Wednesday August 16, 2000 The Volume III Number 33 A look at Portland and its entertainment T h e O riginal K ings o f C om edy THE H tflVYW ilCH T CHAMFlflNS Bf CDMIDY STEVE HARVEY ♦ D.L. HII6HLEY * CEDRICTMEEKTERTA!Hi£R-BERNIE MAC Coming to a theater near you August 18'*. It's possible (weird, but possible) that you managed to miss the most successful comedy tour ever, ' despite the fact that you had practically two solid years to catch it. Luckily funnymen Cedric The Entertainer, Steve Harvey, D.L. Hughley, and Bernie Mac aren't close to quitting. Still nothing's being left to chance. Spike Lee s on the scene, directing what s promising to be a new twist ■ on the tour, adding his unique style, both visually and musically, to the film. Part performance piece, on-stage, off-stage, and everything in between Remember Richard Pryor in Live? Eddie Murphy in Raw? Martin Lawrence in You So Crazy? Prepare fo r a new era... In Print A Murctor CkrtmHv* G efe£ ra iin Also see inside for: O f öerutce to Our Oity The Beauty Queen of Leenaine Page 2 page 4