Novenber 15, 20ÖÖ Page B2 ^Jortkinù (ßbseruer JJ o r t la it b (Oboe ru e r Metro/Religion Obituaries Youth Counselor Remembered Gloria Kelsey Earns Church Honor Montessori Earth School Hosts Open House Fred Anthony Prince Jr Fred Anthony Prince Jr. died Oct. 21,2000, at age 54. A funeral w as h e ld S a tu rd a y at th e K illin g sw o rth C hapel o f the Chimes. Mr. Prince was bom Oct. 4, 1946, in Mobile, Ala. A fter mov­ ing to Portland in the late 1980s, he worked for the Urban League and then became a youth counselor for Multnomah County, specializ­ ing in gang intervention. For the past three years he was a personal aide for a disabled man. Survivors include his daugh­ ter, Crystal A. Mack; and broth­ ers, Arthur and Michael. Interment was in Lone Fir Cem­ etery. A rrangem ents w ere by Killingsworth Little Chapel ofthe Chimes. Homemaker Dies Roselene Young A funeral was held Monday in Bethel AME Church for Roselene Young, who died Nov. 5 at age 70. Mrs. Young was bom March 28, 1930, in Palmer, Texas. Her maiden name was Watson. She was raised in Texas and was a dietitian at a nursing home in Pampa, Texas, for about 15 years. She moved to Port­ land in 1976and was a homemaker. She was a member o f Glow Love United Ministries and a member o f the Full Gospel World Outreach Center, where she served on its Mothers Board. In 1945, she mar- riedJohnD. Young; he died in 1987. Survivors include her daugh­ ters, Sherlene M offett, Linda Young, Barbara Young, Victoria Bosman, Thelma Thomas, Norine Young, Itricia Young and Rosetta Young; sons, John, Steve, Jackie and David; sisters, Pearlie Mae Robertson, Laura Holman, Louise Beasley, Shirley W atson and Corine Brown; brothers, Julius Watson and James Watson; 28 grandchildren;and ^great-grand­ children. Her son Bruce died in 1999. Interment will be in Riverview Cemetery. Arrangements are by Killingsworth Little Chapel o f the Chimes. Gloria Kelsey is honored for her dedication to her church and community. loria K elsey o f Portland has been h o n o red for her d e d ic a tio n to h er c h u rch and com m u n ity Lillian Jenkins M em orial M ission­ ary A w ard. I f you happen to be in the p re s­ en ce o f a group o f peo p le in the basem ent o f A llen Tem ple C.M .E. C hurch w hile food is being served and h e a r la u g h te r accom panied by a sm all bu n d le o f energy w ho is h a p p y w hen a ll o th e rs are hap p y , you are o b serving G lo ria K elsey , a w onderful G od fearing w om en w hose life goal is to share love w h ereev er she goes. G loria K elsey cam e to Portland from T exas. She is the m other o f four handsom e and distin g u ish ed sons (o ne is a m in iste r o f the G g o sp e l), 13 g ra n d c h ild re n and tw o g re a t-g ra n d c h ild re n . S iste r K e ls e y w a s e d u c a te d in th e L ongview P ublic S chool system w ith the a n d to o k a d d itio n a l c o lle g e cou rses at P o rtla n d C om m u n ity College. F or m any y e a rs, she w orked w ith co m m u nity-based program s such as C E P , M odel C itie s and A lb in a A ctio n C enter. / C h urch lead ers say there are very few p roblem s th at S ister K elsey w ill n o t ta c k le , for she b e lie v e s th a t all th in g s are p o s­ sib le w ith G od. It w as this faith that gave her the stre n g th to open h er ow n dry cle a n in g b u sin ess. L ater, as she needed a m ore stable incom e as a single m o th e r, she w ent to w ork at Jam es R ivers and community health clinic that ad­ dresses health disparities in the Afri­ can-American community. McMickle is a prolific author, speaker and com­ munity leader who has drawn praise from President Clinton for his work in HIV prevention and education in the African-American community. Elsie Cofield is president and chief executive officer o f the AIDS Inter­ faith Network in New Haven, Conn. The interfaith network has helped assist and nurture more than 500 people who have died o f AIDS over 15 years. It is known across the coun­ try as a working model for church- based AIDS programs. The conference is sponsored by the Interfaith HIV/AIDS Coalition, of which the Health Division is a mem­ ber Anyone wanting more informa­ tion about the Interfaith HIV/AIDS Conference for African American Faith leaders may call Larry Hill at (503)731 -4665 or Lisa Gates at (503 ) 228-4420. C atholic C harities A ID S M inis­ try hosts the Sixth Annual H ealing Liturgy and display The Nam es Project Aids M em orial Q uilt hon­ oring W orld A ids A w areness Day on Dec. 1 at All Saints School, 3847 N.E. Glisan St. A rchbishop John G. V lazny will be the m ain celebrant during a H ealing L iturgy at 7 p.m. The gathering will include the quilt unfolding ritual, presentation o f new panels for the quilt, proces­ sion o f the Catholic C harities M e­ m orial Book w hich honors over 1,000 individuals who died from H IV -re la te d illn e s s e s and the anointing o f the sick for those who wish to participate. Priests will hold special anointing stations acces­ sible to anyone who m ight need assistance. Last year, over 400 people gathered to support those w ith HIV. This y e a r’s H ealing Lit­ urgy is for anyone affected by any illness.“ We hope to help express the deep concern and compassion our community has for people af­ fected by this pandemic,” said Father Religious Community Debunk Organ Donation Myths are not enough organ donations. hurches, synagogues, Tom Jacobsen o f Cornelius, a and other places o f Baptist pastor, is one o f the fortu­ worship are showing ones. In 1994, he received a their support for organ and nate tissue new heart that saved his life. donations during the month o f No­ Because o f an anonymous and vember by working to debunk generous donor family, he is able myths and misinformation. to practice his ministry. Currently, there are more than Unfortunately, rumors, myths 70,000 Americans awaiting a life and misinformation cause many saving organ transplant and tens people to be unsure o f their choice o f thousand, more are waiting for tissue transplant . Sadly, 13 people to be an organ donor. The donor shortage is not entirely the result will die everyday because there C 1 The F ranciscan M ontessori Earth School & Saint Francis Academ y, founded in 1977 will host an O pen H ouse Preview night on T uesday, Nov 28, from 7 p.m . to 8:30 p.m . in the school gym: Parents and ch ild ren in ter­ ested in m ulti-aged, hands-on approach to learning are e n ­ couraged to attend th is free event, and hear about year- round enrollm ent o p p o rtu n i­ ties. The evening w ill include a p re se n ta tio n by a d m in is tra ­ to rs, te a c h e rs , p a re n ts and current students p roviding an o v e rv ie w o f th e s c h o o l ’s unique Pre-K th rough High School M ontessori curriculum . G uests w ill then have an o p ­ p o rtu n ity to tour the school, v is it th e m u lti-a g e d c la s s ­ room s, and speak w ith e x p e ri­ enced M ontessori p ro fe ssio n ­ als. T he school offers a tuition a ssista n c e program to fam i­ lie s w ith n e e d . P r e v io u s M ontessori education is rec- I o f unwillingness to donate. It is due in part to fact that people who would be willing to donate after death often do not tell families of their wishes. The Oregon Donor Program is a non-profit organization that saves lives by promoting aware­ ness, acceptance and understand­ ing o f the value and need for organ and tissue donation. For more i n formation cal1 (503) 494-7888 or 1 -800-452-1369. Bruce C w iekow ski, the AIDS M inistry’s Program Manager since 1991. “We hope that by observing our example atthe Healing Liturgy, more parishes, communities and individu­ als will become involved and serve as a support for people living with HI V dis­ ease.” Cathol ic Chari ties AIDS Ministry is preparing for the display o f The Names Project. Many volunteers are needed. If you would like to volunteer as a greeter, reader o f names, emotional support person, member o f the set-up and take-down team, or any other required service, please call 503-963-8102 as soon as possible. om m ended, but not req u ired . All are enco u rag ed to com e learn m ore. The F ranciscan M ontessori E arth School & Saint F rancis A cadem y is the only a c c re d ­ ited Pre-K th rough 12th grade C atholic M ontessori school in the U nited S tates. T he school is operated by the F ran ciscan Sisters o f the E u ch arist who base th eir s p iritu a lity on the life o f Saint F ran cis o f A ssisi and live in B ridal V eil, O r­ egon. The educational c u rricu ­ lum is based on the e x ten siv e teachings o f Italian p h y sician M aria M ontessori and is re c ­ ognized in te rn atio n a lly for its integrated, hand-on approach. The school is located at 14750 S.E. C linton and serv es a p ­ proxim ately 325 students from around the g re a te r P ortland and V ancouver area. For inform ation, call K elley W ong, D evelopm ent D irector, at 5 03-760-8220, or v isit one o f the s c h o o l’s w e b site s at w w w .f m e s .o r g or w w w .fm e s s fa .c o m . A-Victorian Celebration o f the Winter Solstice cne CbRISCtW Reuecs • • • • • Chorus & Victorian Parlour Band Children’s Songs & Games Traditional Dances’ Carols, Drama & Comedy Portland Brass Quintet P ortland ’ s B est F amily - O riented H oliday E vent ! — Willamette Week December 8 ,9 ,1 0 ,1 2 & 13 Ministry Sets Healing Liturgy for World AIDS Day Interfaith Clergy Address HIV/AIDS African American clergy will par­ ticipate in a first-ever Oregon confer­ ence on Nov. 18 in Portland to learn about the important role faith leaders can play in preventing HIV infection in theircommunities. The First Annual Interfaith HIV/ AIDS Conference for African Ameri­ can Faith Leaders will run from 9:30 a m. to 2 p.m. in Room 120C o f the state office building at 800 N.E. O r­ egon St. “This forum will give African- American clergy and their staff a great opportunity to meet and leam from national leaders in the emerging field o f faith based HIV prevention and education,” says Larry Hill, com m u­ nity development specialist at the Health Division o f the Oregon De­ partment o f Human Services. Two nationally known faith lead­ ers will speak at the conference. Marvin McMickle, Ph.D., is pastor o f Antioch Baptist Church in Cleve­ land, Ohio, which is also the site o f a rem ained there until she retired in 1996. G lo ria K elsey has alw ays been a ctiv e in the m issio n a ry so ciety as w o rsh ip lead er, tre a su re r and b e n e v o le n t c h a irp e rso n . In a d d i­ tion, she is a c h o ir m em ber, a m e m b e r o f th e a d u lt S u n d a y sch o o l, B oard o f C h ristia n E d u ­ cation and m em ber o f the kitchen com m ittee. H er first lo v e is v isitin g and m in iste rin g to se n io r c itiz e n s a t­ ten d in g c h u rch and sh u t-in s as w ell as any o n e in need. K elsey w as in stru m e n ta l in c re a tin g a se n io r c itiz e n re c o g n i­ tion and aw ard day each m onth. She sta rte d a B ib le c la ss in h er h o m e fo r m e m b e rs liv in g in V a n co u v er and helps c o o rd in a te the c h u rc h p ic n ic . O n any g iv en day, you can find G lo ria w ith a load o f to ile t tissu e , p a p e r to w els and food in her c a r m aking d eliv eries and v is­ iting the sick and sh u t-in s. G loria adopted a fam ily o f e ig h t (m other and sev en c h ild re n ) p ro v id in g th em w ith s u p p o rt w h ile the m o th er gain ed in d e p en d en ce. M rs. K elsey e x te n d e d g ifts to P o rtla n d P u b lic S chool System w here she v o lu n te e re d as a tu to r and d rill team a ssista n t. She is h eavily involved in the form ation o f the A llen T em ple F ood P antry th at serves the co m m u n ity and has been a h u ndred d o lla r w om an fo r m any y ears in the m issio n a ry march. S iste r K elsey says “ my life ev o lv e s aro u n d I cor. 13:13 - 'A n d now th e se th in g s rem ain: faith hope and love. B ut the gre a t­ e st o f th ese is lo v e .’ I try to show love in all th at I do. It is the fuel th at keep s m e going. I w ant to be rem em b ered as a p e rso n w ho w as lo v in g , k in d and c o m p a ssio n a te alw a y s h elp in g th o se in need. T h e L o rd h a s b r o u g h t m e th ro u g h m any d a n g e ro u s to ils and pain and I w a n t to let all I com e in c o n ta c t w ith th a t He is the reaso n I m ade it. I can n ev er fo rget th at w ith o u t G od, I can do no th in g , b u t w ith H im I can do all th in g s .” Scottish Rite Center, Portland Tickets: (5 03)224-7411 Presented by Portland Revets Proudly sponsored by OPB, Portland Brewing, & Bobby Dazzler Beer _ Simply Ceflolar £ Telephone fceeonneetioni • • * -........ • ■ ■ NO PHONE A T H O M E ? 8040 NE Sandy Blvd, Suite 100B, Portland Local 280-8000 Toll Free 1-877-280-8100 NEED A CELLULAR PHONE? ONLY $174.99* • INCLUDES: Cellular Phone Caller ID Leather Case Voicemail Activation Paging 1000 Free Minutes Car Charger No Credit—Sad Credit—No Problem ■Musi be at least 18, ID Required Balloons In Flight Quality That “Won’t Let You Down” 100% Biodegradable Latex Balloons • Creative Helium Bouquets • Weddings • Seminars • Parties & Celebrations Delivery Available « Corporate Functions Balloons Releases & Drops Balloon Decor Helium Gas Rental Kits 503-331-1100 Professional Balloon Artist: ‘Tm notsellingballoonsJ’msellingmy ideas.’