Committed to Cultural Diversity (©bserlier n nt nt u n i t u SECTION Marchers Hold Vigil to Return Peace to Neighborhood Alice Walker Benefit In Other Words W omen’s Books and Resources, Portland’s feminist bookstore, is pleased to announce that it will be the bookseller for a b en efit read in g by A lice W alker on W ednesday, O ct. 18. T he reading, hosted by B radley-A ngle H ouse, takes p lace at 7 p.m . at P S U ’s Sm ith M em orial B allroom . T ickets are $ 12 (minimum donation), available at In Other Words and through Fastixx. Call 503/238-1672. It's a somber march from the Lutheran Ministries Community Center on northeast Skidmore and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. to the sites of three recent murders just blocks away. Mayor Vera Katz joined the peacekeeping effort and candlelight vigil on Thursday night. K id ’s Safety W ork sh op Open to ages 7 to 11, this workshop is a very valuable self defense experience and a lot o f fun! Kids will learn to set boundaries and to use physical and verbal self defense strategies. They will acquire skills for dealing with bullies and would-be abductors, and will practice applying their newfound skills on a padded attacker. Call 503/231-1999. The Salmon Festival Salmon watching is a unique Northwest activity and the Salmon Festival on Satur­ day and Sunday, October 14 and 15, will offer guided salmon viewing tours at M etro’s Oxbow Regional Park. Children games and activities, exhibits, arts, musi­ cal entertainment, horse-drawn wagon rides and great food round out the festival each day from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 797- 1850. (Photo by Mark W ashington/ Portland Observer) M od el R ail R oad S w ap The Columbia Gorge Model Railroad Club will kick o ff a new Portland tradition with their First Annual Fall Railroadiana andM odel R ailroad Sw ap M eet on S at­ u rd ay , O ct. 21. T he sw ap m eet w ill be one o f the largest o f its kind in the greater Portland - Vancouver area and will be held at the Collectors Market (formerly the Pay- N-Pak Antique & Collectors Market), 8900 N . Vancouver Avenue at N . Schmeer Road & Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. (Delta Park) in Portland, Oregon. The swap meet will be open to the general public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with the admission for adults at $3 and children under 12 free. Call 360/694- 7769 evenings or 503/288-7246 or email: swap(fl Generation Jam Get ’em before they’re gone! Tickets are now on sale for the 3rd annual Doembecher Generation Jam on Saturday, October 7. The D oembecher Foundation Junior Ex­ ecutive Board is turning the Aero Air han­ gar at the Hillsboro Airport into a concert and dinner hall for the event, which fea­ tures music by Hit Explosion. Tickets are $50 ($20 is tax deductible) and are available through the D oembecher Foundation of­ fice by calling 503/294-7101 or 1 -800-800- 9583. Raffle tickets will be sold at the event. Tools for D ifficult People The Hollywood Senior Center will be holding a workshop to provide neighbor­ hood activists with a tool box o f practical techniques for dealing with difficult people and difficult situations. They will examine why people can be “difficult" and methods you can use to control your own reactions. The workshop will be on Monday, Octo­ ber 23 from 7-9 p.m. at the Hollywood SeniorCenter located at 1820 NE. 40”'. Call Joleen Classen at 823-3202 or Brian Hoop at 823-3075. W riting W orkshop Barnes & Noble teams up with W riter's Digest to present the W orld’s Largest Writing Workshop, an afternoon to ex­ plore the writing process. They will share tips, hints and ideas to ge, you started writing or help you improve your existing writing skills. The event will be on Satur­ day, Oct. 14 at 2 p.m. Humane Society Telethon It’s a first for Oregon and a great day for animals when the Oregon Humane Society Telethon bounds onto the air. Grab the remote from Rover and tune to FOX 49 on Saturday, Oct. 21 from 11:30a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for an afternoon o f”Petacular" enter­ tainment. The telethon will feature dozens o f dogs, cats and rabbits looking for good homes. Cosby Brings Comedy to Dad’s Weekend Comedian Bill Cosby will be a featured attraction this weekend, when Oregon State University hosts D ad’s Weekend 2000. D ad’s W eekend is becoming a fall staple. Traditionally, D ad’s Weekend was held in February. Last year, citing a number o f issues, including weather and a heightened interest in football, OSU planners decided to move the event to the fall. “Last year, people indicated that they really liked having D ad’s Weekend during football season so they had the chance to enjoy a game," said Machelle Kennedy, coor­ dinator for O SU’s Memorial Union Program Council, which sponsors the event. This year's D ad’s Weekend football con­ test features the OSU Beavers hosting the Stanford Cardinal in Reser Stadium. Game time has been changed to 3:30 p.m. on Satur­ day, to accommodate a national Fox Sports Net broadcast. Cosby’s comedy show is set for 7:30 p.m. on Friday in O SU ’s Gill Coliseum. Tickets which are $35 and $25, are available from the OSU Athletics Ticket Office at 541 -737-4455 or 800-462-3287. Cosby was the first African- American actor to star in a dramatic series on television (I Spy, 1965-68).The veteran come- dian also starred in several situation com ­ edies, including The Cosby Show, which aired from 1984-92. He has won numerous Emmy awards and written several books, in­ cluding “Fatherhood” in 1986. upporting Business Opportunities namon Williams (from left), Tony Jones, Sheila McDaniels, Tyrone Henry, Teresa Blivens and Loretta Young are working to list small businesses gain certification with the state of Oregon. Certification is the "key operative piece " to contracting wrtunities available throughout the state. A recent workshop on the subject was sponsored by the Oregon Association of îority Entrepreneurs, Portland Development Commission, city of Portland, Port of Portland and the state Office of Minority, m a n a n rl F m a r0 in 0 S m a ll R iisin P S S West Linn Teacher Wins McAuliffe Fellowship Barbara Murray, a language arts teacherat West Linn High School, is this year's Oregon recipient o f the Christa McAuliffe Fellow­ ship Murray will receive a grant o f $34.000 to support the Oregon Reading Initiative intro­ duced by state schools superintendent Stan Bunn. She will develop videos forOregon middle and high school teachers on strategies for teaching reading in other content areas “When we talk about being reading teach­ ers in middle or high school, especially in subject areas like math or science, teachers get a little nervous that they will have to sacrifice the study o f their subject in order to build skills in students,” said Murray. "I un­ derstand this concern.” Murray goes on to say, however, that, “ Understanding and comprehension o f sci­ ence, social studies and math is unproved when effective reading strategies are em ­ ployed" She believes that it is important for teachers to see other teachers in their own disciplines using these strategies success­ fully in classes in order to help move the Reading Initiative forward. For instance, Murray asked Nicki Hudson, a math teacher at West Linn High School, to be part for the project and be videotaped in her classroom during real lessons. Both Murray and I ludson are formerOregon teach­ ers o f the year. Murray has collected other highly successful teachers in middle and high schools to be part o f the project. “ It’s been exciting to talk about reading and literacy with foundation named for teacher-astronaut Christa McAuliffe. such high caliber teachers who are willing to share their ideas with colleagues across the state." Murray said West Linn-Wilsonville School District has made reading and literacy a focal point for a number o f years, and the fellow­ ship will be an opportunity to further that understanding Jane Stickney, assistant su­ perintendent for the district and a reading expert, will be involved in the video project. “There is a need to reinforce reading in our secondary schools," said Bunn. T m de­ lighted that several expert teachers will share their teaching success through this fellow­ ship." The fellowship honors teacher-astronaut Christa McAuliffe who died in the 1986 explo­ sion o f the space shuttle Challenger.