The Focus Focus A Focus O ctober 18, 2000 S II P P L E M K N T O F ■ JJJortlanb (© b ae rb er Editor in Chief, Publisher Charles H. Washington Editor Larry J. Jackson, Sr. Copy Editor Joy Ramos Business Manager Gary Ann Taylor Creative Director Robert Parker 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, O R 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503-288-0015 In O ther W ords W o m e n ’s B ooks and R e so u rce s, P o rtla n d ’s fe m in is t b o o k ­ store, is pleased to announce that it will be the b o okseller for a benefit reading by A lice W alker on W ednesday, O ct. 18. The reading, hosted by Bra- d le y - A n g le H o u s e , ta k e s place at 7 p.m . at P S U ’s Sm ith M em orial B allroom . T ickets are $ 12 (m inim um donation), available at In O ther W ords (Tt|p ^Jorthmb ©bseruer Alice Walker Will Give a Benefit Reading in Portland and through Fastixx. A b en ­ crisis hotline. e fit r e c e p tio n w ith A lic e T h is ev en t is c o ­ W alker will follow the read­ sponsored by In O ther ing. Tickets for the reception W o rd s a n d PSU are S 100 (m inim um donation); W om en’s Studies and available at In O ther W ords, or Black Studies depart­ by c a llin g B ra d le y A n g le ments. For m ore infor­ House, 503/238-1672. m ation about Bradley- All proceeds from the read­ A ngle H o u se ’s p ro ­ ing and reception benefit Brad­ gram s to end dom estic ley-Angle House, the oldest do­ violence,call 503/238- m estic violence shelter in Port­ 1672; land (and in the west coast). In its 25 years o f operation, Brad­ .T h e c r i s is h o tlin e ley-Angle House has developed n u m b er is 5 0 3 /2 8 1 - ! a num ber o f program s includ­ 2442. ing an emer- gency shel­ ter for bat- t e r e d w om en and children and a transitional shelter, two y o u th p ro ­ g ra m s , an e d u c a tio n and outreach P rogram , a Latina pro­ gram , and a r ? A lvin A iley CELEBRATE BLACK HISTORY M O N T H ! IBB* Tues. & Wed. Feb. 27 & 28, 2001, 7:30 pm Arlene Schnitzer C oncert Hail Delicious Pub Fare Weekly Specials Handcrafted Ales & Wines 8203 N Ivanhoe Street • Portland • (503) 283-8520 ; Food, ales and wines available to go. ! TICKETS O N SALE THIS FRIDAY AT ALL FRED MEYER FASTIXX OUTLETS! Am erican D ance T h ea te r A ’ Ô? * < TICKETS: $I7.5O-$65. Discounts tor group ot 8 or more/students/seniors 62 and over. Call (503)224-8499/ 800-992-8499 or order online: Into: 503-245-1600. Mark Baptiste Page 2