O ctober 18, 2000 Page A3 ¿The Jlortlanò (ßbßeruer ~ ■Health/Education Heart Devices Becoming Common in Everyday Life fo tIMPSEY TAMER AP M edical W riter CH ICA G O (AP) — Picture tossing a bottle o f aspirin into your shopping cart w hile cruising dow n the drug store aisle, along with boxes o f tissue, some toothpaste — and a por­ table heart defibrillator, too. Dr. M ickey S. Eisenberg wants that scenario to becom e a reality. Portable Heart Defibrillator Eisenberg says consumers should be able to buy the lifesaving devices over the counter for use at home, where m ost cardiac arrests happen. Then, ifa family m em ber keels over, a relative may be able to shock their sick heart into beating normally again. But two other em ergency medicine specialists want a moratorium on ex­ panding the public use o f “automated external defibrillators,” their formal nam e, until they can be shown to re­ duce cardiac arrest deaths in com m u­ nity settings. “A fterall, some might reason, ‘Why should I exercise, stop smoking, and m onitorm y blood pressure when I can simply park (a defibrillator) under m y couch?’” Drs. Jerem y Brown and Arthur Kellermann w rote in an editorial alongside E isen b erg ’s argum ent in the Sept. 20 Journal ofthe American M edical Association. T he dueling com m entaries represent the extremes o f a doc­ tors’ debate that intensifies as m ore and more defibrillators are placed in airplanes, offices, casi­ nos and shopping malls. The $3,000 devices, technically k n o w n as a u to m a te d e x te rn a l defibrillators, are the size o f a toaster and w eigh about 4 pounds. They use an electric shock to restore a natural beat when a heart sud­ d en ly b e­ com es e r­ ratic, dis- r u p t i n g blood flow and c a u s­ ing victims tolosecon- s c io u s - ness. T h ey ’re designed to treat ventricular fibrilla­ tion, the most common cause o f sud­ den cardiac arrest, which the American Heart Association estimates kills about 225,000peopleeach year. Ifused within four minutes o f an attack, they can increase chances o f surviving cardiac arrest from 5 percent to about 50 per­ cent, Eisenberg said. A u to m ated voices w alk u sers through each step, and research has shown the devices are simple enough for sixth-graders to use with minimal training, says Eisenberg, director o f the em ergency department at the Uni­ versity o f Washington M edical C en­ Students Learn How To Win Scholarships M o re than 100 students, p a re n ts, g ran d ­ p a r e n ts and edu- c a to rs packed n o rth ­ e a s t Portland’s Center for SelfEnhancementaudi tori urn recently to get tips on how to conduct an effective and comprehensive scholar­ ship search. A group o f seven students even traveled from as far the Tacoma to attend the three-hour-longworkshopwith nationally renowned speaker and author Marianne Ragins. Ragins earned more than $410,000 in scholarship money as a high school stu­ dent and has been featured in everyfriing from Parade to USA Today to most re­ cently Ebony magazine. She told stu­ dents to make sure that any scholarship materials they submit are typed, proof­ read and sent in a timely, professional manner. She encouraged students to make follow up calls, surf the Internet for scholarship information, and showed them examples ofletters to w n te for more information. Forparents, Ragins reminded them to let the students do the bulk o f the work. The Portland Association o f Black H Journalists sponsored the event. Association board members said the workshop was organized to encourage students to pursue a higher education as well as equip them with the tools to make it possible. After the workshop, a number o f par­ ticipants asked PABJ to bring Ragins back next year. Also as part o f the event PAJB awarded three students pursuing journalism degrees scholarshipsof$2,500. Workshop sponsor Hewlett Packard awarded the students a new computer, colorinkjetprinterand$500giftcertilicate for software. Oregon State University was a workshop co-sponsor and pro­ vided an information table during the workshop. ter. “The only thing it d oesn't do right now is dial 911 for you,” he said in a telephone interview. Eisenberg likens the current devel­ opments to the evolution o f cardiopul­ monary resuscitation, which began in the 1940s as an operating room proce­ dure and now can be learned over the Internet. The Red Cross last year be­ gan adding defibrillator training to its CPR courses. Giulia Albergo, 65, ofsuburban Chi­ c a g o , h a s g o o d re a so n to lik e E isenberg’s idea. Albergo collapsed just after board­ ing a U ni ted Airl ines flight from Tampa on July 29. Others on board thought she was dead, but a flight attendant revived her with a defibrillator. A lb erg o do u b ts s h e ’d ever buy one herself if given the chance, saying she’s too old and doesn ’ t know how to use them. But she thinks people should be able to get them. “ I’d like to help other people,” she said. “Oh, my gosh, I was very, very lucky.” But doctors like Bob Suter, a board m em ber at the A m erican College o f Emergency Physicians, worry that the devices could be dangerous if used cavalierly by an untrained person. W hile ACEP supports the widespread useofdefibrillators, itsays they should be part o f a program that includes proper training and consultation with doctors. The AMA thinks training is essen­ tial but otherwise has not weighed in on the availability o f defibrillators. The published debate prom pted an immediate retort from the American Heart Association to the moratorium proposal While the A H A isn’t quite ready to jum p on Eisenberg’s band­ wagon, it strongly endorses making defibrillators available in public areas where lay people can be trained to use them. “Lives will be saved with wide avail­ ability o f this device and appropriate training which speeds the delivery o f lifesaving defibrillation to those who need it,” saidDr. Vinay Nadkami. chair­ man-elect o f the A H A ’s em ergency cardiovascularcare committee. The AHA and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute are studying the effects ofpublic use ofdefibrillators in a $13.5 million, 2 1 /2 -year study, looking at things like cost and victims ’ survival rates. JAMA authors Brown, o f Harvard Medical School, and Kellermann o f Emory University, say a m oratonum is needed until such data is available. “With rare exceptions,” they wrote, “it is not even clear where public ac­ cess AEDs should be placed because few locations are settings for more than one cardiac arrest p er year.” CPR training saves lives American Heart Association will give classes and health screenings at the African-American Wellness Village S p en d in g 90 m in u tes in a class c o u ld m e a n th e d iffe re n c e b e ­ tw een life an d d e a th fo r a fam ily m e m b e r, b e s t f rie n d o r c o l­ le ag u e . T h e A m e ric a n H ea rt A s s o c ia ­ tio n w ill g iv e fre e c a rd io p u lm o ­ n a ry re s u s c ita tio n tra in in g at the fifth a n n u a l A fric a n -A m e ric a n W e lln e ss V illa g e , S a tu rd a y at S e lf E n h a n c e m e n t In c ., 3 9 2 0 N . K e rb y A v e ., P o rtla n d . V is ito rs to th e a s s o c ia tio n ’s b o o th at th e e v e n t a lso r e c e iv e fre e b lo o d - p r e s s u r e an d s tro k e sc re e n in g s . C la s s p a r tic ip a n ts c a n c h o o s e a n o o n , 1 :4 5 p .m .o r 3 :3 0 p .m . tim e s lo t to le a rn C P R fo r a d u lts an d firs t a id fo r c h o k in g . “ C a llin g 9 -1 -1 firs t an d d o in g C P R c a n sa v e liv e s fro m h e a rt a tta c k a n d s tr o k e ," s a id Jo h n Washington Mutual I I, , 1 ,. Li i Us M ake a K r .. rv . ™ V, ,. . F an O ui of Y ou C h ism , an A m e ric a n H e a rt A s­ s o c ia tio n s p o k e sm a n . “ So w e w a n t to m a k e it c o n v e n ie n t as p o s s ib le fo r p e o p le to le a rn th e se s im p le te c h n iq u e s .” S tu d e n ts fro m B e n so n H ig h S c h o o l, alo n g w ith v o lu n te e rs fro m A m e ric a n M e d ic a l R e ­ sp o n se , w ill te ac h th e 9 0 -m in u te c la s s e s . T o re g is te r , c a ll 5 0 3 - 233-0100.