N o vem b er 22, 2000 Page A 4 lìartlanò (Dhseruer Opinion jjorthinb f i A r tic le s d o n o t n e c e s s a rily re fle c t o r re p re se n t th e v ie w s o f (Tl{c I J o r tla n b (O bse rver ■M UM M I Police Review Board Proposed '®t|e •jßartlanh (Obseruer USPS 9 5 9 -6 8 0 Established 1970 STAFF E d it o r P C in h ie f , u b l is h e r Charles H. Washington . E d 1 1 o it The N ovem ber 6, 2000 issue o f T he O regonian quoted a R adical W om en representative out o f con­ text regarding w hat action is neces­ sary in response to Police C h ie f M ark K roeker’s 1989 discrim inatory com ­ m ents. W e w ant to clarify our posi­ tion, particularly given o u r long his­ tory in fighting police violence and rightw ing bigotry. O u r p o sitio n has b e e n a n d r e m a in s th a t C h i e f K roeker’s 1989 stated beliefs are rooted in a rightw ing ideology that is c o n s iste n t w ith p o lic e v io le n c e against w om en, peo p le o f color, sexual m inorities, youth, the hom e­ less, activists, and unionists. Kroeker should not be allow ed to use an im portant constitutional protection to legitim ize his bigotry. He m ust either resign or be term inated. K roeker’s N ovem ber 6th address to his police force failed to reflect a com m itm ent to treat every m em ­ ber o f our com m unity w ith respect. His statem ent w as a hollow proclam a­ tion that he will not allow discrim ina- tion w ithin his police force. These are not the w ords o f an advanced con­ sciousness, but instead are a political m aneuver to try to w in back the trust o f se x u al m in o rity o ffic e rs and dam pen the grow ing outrage from the com m unity. K roeker has dem on­ strated that he does not respect d if­ ferences as exem plified by his viola­ tion o f the M ay D ay p ro testers’ con­ stitutional and civil rights. O n Novem ber 6th, Radical W omen participated in a m eeting w ith M ayor K atz and activists from the fem inist, sexual m inority, and people o f color com m unities. The m ajority o f us called for K ro ek er’s resignation or term ination. R adical W om en ad ­ vocated that Katz establish an elected civilian review board because we recognize that the problem is sys­ tem ic w ithin the police departm ent. This review board needs to be inde­ pendent o f city hall and the police departm ent and have public funding. It needs the authority to hire police officers, and investigate and disci­ pline, including firing, cops w ho are better B u s in e s s M anager found guilty o f violating the consti­ tutional and civil rights o f civilians. M ayor K atz’ ow n task force to study what improvements to make to PIIAC recommended a civilian review board that had som e teeth to hold police accountable to the public. M ayor K atz’s decision to retain and support M ark Kroeker as C h ie fo f Police sends a m essage to every K K K er that the City officials o f P ort­ land w elcom e bigots. Justifiably fear­ ful o f the police before K ro ek er’s reign, people o f color, youth, women, activists, sexual minorities and union­ ists have a right not to live in terror o f racial p ro filin g , ex cessiv e force, “knock and talks,” rubber bullets, tear gas, nightsticks, o r boat oars. W e believe P o rtlan d ers m ust o rg an ize to ­ gether for K roeker’s term ination and strengthen the grassroots m ovem ent to establish an independent civilian police review board. J) fabric D epot THE LARGEST, MOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST N O VE M B ER 21 th r o u g h DECEM BER 5, 2 0 0 0 C losed Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 2 3 r d M A IL E R iS S A A L E ! % OFF Jordana Sardo Radical Women, Portland Organizer Gary Ann Taylor A sst . P ublisher Michael Leighton C E o py d it o r Joy Ramos C r e a t iv e D ir e c t o r Robert Parker 4 7 4 7 NE M a rtin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax 5 0 3 - 2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 e-mail Everything in the store No Jobs, No Peace! State Sen. Rick M etsger, Rep. Kurt S chrader, an d C o n g ressm an Earl B lum enauer praised local veterans for their efforts to nam e O reg o n ’s Interstate H ig h w ay 205 the V eterans’ M em orial H ighway. T hey w ere jo in e d by O reg o n D e­ partm ent o f T ransportation officials and local veterans at a dedication cerem ony N ov 3. “W e h o n o r the sacrifices o f the m en and w om en from O regon w ho have served o u r country so w ell by nam ing Interstate 205 T he V eterans M em orial H ig h w ay .’ T his designa­ tion is especially appropriate for this route, since it passes in view o f the W illam ette N ational C em etery, the final resting place for m any o f our veterans,” said Blum enauer. “Oregon veterans have risked their lives not only for our freedom , b ut for the free­ dom o f people around the w orld. It is only right that w e pay tribute to them w ith this special honor.” “ I am proud to be a p art o f a project that honors o u r veterans. Tens o f thousands o f p eo p le travel this road every d ay ,” said M etsger. The A fr ic a n A m e ric a n L ongshore C oalition (AA LC) is calling on your support. It claim s that people o f color are being de­ nied equal jo b opportunities at local 8 o f the ILW U. T he AALC says it has solid evidence that the IL W U 8 /P M A (In te rn a tio n a l L o n g s h o r e a n d W a re h o u s e U nion - Pacific M aritime Associa­ tion) jo in t hiring process has U nderutilized qualified Blacks, L a tin o s , A s ia n s, an d N ativ e A m ericans. According to US Cen­ sus data, ILW U 8 - PM A should im m ediately hire m ore than 100 people o f color to redress past discrim ination and to ensure eq ­ uitable representation o f m inori­ tie s in th e lo c a l lo n g s h o r e workforce. Tw o recent out-of-court settle­ m ents, redressing past discrim i­ nation by ILW U - PM A at the ports o f Seattle-T acom a and Los A ngeles, aw arded lum p sum pay­ m ents and “B ” level jo b status (skipping entry-level “C -casual” Lhe (Suitor SEisd youR ItnERs to ihe Ediiop io: EdiioR: PO Box J I 57, PoniLwd, OR 9 7 2 0 8 Larry J. Jackson, Sr. 1-205 Honors Veterans ■■M M HM M M M M M UM UUM M M UM M M M M M M M M M M status) to dozens o f w orkers o f color. The court suits were brought by the local chapters o f the A A LC in those cities. In the Portland m etro area, the A A LC is first p u t­ ting the ILW U and PM A on no­ tice, giving them a chance to “do the right thing” and inviting com ­ m unity involvem ent, before going to court. T he local A A LC has a m em ber on the ILW U 8 E xecutive Board. H e has served on the ILW U 8 D iversity Com m ittee, has recently participated in the recruitm ent o f over 250 A frican A m erican appli­ cants for longshore jo b s, and asks co m m u n ity m em b ers to show ILW U leadership that w e support good, living w age jo b s for people o f color. Y ou can voice your concerns by contacting ILW U local 8 ,5 0 3 - 224-9310,or503-224-9311 by fax. The ILW U main office in San Fran- cisco is 4 15-775-0533 o r 4 15-775- 1300by fax. F orm ore information, call 503-281-3951. 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In Your O regonian FOODday ADS: Friday by noon ...and save m ore by shopping 1-800-SAFEWAY • Complete Holiday Dinners in the Portland M etro Area starting as low as $39.97 • Deli Party Trays at Safeway. The Portland ( Ibserverw e Icomes freelance ibmissions M anuscripts and photographs starting at $19.99 X CLUP tould be c learly labeled and w ill be returned accompanied byaselfaddressed envelope. AU • Seafood Platters eated design d isplay ads becom e the sole n p e rty o fth e new spaper and can not be used other publ nations o r personal usage w ithout • Gift Baskets e w ritten consent o f the general m anager, tless theclien t has purchased the com position rsuch ad. C ERVER ALL 19 9 6 T H E P O R T L A N D O B - R IG H T S RESERVED, E P R O D U C T IO N IN W H O L E O R IN A R T W I T H O U T P E R M IS S I O N IS P R O ­ F IT E D . The P o rtlan d «Ib s e rv e r-O re g o n * O ldest lu ltic u ltu n l P u b lic a tio n -is a m em b er o fth e ational N ew spaper A sso ciatio n -F o u n d ed in BIS,and T h e N ational A d vertism g Reptesen- tive A m algam ated Publishers Inc, N e w Y o rk , "V, and th e W est Coast B lack Publishers ssociation* S e r ingPortlandand Vancouver Visit Safewa/s Web site at wwwsafewaycom • Floral Arrangements Open Thanksgiving Day Until 4PM For your Shopping Convenience. » * i x z /id /'Z * Everything you need to make your gathenng special. Let Safewjy take the work out of this holiday get-together. We only need a 48 hour notice to make your event a truly memorable one. , ¿PW' ■ Now the savings are in the Card! I