Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 18, 2000, Page 11, Image 11

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    October 18, 2000
Page B3
(Clje Jlo rtían h COhavruer
Goodbye BlazerVision,
Hello Blazer Cable
The Portland Trail B lazers have
announced they will m ove non-net-
work televised gam es to cable.
A partnership form ed betw een the
Blazers and A T& T Broadband means
gam es previously available only on
pay-per-view will be on basic cable
”W e are thrilled to be able to reach
more fans and give them access to
more T V gam es,” said H arry Hutt,
Blazers Senior VP o f Marketing.
T w enty-four gam es will be seen
through A T & T ’s S tandard C able
package and will not require addi­
tional fees.
Blazer fans can also watch another
24 gam es onK G W .
The Blazers m ade big bucks last
year w hen their pay-per-view gam es
sold so well, but A T& T couldn’t fill
all the orders.
Several last minute subscribers got
blank screens w hen they tried to
watch gam es down the stretch run.
BlazerCable broadcasts will re­
sem ble BlazerVision, w ith live pre-
and post-gam e shows. Games will
also be re-broadcast in a late-night
tim eslot.
The first BlazerCable regular-sea-
son gam e will be broadcast Nov. 2
against the Phoenix Suns.
Knee Injury Sidelines Blazers Star Sabonis
Celebrating victory in the annual Gold Coast Classic.
Excitement Grows for San
Diego’s Gold Coast Classic
The Fourth A nnual G old Coast
C lassic is a reality w ith all the excite­
ment o f black college football, sched­
uled for San Diego, Calif., Nov. 12-18.
This year, Texas Southern U niver­
sity will m eet N orfolk State U niver­
sity at Q ualcom m Stadium , Saturday,
Nov. 18.
Qualcomm, the hom e o f San Diego
Chargers and Padres, is the only place
big enough to accom m odate the ex­
pected crow ed w hich in the past three
years has exceeded 22,000 attendees.
But, the G old Coast Classie is more
than a football gam e and it’s open to
everyone, not ju s t A frican-A m eri­
cans, who dom inate this only presen­
tation o fblack college football on the
W est C oast each year.
O ther highlights o f the six-day cele
Walking For
Fitness at
Lloyd Center
M illions o f A m ericans can take
strides to help reduce their risk o f
developing heart disease by joining
a unique health and fitness initiative
that will be launched in Portland and
m ore then 30 cities across A m erica.
W alkSport A m erica is a one-of-a-
kind health and fitness program to
help fight heart disease by launching
a heart disease prevention mall-walk-
ing program across the U nited States.
W om en and m en in Portland will
participate in the kick -o ff event at
L loydC enterM allonFridayat 12p.m.
W alkSport A m erica prom otes ex­
ercise and a healthy diet as the first
steps in helping to reduce the risk o f
heart disease, which afflicts more than
58 million A m ericans and remains the
num ber one cause o f death in the
United States.
The Lloyd C enter w alk will fea­
tu re S ara D onovart, W a lk S p o rt
founder and nationally recognized
walking expert.
bration include a scholarship pag ­
eant with cash prizes to the king &
queen o f the G old Classic, a college
fair and career expo that not only
attracts representatives from histori­
cally Black C olleges and U niversi­
ties, but thousands high school and
college students from Southern C ali­
fornia. There will be a Celebrity G o lf
T o u rn a m e n t at b e a u tifu l T o rre y
P in e s, o v e rlo o k in g th e P a c ific
O ce an . T h is e v e n t fills q u ic k ly as
th e re are only 144 prime position for
participants. W hile celebrities are at
Torrey Pines the Friday morning be­
fore the game, the annual coaches
luncheon will get underway at the Sea
W orldPavilionParkwhereboth team s
will enjoy an exciting pregam e tradi­
T hose looking additional excite­
m ent will find it at the Battle o f the
Bands and Step Show w hich takes
place at the Cox A rena at San D iego
State U niversity, for the third year in
a row. A capacity crow ed o f thou­
sands is anticipated for this event.
G am e day starts with a com munity
parade o f floats, m arching bands and
m otorcades o f all kinds. The M arch­
ing Bands ofN orfolk State and Texas
Southern University will lead this tra­
dition w hich draw s thousands along
the parade route. The pregam e shows
and gam e itself w ill take place at
Qualcomm Stadium, ending with fire­
w orks display that will m ake the day
For ticket inform ation and group
sales call (619)262-2244.
P o rtlan d T rail B lazers ce n te r
A rvydas Sabonis could m iss the first
few w eeks o f the N BA season after
arthroscopic surgery Friday revealed
tom cartilage in his left knee, the team
Sabonis, 35, had been practicing
despite being slow ed by offseason
Ducks Up
to No. 7 in
AP Poll
T h ey ’re ranked up there in the
same neighborhood w ith tradi­
tional pow ers such as Florida
State, and even w ithin sight ofN o.
1 Nebraska.
H eady stu ff for the No. 7 O r­
egon Ducks, who have earned
th eir h ig h est national ranking
since they also were seventh 36
years ago.
surgery on his injured right foot. The
knee injury apparently occurred ear­
lier this w eek during routine drills.
The Blazers said Sabonis had a
sm all tear o f the m eniscus in his left
knee and was expected to be out
“several w eeks.”
The foot injury occurred in a game
a g a in s t D e tr o it on M a rc h 2 2.
S a b o n is w as lig h tly sh o v e d u n ­
d e rn e a th th e b a s k e t b y th e P is ­
t o n s ’ C h r is tia n L a e ttn e r , an d
S a b o n is c ra s h e d to th e flo o r, h is
rig h t foot p in n e d u n d ern e ath him .
H is rig h t fo o t w as s p ra in e d , an d
S a b o n is m is se d n in e g am es.
Oregon jum ped two places in
the poll with a 28-17 victory over
Southern C alifornia on Saturday.
The D ucks are 5-1 overall, with
their only loss com ing at W iscon­
sin, and the 3-0 P a c -10 start is their
b estsin ce 1957. Ifthey continue to
roll, they m ay get to pay a return
visit to the Los A ngeles area, to
Pasadena for the Rose Bowl on
N ew Y ear’s Day.
”W e feel we can beat anybody,
but I h av en 't heard anybody in this
locker room talk about the Rose
Bowl. W e are always so focused
on the one gam e each w eek,” said
O regon’s Keenan Howry, who had
eight catches for 126 yards against
the Trojans.
O re g o n , w hich has b eaten
W ashington, UCLA and USC in a
single season for the first tim e
since 1948, plays A rizona this
Saturday in Eugene in a m atch o f
the only teams with unblem ished
P ac-10 records.
’T h is win is really going to give
us a lot o f momentum going into
the next gam e," M aurice M orris
said after he turned in a blue-collar
w orkday— 32 carries for87 yards
— as the Ducks beat USC for the
third straight time.
Joey H arrington, w ho shred­
ded the T rojans’ secondary for
382 yards and four touchdow ns,
thought the D u ck s’ perform ance
was their best so far.
Justin Goe Out Of Intensive Care
Justin G oe was m oved out o f the Pediatric Intensive C are Unit at Oregon
Health Sciences U niversity’s D oem becher C hildren’s H ospital last w eekand
is in fair condition. Justin suffered a subdural hem atom a and a com pressed
brain stem during a high school football gam e on Sept. 28.
His parents say he is now m oving all o f his extrem ities, has stood up with
the help o f tw o people, w ashed his own face, brushed his ow n teeth and is
answ ering questions in short sentences. Justin w ill be transferred to Legacy
Former Power Guard To Coach
Falisha W right has been hired as an assistant coach for the Portland State
W om en Basketball team. W right is no stranger to Portland as w as a member
o f the Portland Pow er from 1996-1998. w ith the Power, she was starting point
guard and helped the team go from a last-place finish in 1996-97 to a W estern
C onference Cham pionship the following year. She led the pow er in assists and
steals and shot 35.5% from beyond the three-point percentage and minutes
before the league ceased operations in D ecem ber 1998.
Before playing professional basketball, W right attended San D iego State
University. She was a four-year starter on the basketball team and was twice
voted team captain. She helped the A ztecs to three straight N CA A post­
season appearances and w as a three-tim e A ll-W estern A thletic Conference
first-team selection and a three-tim e A ll-A m erican honorable m ention pick.
Ailment Ends Mourning’s Season
A lonzo M ourning, one o f the league’s top centers and the key player in the
Miami H eat’s quest for an N BA title, will sit out this season to undergo
treatm ent for a kidney ailm ent.
Doctors treating Mourning said that the illness that had sidelined him indefinitely
was focal glomerulosclerosis, which leads to kidney failure inmore than half the cases.
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