Page 4 November 01, 2000 Focus J* Focus Entertainment Guide In Search of The Promised Land Until Wednesday, Jan. 3 The Portland Art Museum is having its first exhibit o f In Search o f the P rom ised Land: Paintings by Frederic Edwin Church, A m erica’s preem inent p a in te r o f the New W orld. Trained in the Hudson River tradition o f landscape painting - C h u rc h ’s m ost in flu en tial teacher was Thom as C ole - C hurch’s earliest paintings cel­ ebrate the history and the beauty o f his native New England. The Portland Art M useum is located at 1219 SW Park Avenue. The Northwest Film and Video Festival Thursday, Nov. 2 - Friday, Nov. 10 The N orthw est Film & Video Festival is the N orthw est’s pre­ miere show case o f new work by in d ep en d en t film and video makers living in W ashington, Oregon, Idaho M ontana, Alaska and B ritish C olum bia. T his y ear’s Festival w ill prem iere approxim ately 40 feature, docu­ m entary and short films drawn from over 300 subm issions by media m akers throughout the region. The festival runs from Nov. 2 - 10 at the Film C en ter’s Guild Theatre (829 SW 9,h at Taylor). Call 503/221-1156. Northwest Women’s Show Friday, Nov. 3 - Sunday, riod instrum ents in H istoric Trinity Cathedral. A remarkable concert experience, and a rare treat for choral music lovers. There will be a pre-concert lec­ ture in Kempton Hall 60 m in­ utes before concert. Call 503/ 222-9811 or visit their website at w w w New American Opera Sunday, Nov. 5 On Sunday at 3 p.m., Nov. 5, com poser Robert Aldridge will present concert excerpts from his new oepra, Elmer Gantry at the Old Church, 1422 SW 1 l ,h Ave. in Portland. The concert will feature perform ances by soloists Kevin H elppie as Elmer G antry, and A llison Swenson as the R everend Sharon Fal­ coner. The concert will also fea­ ture gospel choruses from the opera. * The Human Rights Watch Film Festival Thursday, Nov. 9 The film , Live F ree or Die will be presented at the Guild Theatre, located at 829 SW 9,h Ave. at 7 p.m. In a sm all New England town, a doctor prac­ tices m edicine. An OB-GYN, Dr. W ayne G oldner has deliv­ ered over 2,500 babies, and has b e e n m a rk e d b e c a u s e he chooses to provide legal abor­ tions. A stinging indictm ent o f governm ent’s inability to pro­ tect citizens doing legitim ate w ork. C all 503/221-1 156 or v is it th e ir w e b s ite at www .nw film .org. Nov. 5 The 9 th A nnual N orthw est W om en’s Show will be held from Friday, Nov. 3 through Sunday, Nov. 5 at the Oregon Convention C enter. This is a chance to shop, sam ple and gather inform ation from over 325 businesses and services tar­ geting women. A ttendance has usually been anyw here from 15,000 to 20.000 For more in­ formation, call 425/485-2980 or v is it th e ir w e b s ite at Mozart Requiem Saturday, Nov. 4 and Sunday, Nov. 5 T r in ity M u sic p re s e n ts M ozart Requiem . Sacred cho­ ral m asterw orks o f the 17,h and 18lh centuries perform ed on pe­ Tears of Joy Theatre Saturdays, Nov. 11, 18 & 25 Pull up a seat on the edge of sanity for a hauntingly original re­ telling o f the Edgar Allan Poe clas­ sic. Tears o f Joy combines life- sized puppets, Live Actors, and masks to conjure a vision of moral­ ity as seen through the eyes of a madman. This production will by showing on Saturday nights at 8 p.m. on Nov. 11,18, and 25. Tears o f Joy Theatre is located at 1111 SW Broadway. Call 503/248-0557 or 360/695-0477. Not recom ­ mended for children under 10. Oregon Symphony Celebrates Aaron Copland’s 100th Birthday Saturday, Nov. 11 - Tuesday, Nov. 21 Portland and the Oregon Sym­ phony will salute the life and times o f beloved American composer Aaron Copland on Nov. 1 1 - 2 1 in a 10-day 100th birthday cel­ ebration headed by Symphony Resident Conductor and life-long Copland champion Murry Sidlin. The Portland Symphony is located at 921 S W Washington, Suite 200. For more information, call 503/ 228-4150 or visit their website at “Nepal - In the Shadow of Mount Everest” Wednesday, Nov. 15 From the frozen heights o f Mount Everest to the steamy jungle lowlands o f Terai, N epal’s landscape is as diverse as its people. Though culturally isolated from much o f the world due to its rugged mountainous landscape, 36 ethnic groups unite in the world’s only Hindu King­ dom. This film, “Nepal - In the Shadow o f M ount Everest”, is narrated live onstage by filmmaker Dale Smith on Wednesday, Nov. 15 at the Scottish Rite Cen­ ter, located at 1512 SW M orrison. Call 503/241- 2575. ______- (Che 'ParUanb ffibseruer High School All- Stars 2000 Professional entertainment com­ panies, non-profit organizations, and the Portland Public School Dis­ trict have come together to form a music education program for Port­ land Public Schools high school students which allows them the rare opportunity to record, produce and display their diverse and high level of musical talent. The “High School All-Stars 2000" is a CD featuring individual performances and re­ cordings by the C leveland, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Madison choirs. The CD is an eclectic col­ lage representing the diversity of the students including Jazz, Gos­ pel, Rock, Hip-Hop, R&B andClas- sical music. The “High School All- Stars 2000 "will be produced on an annual basis starting in 2000. The albums will promote and display the many talents of Portland area high school students. All profits will be donated to the Portland Schools Foundation for music edu­ cation in our high schools. The goal o f the project is to pro­ mote more expression in art among students, set a foundation for com­ munity involvement, and raise money for the musical programs. Through this project, selected students will have the opportunity to participate in all stages of orga­ nizing a major musical production. The students will be able to gain valuable experience while invest­ ing a limited number of hours. In addition, each student involved will learn to work in a professional environemnt while focusing on spe­ cific tasks. Due to cuts in the budget, some Portland area high schools do not have a full time music instructor. The Arts programs in the high schools are very important because they give students alternative choices. This CD provides students an opportunity to express themselves in a positive manner, while build­ ing their musical resumes. The pro­ gram has been started in order to showcase students’ talents and to provide an alternative source ofrev- enue for the schools. R unning out of G uest R ooms ? Portland Arts and Lectures Wednesday, Nov. 29 Since 1984, Portland Arts & Lectures, located at 219 NW 12th, will be having John Ridley, a comedian-tumed- novelist who is one o f the most prolific writers in Hol­ lyw ood on W ednesday, Nov. 29. Ridley’s first pub­ lished novel, Stray Dogs (1997), was snapped up by Oliver Stone and made into the movie U-Turn, starring Sean Penn. Jennifer Lopez and Nick Nolte. He currently writes for the TV action- drama Third Watch and has just signed a two-book con­ tract with his publisher. P u t y o u r re la tiv e s in o n e o f o u r s . SCHO qi McMenamins 5736 NE 33rd • Portland. Oregon • (503) 249-3983 w w w .m c m e n a m in s r o m ¡