Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 18, 2000, Page 7, Image 7

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O ctober 18, 2000
(E he ÿ o rtla n b ©bseruer
Kaiser Permanente to Hold Flu
Shot Clinics In North Portland
K aiser Perm anente plans to of­
fer free flu shots to its health plan
members starting M onday, Nov.
13 and continuing through Friday,
Dec. 8.
In north Portland, shots will be
given on a drop-in basis from 8
a.m. to 6 p.m. w eekdays on the
lower level ofK aiser Perm anente’s
Central Interstate M edical Office,
3600 N. Interstate Ave. Flu shots
will also be given on Saturday,
Nov. 18 from 9 .a m . to 1 p.m.
“The vaccine m anufacturer has
experienced delays in vacc me pro­
duction o ver the sum m er,” says
Jerry Slepack, M D, c h ie fo f Kaiser
P erm anente’s Infectious D isease
Departm ent. "A s a result, flu shots
at K aiser Perm anente, like a lot o f
other health care organizations,
w ill be available about a month
later than usual. That will still allow
m ost people to build up their im ­
m unity before the flu season gets
under w ay in earnest. IntheN orth-
w est, flu activity do esn ’t gener­
ally peak until late D ecem ber
through early M arch.”
Flu shots are especially recom­
menced for people over 65, people
with chronic health problems, such as
disease, and asthma, and for people
who care for seniors and people with
chronic ailments. For most current
mfon nation about KaiserPermanent’s
flu shots program, call 503-813-2000
from Portland or 1 -800-813-2000from
all other areas and press 6. then 2.
Jared had the grades
and the determination.
Now he’s got
the tuition, too.
Thanks to the Philip Morris Companies'
contributions to the Thurgood Marshall
Scholarship Fund, honor student Jared
Reaves got a full 4-year scholarship.
For the last 13 years, the Philip Morris
Companies have been the Fund's largest
donor, helping thousands of deserving
Investigators look for clues to a fire that swept though a northeast Portland home.
(Photo by Ron Washington/Portland Observer)
students get the opportunity they've
earned. Philip M orris also supports
over 3 5 0 educational organizations
Authorities Investigate Fatal Fire
Police say a 73-year-old m an died
after shooting his 26-year-old grand­
daughter in a hom e in northeast Port­
land early last W ednesday.
The w om an, A ngela Seaton, was
hospitalized w ith a serious gunshot
w ound to her shoulder.
then apparently set a fire in the house. He
was found dead inside.
T he m otive for the shooting w as
unclear, but relatives say the m an
appeared to be m entally confused.
H e had lived in the house on N orth­
east 15th for alm ost 40 years.
Police removed four children from the
house after the shooting, but officers
were in a stando ffwith the armed man for
several hours. Neighbors waited out the
standoff in a Tri-Met bus brought to the
scene. Tear gas was fired into the house
shortly before4am . Officers saythe man
that help strengthen local communities.
To learn more, visit philipm orris.com .
Working to make a difference.
Property Tax Statements Hit Mail
M ultnom ah C ounty began m ail­
ing the first ofapproxim ately 260,000
real and personal property tax bills
T hursday.
Property tax statem ents have a
N ov 15 due date and, i f paid in full will
receive a percent discount.
To receive a discount, paym ents
m ust be postm arked on or before Nov
15. Taxes m ay also paid in three in­
stallments which are due Nov. 15, Feb.
15, and M ay 15.
Taxpayers are encouraged to pay
early to receive the discount, avoid
holiday m ailing delays, and avoid
interest on delinquent paym ents.
A n “ Im portant Tax Inform ation”
circular is included w ith all property
tax statem ents.
T h e c irc u la r is d e s ig n e d to h elp
ta x p a y e rs u n d e rs ta n d w h a t th e ir
tax d o lla rs su p p o rt in M u ltn o m ah
C o u n ty . T h is e n c lo s u re a lso in ­
c lu d e s p a y m e n ts in stru c tio n s and
in fo rm a tio n on th e a p p e a l p r o ­
In a d d i t i o n , M u lt n o m a h
C o u n ty h a s a g e n e ra l in fo rm a tio n
p h o n e n u m b e r w h ic h is 5 0 3 -9 8 8 -
Community Meetings on Noise Issues
T he C ity o f Portland is review ing
noise issues in neighborhoods in
order; to update the N oise C ontrol
T h e N o is e C o n tro l T a sk F o rc e ,
c o n s is tin g o f r e p r e s e n ta tiv e s o f
n e ig h b o rh o o d s , b u s in e s s e s an d
-M onday, O ct. 2 3 ,7 -9 p.m. at Dr.
M artin Luther K ing Jr. Elem entary
School,4906N .E . 6th.
-W ednesday, O c t . 25, 7-9 p.m.
Northwest Cultural Center, 1819N.W.
-Saturday, Oct. 28, 1-3 p.m. East
th e n o ise p ro g ra m to c ity C o u n ­
The Task force is asking for the
com m unity’s help in setting priori­
ties for noise issues and identifying
Please join them at one o f the fol-
George Fox University Sets Enrollment Record
F o ra 13'hconsecutive year, G eorge
Fox U niversity has set an enrollm ent
record. The official fall count is 2,636
students, an 8.3 percent increase
Pets Available
for Adoption
Greyhound Pets o f America is holding
its year end Make A Fast Friend day on
Sunday, Oct 22, from Noon until 3 p.m. at
MultnomahfireyhoundP;irk in Fairview
As a result o f the end o f the racing season
our adoption kennel is full to over flow­
There will be m ore than 100 G rey­
hounds, including som e that have
recently retired and are currently in
foster care. In addition, there w ill be
m ore than 40 volunteers in atten­
dance to answ er questions and relay
their ow n personal experiences.
The general public will be able to see
these Greyhounds up close and per­
sonal. People finding a Greyhound they
feel will make a great addition to their
home,can put that Greyhound on hold
in-home screening placement and re­
view s their application.
G reyhounds are a gentle breed,
that in general, get along w ell with all
fam ily m em bers and other pets, in­
cluding dogs, cats, and more. Since
they have been in a racing atm o­
sphere m ost o f their lives there is an
adjustm ent period for them to leam
about their new environm ent, how ­
ever this is usually b rie f and minor.
This year’s traditional undergradu­
ate enrollm ent is 1,410, a slight in­
crease from last fall’s 1,404. The total
num ber o f new undergraduate is 505.
from the 2,433 tallied at this tim e last
year. The latest figures are alm ost
five tim es G eorge F o x ’s fall 1986 en­
rollm ent o f 549.
Vote Tre Arrow!
T R E A R R O W : o p p o ses g lo b a liz a ­
tion sch em es, w h ich p ro m o te big
b u sin e ss p ro fits rath e r than lab o r
and en v iro n m en ta l ju stice .
B L U M E N A U E R : v o ted in fav o r o f
N A F T A -lik e ag reem en ts for A frica,
the C a rib b ea n an d C en tral A m erica;
and p erm anen t trad e status for china.
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m ake o n e call a n d a h e lp fu l,
friendly agent w ill be delighted to
tell you more. Then go o u t there
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th e w orld...
we'll be right
behind you.
T R E A R R O W : stro n g ly su p p o rts
c o n s u m e r’s rig h t to kn o w how th eir
food is prod u ced .
BLE M E N A U E R : will not take a posi­
tio n on the la b elin g o f g en e tic ally -
m o d ified food.
T R E A R R O W : o p p o se s e x c essiv e m ilita ry b u dgets.
B L U M E N A U E R : has v oted to in c re ase m ilitary spending. Y our tax
dollars= $266 b illio n !!!
T R E A R R O W : is an e n v iro n m en ta l, anim al an d hum an rights activist!
B L U M E N A U E R : is a c are e rp o litic ia n .
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