Portland Cousins Share Pageant H opes Former President C arter Breaks Ties With Southern Baptists Page A5 Page B2 Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Portland, OR Permit No. 1610 Jartlanb Volume XXX Num ber 43 Wednesday Com m itted to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 www.portlandobserver.com October 25, 2000 Daylight Saving Time Ends Sunday Halloween Pumpkin Hunt F A L L W idow M ay G et Seat JE FFE R SO N C ITY , Mo. - M issouri’s new governor has decided to appoint the w idow o f Mel C arnahan as senator if she w ants it and the late governor receives m ore votes than Sen. John A shcroft in the Nov. 7 election. M rs. C arnahan’s 66-year- old husband, the D em ocratic governor who was challenging R epublican A shcroft for the S enate seat; their 44-year-old son, Roger; and an aide, Chris Sifford, 37, w ere killed Oct. 16 w hen their tw in-engine plane crashed enroute to a cam paign stop. U N IT E D N A T IO N S - K osovo, the Serbian province that has been under inter­ national control since last year, should becom e an independent country after it fulfils a host o f conditions, a com m ission recommended. The report, delivered to U.N. Secretary - G eneral Kofi A nnan, recom ­ m ended that the province becom e a sepa­ rate state w hen it can guarantee safety for its m inorities and after it takes part in nego­ tiations w ith other Balkan states on its future independence. A lb right M eets K orean L eader Palestinian G unm en O pen Fire N A B LU S, W est Bank - D efying an Is­ raeli deadline for a truce, Palestinian gun­ men and rock-throw ers attacked Israeli soldiers at W est Bank friction points, and six Palestinians w ere killed and several w ounded by m assive Israeli return fire. It was the deadliest day o f fighting in two weeks. T he violence has left 110 people dead, the vast m ajority Palestinians. Ex-Sargeant Pleads G uilty N EW Y O R K - A form er A rm y sergeant pleaded guilty to charges related to the 1998 bom bings o f U.S. em bassies in A frica that ki 1 led 12 Am ericans and 212 others. Ali M oham ed, 48, adm itted conspiring with O sam a bin Laden and others to m urder A m ericans in an effort to force the United States to get out o f the M ideast. M oham ed was am ong 17 people nam ed so far in an indictm ent resulting from the bom bings. Yem en S afest A m ong ‘ R ats’ N e s ts ’ W A SH IN G T O N - The Y em eni coast­ line, w here an apparent terrorist bom bing o f the USS C ole killed 17 sailors, is a “sieve" for terrorists, the form er U.S. m ilitary com ­ m ander in the Persian G u lf regions said. But it was the best option available for refueling N avy ships, he said. M eanw hile, authori­ ties are follow ing a lead from a 12-year-old Y em eni boy w ho says a man paid him to w atch his car w hile he w ent out to sea in a small boat and never returned. LA T ransit Workers Return to Jobs LOS A N G ELES - Bus and subw ay driv­ ers headed back to w ork, ending a month long transit strike that stranded 450,000 com m uters. The U nited T ransportation Union voted overw helm ingly to accept a new contract providing raises o f 9.3% over three years. W hat bus riders get out o f the 32-day w alkout: ftee rides for the next five days. w BA C K Independence for Kosovo PYONGYANG, North Korea - Secretary o f S ta te M a d e le in e A lb r ig h t h e ld groundbreaking talks with N orth K orean leader Kim Jong II. The m eeting w ith Kim was the centerpiece o f A lbright’s trip, the first by a U.S. secretary o f state to N orth Korea. A lbright hopes to use her tw o-day visit to advance her goal o f laying the groundwork for a visit by President Clinton, possibly next month. Û 53 The third grade class at St. Agatha 's Catholic School in Sellwood enjoy the rewards o f a fie ld trip to the Pumpkin Patch on Sauvie Island. Halloween is Tuesday, Oct. 31. (P hoto by M ark W ashington /P ortland O bserver ) Oregon Begins Vote Tally O rego n resid e n ts are now ca stin g votes fo r p resid e n t, local ca n d id a tes and in the host o f state b allo t m easures. The sta te ’s all v ote-by-m ail general elec­ tion, the first in the n atio n , g ot u nderw ay F riday w hen c o u n ty o ffic es b egan sending out m ore than 2 m illion ballots. T here are no m ore p ollin g p laces. V o ters can fill in b a l­ lots at hom e, then m ail them o r tak e them to drop b o x es - as long as th ey are retu rn ed to elec tio n o ffices by 8 p.m . on N ov. 7. S ecretary o f S tate B ill B rad b u ry said he exp ects a v o ter tu rn o u t o f 80 p ercen t or b etter, p artly b ecau se O re g o n ’s unique system m akes it m ore co n v en ien t to cast ballots. B ut for can d id ates and p o litical o p erativ es, m ail vo tin g m eans the final push to w in o v er u n d ecid ed voters is a th ree-w eek m arath o n instead o f a last- m inute dash. D espite the p ro lo n g ed voting period, B radbury b eliev es a lot o f people w ill hold o nto the th e irb a llo ts until the last-m inute. Som e 40 p ercen t o f voters returned their mail ballots in the last two days leading up to the state’s all-mail ballot primary on M ay 16. That, too, was the nation’s first such primary. “The main thing is there are 26 measures on the statewide ballot. That large num ber o f mea­ sures to decide on will slow people down in casting their ballot," Bradbury said. Orego­ nians passed statewide vote-by-mail in 1998 after using the system for years in local con­ tests and some special elections. Critics have said the mail ballot offers too many possibilities for fraud. Gore Brings Campaign to Portland Speaking with a passion environm ental­ ists have been w aiting to hear, A1 G ore says he w ould p ro tec t o ld -g ro w th trees and roadless areas and enlist the help o f science to restore salm on runs. T he Sunday night speech w as aim ed squarely at environm entally-m inded voters, especially those thinking o f voting for Green Party candidate Ralph Nader. “ W hen it com es to the environm ent, I’ve never given up, I ’ve never turned back, and I never w ill," the Democratic presidential can­ didate said before a cheering crow d o f nearly 4,000 gathered outside Portland State Univer­ sity. Oregon has not voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 1984, but polls show the race betw een G ore and Texas Gov. G eorge W. Bush to be a virtual dead heat — partly because o f N ad er’s appeal to environ­ m e n ta lists. M a in stre a m e n v iro n m e n ta l groups, including the Sierra C lub, have en­ dorsed the vice president, but m any activists contend that G ore has not been show ing a strong enough devotion to the environm ent I John Kitzhaber at a rally at Portland State University. over the past few years. They especially w ould like G ore to com e out in favor o f breaching four dam s on the Snake River as a way to restore salm on runs G ore has not gone that far, saying the idea needs more study. In his Sunday night speech. G ore stayed away from saying dam s should be breached, but he spoke with m ore em otion about the environm ent than he has to date. "Now here are the differences betw een me and Gov. Bush clearer than on the environ­ m ent." G ore told the crowd. G ore touted, for example, the Democratic adm inistration's ef­ forts to p re se n e O regon’s Soda M ountain and Steens Mountain. Republican vice presi­ dential contender D ick Cheney, on recent cam paign stop in Oregon, said a Rush adm in- Story Continues on Page B3 I t ’s tim e to tu rn y o u r c lo c k s b a c k o n e h o u r s ta rtin g at 2 a.m . S u n d a y , O ct. 2 9 , o r b e fo re y o u go to b e d on S a tu rd a y n ig h t. D a y lig h t S a v in g T im e s ta rte d in 1918 d u rin g W o rld W a r I. B u t it w as n o t u n til 1967 th a t c o n g r e s s p u t in to e ffe c t th e U n ifo rm T im e A c t, w h ic h in s titu te d D a y lig h t S a v in g T im e fo r th e n a tio n , s ta rtin g a t 2 a .m . o n th e la st S u n d a y in A p ril an d e n d in g at 2 a m. on th e la s t S u n d a y in O c to b e r. In 1986, P re s id e n t R e a g a n sig n e d a b ill th a t m o v e d th e s ta rt o f D a y lig h t S a v in g T im e to th e firs t S u n d a y in A p ril, b u t le ft th e en d at th e la s t S u n ­ d a y in O c to b e r. A lo n g w ith th e tim e -c h a n g e , co m e a few o th e r im p o rta n t tim e -a n d s a fe ty - re la te d m a tte rs : S et c lo c k s , w a tc h e s an d V C R ’s b a c k o n e h o u r, a n d c h a n g e tim e rs on lig h ts an d s e c u r ity sy ste m s in h o m e s an d o ffic e s . A lso , b e c a u s e it g ets d a rk ev e n e a r lie r n o w , re m e m b e r to d is c u s s c u r­ few s an d s a fe ty tip s w ith y o u n g c h il­ d ren . Paul Allen Supports Transitional School The Community Transitional School, w hich serves children o f hom eless fam ilies, has re­ ceived a S 15.000 grant from the Paul G. Allen Charitable Foundation. “C hildren o f hom eless fam ilies are often forgotten w hen people think o f chanties, yet an education could change these young peo p le” lives, and we are pleased to support theeftortsofC om m unity Transitional School" said Sue C oliton. foundation m anager o f the Paul A. A llen C haritable Foundation. The Paul G. A llen C haritable Foundation supports a w ide variety o f charitable endeav­ ors in the Pacific Northwest. T he Foundation is dedicated to prom oting the health and developm ent o f vulnerable populations and to strengthening families and com m unities. The Foundation invests in projects and pro­ gram s that address social challenges and prom ote positive change. Past grant recipi­ ents have included YM CA ofG reater Seattle, The A m erican Red Cross, and H abitat for H um anity International. Founded in 1988, The Paul A. Allen C hari­ table Foundation is adm inistered through V ulcan N orthw est, Inc., o f Bellevue, W ash­ ington. The C om m unity Transitional School was founded in 1990 as the YW CA Transitional School and becom e an independent non­ profit organization in 1998. Its m ission is to provide an alternative school for at-risk chil­ dren from hom eless families and to help them overcom e barriers that prevent them from regularly attending school. T he school p ro v id es stu d e n ts p re -k in ­ d erg a rte n th ro u g h eight g rad e stu d en ts w ith ed u c atio n , tu to rin g , m ed ical and d en ­ tal sc re e n in g s , c lo th in g , sh o e s, sch o o l supplies and m eals in an environm ent w here stu d en ts are u n en c u m b e re d by the p re s­ sure o f b ein g d ifferen t. T he C o m m u n ity T ra n sitio n al S ch o o l serv es ab o u t 60 c h il­ dren a day an d o v er 200 a tte n d th e sch o o l each year. •• • V