Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 09, 2000, Page 21, Image 21

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    (Tifie ^orflanh ©beeruer
Page 5
D ’Angelo to deliver soul at Arlene Schnizer Saturday
anyone, w h o ’s never been on a New
Y ork subw ay, The D ilated Peoples
virtual-reality tour website train ride
is like whoa.
Assisting D ’Angelo this time around
w ere m usically gifted and artists in
their ow n right.
D co-produced m uch o f the album
w ith th e n o to rio u s an d m u lti­
talented drum m er from the hip-hop
group The Roots, A hm ir(?uestlove)
Thom pson. U ntitled (H ow D oes it
F eel) was co-produced by Raphael
Saadiq. A lso stepping into co-pro.
on the scene from track #2 Devils
Pie, is the infam ous and m uch
in-dem and producer, DJ Premier.
From the tracks o f Left & Right
/fe a tu rin g M e th o d M an A n d
Redm an,. S en d It On,
C hicken G rease , O ne M o'G in,
Booty, and o f m y favorites that stays
on repeat w hen m e and my earth are
loungin’,is the6m inute& 13second
track o f # 13, Africa.
I guarantee you and yours w ill get
the sam e em otional fullness that
F elic ia L, S lider
I f D ’A ngelos asking from his #12
tra c k " U n title d (H o w D o e s It
F e e l) " ? ,
th e n I ’m h a p p y to
unconditionally throw it back at him
and reply from his #10 track “F eel
L ike M akin ’ L ove ".
Is this sim ply a m irrored response
courtesy and in com plim ent o f the
“B row n Sugar” m a n ’s
new CD , V o o d o o .. .hm m m .?! But,
i f im itation is the best form o f
flattery, then, on b eh a lf o f your fans
& the #5 track... "Send it On. "
A nd if The S ource m agazine (Apr.
2000) quotes - “...D ’A ngelo has
gro w n
l y r ic a lly
so n ica lly... V O O D O O is seam less
-a n d ju s t as p erfec tly raw. ..as a 90-
m in u te ja m se ssio n in a fu n k y
B rooklyn loft...” .. .then I w ould like
to confirm that D ’A ngelo has, is
and m akes us love the V oodoo that
he do.
Presented by L evis .V irgin Records
and PA X , w hich is an anti-gun
D 'A n g elo w ill be perform ing in
concert at the A rlene S chnitzer this
Saturday, A ugust 12, 2000.
O pening up the night w ill be hip-
hops Iriscience, DJ B abu o f the
W orld F am ous Beat Junkies, and
Evidence w ho m ake up the trio
D ila te d
P e o p le s .
V is it
okayplayer.com . T his w eb site for
D ’ Angelo, Com m on, T he Roots and
others is hungry. For the sake o f
D ’A n g e lo s ly r ic a l g u m b o o f
V oodoo
s e rv e d
m e.
W hen Voodoo (V irgin Records)
finally, and 1 prefacefin a lly with an
excited but not exhausted ahhhhhh,
was released on January 25 th, 2000,
fans around the w o rld shouted
victory that they were again, finally,
able to visualize & verbalize with
the Richmond, V irginia b om son &
grandson o f preachers once again.
The spiritual and sonic birth o f
V oodoo coincides w ith the birth o f
D ’A ngelo’s three-year old son. It
w as shortly after the ch ild ’s arrival
into the world that D ’Angelo entered
a studio in V irginia and laid down
“ Send it O n” , a sly slow jam laced
with a bluesy afterglow. W ith “Send
it O n” fresh in his m ind, D 'A ngelo
felt ready to start the recording
process for real and set up camp at
the fam ed Electric Lady Studios,
built by the late Jim i Hendrix.
M ic h a e l D ’A n g e lo A rc h e rs
(P lease see ‘D ’an g e lo ’ p ag e 8)
-------------------------------------- * ---------------------------------------
Thursday, August 17, 2 0 0 0 6 :0 0 PM
(R egistration at 5 :3 0
Earth Wind & Fire from page 2
few years and E W & F has appeared
on n u m e ro u s te le v is io n sh o w s
including N B C ’s “T oday, ’’“O prah”
and “Rosie O ’Donnell Show.” Since
their inception, Earth, W ind & Fire
has w on six G ram m ys and four
A m erican M usic A w ard s w hile
selling over 20 m illion album s in
the U.S. alone. T hey have been
h o n o r e d w ith a s ta r o n th e
H o llyw ood W alk o f F am e and
collected a H all o f Fam e Image
A w a rd fro m
th e N a tio n a l
A ssociation for the A dvancem ent
o f C olored People.
19 97’s “ In T he N am e o f L ove” was
easily one o f Earth, W ind & F ire’s
b est-received records in ov er a
decade. Fans and critics unanim ouly
cham pioned the organic live sound
in an era w hen popular m usic is so
o ften sy n th esized and sam pled.
Countless artists from nearly every
m usical genre have been influenced
and inspired by Earth, W ind & Fire
- influenced by their com position,
August 9, 2000
in s tr u m e n ta tio n ,
harmonization and concert theatrics,
or inspired by the divine love and
positivity that radiates through their
songs. O ne such artist is W y clef
Jean, a m em ber o f the G ram m y­
w inning hip hop trio The Fugees,
solo artist and in-dem and producer-
songw riter.
A fter collaborating on a cam eo
appearance E arth, W ind & Fire
m ade on a # 1 rap v ersio n o P ’Shining
S tar” by Sunz o f M an, Jean inked
them to R efugee C am p/C olum bia
R ecords. H e ’ll p ro d u ce several
tracks w ith M aurice for Earth, W ind
& F ire’s next album , m ost likely
due first quarter next year. A lready
Jean w rote and produced an EW & F
song for “The P J’s” soundtrack,
r e le a s e d la st M a rc h . V a rio u s
hitm akers are being considered to
jo in the group in the studio for w hat
w ill be their tw enty-third album.
W h ile th e y la b o r o n th e n ew
m aterial, Sony M usic Legacy is re­
releasing four o f Earth, W ind &
F i r e ’s la n d m a r k a lb u m s -
“G ratitude,’ “T h a t’s The W ay O f
T he W o rd ,’ “A ll ‘N A ll” and “The
B estO fE arth , W in d & F ire,V o l. 1”
- w hich have been rem astered.
O uttakes and o ther m aterial culled
from the original recording sessions
have been added to each disc.
“I w anted to create a band and a
library o f m usic that w ould stand
the test o f tim e,” reflected M aurice.
“W hat m akes Earth, W ind & Fire
d if f e r e n t
th a t
C o s m ic
C onsciousness is a key com ponent
o f o u r w o rk . E d u c a tin g an d
expanding p eo p le’s aw areness and
upl i fting their spirits is so im portant
in this day and age. It’s so tough out
there and people are looking for
more. They w ant m ore, and without
sounding preachy, I hope our music
g iv e th e m
s o m e th in g
p ositive.. .some encouragem ent and
5250 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
Two (2) African-American Boys Ages 4-6
Height No Taller than 4 0 ” |3 ’4 ”)
For The Role of “Little Coalhouse”
Children accompanied by a parent/guardian may register in person
at 5 :3 0 p.m. Auditioners will be seen on a first come,
first served basis commencing at approximately 6 :0 0 p.m.
Although no formal preparation is necessary, auditioners must bring
a current photo or snapshot outlining contact information,
age, height and experience (if any).
For more Information, please call (5031 2 4 1 -1 4 0 7
-------------------------------------- * ---------------------------------------
This is a non-speaking role. A.E.A. Production minimum salary for an Extra.