www.portlaudobserver. Committed to Cultural Diversity (Hili' ^ n rtla n h (©bsertœr SECTION « Vote Smart, Vote Democrat Says Jesse Jackson I nnt nt u n ito a le itb a r Com m unity Calendar Game Night C om e and jo in the fun. Play your fav o rite b o ard and card gam es! The M iracles C lu b w ill be hav in g “ G am e N ig h t” on O ct. 21, from 9 p.m . until late. P lay ch ess, Bid W hiz, Spades, D o m in o es, P in o c h le , S crab b le and o th e r fun gam es. D o n atio n is only $ 2 .T his is a clean and so b er event. N orthw est C hildren’s Theater Bookfair B arnes & N o b le, lo cated near the Lloyd C enter will be having the N o rth ­ w est C h ild re n ’s T h e a te r B o o k fair on S atu rd ay , O cto b er 28, from 11 a m. to 4 p.m . D u rin g b o o k fa ire h o u rs, a p e r­ c en tag e o f all o u r sales w ill be d o ­ n a te d to N o rth w e st C h ild re n 's T h e­ ater, O re g o n ’s aw ard -w in n in g fam ily theater. N C T c o n tin u e s its trad itio n o f e x c e lle n ce this seaso n w ith p ro ­ d u ctio n s in clu d in g S h e rlo c k H olm es and The H obbit. M adison’s Grill H alloween Party M ad iso n ’s G rill, located at 1109 SE M ad iso n , on the co rn e r o f SE 11,h and M adison w ill be having a H allow een p arty featu rin g C a tfish , prizes and drin k an d food sp ecials. D ress up as your fav o rite m usician for prizes! The ev en t w ill be on S atu rd ay , O ct. 28 There is a $3 cover charge for all shows. Call 503/220-0901. Halloween Carnival The Brentw ood-D arlington Com m u­ nity C enter w ill be having a Hallow een C arn iv al featu rin g g am es, ring toss, cake-tou w alk, fortune teller and more. The event w ill be on O ct. 21 from 5:30 - 9 p.m . at 7211 SE 6 2 nd. For raffle tickets, call 503/760-B A B Y . C hildren’s Safety W orkshop O pen to ages 7 to 11, this w orkshop is a very v alu a b le s e lf d efen se e x p e ri­ ence and a lot o f fun! K ids w ill learn to set b o u n d a rie s and to use p hysical and v erb al s e lf d efen se strateg ies. T hey w ill acq u ire sk ills for dealin g w ith b u llie s and w o u ld -b e ab d u cto rs, an d w ill p r a c tic e a p p ly in g th e ir new found sk ills on a p added attacker. Call 503/231-1999. Oregon Humane Society Telethon I t’s a first for O regon and a great day for an im als w hen the O regon H u ­ m ane S o ciety T e le th o n b ounds onto the air. G rab the rem o te from R over and tune to FO X 49 on S atu rd ay , O ct. 21 from 11:30 a.m . to 3 :3 0 p .m . fo ra n aftern o o n o f “ P e ta c u la r” e n te rta in ­ m ent. T he telethon w ill feature dozens o f dog s, cats and ra b b its looking for good hom es. M editation, the Door to Inner Peace The K now T h y se lf as Soul F o u n d a­ tion, Inc., N o rth w est R egion, is a n o n ­ pro fit o rg a n iz a tio n that spon so rs p ro ­ gram s ab o u t m e d ita tio n as a free se r­ vice to the p u b lic. Sant T h ak ar Singh w ill be o ffe rin g a free program w hich inclu d es in stru c ito n s o fr the inner L ight and Sound m editation. This p ro ­ cess, w hich brin g s inn er p eace, can be learn ed by young and old alike re ­ gard less o f faith , re lig io n o f lifesty le. The ev en t w ill be at the N ew berg C ity L ibrary on S atu rd ay , N ov. 11 from 10:30a.m . to 2:30 p.m. Call 1-888-681- 9791. Elections: The Basics Ja n e t C a m p b e ll, a M ount H ood C om m unity C ollege in stru cto r w ill be ex p la in in g on O ct. 25 the b asics o f how a p re sid e n t is elected . This in ­ clud es an o v erv iew o f the E lecto ral C olleg e and the ele c tio n sy ste m ’s e f ­ fect on v o tin g b ehav io r. She w ill also add ress q u e stio n s and p o in ts from the au d ien ce. For m ore in fo rm atio n , call A lS ig a la at 503/491-7213. f f i t J u t R amos l i l t P u b i i a m >_Q bs £ bvlk People gathered at 8:30 a.m. on Tues­ day, Oct. 17 to hear Jesse Jackson give his endorsement for Gore and Lieberman o f the Democratic Party at the Bethel AME Church located at 5828 NE. 8lh. Jackson notified church gatherers that he was unable to attend the event because o f unfinished business in Los Angeles. A rrangem ents were m ade for the Rain­ bow Coalition/ PUSH leader to speak via telephone to the crowd. Jesse Jackson began by giving his sin­ cere apologies to the audience for not be­ ing in Portland. He was enthusiastic about the recent progress m ade where a final settlem ent had been reached after an all- night negotiation session with LA Transit. Since Sept. 16, Jackson had intervened as a m ediator to end the strike that had idled buses and trains. Jackson also gave his condolences regarding the death o f Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan who was killed on M onday when a plane piloted by his son crashed in fog and rain 25 miles south o fS t. Louis. Carnahan was the Democratic hopeful to win the race for U.S. Senate against incumbent Sen. John Ashcroft. Jackson’s plea was for everyone to vote sm art, vote dem ocrat at the Nov. 7 presi­ dential election. G eorge W. Bush, accord­ ing to Jackson w ould be a threat on many counts such as w ith organized labor and w om en’s rights. He jokingly said for all to com e up among the Bushes and vote for Gore. “ You are voting for a new Congress. We have the pow er to win the Senate. Gore makes more sense,” he explained. Jackson confidently added without any explana­ tion that Ralph N ader of the Green Party cannot win this presidential election. T he au d ie n c e w as a llo w e d to pose their ques­ tions to Jackson. Only one person, a re p re se n ta tiv e o f Pre-Paid Legal Services came for­ ward to ask if he was fam iliar with the Legal Shield that was designed to help the poor get legal co v er­ age. Members o f the c o m m u n ity stayed longer to hear announce­ m ents after Jack- son bid farewell to all. One local offi­ c ia l s u g g e s te d that everyone par- ticipate by asking their family mem ­ bers if they have sent in their voter registration cards an d e n c o u ra g e them to do so if they haven’t yet already. Geri W ashing­ ton, an MESD Board D irector requested everyone to vote no on M easure 9, the 4lh anti-gay ballot measure proposed by OCA. A NO on 9 rally is scheduled at Pioneer C ourthouse Square on Thursday, Oct. 19 at noon time. Tre Arrow, a Pacific Green their vote and questioned whether Earl BJumenauer. his campaign rival, has truly served the interests o f the people or inter­ ests o f big money and corporations? The Party m em ber running for U.S. House o f R epresentatives, D istrict 3 approached the audience o f m ostly D em ocrats to ask for Blum enauer office representatives quickly responded that Earl has and will continue to serve the community. People of Color Say No on Measure 9 A group o f com m unity leaders are urg­ ing people o f color to vote no on Ballot M easure 9. R epresentatives from several organiza­ tions gathered at Lutheran InnerC ity M in­ istries in Northeast Portland last week to oppose the m easure w hich would prohibit public schools and com m unity colleges from promoting or sanctioning homosexual and bisexual behaviors. Lon Mabon and the O r­ egon Citizens Alliance spon­ sor the proposed law. State Sen. Avel Gordly, D- Portland, said M easure 9 is part o f a narrow agenda that discrim inates against people and threatens funding o f lo­ cal schools. R ev . C e c il C h a rle s Prescod, chair o f the Com ­ m is s io n o n J u s tic e at A insw orth U nited Church o f Christ, said Measure 9 is dan­ gerous for students and for students o f color in particu­ lar because it would deny inform ation on A ID S'H IV prevention. A ccording to the Centers for D isease Control, HIV is the leading cause o f death for A frican A m erican men Oregon Sen. Avel Gordly. D-Portland (from left), joins Mariam Calderon o f and women between the ages Genaccion. l/uv Ong o f the Oregon Student Association and other community leaders o f2 5 a n d 4 4 . Many o f these in a rally urging people o f color to oppose Ballot Measure 9. young adults were likely in­ (P hoto in Mu h a h . I. i k . ii io x /P ok it w d O iisi k \ i r ) fected as teenagers. “ We cannot place our children at further PCC Gear Up Project Rewarded with $2.8 million Grant Portland Community College’s Gear Up Projecthasreceiveda $2.8 million grant from the Department o f Education to serve more than 700sixth- and seventh-grade students at 1 larriet Tubman and Ockley Green middle schools as well as students from Jefferson High School in north Portland The goal ofthis project. which w ill run betw een the years o f2000 and 2005, is to provide interven­ tion and academic strengthening sen ices to low- income middle and high school students to pre­ pare them for post-secondary education. The project will get $576.800 in each o f the next five years. It is part of 28 percent of the total propos­ als submitted nationwide that were approved this year Organizations like Portland Public Schools. Oregon Students Assistance Com­ mission, Albina Rotary. Multnomah County SUN Schools and Oregon Council for 1 lispamc Advancement also helped develop the grant proposal. “I think this is another example of the type o f partnership emerging from the north­ east Portland area between PCC and programs withinthe Portland Public School system." said Linda Rcisser, Cascade Campus dean o f Stu- dent Development who helped to spearhead the project. "PCC is grateful to school princi­ pals and other partners in the community for helping to achieve this grant.” The students from Ockley Green and 1 larriet Tubman middle schools feed into Jefferson High School, w hich is located in the federally desig­ nated PoitlandEntetpriseC ommunity. fhecompk*- tion rate for freshman getting their high school diploma the last tw o years ìsjust 32.5 percent. The Gear Up Project is targeting these Portland schools because they serve a disproportionate number of economically and educationally disadvantaged students, lhe schools also hav e had well-docu­ mented problems with student retention and suc­ cess. lhe goals of the PCC Gear Up Project are to increase academic perfonnance and preparation for post-secondary schools, increase high school graduation and expectations of students, increase knowledge of post-secondary options and work with partners to build a system of interv ention as w ell as ongoing staff training and dev elopment. For more information, contact Rcisser at503- 978-5307. risk o f this deadly disease by denying them accurate and correct information about how not to get HIV. That is w rong,” Prescod said. G ordly said that we m ust not let the OCA dictate what our schools teach and place school funding at risk. “The sponsors o f this m easure have said num erous times that they w ant to get rid o f AIDS education. M easure 9 would take away local control from school boards, parents and teachers to form the curricu­ lum for students. And any loss o f funding would devas­ tate our schools. We must defeat M easure 9 to prevent that from happening," G ordly said. Com m unity activist Huy Ong added that M easure 9 ’s wording is so vague that its im pact would be broad. “T hat’s what makes it scary. Our schools should be safe and w elcom e for all,” Ong said. T he c o m m u n ity o rg a n iz e rs have launched the People o f C olor Against M easure 9 postcard campaign. The tool will be used, in both Spanish and English, to help spread the word that M easure 9 is a dangerous measure for chil­ dren and schools. The goal is to send out thousands o f postcards to thousands o f people. Also attending last w eek’s news conference were representatives from Sis­ ters in Action for Pow er. Rural Organizing Project and Genaccion. Portland Observer Intern Earns Scholarship L orraine M ichelle Faust has earned a $2,500 sch o larsh ip from the P ortland A sso ciatio n o f B lack Jo u rn alists. The grant w ill allow her to c o n ­ tin u e her jo u rn alism studies at the U n iv e r s ity of O re g o n in E ugene.F aust was an intern at the P o rtland O bserver this sum m er. She was one o f three P ortland stu d en ts to w in scholarships from the jo u rn a lism group. The o ther w inners w ere Leah W yatt, a sophom ore at the U o f O who graduated from Parkrose High School and Ryan Sharp, a B enson H igh School graduate attending W estern O regon U niversity. In a d d itio n , H ew le tt-P a c k a rd aw arded the honored students w ith a new com puter, 17-inch m onitor and color printer. T he P ortland O bserver is proud to help foster the grow th o f m inor­ ity and w om en jo u rnalists from our com m unity.