August 23, 2000 llurtlanò Cßbseruer Page A5 (Ctyv 'JjJorUanb © bseruer Family Living Volunteerism: you get Scholarship from page 1 what you deserve HY_LwXA_BASh FOR T he P ortland O bserver The secret to happiness is not in doing what one likes to do, but in liking what one has to do. -Bessie B. Williams, aunt Sacrifice is giving up something good for something better. -P .M . R ic h a rd so n , mom By volunteering, you tap into the greatness that lies within you to do good. -Lester Bass, dad Those were adages I grew up with, from th re e o f th e m o st influential people in my life. I love quotations, because they’re like little short stories that provoke thought and inspire. My mother was an active participant with March ofDimes, my father even in his 60’s worked hared with the military’s Retired M en’s Officer Club to help build the first children’s youth center in Seaside, Ca„ and every summer when I came to Portland I’d work with my aunt at Oregon’s Fair Share. The greatest legacy my family passed on w as th a t o f v o lu n te e rism . V olunteering broadens a ch ild ’s w orld and provides m eaningful opportunities to help others. Instead o f thinking o f volunteering as something you do for people who are not as fortunate as yourself, consider it an exchange. The benefits o f volunteering come not just in the giving but also in the receiving. Volunteerism offers a change ofpace and through volunteerism, you get to k n o w y o u r c o m m u n ity , g ain leadership skills, assure progress, learn new skills and keep existing ones alive, esta b lish netw orks, friendships and a reverence for humanity that brings about a sense o f joy, peace and contentment. T h ere are m any v o lu n te e r assig n m en ts a v ailab le and you should take the time to find the one that best matches you. S ta rt by a sk in g yourselfthe following questions: • W h a t c a u se s or issues matter to you the most? • D o you w ant an o ngoing, regularly s c h e d u le d a ssig n m e n t, o r a s h o r t- te r m assignment, or a one­ time assignment? • Do you w ant to volunteer for something that uses the skills you apply in your paying job or do you want to do something completely different? • Do you want to work alone, with a group, with friends or family? ■ What kind o f people do you want to work with - both in terms o f who is receiving services and who your co­ workers might be? • Are you willing to participate in a training course or do you want to s ta rt y o u r v o lu n te e r w ork immediately? T o find o u t a b o u t v o lu n te e r opportunities, you can do several o f the following: • Call the agency that interests you: think local; think global • Check with your employer. Many com p anies have a tra d itio n o f supporting certain organizations. ( Please see 'V olunteerism ' page 6) Phil Reynolds gave much o f his self to his work at the Portland Terminal Company in service to the public over the years. More particularly, he took special interest in the young people who came to work at the T e rm in a l C o m p a n y u n d e r his supervision. At that time in the 1940’s and 50’s the Union Station or the ra ilro a d w ere tw o o f the few employment opportunities available to young Black students seeking to extend their education beyond high school. Phil Reynolds encouraged and counseled these young people to take advantage o f educational opportunities in the area o f higher education. Before Phil Reynolds retired from the Terminal Company in 1957, he had given, for a number o f years, many hours o f time and effort to the NAACP, Earline Penson c o n tin u e s T he P hil R ey n o ld s Scholarship recipients are preparing to enter the world o f academia. The year 2000 graduating high school seniors are proud to be winners o f the $500.00 scholarships awarded to them for their incredible dedication to learning and being outstanding citizens in theircommunity. The family members ofPhil Reynolds are proud to announce the four recipients o f the year 2000 Phil Reynolds Scholarship Award. Ms Emerald Armstrong outstanding student at Jefferson High School, Portland. 2000 Rose F estival Princess, attending F isk University, Nashville, TN - Pre Medical Major. Ms. Laleah Lambert, St. M ary’s Urban League and numerous other civic groups for the overall betterment o f the community. The inspiration, dedication and commitment Mr. Phil Reynolds gave these organizations is the essence o f the man. His work in establishing contact in the Oregon Legislature as a Lobbyist forCivil Rights legislation clearly affected the course o f the now current Equal Employment Act for the State o f Oregon. Phil Reynolds, and his wife, E ’lise Reynolds, who was the Oregon Mother o f the Year in 1957, have successfully raised four children who attended college: Jack, Walter, Robert and Phyllis. It is in memory o f Phil Reynolds dedication toward youth and their education that this Scholarship Fund w as established. The T radition Match Makers Astoriate Broker Multi-Million Dollar Producer Million Dollar Club GRI Office. fix: mobile: pager: e-mail: 503-471-3454 503-241-5502 503-939-8525 503-833-9565 epenson« ti>ldndlh.inker com Setting up both your auto and home insurance with American Family can save you up to 20% on your auto insurance. Uptown Office my featured listings Academy, Portland, honor student attending Spelman College, Atlanta, GA. - Computer Engineering Major. Ms. Jessica White, McMinnville High School, McMinnville, OR, honor student attending O regon State University, Corvallis, OR - Business and Marketing Major. Ms. Melissa Ballard, U.S. Grant High S ch o o l, P o rtla n d , attending University o f Oregon, Eugene OR - Journalism Major. Each one o f these college bound freshmen has shown to the world that they can reach high and achieve all they seek. Our best to all the students as they pursue their dreams and reach for the sky. Coldwell Banker Barbara Sue Seal Properties 2275 W Burnside Portland. OR 97210 503-224-7325 I am an experienced Real Estate Professional, member o f the Million Dollar Club, retired from US West with 22 years of management experience, served as Board member of the Interstate Firehouse Culture Center, served as a Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children (CASA), United Way Volunteer, and a member of the Multnomah County Election Board. High energy and enthusiasm, expert in Residential Marketing and Promotion. My objective is to give the best possible service to market properties utilizing sound planning, professional ethics, and a strong company support system. 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