August 16,2000 Page B5 ÿ o rtla n b (Observer i Classifieds/Bids Employment ! For Rent 125 Employment 1Employment Education 227 Employment Employment Retail 235 General 235 General 235 INDEX Information/Travel 1/2 o ff 2nd m onths rent 2B.R. Tri-plex $495 mo. 4945 NE Grand Incom e L im its A pply 284-8642 F ranciscan Enterprise EQUAL HOUSING Professional 205 Business Consultant E x p a n d in g N a tio n a l W h o le sa le M ortgage L ender seeks a Business C onsultant for Oregon. W holesale m o rtg a g e an d sa le s e x p e rie n c e preferred. Excellent compensation and benefit plans. Please send resum e to: W ashtenaw M ortgage Com pany, HR D ept., 315 E. E isenhow er, Ste. 12, A nn A rbor, MI 48108 or fax to: 734- 662-9517. w w w .w ashtenaw m Home Care 225 Housekeeping T he O regon A rena C orporation at th e R o s e Q u a r te r, P o r tl a n d ’s p r o f e s s io n a l s p o r ts an d entertainm ent center, is seeking a full tim e E vent Supervisor to oversee event housekeeping staff, facility readiness, general cleaning and minor r e p a ir o f e v e n t e q u ip m e n t. Responsible for training part time staff in a ll p h a s e s o f e v e n t an d housekeeping work. M ust be w illing and able to w ork extended hours with f le x ib le s c h e d u le , in c l n ig h ts , w eekends and holidays. M inim um req include one y ear’s housekeeping and supervisory experience, valid driver’s license. To apply, pick up application at the Rose Q uarter, O ne C enterC ourt, Suite 100 (in lobby next to Box O ffice); or mail resum e to H o u se k e e p in g D irec to r, H um an R esources Departm ent, c/o O regon A re n a C o rp o ratio n , O ne C e n te r Court, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97227. N o p h o n e c a lls p le a s e . E q u a l O pportunity Employer. M inorities and fem ales are encouraged to apply. W ages c o m m e n s u ra te w ith know ledge and w ork experience. Home Care 225 E d u cation /D ev elo p m en t Specialist n e e d e d fo r a lte r n a tiv e s c h o o l providing G ED and em ploym ent tr a in in g fo r y o u th a g e 16-21. Responsibilities includeeveningGED instruction and case m anagement. M ust be available evenings until 7:00 p.m . O reg o n teaching certificate p re fe rre d . S tartin g sa lary ran g e $26,500-28,SOOplus excellent benefits. Please subm it cover letter and resume Attn. O perations M anager, Y outh Em ploym ent Institute, 1704 NE 26Ih, Portland, O regon 97232. Position closes 8/28/00 at 5:00 p.m. W e value d iv e r s i ty a n d a re an E q u a l O pportunity Employer. General 235 Residential Remodeling Design Design Associate - Entry Level Neil Kelly Co., anationally recognized design/build rem odeling firm, has an im m ediate opening in its Rem odel division. Trainee position potentially le a d in g to w a r d e ith e r D e s ig n A ssociate position o r C om m issioned R e s id e n tia l R e m o d e lin g S ale s. D rafting lay o u ts, elevations, and construction details for residential and light com m ercial projects, and m aking blueprint copies as required. A s s is tin g w ith th e w ritin g o f sp e cific atio n s, su b c o n tra cto r bid procurem ent, and project estimating. D egree in interior design, interior architecture, or housing required. B o a rd d r a f tin g re q u ir e d . C A D experience a plus. W aged entry level position w ith benefits. M ust have ow n vehicle, valid drivers license, good driving record and autom obile liability ins. Job description available on request. O ne o f O regon B usiness M agazine’s 100 B est Com panies to W ork For. Send resum e and cover letter referencingjob # 1000C to: Diane Stark, H um an Resources D ept., N eil K elly C om pany, 804 N. A lberta St., P ortland, O R 97217 o r em ail to dstark@ . General 235 The City of Portland T he O regon A rena C orporation at th e R o s e Q u a r te r , P o r tl a n d ’s p r o f e s s io n a l s p o r ts and entertainm ent center, is seeking a full tim e candidate w ith housekeeping an d su p e rv iso ry sk ills w ho w ill provide overnight supervision at all facilities. M ust be able to w ork extended hours with flexible schedule, in c lu d in g n ig h ts, w ee k en d s and holidays. M ust possess valid d riv er's license w ith ability to be trained on forklift. Salary com m ensurate with experience, plus excellent benefit package. T o apply, send resum e to H o u s e k e e p in g D ir e c to r H u m an R esources D epartm ent, c/o O regon A re n a C o rp o ra tio n , O ne C e n te r Court, Suite 200, Portland. O R 97227. N o p h o n e c a lls p le a s e . E q u a l O pportunity Em ployer. M inorities and fem ales are encouraged to apply. General 235 The Youth Opportunity Center is now hiring For the follow ing positions: E m ployer Liaison - $30K to $40K p er year Y o u th D e v e lo p m e n t/O u tr e a c h Specialist - $30K to 40K per year P le a s e v is it o u r w e b is te at w w w .w orLsystem for C om plete inform ation or contact A lescia B lakely A t 503-478-7349 G arten S ervices has an exciting opportunity! I f you pride y o u rself in having strong com m unication skills (verbal, w ritten & presentation), are c re a tiv e , d e ta il-o rie n te d , en jo y w orking in a team environm ent, have a w orking know ledge o f com m unity resources, and 3 years exp. w orking in a volunteer program, we w ould like to speak to YOU. W e are anxious for the right person to develop and maintain ourvolunteerprogram . Flex schedule, 20 hours /week. V alidO D L & acceptable driving record, pre­ em ploym ent drug test & crim inal history fingerprint backgroundcheck required. Send your resume to Garten Services, Inc., 3334 Industrial W ay N E -S ale m 97303 or,PO Box 17485- S a le m 9 7 3 0 5 , o r e -m a il to: great2b@ Garten Is A D rug-Free W ork Place A A /E O E - M in o ritie s, w om en, persons w/ disabilities, multi-cultural experience strongly encouraged to apply- General 235 1 ^C olum bia ▼ Sportswear Company® Columbia Sportswear, the leader in o u td o o r a p p a re l, is se e k in g an A ssistant M anager for our Flagship retail store in dow ntow n Portland. You will assist the M anager to ensure the efficient, profitable and customer- oriented operation o f the Flagship Store. Train Sales A ssociates in cash r e g is te r tr a n s a c tio n s , sto re procedures and the best custom er service anywhere! A ct as back-up for F la g sh ip S to re M a n a g e r w h en necessary. We offer a com petitive w age, sales incentives, medical/dental insurance, 4 0 IK, em ployee discount and the training you will need to be successful with us. Please send resum e to C olum bia Sportsw ear, D ept. F lagA M , Box 83239, Portland O R 97283-0239, or FAX to (503) 735-4597. W e a re an e q u a l o p p o r tu n ity employer. Club Director-Blazers Boys & Girls Oub Direct staff, program s and budget for prem iere youth developm ent agency. W ork w ith Board, coord, special events, som e fundraising. College degree; 3-5 yrs. R elated experience; s tro n g v e r b a l/w r itin g s k ills . Experience w orking w ith culturally d iv erse y o u th an d co m m u n ities. Salary $30,000+. Mail/fax resumes by 8/25 to Executive D irector, Boys & G irls Clubs o f Portland, 7119 SE Milwaukie Ave., Portland, O R 97202; Fax:(503)232-0387 Washington County Administrative Specialist I Eligibility List $l,873-$2,279/month Closes A ugust 18,2000 Blazers B oys & G irls C lub needs education/tech center coordinator 20- 25hrs/w k. E xperiencew / com puter& p ro g ra m m in g fo r d iv e rs e k id s. Resum es by 8/25 to Boys & Girls Clubs o f Portland, 5250 N E M LK Jr. Blvd, Portland, O R 97211 orFax: (503) 775-1549. Administrative Specialist II Non-Bilingual and Bilingual Eligibility List $2,173-$2,643/month Closes A ugust 18,2000 Community Health Worker II (Bilingual) $2,284-$2,778/month Closes A ugust 18,2000 General 235 In the M etropolitan H um an R ights Center (MHRC) This position will be responsible for c o o rd in a tin g M H R C ’s a n ti-b ia s tr a in in g , c o m m u n ity d ia lo g u e s p r o g ra m an d c o m m u n ity / neighborhood outreach com ponent. M H RC is a program o f the O ffice o f N eighborhood Involvem ent. A pplicants need experience in human rights projects with multi-cultural g ro u p s, re c ru itin g , train in g and retaining volunteers and experience in f a c ilita tin g c r o s s - c u ltu r a l com munications. A p p lic a tio n s a v a ila b le at our application center on the first floor o f the Portland B uilding 1120 SW 5th Avenue or call Pete Kelly at 823-3529. Y o u ca n a lso a p p ly o n -lin e at w w w .c i.p o rtla n d .o r.u s jo b s . A ll applications m ust be received no later than 4:30 PM, Friday, A ugust 25, 2000. A n Equal O pportunity Em ployer C o u rie r $ 1 0 .5 9 -$ 1 3 .3 0 p e r h o u r Excellent Benefits P a r t tim e (30 H o u rs P er W eek) Library Network in Clackamas County seeks a courier driver w ith excellent customer service skills. Duties include packaging, shipping, loading, sorting, and delivering 50-lb. bags o f library m ateria ls; d riv in g d e liv e ry van; making regular stops at public libraries and o th er locations. D uties also include using the library com puter system to check books in and out and prepare notices and other materials for m ailing. H ours are M on - Fri, daytime. County Employment Application R e q u ire d . A pplication m aterials av a ila b le at C lac k am a s C o u n ty Personnel, 900 M ain Street, Oregon City, O R 97045, (503) 655-8459 or dow nload an application from our w eb site: h ttp ://w w w .c o .c la c k a m a s.o r.u s A ugust 28, 2000, 5:00 PM. EEO Employer. Data Base Administrator $4,448-$5,405/month Closes A ugust 2 5 ,2 0 0 0 Security Seeking an experienced and energetic Assistant M anager, Facility Security, to a s s is t in s u p e rv is in g th e scheduling, training and activities o f all Facility Security operations and staff. The ideal candidate will have 2- 3 y ears o f se cu rity su p e rv iso ry experience. Excellent written and oral com m unication skills, and proficient com puter skills including W indows, MS W ord, and Excel. M ust be able to w ork ex ten d ed h o u rs, in clu d in g nights, weekends and holidays. To apply, pick up application at the Rose Quarter, One C enterC ourt, Suite 100 (in lobby next to Box O ffice); or mail resum e to A ssistant Facility Security M a n a g e r, H u m an R e s o u rc e s D e p a rtm e n t, c/o O re g o n A re n a Corporation, One C enterC ourt, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97227. N o phone calls p lease. E qual O p p o rtu n ity Employer. Minorities and females are e n c o u r a g e d to a p p ly . S a la ry com m ensurate with know ledge and experience. General 235 Community Organizer W orking with renters in diverse, low- incom e neighborhood in Portland Com munity A llianceofT enants,460- 9702 Employment Let others see your business here, advertise in The Portland Observer today. Call 288-0033 $14.00. $90.00. T he M ultnom ah C o u n ty H ealth D epartm ent is currently recruiting for the follow ing positions: H ealth S ervices A d m in is tra to r - C o rrec tio n s H ealth Fiscal A ssista n t - B ilin g u al N u tritio n A ssistan t H ea lth S erv ices S p ecialist - E nvironm ental H ealth/V ector C ontrol O ffice A ssista n t 2 - B ilin g u al P h arm ac ist M edical R eco rd s T ech n ician (ART) A pplication m aterials and formal job an n o u n cem en ts are av a ila b le at: w w w .co.m ultnom In person o rb y m ailing a self-addressed s ta m p e d e n v e lo p e r e q u e s tin g application form s to: M ultnom ah C ounty H um an R esources Division, 1120 SW 5,h A venue, First Floor Lobby. PO Box 14700, Portland OR, 9 7 2 9 3 -0 7 0 0 . A ssiste d ac cess to M ultnom ah C ounty jo b inform ation a n d w e b s ite is a v a ila b le at M ultnom ah C ounty Libraries. M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty H e a lth D epartm ent is actively recruiting p erso n from v ario u s eth n ic and cu ltu ral b ack g ro u n d s to enhance service to our diverse com m unities. Bilingual/bicultural candidates are encouraged to a p p ly . An E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity Employer General 235 Learning Center Coordinator Call Today Facsimile Email to A ssistant M an ag er Seeks a Neighborhood Outreach Specialist Housekeeping P. T. Volunteer Coordinator per column inch per column inch and boxed ....................................per column inch boxed and shaded ............................................................................... RFP/Bids Sub-Bids( 2 column by 3") each additional inch - $ 10.00 Dog Control Officer I '$2,284-$2,778/month Closes A ugust 2 5 ,2 0 0 0 Information Systems Analyst $3,834-$4663/month Closes A ugust 2 5 ,2 0 0 0 Public Health Nutritionist (Bilingual - S panishE nglish) $3,072-$3,735/month Closes A ugust 18,2000 Survey Technician III (GIS) $3,201-$3,934/month Closes A ugust 2 5 ,2 0 0 0 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846- 4 8 9 8 fo r in fo rm a tio n . C o u n ty a p p lic a tio n a n d s u p p le m e n ta l application forms required. W om en, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Apply To: W a s h in g to n C o u n ty H um an Resources D ivision 155 N. First A venue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, O R 97124 General 235 Postal Jobs $9-14.27/HR + Federal B enefits N o Experience, exam info. Call 1-800-391-5856x6802 W ildlife Jobs $8-19/HR + Federal Benefits P a rk R a n g e rs , S e c u r ity , an d M aintenance No experience for some. For info call 1-800-391-5856x6803 8am -9pm Local not guar. All Classified Ads and Bids will be accepted up until 5 p.m., Friday. Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd Public Notices.......................... 000 .Announcements/^ eddings.... 010 F amily Services....................... 020 Lost and Found........................ 030 Meeting Notices.......................040 Tickets, for Sale Wanted....................050 Travel....................................... 060 Real Estate Acreage.....................................100 Homes for sale_____________ 110 Homes for rent........ ................115 Appartments,duplexes for Sale..................... 120 Appartments,duplexes for R ent................... 125 Manufactured Homes for Sale.......................130 Manufactured Homes for R ent.....................135 Others for Sale.........................140 Others for Rent........................145 Commercial Real Estate.........150 Waterfront Property.............. 155 Real Estate Services................ 160 Real Estate Wanted................. 165 Employment Guidance/Resumes.................200 Professional............................. 205 Computer/Technology_____ 210 Automotive...............................213 Contractors..............................215 Outdoor Home Care............... 220 Indoor HomeCare, Domestic.................. 225 Education................................. 227 Financial, Insurance...............230 GeneraL....................................235 H ealthcare..............................240 Marketing, Advertising..............245 Administration........................247 Office..................... 250 Legal......................................... 253 Retail...«....................................255 Accounting...............................258 Sales.......................................... 260 Social Services.........................265 Temporary, Part-Time, Seasonal................... 270 Positions Wanted.................... 275 Business opportunities.......... 280 Items for Sale Antiques.................................. -300 Appliances...............................JOS Auctions.... ..............................310 Clothing...................................315 Clothing.................................. 320 Computers/Electronics, Software..................3 25 Estate Auctions/Sales...........330 Farm Items............................ 335 Furniture............................... 340 Garage Sale............................ 345 Garden Equipment............... 350 Heavy Equipment..................355 Hobbies/Collectors................360 Livestock................................365 Miscellaneous for Sale.......... 370 Miscellaneous Wan ted..........375 Office Equipment................. 380 Pets/ Pet T raining. Shows... .385 Stereo Equipment, Television, VCR's,CD's,Tapes....J90 Tools.........................................395 Automobiles ATV's....................................... 400 Antiques.................................. 405 Autos by Make........................ 410 BM W ............................ 410 Buick.............................412 Cadillac.........................414 Chevrolet..................... 416 Chrysler........................410 Dodge............................ 420 Eagle............................. 422 Ford............................... 424 G M C ............................. 426 Honda........................... 420 Jeep...............................430 Lexa».............................432 Lincoln......................... 434 Mazda........................... 436 Mercedes...................... 438 Nissan............................440 Oldsmobile.................. 442 Plymouth..................... 444 Saturn...........................446 Subaru.......................... 448 Toyota...........................450 Volkswagon.................452 Others..........................454 Buses.........................................460 Campers/T railers..................465 Motorcycles.............................470 Parts/Domestic....................... 475 Parts/Imports..........................480 Pickups.....................................485 R.V7 Sales, Rentals................490 SUV’s........... ............................ 495 Personals Messages..................................500 Services.................................... 505