Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 09, 2000, Page 15, Image 15

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    Page B9
August 9, 2000
Intel from page 1
New booklet available to help individuals with credit problems
that m any young people and families
find them selves in and provide an
opportunity to design, create and
produce their own projects so that
they can succeed in our technological
Intel aims to Proliferate a Proven
Learning Model launched in February
2 0 0 0 b y In te l C o r p o r a tio n - in
cooperation w ith the M useum o f
S cien ce, B oston, the m u se u m ’s
award-winning Com puterClubhouse,
and the M assachusetts Institute o f
Technology (M IT) M edia Lab— the
Intel C om puter C lubhouse N etw ork
is both a p h y sic al lo c atio n and
proven, successful learning model.
B y 2 0 0 5 , 100 In te l C o m p u te r
Clubhouses w ill open around the
world touching the lives o f m ore than
50,000 young people.
The Intel C om puter C lubhouse
N etw ork provides a safe, creative
afte r-sc h o o l e n v iro n m en t w here
young p eo p le from u n d erse rv e d
com m unities w ork closely w ith adult
mentors to explore their ow n ideas,
develop skills, and build confidence
through the use o f technology. The
C lu b h o u se m o d e l is b a s e d on:
supporting learning through design
technical training to C lubhouse staff
and m em bers. Intel will invest $20
million dollars over the next five years.
T his includes funding for Intel-
sponsored C o m p u ter C lubhouses
and funding for the M useum o f
Science, B oston and M IT M edia Lab
to m aintain and build capac ity for the
Intel C om puter C lubhouse Network.
Com panies Join Intel And Contribute
H igh-End H ardw are, Softw are and
F irst-year start up costs for each
Clubhouse is approximately $200,000,
w hich includes additional support
from A dobe System s, A cadem y o f
Television A rts and Sciences, Covad
Com m unications, Hewlett-Packard,
L E G O C o m p a n y , M a cro m ed ia,
A utodesk, and M icrosoft. C ovad
C om m unications will provide DSL
Internet access to the Clubhouse
Hew lett-Packard will support the first
ro u n d o f C lu b h o u ses th ro u g h a
generous donation o f desktop PCs,
printers, scanners and digital cameras.
In addition, HP em ployees will serve
as C lubhouse m entors, and provide a
s e c o n d a ry te c h n o lo g y s u p p o rt
experiences; helping youth build on
their ow n interests; cultivating an
em ergent com m unity; and, creating
an environm ent o f respect and trust,
Intel’s goal is to establish it as a
rep licab le m odel for tech n o lo g y
In this “ invention w o rk sh o p ,”
clu b h o u se you th , ag ed 8 to 18,
express them selves through projects
b ased on th e ir ow n in te rests to
b e c o m e d e s ig n e r s , n o t ju s t
consum ers, o f technology. U sing
professional-level equipm ent, youth
can create com puter-generated art,
music and video; develop scientific
s im u la tio n s ; d e s ig n th e ir o w n
anim ations; build kinetic sculptures
and robots; develop their ow n W eb
p a g e s; an d p ro g ra m th e ir ow n
co m p u ter gam es. A d u lt m entors
serve as role m odels and support
Clubhouse m em bers’ self-directed
Program aim s to build capacity for
global m odel o f technology learning
Intel will provide financial, technical,
career, and volunteer m entor support
to proliferate the Intel C om puter
C lu b h o u se N etw ork g lobally. In
addition to equipm ent donations, a
team o f Intel professionals w ill w ork
with the C lubhouse to install the
te c h n o lo g y
n e tw o r k in g
capability to link clubhouse youth
a ro u n d th e w o rld a n d p ro v id e
A TA S has agreed to provide mentors
from its ran k s o f en tertain m en t
executives and artists, and to support
in te r n s h ip s
th e
te le ­
c o m m u n ic a tio n s
in d u s try .
Additionally, the LEGO Company will
supply MINDSTORM S kits to all 100
Clubhouses, enabling youth to build
ro b o ts a n d o th e r in te r a c tiv e
Intel Innovation in Education
T he In tel C o m p u te r C lu b h o u se
N etw ork is a key program o f the Intel
Innovation in Education initiative, a
global, m ulti-m illion dollar effort to
help realize the possibilities o f science
and technology in education. Intel
develops and supports education
program s that help m eet the needs o f
student and com m unities w orldwide
through im proving science, math,
e n g in e e rin g
a n d te c h n o lo g y
ed u c atio n ; im p ro v in g ed u c atio n
th ro u g h th e e f f e c tiv e u s e o f
te c h n o lo g y in c la s s ro o m s ; and
broadening access to technology and
te c h n ic a l c a r e e r s . F o r m o re
in f o rm a tio n ,
p le a s e
v is it
w w w.intel.com/education.
Intel, the w orld’s largest chip maker,
is also a leading m anufacturer o f
c o m p u te r,
n e tw o r k in g
an d
c o m m u n ic a tio n s
p ro d u c ts .
Additional inform ation about Intel is
a v a ila b le a t w w w .in te l.c o m /
pressrcom .
for T he
can help them selves if they have the right information.
“T he booklet covers all aspects o f credit including, applying for credit, getting
m ore credit to reduce interest costs, handling bills and bill collectors, and
restoring credit after financial problem s.” Says Jim Asvar, a researcher at
Financial A ssistance Netw ork. “Consum ers will also receive a free referral to
a non-profit organization that can help consolidate bills into one lower monthly
paym ent, usually saving the consum ers thousands in interest and late fees.”
C onsum ers can receive a copy o f the booklet by sending $5 to cover the cost
o f printing postage and handling to: Financial Assistance Network - Credit
booklet O ffer-D ept.C R -0801 P.O.Box 60944, Washington, DC 20039-60944.
P o r tla m ) O bserver
The Financial A ssistance N etw ork in W ashington, DC has ju st published a
new booklet, “Credit-Your Financial Power Tool”. The 48-page booklet includes
inform ation on a how and w here consumers can get credit even if they are
having problem s paying bills.
The booklets also instructs consum er with poor credit histories. Not only
can ’t they provide consum ers w ith a clean credit record; they may be
encouraging consum ers to violate federal law. The truth is that m ost consumers
Temporary restaurant licenses required for food booths
at the Alberta Street Fair
for T he
P ortland O bserver
A lb erta S tre et F air v en d o rs are
required by O regon law to com plete
an ap p lic a tio n fo r a te m p o ra ry
restaurant license from M ultnom ah
C o u n ty H ealth D epartm ent. T he
licen sin g p ro cess is sim p le an d
requires com pletion o f an application
two w eeks prior to the event. The
application requests a statem ent on
foods to be served, date, tim e, and
location o f the event, and a list o f
equipm ent such as refrigerators, and
steam tables.
w ith each food vendor. D uring this
m eetin g , the re p re se n ta tiv e w ill
discuss im portant safety procedure
for each operation, inspect the food
stands, and issue each organization
serving food a tem porary restaurant
Department is then able to point out
potential problem s and give helpful
suggestions on serving food to the
On the day o f the fair, a representative
from the Health Department will meet
For more information or to request an
application fo ra food service license,
co n tact the M ultnom ah C ounty
department, Environmental Health
Section, at(5O3)988-34OO.
S ubscribe ! F ill out , n
T h e fo o d s e r v ic e lic e n s e an d
insp ectio n are m easures to help
prevent a possible food-borne illness
in th e co m m u n ity . T h e H ea lth
The Portland Observer
Attn: Subscriptions
PO Box 3137
Portland, OR 97208
from page 1
location for quite som e time. The
current grow th and expansion o f the
M artin Luther king JR. corridor were
triggering events for the remodel. “The
tim e w as right," W aterm an added.
The decision to renovate the store
illu s tr a te s
th e
c o m p a n y ’s
com m itm ent to N ortheast Portland.
U nlike other grocery chains that have
left the area, Safew ay has rem ained at
their M artin Luther King JR. location
and has continued to serve the area.
S a f e w a y ’s P o rtla n d D iv is io n
com prises 109 stores, 95 in O regon
and 14 in W ashington. Safeway Inc.
is one o f the w o rld ’s largest food and
drug retailers, operating 1,665 stores
in the United States and Canada.
S afew ay’s com m on stock is traded
on the New York Exchange the symbol
Subscriptions are $60.00 a year
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