Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 23, 2000, Page 6, Image 6

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    A u g u st 23, 2000
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Herman Washington is the owner o f the newly opened furniture store Gallery Twenty Two Twenty
Leiberman-Gore from page 4
They further sw eeten the pot by guaranteeing that Gore-
Leiberm an w ill continue to support affirm ative action,
public education, social services, health care and labor
protections, and Bush w on’t. They will rely on Democratic
stalwarts Jesse Jackson and the legion ofblack Democrats
to again shepherd the black voters safely into the Democratic
camp. It’s a good strategy, perhaps ultim ately a w inning
strategy, but for now, at least, the sentim ents ofblacks such
as A lcom and W aters cause jitters for G ore-Lieberman.
Volunteerism from page 5
• A sk friends and co-w orkers.
For new volunteers, here are the top
8 bits o f advice I can pass on:
1. Start w ith w hat you can do. It’s
very im portant to start w ith w hat is
easier and gradually m ove on to more
challenging activities.
2. D on’t overburden yourself. D on’t
be too am bitious if you hope to
continue activities for any length o f
time. R em em ber that is im portant to
have the courage to say no to what
you think is beyond your abilities.
3. Put y ourself in the other person’s
sh o e s. A n y v o lu n te e r a c tiv ity
involves two parties: those who are
in need o f help and those who are
trying to help them. Rem em ber to
alw a y s r e fle c t u p o n y o u r ow n
behavior and ask y ourself how can I
help them? This should be your first
and forem ost priority.
4. Keep your prom ises. You must
keep your word regarding such things
as w hen y ou’ll visit and the kind o f
services y o u ’re going to provide.
People are counting on your help and
relying on you.
5. Be a good m anager f your tim e and
energy. T here is a lim it to the num ber
o f places you can be involved and the
am ount o f tim e that you can spend on
your volunteer activities. Be aw are o f
your limitations.
6. Obtain the understanding o f your
family. D on’t sacrifice your family or
your job for the sake o f your volunteer
a c tiv itie s . O b ta in in g a fu ll
understanding o f the people closes
to you is an im portant early step to
W hen H erm an W ashington hung up
his hat on June 29, retiring from his
thirty six-year career in Education, he
decided to m ake his longtime passion
fo r d e c o r a tin g
a b u s in e s s .
W ashington got his start in public
education in A labam a and then later
relocated to Portland. He was the first
and only A frican-A m erican Social
Studies Specialist for the Oregon
Department o f Education in 1974 and
the first (and only) African-American
President o f the Portland Association
ofT eachers. W ashington is now the
proud ow ner o f a furniture store called
G allery T w enty Two Tw enty Six
located at 2226 NE. Broadway. The
Gallery is a 3000square foot showroom
situated in one o f N ortheast’s prime
retail locations. The building once
h o u se d a fu rn itu re sto re ca lled
H o m ebodies on B roadw ay. Phil
S p ark s, th e p rev io u s o w n e r o f
Hom ebodies now acts as the current
store’s manager. A noticeable feature
o f the store is an eclectic m ix o f
furnitures ranging from traditional and
contem porary to m odem available at
affordable prices. Because o f their
controlled overhead, their costs are
c o m p a ra b ly low . W a s h in g to n ’s
enduring approach to furniture at the
G allery leaves out faddist items and
concentrates mainly on high quality
furniture w hich includes antiques and
consignments. Decorating for family
and friends was an enjoyable pastim e
fo r W a sh in g to n w h ich he no w
seriously does for clients on a larger
scale. He and his manager advise on
h o m e /o ffic e c o lo rin g sc h e m e s,
furniture to buy and accessories to
com plete the look. H e has taken
personalization a step further by
p ro v id in g for cu sto m ers to help
d e s ig n th e ir o w n c u sto m -m a d e
furniture and upholstery. Custom
built furniture is handled by L ang’s
Rose City w hich takes about 6 weeks
to fulfill orders. By design, the pieces
are m ade according to the custom er’s
tastes and built to last a lifetime.Gallery
Twenty Two Twenty Six will be having
a grand opening on F riday, September
8 a n d S a tu rd a y , S e p te m b e r 9.
D iscounts will be available. Special
orders are 20% o ff and red tag items
are m arked dow n by 15%. For m ore
inform ation, call the store at 503/528-
2837 or ju st drop.
See what the future
could look like at PDX.
The Port of Portland invites you to
exarriine and comment on the proposed
Portland International Airport (PDX) Master
Plan for 2020. Come out to PDX to see and
learn about alternatives and possible future
plans for the facility. Information on the
N.E. Airport Way widening project and new
landscaping will also be available.
Thursday, August 31
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Portland International Airport
Oregon Market (ticket lobby level),
under the big clock
For more information call (503) 944-7056.
D a v id I a lio x it/
S R . L o a n O ff ic e r
D e b o r a h F o s te r
M a r k e t i n g S p e c ia lis t
I q u its ( ¡ r o u p R e a lto r s
M o r tg a g e M a r k e t , IN C
5 5 0 5 SI M il w a u k e e M e .
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The Youth Employment & Empowerment Coalition (YEEC) presents,
“Support Youth Employment Luncheon”
Saturday August 26,2000 1:00PM-4:PM
3920 N. Kerby Ave.
Admission is free and requires one ticket per person.
Lunch will be catered.
4 w sey
Etfk Gi’eei)
Licensed, Bonded & Insured
S ummer S pecial
15% O ff
Washington Mutual
Pressure wash houses, driveways, decks & concrete, sandblasting wal Is, moss removal & gutter
cleaning commercial property
8244 N.E. Snowberry Lp.
Vancouver, WA 98664
(503) 516-5884 Cell. Conatact Lester L. Parker