Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 16, 2000, Page 12, Image 12

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A u g u s t 16, 2 0 0 0
(Tlje |Lìiutlanò (Dbaeruer
O ffice M a n a g e r A ssit Pathw ays to
Success Program for women exploring
careers in the trades at O regon
Tradeswomen. Joinagreat team! Call
943-2271 for jo b announcem ent.
A pplication due 9/1.
P ro g ram /D e v elo p n ien t A ssistant.
O re g o n T ra d e s w o m e n se e k s
a s s is ta n t fo r e d u c a tio n an d
o r g a n iz in g
p ro g ra m s
an d
developm ent work. Jo inagreat team!
Call 943-2271 for job announcement.
A pplication due 9/1.
Health Care 240
R esidential T re a tm e n t C ou n selo r,
enthusiastic, positive and creative
individuals needed to w ork w ith
children in a nationally recognized
treatm ent facility. Position offers a
supportive and active atm osphere, a
team oriented approach, and the
challenge o f helping kids build self
esteem in a ca rin g , th e ra p eu tic
environm ent. R equires a college
degree in the H um an Services field
with prior experience w orking with
children. A sincere com m itm ent to
youth a must. E xcellent salary and
benefit package offered. Send resum e
H um an Resources D irector, PO Box
368, M arylhurst, O R 97036. The
C h r is tie S c h o o l is an e q u a l
opportunity em ployer that values
diversity in the workplace.
Social Services 265
Social C h a n g e/D o m estic V iolence.
* B radley-A ngle H ouse is seeking a
* Shelter C oordinator Full-tim e 40
H o u rs /W e e k ; $ 1 3 .7 3 /H o u r plus
b e n e f its . A p p lic a tio n p a c k e ts
required and available by calling 503/
296-8225 or at O ne Stop, 3034 NE
MLK Jr. Blvd. Closing Date: Monday,
A ugust 21,2000. E E O /A A /Fem inist
two years' work experience preferably in real
estate proiect development Must have profi­
ciency in word processing, spreadsheets and
the ability to learn computer-based Geographic
Information Systems IGIS) Closes 8/25/00
An application and information packet is avail­
able at POC Outside the Portland Metro area.
please cell our job hotline: 15031 823 3463 to
request a packet by mail. Portland
Development Commission; 1900 SW 4th Ave.;
Suite 7000: Portland. OR 97201. EOE
Messages 500
Are You Ready For Love?
C allN ow !!!
1-900-328-3222ext. 9941
$2 99perm in.
M ust be 18 years
S erv-U (6 1 9 )6 4 5 -8 4 3 4
P art Tim e Job
E a rn College
Credits fo r
Y o u r Training
Hiring for
UPS is seeking a qualified Journey-level Maintenance
Mechanic at the Swan Island facility. Must be
proficient in the following areas:
S tudent Loan Repayment
(¡2 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 )
E a rn U p to ¡ 6 0 5 .0 0 p e r m onth (Tax-Free) with the Montgomery G1 B ill
combined with the new Incentive Kicker
Inquire about our 9O°/o State Tuition Assistance Program
The Oregon A i r National Guard
(503) 3 3 5 4 0 4 0 or 1-800-392-1801
3 -p h ase m o to r co n tro l cen ters
tro u b le sh o o tin g e lec trica l circ u its
m illw rig h t b a c k g ro u n d , 3+ y ears exp. P re fe rre d
ab ility to re a d electrical schem atics.
(A Journey-level M aintenance M echanic m ust have ow n
had tools. A pplicants m ust be self-m otivated, able to w ork
independently and be w illing to w ork nights and som e
w eekends w ith m andatory overtim e)
UPS offers:
Fuel Your Future
A ir National Guard
a full tim e p erm . U nion position!
s ta rtin g pay o f $15.88/hour!!!
a to p w age, c u rre n tly a t $ 2 2 /h r, a fte r a 24 m o n th
pro g ressio n !
excellent benefits p ackage!
For application information, please contact
State of Oregon Employment Department
Sales 260
R a d io A d v e r tis in g S a le s fo r
E n te r c o m ___R a d io
S ta tio n s :
A dvertising/broadcast sales a plus.
G ood organizational, w ritten/verbal
com m unications skills. Send cover
letter/resume to HR, Entercom , 0700
SW Bancroft St., Portland, O R 97201.
Sunny Equal O pportunity Employer.
Sales L ea d er N eeded
Health Care 240
Entercom Portland’s cluster is seeking
a leader to drive sales for one o f its six
E x e c u tiv e D i r e c t o r fo r tw o
radio stations. The right candidate
in te r r e la te d n o n - p r o f it p u b lic
m ust have a proven record o f success
charities, both o f w hich serve t h e . in generation revenue, finding NTR,
Public H ealth com m unity. A 15
inventory m anagem ent and pricing.
m em ber interlocking board serves
Paper pushers and desk riders need
both organizations. T w o m illion
not apply. E xcellent benefits and
dollars support prom otion o f public
com pensation package. C over letter/
health outcom es. M ajor roles in
resum e to HR. Entercom , 0700 SW
fu n d ra isin g , d istrib u tin g funds,
Bancroft St., Portland, O R 97201. Email
managing a small office networking.
iu d y te k g o n .c o m . K G O N /K F X X /
M inimum requirem ents: BA/BS, 2
K K S N /K N R K j ' Rosie/Sunny. Equal
yrs exp as ED w ith a nonprofit,
O pportunity Employer.
developm ent exp. Prefer know ledge
o f public health and health care
Social Services 265
sy stem s. S a la ry : $ 6 5 ,0 0 0 p lu s
benefits. Send resum e to: Friends
A lcohol & D ru g C o u n selo r
o f Public H ealth, P.O. Box 6088,
A & D C ounselorneeded 10-
Portland, O R 97208
15 hour/w k to w ork w ith residents
who want to maintain or m ove toward
Office 250
sobriety. Need 2 yrs direct counseling
or related experience. Behavioral
J o in
th e
T r i - M e t P r o j e c t h ea lth and m ed ical b ac k g ro u n d
I m p le m e n ta tio n te a m as th e ir preferred. R esponsibilities include
A d m in istra tiv e S pecialist. Y ou'll individual and group sessions plus
provide adm inistrative and clerical assist M SW w ith referral process.
s u p p o rt: M a in ta in in g r e c o rd s O ur H ouse o f P ortland provides
m anagem ent system , coordinating holistic care in a loving, hom e-like
th e flo w o f d o c u m e n ts a n d atm o sp h ere fo r in d iv id u als w ith
inform ation, and coordinating office advanced AIDS. Fax resum e to 503/
m anagem ent functions. Q ualified 236-7129 or apply at O ur House, 2727
candidates m ust have a high school SE Alder, Portland, O R 97214.
diplom a or equivalent w ith four years
o f p ro g re s s iv e e x p e rie n c e in a
Be Part of a Great Mission
r e s p o n s ib le
r e la te d
Join the Portland Development Commission's
adm inistrative or secretarial position.
efforts to bring together community resources
and achieve Portland's vision of a vital economy
R e q u ir e s p e r s o n a l c o m p u te r
with healthy neighborhoods and quality jobs for
experience w ith w ord processing,
all citizens
Excel, A ccess, and typing speed o f 60
Administrative Specialist
Economic Development
Provide moderately complex clerical and admin­
Excellent benefit package and hiring
istrative support to department managers, prop
ect coordinators and other professional staff
range of$ 14.28-$ 17.14/hour. Qualified
May provide back up to department program
c a n d id a te s s u b m it a T ri-M e t
assistants or specialists and commission recep­
tionist. Responsibilities include record manage­
a p p lic a tio n w ith a re su m e and
ment, database development mail distribution
and meeting coordination Requires a high
supplem ent questions no later than
school education or equivalent with additional
beyond high school in general business
A ugust 25,h to the H um an Resources
office procedures and computer applications
Dept., 4012 SE 17"1 Ave., Portland, OR
Must have 2-4 years' related experience and
spreadsheet and word processing software
97202. You may
skills. Position is 20 hours per week
call (503) 962-
Project/Program Coordinator
fo r
Plan projects and programs related to communi­
ty economic development redevelopment and
inform ation or
neighborhood revitalization in tents Town
Center Coordinates work of other Commission
v is it
staff, various government agencies, citizen
groups, private consultants, and developers, tar­
w ebsite at http:/
gets area business and property owners to
/ w w w . t r i -
assure the completion of proiect/program activi­
ties in an effective and efficient manner.
m et.org/jobs/.
Requires a Bachelor's degree or equivalent and
Em ploym ent
A dm inistrative
The Oregon A rena C orporation at
th e R o se Q u a r te r , P o r tl a n d ’s
p r o fe s s io n a l
s p o r ts
entertainm ent center, is seeking a full
time candidate to provide clerical and
project support to the H ousekeeping
Department. W ill maintain em ployee
databases, and be responsible for
weekly payroll. T w o-year m inim um
experience in staffing, scheduling,
recruitment. HR or event experience
is required. M ust be proficient in MS
W ord/Excel. Publisher and A ccess
b e n e f ic ia l. T o a p p ly , p ic k up
application at the Rose Q uarter, O ne
Center Court, Suite 100 (in lobby next
to Box Office); or mail resum e to
H ousek eep in g D irecto r, H u m an
Resources Department, c/o O regon
A rena C o rp o ratio n , O ne C e n ter
Court, Suite 200, Portland, O R 97227.
N o p h o n e c a lls p le a se . E q u a l
O pportunity Employer. M inorities
and females are encouraged to apply.
W ages
c o m m e n s u ra te
w ith
know ledge and work experience.
C a r e e r O p p o r tu n itie s
30 N. Webster, Suite E
Portland, OR 97217
Oregon State Reference Job Order 11120910
Information about career opportunities with the Port
o f Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline
at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may
call TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available
by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port’s
office, located at 121 NW Everett St, Portland. Office
hours are Monday through Friday, Sam to 12pm ar J
lpm to 5pm. You may also apply online at our
website, www.portofportlandor.com
T h e P o rt o f P o rtla n d is an
Oregon, o pp o rtu n ity means a variety o f careers available sta te w id e , com pe titive
sa la ries and g re a t benefits. Currently, openings e x is t In th e fo llo w in g agencies:
Program Technician 2 *
Right of Way Research Coordinator
Customer serviceoriented individual possessing excellent communication skills and an ability to
effectively coordinate, develop and provide oversight of a program is desired for this immediate
vacancy located in our Salem Right of Way Engineering office. In a lead role, position will coordinate
the Research Program and assist In responding to requests for information by providing
interpretation, explanation and information regarding access control issues and a variety of related
R/W matters, property rights, and historical Information for the state highway system. •NOTE:
Although this position is classified at the Program Technician 2 level, we encourage candidates who
meet the minimum qualifications for a Program Technician 1 to apply as we may consider underfilling
the position until the selected candidate meets the minimum qualifications for Progran Technician 2
Salary $2,949 - $4,223/m onth (Program Technician 1 $2,424 - $3,475/m onth) + excellent benefits:
health insurance; paid vacation and sick leaves; 10 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirement
contribution. Announcement #0CDT04U_ For minimum classifications and other details, call
(5 0 3 )
986 -4 0 30
(TTY (5 0 3 ) 986-3854 for th e hearing im paired), or v isit
w ww .odot.state.or.us/hrod/|obindex.cfm for announcement and application. ODOT is an AA/EEO
employer committed to a diverse workforce. Application and required supplements must be received
by: September 1, 2000.
Program Technician 1
Right of Way Data Analyst
Computer database experience is highly desired for this part-time opportunity (20 hours/week) in
our Salem Right of Way Office. Provide user support for our Microsoft Access 97-based Right of Way
Automated Information Network. Interpret policies and procedures for tracking real property
acquisition and workload analysis and performance information; develop and provide ongoing
technical training; monitor use of statewide information system for adherence to standards and
optimal utilization o f resources; and assist in recording, analyzing, evaluating, interpreting,
compiling and reporting information for use by managers and other persons. Requires three years
of experience administering or coordinating parts of a proiect or program. A Bachelor's degree in
Business Administration, Management, Public Administration or a field directly related to the
position will substitute for two years of the required experience. Part-time salary $1,243 -
$ 1.726/m onth + excellent benefits: health insurance; paid vacation; sick and personal leaves; 10
paid holidays: and retirement contribution. Announcement # CDT0412. Call (503) 986-4030 (TTY
(503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing Impaired), or visit www.odot.state.or.us/hrod/ioblndex.cfm for
announcement and application. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce.
Application and required supplements must be received by September 5, 2000.
“Doing Good Things for Oregonl"
Visit our WebCenter at www.oregonlottery.org
Currently recruiting In the following areas:
Administrative Support
Information Technology
Field Sales
Field Service
Applications and complete Job announcements can also be obtained at any office of the Oregon
Employment Department or by calling the Lottery Job Line at (503) 540-1328 In Salem.
Successful applicants are subject to extensive background check.
The Oregon Lottery is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, Minorities & People with Disabilities
are encouraged to apply.
hese are Just a few of the current Job openings available with the State of Oregon.
A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional Job
Information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the
Oregon Jobs page at: www.oregonlobs.org. The State of Oregon and all Its divisions are
proud to be equal opportunity employers.
I f subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants
m ay be placed on W aiting Lists. G uardian M anagement Corporation is
com m itted to
“Equal H ousing O pportunity.”
Margaret Carter Complex
620 NE Brazee
Portland, Oregon 97212
(503) 287-2162
E m p lo y e r .
SW W A ’s lead in g early childhood ed u catio n an d fam ily service agency
is seek in g a p p lic a n ts fo r th e follow ing positions:
H ead Start T eacher A ssistant - A ssist in the planning and conducting o f
daily activities o f the classroom under the supervision o f the teaching staff.
Requires and AA D egree in (EC E) w ith one year paid experience in a
preschool program , or a (CD A ) w ith one yr. Experience. $9.50/hr.
H ead Start C lassroom A ide - Im plem ent classroom activities under
supervision o f teaching staff. A ssist with m eal preparation; organize
activities, supplies and environm ent; m aintain safety and cleanliness o f
center. Requires a HS diplom a and 1 yr. Exp. W orking w ith children 3-5
years o f age. $8.00/hr.
ECEA P T eacher A ssistant - A ssist in the planning and conducting o f
daily activities o f the classroom under the supervision o f the teaching staff.
Requires 15 credit hours in ECE, o r a (CD A ) w ith one yr. experience in a
preschool program .$ 8 .1 0/hr.
Parent Involvem ent A ssistant - A ssist in support o f parent involvem ent
program. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Ability to work
independently and in a professional m anner with families o f diverse
cultural and socio - econom ic background. K now ledge o f adult education
program s required. K now ledge o f child care w orkers for evening parent
program s. M ust have an A. A. degree in Social /H um an Services or related
field and4years exp. In human services or adult education program. $10.43/
Secretary - Provide effective and responsive secretarial services to EOC
staff, clients and the com m unity. HS diplom a and 2 yrs. O ff clerical
experience. MS W ord required, desktop publishing, data base and graphic
highly desirable. $8.86/hr.
Parent A ide - Provide support services for parent activities in the Head
Start/ECEA P program s. W ill involve som e evening hours. HS Diploma.
D aily access to insured personal vehicle. M ust be 18 or older. $8.00/hr.
Bus D river Substitute-O n call position transporting pre-school children
in Clark County. M ust be w illing to obtain a C D L license. $8.85 hr.
N utrition A ide - Recruitm ent to fill current openings and develop a
substitute pool. Prepare & serve m eals to preschool children. HS diplom a
or equivalent; six m onths experience in food service desired but willing to
train qualified candidates, food handler’s perm it required. $8.00/hr.
A pplicants m ust subm it an EOC application, cover letter, resum e, signed
child abuse statem ent, 3 letters o f recom m endation. Call or stop by to
obtain application pkg., 9-4, M on-Fri., EOC o fC la rk County, 10621 NE
Coxley Dr., Suite 207, V ancouver WA. 98662, (360) 896-9912. Deadline: 8/
25/00. EEOC/AA
Administrative Support
O p p o r tu n ity
Join the team at G raybar, the n atio n ’s prem ier independent distributor o f
electrical and com m unications/data products and a Fortune 500 com pany.
As an em ployee ow ned com pany with a “prom ote from within” philosophy,
we provide our em ployees w ith opportunities for professional growth
and advancem ent.
I n our fast paced environm ent, you will perform a variety o f adm inistrative
and data entry duties w hich include accounting related efforts, custom er
billing, investigating and resolving claim s and deductions, com piling
reports, and providing backup support for our sw itchboard. The right
candidate will be detail and m ulti-task oriented and possess basic com puter
skills. A high school diplom a (or equivalent experience) is required
along w ith a m inim um o f one-year general clerical or accounting
A s one o f the w o rld ’s largest em ployee-ow ned com panies, G raybar
offers a com petitive salary and a com prehensive benefits package,
including profit sharing, pension plan, and tuition reim bursem ent. Check
us out on the at w w w .graybar.com . For consideration o f one o f our
m ultiple openings, please mail a cover letter (w ith salary requirem ents)
and your resum e to: P. Stofiel, G raybar, 901 N.E. 60"' A venue, Portland,
O R 97213; fax: 503/249-2058.
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
D rug Free W orkplace