Page A6 A u g u st 16, 2 0 0 0 (Elj v ^lortlanò (Ûb se ruer Hurtianö Business Camp Rosenbaum celebrates 30th anniversary HOME FOCUS bù J uv R amus T h is y e a r, C a m p R o sen b au m celebrated its 30lh anniversary at the Oregon A ir National G uard’s Camp Rilea in Astoria. For three decades, it has been a model camp o f national recognition, serving thousands o f poor and underprivileged 9-11 year old kids from Housing Authorities throughout the state (Portland, Salem, Y a m h ill C o u n ty , W a sh in g to n C o u n ty ) and V a n c o u v e r, W ashington. The youths are randomly chosen by th e ir H o u sin g A u th o rity and predominately come from low income, single-family homes. The outpouring o f love and pure altruism by 150 volunteers from the Oregon AirNational Guard, Portland P o lic e B u re a u , an d H o u sin g Authority to the young campers made it a memorable experience for all concerned. As Frank Rosenbaum, founder o f the camp explained in his talk with the kids, “W e are dedicated to your welfare, dedicated to your future. The men and women who are here are here for one reason only: the world out there loves and cares for you.” W hile at Camp Rosenbaum, the kids were treated to outings and activities that some have never tried before like fishing, horseback riding or b u ild in g a sandcastle. T heir itinerary included field trips to such nearby sites as Fort Clatsop and the Seaside Aquarium. C o rp o ra te sp o n so rs like N IK E generously donated sportswear and shoes to all o f the campers. Other company donations included leather crafts and backpacks full ofback-to- school supplies. The volunteers who served for the week kept their true profession(s) under wraps from the kids until the end o f their stay. This allowed the campers to relate to the adults intim ately and prevented negative stereotypes about police o ffic e rs, m ilita ry o ffic e rs and g o v e rn m e n t b u re a u c ra ts from inhibiting their budding relationship. Camp Rosenbaum has for 11 years, forged a unique partnership with the David Labovitz SR. Loan Officer Mortgage Market, INC tQKracTURILAMiIiBhtlt\£K What are Points? It is important to know what points are. A point is a percent o f your loan amount that is charged to you. Not all lenders charge points. A good lender will offer you a no point loan. Not all who charge points do it in the same amount. You can shop around on points. Ask questions, it is your loan and your money! How much are points? You can figure it out! If your loan amount is $ 100,000 and if you’re being asked to pay 1 150 Housing Authority' kids throughout the state and in Vancouver, Washington were treated to a week-long stay at Camp Rosenbaum in Astoria.Photo by Damon Hardwick Portland Police Bureau. Volunteers like Officer Barnum and Officer Bruce Prunk like to return yearly, devoting their time and attention to be with the kids. Officer Barnum o f the Portland Police fondly calls the kids his extended family. During an awards ceremony for the volunteers, Barnum was honored forbeing an exceptional role model and dedicated to the welfare o f the campers. He tearfully showed his heartfelt gratitude and explained about the “high” he gets when fondly recognized as “Hollywood,” his camp nickname by kids while on the job driving through the streets ofPortland as a traffic cop. Officer Bruce Prunk, also a pilot for the Oregon AirNational Guard, related compassionately about the camp kids that they genuinely care about them. Frank Rosenbaum, founder o f the camp recalled to the audience how the camp originated, starting off m odestly by taking on only 60 Housing A uthority kids, several Oregon Guardsmen volunteering and a few kites and footballs, making the most of the camping experience. Thirty years and thousands o f campers later, C am p R o se n b a u m has grow n considerably to accommodate 160 kids in the care o f 150 camp volunteers in what has been recognized as one o f the best camps in the country. Camp Rosenbaum has for years relied on generous cash/gi ft donations from the government, military, private organizations and corporations as a means o f self-support. Expanding their operations to include more kids or extend their stay is difficult due to their limited resources. The cost for each to be at camp for an entire week is $160. T he R o sen b au m n o n -p ro fit organization effectively raised $85,000 in January to cover this y e a r’s expenses. To offset their ongoing financial problems, theiroverall goal is to have an annuity fund in place within 2 years that would pay for the continuance o f Camp Rosenbaum and keep it financially stable. New building code rules speed plan approval and appeals C U SIB iaU tD ilU R l fOH T he P or ilanp O bslkv lr you spent to have the lower rate. As an example, if you can save $25 a month by paying a discount fee of $500, it will take you 20 months of saving $25 a month to equal the $500 that you paid to have the lower rate. plan-review process is that if a building department cannot meet the new plan-review deadlines, the department is required to supply to the building contractor a list o f three in d e p e n d e n t th ird -p a rty plan reviewers that can complete plan reviews within the deadline. Third- party plan reviewers, who have long b e e n req u ired to h o ld sta te certification, must be licensed under th e second p h ase o f SB 587 implementation, effective October 1, 2000. The chief electrical inspector position has existed since 1981 and is believed by BCD officials to have c o n trib u te d to c o n s is te n c y o f electrical-code interpretation and resolution o f issues. Establishment o f a d d itio n a l c h ie f-in s p e c to r positions for building code gives building contractors another avenue for appeals related to building- specialty disagreements with city or county building department. Local ju ris d ic tio n s collecting fees for administration o f s p e c ia lly - c o d e p e rm its are required under SB 587 to use the fees fo r b u ild in g in s p e c tio n programs. Builder o f residential dwellings and about 130 city and county building departments should soon begin to notice the effects o f SB 587’s July 1 first-phase implementation. The bill was passed last legislative session in response to building- industry concerns about such issues as b u ild in g -c o d e in te rp re ta tio n inconsistencies and slow plan-review processes. On effect o f SB 587 is that the state has established a definition for “ sim ple residential.” O nce a builder's plan is determined by a local building department to be simple residential, plan review must occur within 10 days if th e c i t y ’s p o p u la tio n is under 300,000; if the population is 300,000ormore the plan review must occur w ithin 15 days. B u ild in g d e p a rtm e n t are allowed three days in which to make the determination of “ sim p le residential” and let Best Greens in Portland. b u ild e rs know Best ethnocentric selections in Portland. whether or not their 722 N. Sumner St. (Corner of N. Albina & N. applications are com plete, which Sumner) will be made easier” One Block West of Jefferson High School. by th e s ta te ’s 460-3830 c re a tio n o f a standard checklist Open 7 Days a Week for subm itting a Mon-Fri 7:30 - 7:00pm p la n , a n o th e r Sat. 9:00am - 6pm proviso ofSb587. An added benefit Sun. 10:00am - 6pm o f SB 5 8 7 ’s streamlining ofthe » Big City Produce Now you can decide ifa nearly 2-year wait is worth it to you. It’s your decision. T hat’s it for points. If you have any suggestions for future articles, please let me know at 234- Come visit us on the web at i ■■ ■ Tri-Met is hiring bus drivers. COME FOR THE BENEFITS STAY FOR THE OPPORTUNITIES point as an origination fee, that comes to $ 1,000 that you just paid. (1 % = .01 in decimal, and .01 multiplied times the loan amount o f $ 100,000=$ 1,000. It is easy, do it on a calculator.) 2 points would be $2,000. Points come in two forms: Origination Fees and Discount Points. Origination fees is an opportunity for you to pay for the service offered by your lender. Watch out here. Should you pay 1 point for a $100,000 loan and someone else pay 1% for a $200,000 loan? There is the same amount o f work done for each loan, but the fees are higher for the higher loan amount. Why not .5 points for the larger loan amount, and 1 point for the lower loan amount? Do the math and y o u ’ll see th at each loan generated $ 1,000 in fees. Discount points are used to attain for you a lower interest rate. Remember that a bank is less thrilled about ‘selling’ you the money at a lower rate than perhaps a juicy higher interest rate. So how do we compensate a bank to give us a lower rate? We pay them! This is called buying down your rate. It is a percent o f your loan amount charged for the lower interest rate for the life o f the loan. Is it worth it? Ask your lender to do a break even analysis for you. A competent loan officer will take 1 minute and tell you when the amount o f money that you spent for a lower rate equals the amount o f money saved by buying it down. Sounds complicated? It tells you how many months o f saving money at your lower interest rate are needed to equal the amount o f money J * *«• Fully paid medical, dental and vision benefits after only one m onth o f employment. Start with part-time and progress to a full-time career, $10.19/hour to start. $12.02 in 6 m onths, $18.52 in three years. Requirements: • Two years strong customer service skills • Five years good driving record • Solid work record O r for application details call 503-962-7635, stop by Tri-Met, 4012 SE 17th, or visit our website at TRI-MET How we get there matters. T n -M tt is an equal opportunity employer a n d drug-free workplace employer. THE LARGEST HOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST August 15 through August 29, 2000 ALL HOME DEC ax o / 30 OFF I in hides all prints and jacquards, curtain lace, upholsters, vim I. awning t am as. 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BE SI RE TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “MANAGER’S SPECIALS" •D iscount, do rail apple in prestoush disclaimed or marked down ilems X IS INI Ihm K 29 tHi 1 84 J RETAII HOI RS . r Sponsors Adidas, KK JZ, KPTV, NW Natural, Portland Parks & Recreation, Safeway, Sheraton Portland A irp o rt Hotels, Sleep Country USA The Oregon State Lottery, Wells Fargo Bank, WinCo Foods____ v N 1 y / / STARK STREET * SAIT Rl)\> ‘ si \l>\> KHm.iin.-pm WHOLESALE HOI RS M< ) \ IR I" Attain-' sopin s\IT RfTAA ‘ s| \l)\> II imam- »pm RETAIL - WHOLESALE 700 S.F.. 122nd Ave. Portland, OR 252-9530 Visit our website at www fahricdep< >t c<>m 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 9 2 -3 3 7 6