A ugust 16, 2000 Page B7 (Ttje ^ ìo rtlan ò (Ohseruer SUB-BIDS REQUESTED ♦♦INVITATION FOR BIDS** Sealed bids for the A thletics Complex Addition project will be received by the O regon State Board o f H igher Education until 2:30 PM , local tim e, August 31,2000. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on Septem ber 1, 2000 at 2:30 PM local time. All bidders m ust be registered w ith the C onstruction C ontractor’s Board. As a result o f a p n o r REQ , the O w ner has Pre-Q ualified five general contractors to bid this project. The pre- qualified general contractor will be the only contractors perm itted to subm it bids to the Owner. T hose contractors are: Cham bers C onstruction, Eugene, O R; John H yland Construction, Eugene OR; Lease C rutcher Lew is, Portland, OR; Slayden Construction, Stayton, OR; and W ildish B uilding C o., Eugene OR A dditional information may be obtained by contacting Facilities Services, 100 Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 -2001 or telephone 541 -737-7694. C offee C reek Correctional Facility Bid P ackage#4-M edium Finishes Pre-Bid M eeting/Site Visit: A ugust 18,2000 at 1:30pm Bids Due: Septem ber 12,2000 at 2:00pm Bid D ocum ents available from W illam ette Print & Blueprint 503/223- 5011 H HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF OREGON Bid Phone: (503) 2 2 1 -8 8 1 1 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934 1300 SW Sixth A venue - Portland, O R 97201 - O R C C B #28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms indudingdisadvantaged. minority, women, disabledveteransandemerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffrnancorp.com SUBSIDIZED UNITS MAY BE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED I f subsidized units are not available at this tim e, qualified applicants m ay be placed on W aiting Lists. G uardian M anagem ent Corporation O S U -A th le tic Complex Addition Corvallis, Oregon Bid Date: A u g u s t3 1 ,2000 2:30pm is com m itted to “ Equal H ousing O pportunity.’ ¿V LEASE CRUTCHER Lewis Alberta Phillips Manor 606 ne SACRAMENTO PORTLAND, or 97212 (503) 287-2162 Handicapped Accessable 921 SW W ashington, Suite 150 Portland, O R 97205 (503) 223-0500 Fax (503) 223-2874 CCB #92919 EQUAL HOUSING S U B -B ID S R E Q U E S TE D OSU - Kerr Administration Bldg. Lobby Remodel We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub bids from all interested Subcontractors and Suppliers including Minority and Women.Owned Businesses Corvallis, Oregon Bid Date: August 17,2000 Disadvantaged. Disabled Veterans and Emerging Small Business Enterprises. 2:00pm S ub B ids R equested Requesting Participation O SU A thletics C om plex A ddition Corvallis, OR B alfour B eatty C onstruction, Inc. is requesting participation from Shall Businesses, Sm all D isadvantaged Businesses, Sm all W om en O w ned Businesses, N ative A m erican B usinesses, and H ubzone Sm all Business Enterprises for the bidding and subsequent construction of: 921 SW Washington, Suite 150 Portland, OR 97205 (503)223-0500 FAX (503) 223-2874 Bid Date: August 31,2000 Bid Time: 2:30 p.m. John Hyland Const., Inc. Pier D Replacement U.S. Navy Shipyard, Bremerton, WA Bid Due: August 25,2000 C C B #92919 C C B #46071 P .O .B ox 7867 Eugene, OR 97401 541-726-8081 Fax 541-741-0896 W e are requesting quotes and participation in the follow ing types o f work and/or trades: C oncrete flatw ork, paving, site excavation and hauling, dem olition, diving, reinforcing steel, electrical, m echanical, painting, and sm all building construction. Subm it your scope o f w ork along w ith a copy o f your certifications, qualifications, and resum es o f key personnel to: H/e are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub bids from all interested Subcontractors and Suppliers including Minority and Women- Owned Businesses Disadvantaged. Disabled Veterans and Emerging Small Business Enterprises. We are an equal opportunity employer and i& jvtst sub bids from aU interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. SUBSIDIZED UNITS MAY BE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. “ Subcontract bids m ust include C C B #.” Balfour Beatty Construction, Inc. 600 Walnut Avenue-V allejo, CA 94592 uvi, on W aiting Lists G uardian M anagem ent C orporation is com m itted to “Equal H ousing O pportunity.” r x p u j iiiu v SUBSIDIZED UNITS MAY BE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. Lie. No. 765091 Phone (707) 562-6800 Fax (707) 562-6801 Contact: John Foote OR I f subsidized units are not available at this tim e, qualified applicants m aybe placed on W aiting Lists. G uardian M anagem ent Corporation is com m itted to “Equal H ousing O pportunity.” Balfour Beatty Construction, Inc. ¿V S eattle R egional O ffice 231 S. W. 41 " Street - Renton, W A 98055 Phone: (425) 656-0991 Fax: (425) 656-0992 Contact: Reg Cham berlain An Equal Opportunity Employer Bum ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Women’s Prison & Intake Center The Polk County Housing Authority (PCHA) will receive bids for LaCreole H igh-R ise R o o f until T uesday, 3:00 p.m. on the 29lh day o f A ugust 2 0 0 0 , at 204 SW W alnut, D allas, O regon 97338, at w hich tim e and place all bids w ill be m ade public. T he basic w ork includes: Rem ove and replace the existing ro o f at 345 D onald Street, D allas, O R 97338 and install a three-ply asphalt m em brane system w ith insulation and m ineral surface cap sheet, under a “ lump sum ” contract. All interested parties are encouraged to visit our m ain office at 204 SW W alnut, D allas, O regon w here they m ay gain access to inspect the High- R ise roof. B id docum ents, including plans and specifications are on file at the PCHA; Salem Contractors Exchange, 362-7957 (2256 Judson Street, Salem, O R 97302); Daily Journal ofCommerce Plan Center, 274-0624 (2840NW 3 5th A ve., Portland, O R 97210); Eugene Builders E xchange, 484-5331 (860 M cK inley Street, Eugene, O R 97402). Interested bidders m ay obtain one set o f bid docum ents at 204 SW W alnut, D allas, O regon 97338. A bid security o f 5 % o f the bid is required as prescribed in the “Instructions to B idders” for projects o f $25,000.00 and over. N o bidder m ay w ithdraw their bid after the hour set for the opening thereof, until after the lapse o f 30 days from the bid due date. T he successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for a satisfactory perform ance and paym ent bond or bonds for projects o f $25,000.00 and over. A ttention is called to the provisions for equal em ploym ent opportunity, and paym ent o f not less than the m inim um salaries and w ages as set forth in the P roject M anual m ust be paid on this project. A s required by the U.S. D epartm ent o f H ousing and U rban D evelopment: Retainage is 10 percent not 5 percent; interest will not accrue on retainage; and bonds or securities m ay not be substituted as an alternate form o f retainage. T he PCH A m ay reject any bid not in com pliance w ith the prescribed bidding procedures and requirem ents and may reject any or all bids and w aive any inform alities in the bidding. Handicapped Accessable Lydia Roy Court 735 N. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97227 (503) 287-2162 EQUAL housing Handicapped Accessable College Manor (3blkstoW O U ) 265 S. College Monmouth, Oregon (503) 838-6655 EQUAL HOUSING tru e ■VM I- FAST TRACK MARKETING A d u s ic U ra l o r e C À a lo re o & P a g in g Northwest CookJng Woods 100» Me*q»iie t'hm nal, Mciquiir Wood. Hickory. P«a«, Wild Cherry. O»k, Website www.galorcpaging.com NE Portland Store 503.288.9180 " Call 903-BEEP For 3213 NE MLK Blvd. 503.287.1983 A Location Near Portland, OR 97211 (tax) You" 8/23 . Sugar Mapte. FtaaOlfcer Wood» * Supplir» Cali for appuóiuwiM A»k tur Faul PO . Boa amai. Portland, O R 97294-6741 (503) 25441774 10/19 12/6 MILLENNIUM ¿¡¡L laquishäs - M PROPERTIES BEAUTY & BATH SUPPLY ANTHONY HUFF Open Mon 3d: 9 OOan 9 00pm Su-day ’Gam-5pm 309 N E WygantSl Portland OR 97711 TEL (503)249 7329 Big A Construction ’• Painting $1.00sf Sheetw ork Installed L andscaping Light Fixtures $20.00 hour Plumbing $25.00 hour 1 R estaurant t B a ^ A t m m um » vwty Chris Guinn III Sales Associale 2 8 0 8 NE Portland 503 4 9 3 Cell 5 0 3 M L K . J r Blvd OR 97712 8127 422 8110 Neliön General Manager call PPD Services 649-9431 or 577-2149 (cell) 24 hours a day! www std m ry com 104 Chase and Weil • W indow O r Door Fram es $ 15 .00 wind/ door $16.00 door • Janitorial Services $17.00 hour • Free Estim ates Rem em ber The Name: O .. Any legal questions answered Free initial consultations M or í 7/19 : Call: (503)289-0138 O RCell (503) 890-6561 ’ ♦ Basic D em olition ¡a > > > B illy R eed ’ s M LS rvi i. sin u n u n ity Ortica Paging |503) 282 255’ VM Pager (50T 237 6777 Pa.» <5031 282-6827 4929 N E Fremont Si Portland Oregon 97213 CGIII65<ñ>aol com www chnsgumnl It com Need an attorney? Most people do I ill ¡I! i J Richard L. Weil Gerald M. Chase 722 SW 2l»d Ave. Suite Î40 Portland» Oregon 97204 503(294.1414 0 | Vzlx'’ ^0 » Port’4na Ccm-njrry rt.e«m«nt Imhtliv«* Irt We are a non-profit affordable housing provider. We work with qualified residents whose income level is at or below 80% o f median family income Hours: 8:30-5:00 pm . M-F 4829 NE. Martin Luther King, Jr Blvd Portland. OR 97211-3351 (503) 288-2923 Fax: (503) 288-2891 E-mail: Charlene@pcrihome.org 11-26 Sean’a ¡Barber & ¡Beauty êfjup 213N .F. Hancock Portland, OR 97211 H orace Sim pson A.D. W illiams 282-2920 i