(Tip? ^ìu rtlan ò © hseruer October 18, 2000 Focus Page 3 Arts Romeo and Juliet Opens Oregon Ballet Theatre Season Love, tragedy, p assio n and y o u th ...T h u s begins Oregon Bal­ let T heatre’s 12lh exciting season o f dance in P o rtla n d w ith R om eo and J u l i e t , Shakesp eare’s classic dram a as brought to life by the vi­ sion o f OBT A r­ tis tic D ir e c to r James Canfield. Per­ form ances take place at K eller A uditorium (form erly the Civic) on O ctober 14, 19, 20 and 21 at 7:30 p.m. and O ctober 15 at 2 p.m. This ever-popular story re­ turns to O B T ’s stage w ith many new and exciting elem ents, in­ cluding spoken narrative, the use o f tableaux, and an updated and sophisticated lighting design us­ ing he latest lighting technology. A dditionally, O B T ’s com pany o f classically trained dancers pro- vides a fresh and new interpreta­ tion o f C anfield’s choreography while robed in beautiful 16,b cen­ tury costum es. The hall­ m a rk s o f v i - s u a 1 ric h n e s s com bined with theatrical presence an d p a c e m a k e th is Romeo a nd Ju liet a visually stunning jew el am ong James C anfield’s productions. Tom G old’s perform ance o f Romeo also m arks the first time a guest artist from the w ofld-re- now ned New York City Ballet appears w ith OBT. Mr. Gold has been a m em ber o f the NYC Ballet since 1986, and has perform ed as a soloist since 1993. Mr. Gold w ill perform O ct. 21. Robert Deskins o f OBT will dance the role o f Romeo on Oct. 20. The role o f Juliet will feature OBT artist V anessa Thiessen, who first perform ed the role o f Juliet as a 15- year-old apprentice in O B T ’s priorproduction o f R om eo a n d J u lie t. Thiessen is the first ap­ prentice to join the OBT Company after studying at the School o f the O regon Ballet Theatre. O riginally from A storia, O regon, she has danced lead roles in a num ber o f OBT produc­ tions including G iselle, The Nutcracker, and Duo Vivant. Ms. T hiessen will perform on Oct. 21. Tracy Taylor will dance the role o f Juliet on Oct. 20. O regon Ballet Theatre is a classically-based, pro­ fessional ballet com pany and school based in Portland, Oregon, whose m ission is to educate and entertain audiences on the local, regional and national level by pro­ viding quality professional bal­ let. A dditionally, OBT seeks to encourage the creative talents o f dancers, choreographers, com­ posers, designers and musicians. O B T ’s new building at 818 SE 6lh Ave. includes 12,000 square feet o f studio and office space. Per­ form ances rem ain at the Keller A uditorium , the Newmark The­ ater, and P S U 's Lincoln Hall. BOX OFFICE HOURS Mond.iy through Saturday: Noo" tu C|in> (0* rtesr o? Utcw) Sunday: 2pm to clow *1 ¿how McMenamins OTHER OUTLETS BARLEY MILL PUB Ms Hawtmrnt it vrti McMENAMINS CfcOAR HILLS * Cc&r '>«3*1 Cafe & S aloon JOHN BARLEYCORNS I ' 5 k 71 • SOI 4W4-7CM McMENAMlNS MALL 20 5 MWf 7C5 - r* Si. *k TICKETS ONLINE w w w .tic k e tw c b .c o m DAY OF SHOW TICKETS AVAILABLE AT CRYSTAL BALLROOM BOX OFFICE ONLY S a tu rd a y , N o v e m b e r 4 , 2 0 0 0 9 a m > 4 pm O A M E P la z a 4 1 3 4 N . V a n c o u v e r & S k id m o r e P o r tla n d , O R 9 7 2 2 7 R SVP : 5 0 3 -4 7 1 -1 5 5 6 L iv e m u s i c n i g h t l y H ea rty P ub F are S p ir it s A v a i l a b l e in m a n y 836 form s N RUSSELL STR EET • PO RTLAND (5 0 3 ) 2 8 2 -6 8 1 0 W W W .M C M E N A M IN S .C O M