O ctober 18, 2000 Page B6 jju rtlu iib (Etfv PortUnh ©bseruer Classifieds/Bids Employment | Employment [ Employment [ Employment [ Employment J 135 General Metro Providing regional services Creat­ ing livable com m unities General 235 The M ultn om ah County H ealth Departm ent is currently recruiting for the follow ing positions: BUYER Health Services Specialist - Community Health Council Safety & Security Manager, Oregon Zoo. $ 4 8 ,0 5 0 - $ 6 7 ,2 6 9 , annually, FT, Deadline 1 0 /3 0 /0 0 . Responsible for directing a coordi­ nated Zoo-wide safety e ffo rt that includes policy and procedure de­ velopm ent, s ta ff training, em er­ gency drills, accident prevention, and ensuring com pliance for the entire organization. Ensures that the living and physical assets of the Zoo are secure from unautho­ rized intrusion or harm. In addi­ tion, th is position is responsible for the security o f em ployees and over 1.2 m illion g uests who visit the Oregon Zoo annually. Respon­ sible for hiring, training, and man­ agement o f two full-tim e supervi­ sors, five full-tim e safety & secu­ rity o fficers, up to 25 tem porary safety & security officer, and re- ce ptio nist/ra dio dispatch person­ nel. Resume and response to supplemental questions required. Questions may be obtained by call­ ing (5 0 3 ) 7 9 7 -1 5 7 0 , or go to www.metro-regiQn.org. Park Ranger. $ 1 5 .1 3 - $ 1 8 .7 3 or $ 1 6 .6 3 - $ 1 8 .7 3 /h o u r (depend­ ing on date o f hour), FT, Deadline 1 0 /2 7 /0 0 . Perform s a wide vari­ ety o f ta sks in the m aintenance, construction, law enforcement and repair o f M etro regional parks, park fa cilitie s , cem eteries, and other public areas. Required ap­ plication m aterials available at: Metro Human Resources, 6 0 2 0 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 9 7 2 3 2 . R esum es are n ot ac­ cepted. Please call (50 3 ) 797- 1 5 7 0 if you would like application m aterials m ailed to you. Web ad­ dress: www.metro-regiQn.org Community Health Nurse Health Services Specialist - Hepatitis C Integration Program Psychiatrist-Corrections Health Health Educator Program Development Specialist - HIV Division Laboratory Specialist Application m aterials and form al job announcem ents are available at: w w w .c o .m u ltn o m a h .o r.u s / jo b s /, in person or by m ailing a self-addressed stamped envelope requesting application form s to: M ultnom ah County Hum an Re­ sources D ivision, 1 1 2 0 SW 5 th Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box 1 4 7 0 0 , P o rtla n d OR, 9 7 2 9 3 - 0700. A s s is te d a c c e s s to Multnomah County job information and web site is available at County Libraries. Multnomah County Health Depart­ ment is actively recruiting persons from various cultural backgrounds to enhance service to our diverse comm unities. Bilingual/bicultural candidates are encouraged to ap­ ply. An Equal Opportunity Employer General 235 Exhibits Technician, Oregon Zoo. $ 1 5 .7 0 - $ 1 9 .9 0 /h o u r, FT. PARKING * Deadline 1 1 /1 0 /0 0 . Perform s FACILITY skilled and semi-skilled work in a O PERATO R variety o f construction, renovation, and maintenance functions involv­ Immediate opening for full and Part- time attendants with Portland’s ing concrete, carpentry, welding, and painting trades. Participants leading parking Co. We are seeking in the creative process to help I dependable individuals with a neat design and build naturalistic envi­ appearance and a Positive attitude. $8.00 + starting wage Huge overtime ronments. Operates autom otive and construction equipm ent. Re­ potential A dvancem ent quired application m aterials avail­ opportunities Medical, Dental, 401K able at: Metro Human Resources, available Applicants must submit to 6 0 0 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, drug test and background check. OR 9 7 2 3 2 . Resumes are not ac­ Apply in person daily between 12-1, cepted. Monday - Friday. 130 SW STARK Please call (503) 797-1570 if you would like application materials mailed to you. Web address :www.metro- region.org. AA/EEO Employer M etro Portland, OR Affordable Technology Products and Services Internet Cell Phones Web Pages Paging Full-time Case Manager for OHSU Partnership Project. Requires M SW or equivalent and H IV e x p e rie n c e .$ 2 8 ,0 0 0 - $33,000with excellent benefits. C all H yatt at 503-230-1202 to apply. Equal Opportunity Employer. Employment S ---------------- Advertise m The Portland Observer Call 288-0033 ' — General 235 Administration Executive Assistant To Superintendent High School diplom a or GED, with two years o f vocational training or college and five to seven years of progressively responsible secre­ ta ria l experience including two years experience working for se­ nior level management, 70 wpm Typing, word processing, spread­ sheet, and o the r softw are pro­ gram s, good oral comm unication skills, ability to take m inutes at meetings. Salary: 1 7 .1 5 /h r to s ta rt - Excellent insurance benefits, paid vacation, And PERS retirem ent benefits full year position Closes: 1 0 /3 1 /0 0 To be part o f the team application materials Are available M-F 8-5. Apply in person or via mail Send self-addressed, stamped le­ gal envelope ($.64) Indicating position to Multnomah ESD, Attn.: Receptionist, 1 1 6 1 1 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, OR 9 7 2 2 0 or via WEB @w w w .m esd.kl2.or.us. Call Paul Weinstein 5 0 Ì-2 8 4 -9 8 6 Ì J The Eugene Water & Electric Board seeks a buyer to purchase materi­ als, equipm ent and services for electric, water and steam utility through the preparation, issuance and award o f bids and quotations in com pliance with EWEB’s poli­ cies, procedures and state and federal law. Collaborate with the material planner and utility depart­ m ents to define m aterials and equipm ent requirements. Partici­ pate in standards com m ittees as appropriate. Develop and main­ tain vendor contracts. Expedite orders, negotiate return o f materi­ a l , and reconcile invoices. Main­ tain working knowledge of Oregon revised sta tu tes as they relate to procurem ent o f goods and ser­ vices. Requires two years experi­ ence working with vendors, includ­ ing working with m ainframe com ­ puter term inal. Two-year degree or equivalent college level courses inventory management, business law, fre ig h t tra n s p o rta tio n and other related subjects or an equiva­ lent com bination o f course work experience. Valid driver's license. All employm ent offers are contin­ gent on the result of pre-placement and pre-employment drug screen­ ing assessm ent. Application pro­ cess will close at 5 :0 0 p.m., Fri­ day, November 3, 2 00 0. EWEB requires a completed application form for all positions. Incomplete application m aterials will be re­ turned. For information and appli­ cation packet contact: Eugene Water & Electric Board, PO Box 1 0 1 4 8 , Eugene, OR 9 7 4 4 0 ATTN: Human Resources. Call (54 1) 4 84 -3 7 6 9 Job Inform ation L in e or e -m a il Brenda.Wasson@eweb.eugene.or.us. Visit our web site at www.eweb.org EWEB values diversity in the work force and is an equal opportunity employer. An Equal Opportunity Employer & Drug Free Work Place ENERGY SERVICES SPECIALIST I The Eugene Water & Electric Board seeks a Energy Services Special­ ist I to a s s is t in m arketing energy m anagem ent and utility products and services. Requires skills in m arketing and com m unications and knowledge of building systems and their analysis. Complete sim ­ plified analyses o f custom ers resi­ dences, prepare reports and com­ m un ica te re co m m e n d a tio n s to custom ers. Assigned to residen­ tia l, com m ercial or industrial sec­ tor. Experience a n d /o r training in residential energy m anagem ent, energy analysis, building system s d e s ig n , or c o n s tr u c tio n . Associate's degree in Energy Man­ agement or field related to area of assignm ent or two years o f pro­ gressively responsible experience in energy m anagem ent, building system s design, or construction. Valid driver’s license required. All em ploym ent o ffe rs contingent on the result of pre-placement and pre em ploym ent drug screening as­ sessm ent. Application process will close at 5 :0 0 p.m ., Monday, October 3 0 ,2 0 0 0 . EWEB requires a com pleted application form for all positions. Incom plete applica­ tion m aterials will be returned. For information and application packet contact: Eugene Water & Electric Board, PO Box 1 01 48 , Eugene OR 9 7 4 4 0 ATTN: Human Resources. Call (541) 4 8 4 -3 7 6 9 Job Informa­ tio n L in e or e -m a il Brenda.Wasson@eweb.eugene.or.us V is it our w eb s ite at www.eweb.org. EWEB values diver­ sity in the work force and is an equal opportunity employer. Teacher Multnomah ESD Supervisor, Department of Instruction - Special Education Functional Living Skills Program Begin Salary: $ 5 2 ,9 5 3 - $ 66 ,1 9 2 depending On experience, 2 3 0 Day position Closes: open until filled We o ffe r excellent fringe benefits including D istrict paid PERS, LTD, Life, medical & Dental insurance. To be p art o f the team obtain ap­ plication M aterials M-F 8 :00 -5 :0 0 in person or via mail send Self-addressed stamped legal envelope ($.64) indicating position To: M ultnom ah ESD, Attn. Recep­ tionist, 1611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, OR 9 7 2 2 0 or via WEB @ Application m aterials will not be faxed. COOK in a program for children in a psy­ chiatric residential treatm ent cen­ ter. Experience with Federal School b re a k fa s t and lunch program m enu planning and purchasing preferred. Full benefit package. The Christie School is an equal opportunity employer. Interested applicants send resum es to the Human Resource Coordinator, The Christie School, P.0. Box 368, M arylhurst, OR 9 7 0 3 6 . Secretary to Director Two positions - Required: High School diplom a or GED, 5 yrs Progressively responsible secre­ tarial experience including experi­ ence including experience working for senior level m anagem ent with coursework in secretarial a n d /o r bookkeeping practices, 6 0 wpm typing, word processing, spread­ sheet, and o th e r softw are pro­ grams, good oral com m unication skills, ability to take m inutes at meetings. Salary: 1 3 .6 7 /h r to s ta rt - Excellent insurance benefits, paid vacation, And PERS retirem ent benefits full year position Closes: School Health 5 PM 1 0 / 1 9 /0 0 - Alternative Education 5 PM 1 1 / 3 / 00 To be part o f the team application m aterials Are available M-F 8-5. Apply in person or via m ail Send se lf-a d d re sse d , s ta m p e d legal envelope ($.64) Indicating position to M ultnom ah ESD, Attn.: Receptionist, 1 1 6 1 1 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, OR 9 7 2 2 0 or via WEB @w w w .m e s d .k l2 .o r.u s. An Equal Opportunity Employer & Drug Free Work Place General 235 PRODUCTION Nabisco currently has openings for entry-level production employees. Qualified applicants will have the following skills and experience: Two years experience as m achine/ equipment operators Computer skills Basic math, reading and writing ability Minimum High School Diploma or GED Excellent communication and inter­ personal skills Ability to work in a team based environment Prior food m anufacturing experi­ ence is a plus. Nabisco o ffe rs an excellent pay and benefit package. No phone calls or applications will be accepted at the Bakery. Qualified candidates should send resum es to Nabisco, D eptO B, PO Box 3 4 9 6 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 . Nabisco is an Equal O p po rtun ity/ Affirm ative Action Employer, M / F /D /V . FNABISCO SOCIAL SERVICES Clinical Care Coordinator (QMHP) needed for child and fam ily m en­ ta l h e a lth w o rk . R e q u ire s a m aste r's degree and experience in social services or related field. Coordinates clinical care fo r high needs children, adolescents and th eir fam ilies engaged with m ul­ tiple service providers. Strong team skills and personal transpor­ tation required. K n o w le d g e o f c o m m u n ity re ­ sources desired. Send cover letter and resum e to: CCM, Morrison Center, 7 07 NE Couch, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 3 2 . Equal Opportunity Employer. * / I >. 1 w Classifieds $ 11........................................................................................percolumninch j 13 00................................................................ per column inch and boxed « i i < » on . " ” ner column inch boxed and shaded L "” ................................................................. RFP/Bids 503.288.0033 Facsimile_______ 503.288.0015 I Email to .classifieds@portlandobserver.com I Information/Travel P u b lic Notices....................... ...... 000 .T " I 'i Call Today General 235 General 235 General 235 $90.00....................Sub-Bids(2 column by 3”) each additional inch=$ 10.00 r J O p X All Classified Ads and Bids will be accepted up until 5 p.m., Friday. Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd A nnouncem ents/W eddings.... 010 A n n ou n cem en ts/B irth s... ......015 F am ily S ervices.................. ......020 Lost and Found.................... ......030 M eeting N otices.................. ......040 T ic k e ts , fo r S ale W an ted ............ ......050 T ravel..................................... ......06ft Real Estate A creage................................. ......100 H om es forsale..................... ......110 H n m e s fo r re n t..................... ___115 A p p artm en ts, duplexes for S ale................. ......n o A p p artm en ts, duplexes for R e n t ............... ......125 M anufactured H om es for S ale.................. „„„130 M anufactured H om es for R ent................. ___135 O th ers for S a le.................... ......140 O th ers for R en t................... ......145 C om m ercial R eal E state... ......150 W aterfron t P rop erty 155 R eal E state S ervices.................. 160 R eal E state W a n ted ................... 165 Employment G u id an ce/R esu m es................... 200 P rofession al................................. 205 C om p u ter/T ech n ology— ......210 A u tom otive...................................213 C on tractors............................„...215 O u td oor H o m eC a re................. 220 Indoor H om e C are, D o m estic.................... 225 Education.................................... 227 F in an cial, In su ran ce.................230 G en eral..........................................235 H e a lth c a r e ..................................240 M ark etin g, A d vertisin g................245 A d m in istration ...........................247 O ffice_______________________250 L egal. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 253 R etail......................................... „..255 A ccou n tin g...................................258 S ales................................................260 S ocial S erv ices............................ 265 T em p orary, P art-T im e, S ea so n a l......................270 P osition s W a n ted .......................275 B u sin ess o p p o rtu n ities........... 280 Items for Sale A n tiq u es------------------------------ 300 A p p lian ces...................................3 0 5 A uctions. 310 C loth in g....................................... 3 1 5 C loth in g.......................................3 2 0 C om p u ters/E lectron ics, Softw are...................3 2 5 E state A u ctio n s/S a les........... 3 3 0 F arm Item s 335 F u rn itu re.................................... 340 G a rage S ale................................ 345 G arden E quipm ent....----------- 350 H eavy E q u ip m en t.-------- - — 355 H ob b ies/C ollectors.................. 3 6 0 L ivestock ..................................... 365 M iscella n eo u s fo r S a le ............3 7 0 M iscellan eou s W a n ted ........... 375 O ffice E q u ip m en t..................... 3 8 0 P ets/ P et T r a in in g , S h o w s....3 8 5 Stereo E q u ip m en t,T elevision , V C R 's,C D 's,T a p es„ „ 3 9 0 T ools............................................. 3 9 5 Automobiles A T V 's............................................ 400 A n tiq u es....................................... 405 A u tos by M ak e...........................410 BM W ............................ 410 Buick.............................412 Cadillac.........................414 Chevrolet..................... 416 Chrysler........................418 Dodge............................ 420 Eagle............................. 422 Ford............................... 424 G M C ............................. 426 Honda........................... 428 Jeep............................... 430 Lexus.............................432 Lincoln......................... 434 Mazda........................... 436 Mercedes...................... 438 Nissan............................440 Oldsmobile.................. 442 Plymouth..................... 444 Saturn...........................446 Subaru Toyota...........................450 Volkswagon.................452 Others..........................454 B u ses........................................ .....460 C am p ers/T railers.................... 465 M otorcycles..................... „„....„470 P arts/D om estic..........................475 P arts/lm p orts 480 Pickups................................... 485 R .V 7 S ales, R en tals..................490 SU V ' $•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• • ••••••495 Personals „500 M essages.. >•»»•••••••«•••••••••••••••••••« >•••••••••• .505 S ervices............... ....••••••••<