October 25, 2000 Page A3 ¿ntje J o rd a n it ©hseruer Health/Education PCC and PSU Align to Serve Students h ig h e r e d u c atio n .” T he new program w ill allow stu d ents to be ad m itted to b oth PCC and PSU w ith a sin g le ap p licatio n . S tud en ts w ill pay each s c h o o l’s resp e ctiv e tu itio n rate. “ W hile PCC students co m e to the U n iv ersity w ell-p rep ared for u p p e r d iv is io n c o u rse w o rk an d have alw ays been an im portant part o f o u r stu d e n t co m m u n ity , th is ag re em e n t w ill help students w ho go to PC C m ake a sm o o th er tra n si tion into any p rogram at PSU , not ju s t a selected few ,” said B ernstine. “ T h is ag reem en t sends a strong m e ssag e to PC C students that we w an t them to tran sfer to PSU and that w hen they com e th e y ’ll have a P ortlan d S tate U niversity P resi d en t D an B ern stin e and P ortland C o m m unity C ollege P resident Dan M oriarty w ill sign an ag reem en t to en ro ll stu d en ts at both institutions. T he ag re em e n t paves the w ay fo r jo in t a d m issio n and enrollm ent for cu rren t and p ro sp ec tiv e stu d ents at each o f th e schools. “T h is is very p o sitiv e for our stu d en ts and for PSU students. It gives g rea ter flex ib ility and m ore secu rity to stu d en ts w ho already trav el b etw e en b o th sc h o o ls’ in p u rsu it o f th eir b a c h e lo r’s d eg re e,” M o riarty said. “T he arran g e m en t w ill also b e n e fit high school stu d en ts w ho w ill b e able to e n v isio n a c lea re r path to g o o d ex p e rien c e.” In 1999,2,230 students from PCC transferred to PSU. A dm issions c o o rd in ato rs ex p ect the n u m b er to clim b w ith the new program . P o rt land S tate U n iv ersity alre ad y has co -ad m issio n ag reem en t w ith M t. H o o d C o m m u n ity C o lle g e an d C lackam as C om m unity C ollege. C u rren tly PSU an d PC C are c o l la b o ra tin g in an o th er im p o rta n t area, w o rk in g to p ro v id e sc h o la r ship o p p o rtu n ities to stu d en ts c o en ro lled in PCC an d P S U ’s C o m p u te r program . T h e sch o o ls h av e applied for a N ational Science F oun d atio n sc h o larsh ip g ran t, w h ich stu d en ts w ould ap ply fo r an d re ceiv e th ro u g h a sin g le p ro cess. Sourcebook Tackles Youth Violence The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announce the release o f a community-oriented sourcebook that describes strategies for successfully implementing proven or promising inter ventions to prevent violence. “Violence is a public health issue because o f its tremendous impact on health and well being of our youth. V iolence injury and death disproportionately affect children, adolescents, and young adults in the United States,’ ’ saidCDC Director Jeffery P.Koplan,M.D.,M.P.H. The 216-page publication, entitled "Best Practices o f Youth Violence Pre vention: A Sourcebook for Community Ac tion", is the first o f its kind to look at the effectiveness ofspecific practices in four key areas: parents and families, home visiting, social and conflict resolution skills, and mentoring. Communities are eager to find ways to stop youth vio lence. “Best Practices,” which was pro OSU Director Seeks To Build Bridges Between Communities s Oregon State University’s new as sistant director for minority recruit ment sees her jo b more as an engineer ing project than a recruiting drive. ‘ ‘Primarily, I’m a social worker and I see my mission as building a bridge from the m inority com m unities to OSU,” said LaDonna Dixon. “Form e, it is all social w ork in the large con text.” A native o f San D iego w ho has spent the last 18 years w orking p rim arily w ith m inority com m uni ties, D ixon com es to O SU from A t lanta, w here she w orked w ith high school youth to enhance o p p o rtu nities for h ig h e r education. “ I ’m ex cited about show ing m i n ority stu d en ts that higher educa- LaDonna Dixon, builds bridges as a Minority Recuritment Director I tio n is th e w ay to go an d at th e sa m e tim e , w h a t O SU has to o f fe r,” D ix o n said. O re g o n ’s m in o r ity p o p u la tio n is a b o u t 12.5 p e r c e n t an d O S U ’s p e rc e n ta g e o f stu d e n ts o f c o lo r is a b o u t 13.1 p e rc e n t, b a s e d on th e la te st O SU en ro llm en t data from the 1999 a c a d e m ic y ear. S in c e a r r iv in g o n c a m p u s , D ix o n h as b ee n b u sy a tte n d in g c u ltu ra l e v e n ts th ro u g h o u t th e re g io n , as w ell fa m ilia riz in g h e r s e lf w ith th e u n iv e rs ity . T h e re are a n u m b e r o f o ffic e s on c a m p u s th a t w o rk on m in o rity re c ru it m e n t, a n d o n e o f h e r g o als is to in c r e a s e c o o r d in a tio n a m o n g v a rio u s o ffic e s to en h a n c e th e u n iv e r s ity ’s e ffo rts. S h e sa id it is e s p e c ia lly im p o r ta n t fo r th e u n iv e rs ity to re a c h o u t to th o se stu d e n ts w h o are in te re s te d in a c o lle g e e d u c a tio n b u t feel lo st a b o u t h o w to a p p ro a c h th e p ro c e s s o f fin d in g a u n iv e rs ity an d a p p ly in g fo r a d m issio n . “ L a rg e in s titu tio n s s u c h as u n iv e rs itie s c a n b e in tim id a tin g to stu d e n ts w h o are n o t u se d to d e a lin g w ith th e m ,” sh e sa id . D ix o n r e c e iv e d h e r u n d e r g ra d u a te d e g re e at A zu sa P a c ific U n iv e rs ity in A zu sa , C a lif, an d h e r m a s te r ’s d e g re e from W a sh in g to n U n iv e rs ity in St. L o u is, M o. duced by C D C ’s National Center for injury Prev ention and Control, offers insight into the practices that make prevention programs work. These programs are drawn from real-world experiences o f profession als who have successfully worked to prevent violence among children and adolescents. “ Best Practices” also documents the science behind each best practice and offers a comprehen- sive directory o f resources for more information about organizations that have used these methods. "B est Prac tices” is available online at http:// w w w .c d c .g o v /n c ip c / dvp.bestpractices.htm or you can ob tain a free copy by writing to CDC- NCIPC, Division ofV iolence Preven tion, 4770 Buford Highway (K.-65), A tlan ta, GA 3 0 3 4 1 -3 7 2 4 , o r by calling 1-888-252-7751. EXPLORE YOUR FUTURE COLLEGE PREP WORKSHOP OCTOBER 28,2( XX) High school students and their parents are invited to attend this free informative workshop on getting ready for college. Whether you are looking at eventually attending a community college, a state university, or a private college, this event will help bring your future into focus. You can attend sessions on: • • • • • • Benefits of a College Education Developing the Vision Understanding the Admissions Process Unlocking the Mystery of Financial Aid What Should I Know Now to Plan for College? Exploring the Options - Dispelling the Myths This is a great opportunity to get a jump-start on your future. There will be door prizes and snacks provided for the day. WHERE AND WHEN: Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Family Life Center 8725 N. Chautauqua Blvd., Portland, Oregon October 28, 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. S A T preparation session available in afternoon: Reservations required Light lunch provided fo r S A T participants. T O RESERVE A SEAT, CAIE 5 0 3 5 5 1 2 2 5 3 S/HiUwird by the Afrit tni-Ainniciiii Ahnnni uf('nw »e lu x ( bi i f Show me h o w to get e-Commerce fo r the Holidays' ...and give me a month of service FREE! Let A T & T Small Business Hosting Services get your business ready for the holiday shopping season with your very own e-Commerce Web site. 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