Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 18, 2000, Page 2, Image 2

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    O c to b e r 1 8 ,2 0 0 0
P age A 2
(Obstrue r
JîorUanù (ßbseruer
Police News/Vancouver
Take Big money Out of
The Running.......... A4
The War On Drugs
Begins at Home......A5
Authorities Investagate
Fatal Fire.................A7
The Democratic
Contender................ A8
Through the
61°F High
49°F Low
Portland Remember
Activist Josiah Hill... B2
Goodbye Blazer Vision
Hello BlazerCable....B3
Vlentoring Hispanic
fouth to Succeed..... B5
This Week
in History
October 18,1977— Reg 1977—
Reggie Jackson hits three consecu­
tive home runs, on three successive
pitches, to lead the New York Yan-
kees to their 21 st World Series Cham­
pionship, their first in 15 years.
O ctober 19, 1849— Elizabeth
Blackwell becomes the first woman
in the US to receive medical degree.
October 20, 1975— TheSupreme
Court rules that teachers could
spank students if the students were
told in advance o f the behavior that
would warrant such punishment.
October20,1820— Spain sells the
eastern part o f Florida to US for $5
63°F High
51°F Low
63°F High
47°F Low
Concerns Stop
Gun Lock
Police agen cies in O regon and
W a s h in g to n , in c lu d in g th e
V ancouver P o lice D ep artm en t,
have stopped handing out free
cable gunlocks p ro v id ed by the
N ational S h ooting S ports F o u n ­
d ation due to recen t re p o rts that
the locks can be opened w ith o u t
the key if su b jected to su ffic ie n t
The p resid en t and c h ie f execu-
tive officer o f the N ational S hoot­
ing Sports F o u n d atio n , R o bert T.
D elfay gave th e se statem en ts.
“ W e have p o stp o n e d any a d d i - !
tional d istrib u tio n o f th ese locks 1
M ostly
and we are recom m ending that no '
ad d itio n al locks be d istrib u te d '
60°F High
44°F Low
by our law e n fo rc e m en t p artn ers
w hile we seek additional inform a­
“ B ased on the c u rre n t situ a ­
tion and the in fo rm a tio n a v a il­
able to us, ho w ev er, we are not
reco m m en d in g , at this tim e, that
firearm s ow ners d isc a rd o r re ­
place any o f the Project H om eSafe :
cable locks th at m ay c u rre n tly be ■
affixed to th e ir fire a rm s,” D elfay ’
A cable lock is n o t d esig n ed or
intended to w ith sta n d ev ery p o s­
sible e ffo rt to d e fe a t o r d e stro y
it,” D elfay added. “ It has been
o b vious to all c o n c e rn e d th at
these locks can be rem oved w ith
to o ls
a v a ila b le
m o st
hom eow ners, such as ham m ers
or w ire c u tte rs.”
62°F High
45°F Low
Thought for the week
“ I f A equals success, then
the form ula is A equals X plus
Y plus Z. X is work. Y is play.
Z is keep your mouth shut.” —
Albert Einstein
Crime Stoppers
Man Wanted For Murder
Portland Police Bureau homi­
cide investigators, in cooperation
with C rim e Stoppers, are asking
for your help in identifying and
apprehending a m urder suspect.
On M onday, Nov. 17, 1997, at
about 10 o ’clock in the evening,
21-year old M ario H erring was
walking in the area ofN E 14,h Place
and G oing Street when he was
approached and shot by a man
armed with a chrom e sem i-auto­
m atic handgun. H erring ran to a
nearby house for help but died
from his injuries.
The suspect is described as a
black m ale, 21 to 23 years o f age,
5 ’ 11" tall, w eighing 170 pounds, M a rio D eo n e H errin g
with a thin build, dark com plexion
C rim e S toppers is offering a
and high pitched voice.
rew ard o f up to $1,000 for
He was w earing a black down
atio n , rep o rted to C rim e
ja c k e t, w h ite sw e a tsh irt, b lack
that leads to an arrest
je a n s , b lack an d w h ite te n n is
o r any u n solved
show s, and possibly a stocking cap
you need not
or m ask. A car believed to be a
C rim e Stop­
w hite N issan sedan was seen in the
area at the tim e o f the shooting.
T he W o m e n S tre n g th P ro ­
gram , sp o nsored by the P o rt­
land P olice B ureau, is re c ru it­
ing w om en in terested in v o lu n ­
teering th e ir tim e to teach in­
tro d u c to ry w o m e n ’s se lf-d e ­
fense classes. No experience is
n e c e ssa ry .
W o m e n S tre n g th p ro v id e s
the n ecessary train in g . The
next annual training will be held
in M a rc h a n d A p ril 2 0 0 1 .
W om en o f co lo r and b ilin g u al
w om en are e sp e c ia lly e n c o u r­
aged to apply.
Please call 503-823-0296 by
Dec. 11 to req u est an a p p lic a ­
tion. The W om enS trength p ro ­
gram has o ffe re d free se lf-d e ­
f e n s e c l a s s e s to w o m e n
th r o u g h o u t P o r tla n d s in c e
C ro s s w a lk V io la to rs C ite d
The V ancouver Police D epart­
ment, in partnership with City o f
V ancouver T ransportation Dept.,
co n d u cted a v e h ic le /p e d estrian
crossw alk string operation on Oct.
10 in a lighted pedestrian cross­
walk at th e6 5 0 0 b lo ck o fM ill Plain.
The purpose o f the operation
was to continue to educate the
m otoring public on yielding the
right o f way to pedestrians in the
crossw alk. Police issued five in­
fractions and 11 w arnings for fail­
ure to yield to a pedestrian in a
crosswalk. Five infractions for other
traffic related violations were also
issued. Police said due to the posi­
tive response, and the need for
c o n tin u e d m o to rist e d u c a tio n ,
more enforcem ent is planned in the
east precinct and dow ntow n areas.
To Our Students,
Families, Friends
and Neighbors
PCC WELCOMES 33,740 students to
our doors this fall. By the end of the year,
more than 97,000 people will enroll at
PCC. We are proud to be able to serve so
many of you.
If you are one of these 97,000 people, you
know how crowded
the campuses are
You know how
difficult it is to
squeeze into the
classroom, to get
time in a computer
lab, or to schedule a science class when you
need it. Some of you have been turned away.
The PCC Board and staff are dedicated to
serving all the students who come to PCC.
We know that our rapid enrollment growth
has caused some inconveniences for our
students and neighbors. We are doing all
we can to ensure that evervone has access
to our classes and programs.
With the great support we receive from
the communitv, PCC will continue to offer
quality higher educational options this
vear and well'
Parking Enforcement Volunteers Needed
The V an cou v er P olice D ep art­
m ent is seeking help in the H andi­
capped Parking E nforcem ent Pro­
V o lu n te e rs in this pro g ram is-
sue h an d icap p ed parking c ita ­
tions to v ehicles parked illegally
in h a n d ic a p p e d p a rk in g sp o ts
th ro u g h o u t the city. V olunteers
m ust be at least 21 years old.
People in terested should a t­
tend an inform ational m eeting
Nov. 8 at 10 a.m. at the V ancouver
Police East Precinct, 1201 SE T ech
C enter D rive, Suite 190.
Now it’s easy to find “What’s Happening’’
in Clark County government
A h an d y c a le n d a r o f ev en ts
h a s n o w b e e n a d d e d to th e
c o u n t y ’s
w eb
s ite
w w w .c o .c l a r k .w a .u s . C a lle d
“W h a t’s H a p p e n in g ," The c a le n ­
dar w ill help c o u n ty s ta ff and the
public be b e tte r in fo rm ed about
the c o u n ty ’s m any m eetin g s and
e v e n ts, in c lu d in g m ost ev en ts in
w hich th ere is p u b lic in te re st or
pub lic involvem ent.
R ight now resid en ts can find
inform ation about Planning com ­
m ission hearings, com prehensive
plan review topic group m eetings
ad v iso ry co m m ittee m eetin g s,
ru ra l-c e n ter task force m eetings,
o p en h o u ses, and even w hen
p ro p erty taxes are due.
W hile the cu rren t m onth is
shown first, calendars for upcom ­
ing and past m onths are also easy
to access. By c lick in g on as entry
in a c alen d ar, c itiz e n s can also
view more details about any event
including a d e sc rip tio n o f w hen,
w here, and w hy it is being held.
C ontact num bers and e-m ail a d ­
dresses are included in case in­
form ation is needed.
PiX Board of Directors
riai in Anderson
Nonna lean tienuoi d
Mike Hereford
I »avid Kish
riorum Margolin
Karen Mckmiie«
Harold Williams
College That Fits Your Life