M W Author Alice Walker Visits Portland This Week's Focus Retirement Brings New Challenge to PDC See Page A6 (Ebe Volume XXX Number 42 (Ohs www.portbndobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 ff W V Bulk Rate U.S. Pottage PAID Portland, OR Permit No. 1610 University of Oregon Knight Library . Newspaper Section Eugene OR 97403 Wednesday October 18, 2000 50* m W M ? i' Neighborhood Has Eye on New Streetscape Plan Would Revitalize Jefferson High Campus, Create Cultural District B\ M ichaei L eighton P ortland O bserver Mideast Talks End SHARM EL-SHEIK, Egypt - Israel’s prime minister and the leader ofthe Pales­ tinians agreed to take “immediate con­ crete measures” to end violence in the Middle East, concluding a two-day emer­ gency summit that killed more than 100 people and shattered prospects for a peace agreement. Crash Kills Governor GOLDMAN, Mo. - MissouriGov. Mel Carnahan was killed when a plane piloted by his son crashed in fog and rain 25 miles south o f St. Louis. The three passengers - Carnahan, his osn Randy,and adviser Chris Sifford were headed to an evening fundraiser in southwest Missouri .All three died, the governor’s spoikesman said. Camahan, a popular two-term Democrat governor, was locked in a tight riae for the U.S. Senate with incombent Sen. John Ashcroft. Allies to Share Power BELGRADE, Yugoslavia - Slobodan M ilosevic’s party signed an agreement to share pow er with President Vojislav Kostunica’s followers in the government ofYugoslavia’s main republic, Serbia. The agreement, signed by aides to Kostunica and representatives o f the pro-Milosevic Serbian government, represented an im­ portant advance for the pro-democracy movement in its efforts to sweep order from all remaining positions o f power. Under the deal. Milosevic’s Socialist Party will keep the office o f the prime minister. A local neighborhood has ambitious plans to reconnect Jefferson High School to its surrounding neighborhood. The idea is to tear down a barbed wired chain-link fence that isolates the school and replace it with a magnificent open plaza and coliseum-type structure that allows people to look inside. It would be part o f a proposed new streetscape along the school’s football sta­ dium and track on north Killingsworth. “We are really excited about the project,” said Carl Flipper, a member o f the Humboldt Neighborhood Association. Flipper is coordinator o f an economic de­ velopment grant Humboldt is using in col­ laboration with the North/Northeast Coali­ tion o f Neighborhoods to revitalize its inner city neighborhood and central business dis­ trict. He said the focus o f the proposed streetscape would be to send the message to the Portland community that this area is a center for academic excellence and cultural expression. Jefferson is bordered by major educational centers like Portland Community College, the Multnomah County Library and the POIC alternative high school. But instead o f proudly standing guard over the community, Jefferson looks as if it is “being insulated from it,” Flipper said. He said the new vision o f the Jefferson High School frontage incorporates a plaza next to the library where students and the community can gather while waiting for the city bus. P o rtla n d A rch itect BiTt H a rt d re w this vision o f a p ro p o se d p u b lic p la za a n d co liseu m -typ e stru ctu re a t Je ffe rso n H ig h School. It creates a visual link between the street and the high school. Street improvements would better connect the school to the PCC campus. A t the In te rse c tio n o f K erb y and Killingsworth, pedestrian friendly crosswalks would assist in student safety. Local archi­ tect Bill Hart assisted Humboldt in drawing a vision for the plans. Anotherpriority identified by the Humboldt Farrakhan Leads Million Family March in DC Transit Deal Reached LOS ANGELES - A transit strike that idled buses and trains serving nearly a half-million riders was settled early after a marathon, all-night negotiation session led by the Rev. Jesse Jackson. “I hope that the MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) board will ratify the agreement and bus drivers will ratify the agreement,” Jackson said at a 7 a.m. news conference. “Everybody is a winner.” Bombing Kills 17 The lOU.S.sailors missing in the bomb­ ing o f the U.S. Navy warship in Y emen are presumed dead, raising the death toll in the apparent terrorist attack to 17, the Navy said Friday. Navy officials also said explosives experts who examined the ship’s damaged hull have concluded that the blast came from an external source, adding to the evidence that the attack was a deliberate act. Israel Retaliates G AZ.A CITY, Gaza Strip - Israeli heli­ copters rocketed Yasser A rafat's residen­ tial compound, Palestinian police stations and broadcasting centers in a powerful and swift retaliation for the brutal killings o f two Israeli soldiers by a Palestinian mob. The fighting has left last-ditch U.S. peace efforts in tatters. Car Seats Recalled Century Products recalled 4 million in­ fant car seats because they have defec­ tive handles that can break and cause serious injuries to babies. The recalled seats have caused safety problems only when used as a carrier, not when they are strapped in cars. More than 200 people have reported injuries because o f the cracked handles. NASA Lauds Hero CAPE CANAVERAL- A NASA engi­ neer who spied a four-inch pin wedged against space shuttle D iscovers fuel tank will get a medal for possibly saving the lives o f the seven astronauts now en route tot he International Space Station. community is the proposed renovation o f the former Masonic Lodge on north Kerby into a performing arts center. A feasibility study will determine the cost and requirements for both projects. In an atmosphere o f joyous fellowship, thousands o f men and women — and their children — gathered amid the nation’s monuments Monday to celebrate racial and religious unity and the central role o f the family in American life. Called by Nation o f Islam leader Louis Farrakhan on the fifth anniversary o f his Million Man March, people ofall races and religions spread out on blankets and lawn chairs in the National Mall and laughed, clapped and shouted as speakers urged them to improve their family lives. Farrakhan was to preside over a mass “sacred marriage blessing” reminiscent o f the mass weddings conducted by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, whose Unification Church was a major sponsor o f the march. The assemblage was expected to be the largest gathering o f black people since the Million Man March, which theNational Park Service said brought an estimated 400,000 people to Washington but which Farrakhan insisted had drawn more than 1 million. The park service stopped making crowd estimates after the 1995 event and the con- troversy over its size. But several speakers Monday said they thought there were at least a million people spread out midday between the Capitol, the Ellipse behind the White House, the Lincoln Memorial and the W ash­ ington Monument. Large television screens were scattered throughout the area so partici­ pants could see the speeches. "We stand here a million strong,” said Ben Muhammad, the Million Family M arch's na­ tional director. Farrakhan, controversial for his anti-white and anti-Semitic proclamations, has dropped that language and softened his Afrocentric message. Nevertheless, the crowd was largely black. Some Asian-American and white families could be seen here and there, many carrying symbols o f the Uni­ fication Church. Greg Odlin. a white minister, brought his wife and four children on a bus from Portland, Maine. “I came to show America how important the family is to God and how important God is to family happiness.” said the 45-year-old Odlin, whose church is affiliated with the Unification Church. “I came down to fellowship with my brothers and show there’s a lot o f Americans seri­ ous about the family.” ”I'm a white brother," said the Rev. Michael Jenkins o f the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. “We must repent for what we did to our A frican- American brothers. In the name o f God, I repent We must repent for what we did to our native American brothers I repent.” The overarching purpose o f Monday’s event was to demonstrate that “people of God can come together, despite our diver­ sity, for the noblest o f causes, the family,” said Minister Rashul Muhammad, son o f Nationoflsiam founder Elijah Muhammad. Many speakers hit their usual themes. "If you love your family, you protect your family," said the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has long criticized the New York City police for the shooting death o f African immigrant Amadou Diallo. “Protecting your family is not letting one unarmed Extraordinary Wellness Village Opens Saturday The Fifth Annual African A merican Wellness Village will take place a, 9 a.m. 5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 2 1, at the Center for Self Enhancement, Inc., 3920 N. Kerby Avenue. Admission and all events are free and open to the public. Kick-off for the day will begin at the Afri­ can American M en’s Prayer Breakfast and Health Forum, to be held at 7:30 a m. on Saturday Mt. Olivet Baptist Church will play host to nearly 300 people, as the men greet Dr Tho­ mas Pitts, an endocrinologist and Associate Professor at Northwestern University in Chi­ cago. An extraordinary event for all people, the Fifth Annual Wellness Village, will run from 9a m ,-5 p .m The Wellness Village brings together all segm ents o f the A frican A m erican com- m unity for free health screenings, in sp i­ rational speakers, w orkshops, dem on­ strations. and other a ctiv ities for the entire family. Screenings for diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, and glaucoma will be offered, and more. In addition, a variety o f teen workshops, sponsored by the Portland State University Health Career Connections Project, will be 4 presented by students representing both Benson and Jefferson High Schools. A “ H ealthy Soul Food C o o k - o f f and salsa dancing classes prom ise to add spice to the event w hile the Peaceful Pam pering Room offers low lighting, fa­ cials and foot care Facepainting and story time will takeplace in the Children's Hut. a special spot for those 10 and under.