago with a surprise unveiling. district administrator, has accepted a tem­ porary assignment to the vacant position o f chief o f staff reporting directly to the superintendent. “Both o f these individuals have long histories o f being involved in the district and are respected educational leaders,” said Canada. “In keeping with our core values, we will continue to evaluate and discuss ways in which the district can best serve the needs o f our students.” I ♦ 1