Page B7 August 9, 2000 (The Ijjorthtnh ©baeruer S Classifieds/Bids UNIX System s A dm inistrator W ork for O ne Tough M other! ^C olum bia “ Sportswear Company® C olum bia S portsw ear C om pany has proven for m ore than 50 years that quality construction, engineering and innovation in sports apparel and footw ear is a form ula for success. O ur grow th has been built on a foundation o f value, not only in our high quality products, but our em ployees as well. I f you are looking for an opportunity to put your U N IX skills and experience to w ork, w e m ay have the jo b for you. O ur IS departm ent is looking for an experienced U N IX system s adm inistrator w ho will help construct our state-of-the art U N IX system s in support o f new internet business projects. E xperience in the installation and configuration o f a new three-tiered U N IX servers and system softw are, docum ent and m anage backup and disaster recovery procedures, m aintain and docum ent system s security p rocedures, and m aintain integrity o f all system volum e m aintenance, file m aintenance and general troubleshooting. Y ou will help architect and im plem ent our new environm ent including m ultiple servers and security system s. Sound like the jo b for you? This is w hat w e need from you: A strong know ledge o f U N IX system s including shell program m ing and administration. 5-8 years progressively increasing responsibility in com puter operations netw ork adm inistration, system s adm inistration and system s engineering. P refer experience w ith installation and configuration o f w eb server softw are, LD A P based security system s, and w eb developm ent tools (JA V A , content m anagem ent tools, etc.) C olum bia S portsw ear has a lot to offer you including: corporate bonuses, stock purchase plan, education assistance, product discount, and 28 PA ID days o ff p er y ear to enjoy the active lifestyle o f a C olum bia Sportsw ear em ployee! A nd, o f course, th e re’s M edical/D ental, 401 (K), profit sharing and com pany paid life insurance. Please send resum e to: C olum bia Sportsw earCom pany, Human Resources, Dept. UN IX A DM , PO Box 83239, PortlandO R 97283,orFA X to: (503) 735- 4597. O r email to: Jam ie M ilUlonW ymatl,Columbia,com Equal Opportunity Employer. CITY OF VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON REQUEST FOR SMALL WORKS CONTRACTORS C ontractors are hereby notified that the City o f V ancouver will accept applications for listing on the C ity ’s small w orks roster. The sm all w orks roster w ill include firms w ishing to offer quotes on Public W orks projects w hich have an estim ated value betw een $0- $ 100,000.00. F irm s on this roster may be contacted for quotes or on a rotating basis for projects o f this size in their respective business. A vailability o fw o rk is not guaranteed Firms may also request placem ent on the City ’ s m ailing list for formal bids over $ 100,000.00 estim ated cost. A pplications for listing w ill b e accepted from firms doing business in the follow ing areas: G eneral C ontracting, A sb esto s A batem ent, B uilding dem olition. C ab in etry , C arp en ter, C arp et/F lo o r C overing, C o n crete (C u rb s/ Sidew alks), C oring/D rilling, D itch cleaning, D ryw all, Electrical, E xcavating, Fencing, G lass/W indow installation, H V A C , Janitorial, Landscaping, M asonry, Painting, Paving, Plumbing, Pum p installation/ repair, Roofing, Storage T ank Removal, Sew er/W ater M ain Repair/ Replacem ent, Traffic Signalization, W elding, W ell D rilling, W indow C overing and Cleaning, O ther T he City w ill m ake a reasonable effort to contact all contractors qualified for a particular project on a rotating basis. If a firm does not respond three consecutive tim es and does not specifically ask to rem ain on the list o f qualified contractors, the firm will be rem oved from the list. T o obtain m ore inform ation and qualification forms, please call or write: C ity o f V ancouver Purchasing D epartm ent P O Box 1995 Vancouver, W A 98668-1995 (360)696-8231 A pplications w ill be accepted throughout the year, how ever Small W orks C ontractors m ust be pre-qualified prior to w ork being awarded. T he C ity o f V ancouver encourages participation o f M inority, W om en and D isabled Sm all W orks C ontractors. TIM Viles Interim P urchasing A gent A re INVITATION TO BID Office of Multi-Cultural Affairs Is Sponsoring A Busines^fefter- Hours Party To Form a U o f O Alumnus o f Color Reunion Committee The Party will be at Billy Reeds Restaurant 2808 N. E.M LK Jr. Blvd. August 24Ih 5:30 - 7 :00 p.m. For questions or to RSVP Please Danny at (503) 288-0033 Or Carla Gary at 1 -800-BE A DUCK All Alumnus Welcomed S ub -B ids R equested CIVIC STADIUM renovation Item s o f W ork: D iv 6 through D iv 12 M illw ork, R ough Carpentry, R o o f R epair, D oors & H ardw ard. Ceiling D oors & G rilles, G lass & G lazing, Fire proofing D ryw all, A coustical C eilings, Flooring, Painting, TLT. Partitions & A ccessories, W all Protection & Flag Poles. Please indicate interest by faxing qualifications by A ugust 17,2000 to D ave Carey, 503-226-9836OrCall,503-226-9825 TURNER Construction Co. 5200 SW M acadam A ve. Ste 370 * Portland, O R 97201 CC BN o. 69988 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from all interested Subcontractors and Suppliers including Minority and Women-Owned business, Disadvantaged, Disabled Veterans and Emerging Small Business Enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED OSU - Kerr Administration Bldg. Lobby Remodel 921 SW Washington, Suite 150 Portland, OR 97205 (503)223-0500 FAX (503) 223-2874 CCB #92919 We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub bids from all interested Subcontractors and Suppliers including Minority and Women- Owned Businesses Disadvantaged. Disabled Veterans and Emerging Small N otice is hereby given that the C ity ofV ancouver, W ashington, will receive sealed bids up to the hour o f 11:00 a.m., Pacific Standard Tim e, Tuesday, A ugust 29, 2000, and publicly opened and read aloud at that tim e on the sam e day in the Council Chambers, 1 “ Floor ofC ity Hall, 210 East 13'*' Street, V ancouver, W ashington, for the following: T he Evergreen Fisheries Park is a facility that provides fish production, environm ental education and fisheries science, in addition to providing local passive recreation opportunities. Vancouver-Clark Parks & Recreation Services, Clark Public U tilities, and W ashington D epartm ent o f Fish & W ildlife (W D FW ) are partners in the first phase im provem ents. Proposed im provem ents include: parking, trails, shelter, accessible fishing dock, restroom , interpretive signing, viewpoints, benches, tables, bike racks, play area and landscaping. A n optional pre-bid w alk thru o f the project will be held at the V ancouver Trout Hatchery, 12208 SE Evergreen Highway, August 16,2000at2:00p.m . Bidding docum ents may be examined in O w ner’s office, City ofV ancouver, W ashington, Financial Services Building, 100 E 13,h Street, V ancouver W ashington. Bidding docum ents may be obtained from the O w ner’s office upon paym ent o f $50.00 plus sales tax, ( if applicable) for each set o f docum ents is nonrefundable. (City Ordinance M -3427)C om pany/Cashiers Checks or m oney orders shall be m ade payable to City ofV ancouver. F irms ordering docum ents shall provide a street address and/or post office box w here additional inform ation (A ddenda) m ay be delivered via U.S. Mail. D ocum ents will be delivered via UPS or U.S. Mail. A list ofplan centers that have received sets ofB idding Docum ents for the w ork contem plated herein is available from Purchasing at (360) 696-8231. Do not send cash. B ids shall be in accordance w ith the specifications and other contract docum ents on file in Purchasing, City Financial Services Building, phone (360) 696-8231, where copies may be obtained. Bid results m ay be obtained the m orning after the bid opening by calling (360) 696-8125. A ll bids shall be addressed to the attention o f the Purchasing A gent, City o fV an co u v er Financial Services Building, 100 East 13,h Street, P.O. Box 1995, V ancouver, W ashington 98668. All bids delivered shall be delivered to the Purchasing A gent, City Financial Services Building, 100 E ast 13th Street. Bids shall be placed in an envelope w hich is sealed and which clearly states the nam e o f the bidder, the date o f the bid opening, and appropriate w ording to indicate definitely the nature o f the contents. Do not send bids by FAX. Bid subm itted via FA X will not be accepted. The City o fV an co u v er is com m itted to providing equal opportunities to State o f W ashington certified M inority, D isadvantaged and W o m en ’s B usiness Enterprises in contracting activities. (Section 4 o f C hapter 56, Laws o f 1975,1” Ex. Sess., State o f W ashington). All bid proposals m ust be accom panied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, c ash ier’s check, or surety bond in an am ount equal to five percent (5% ) o f the am ount o f such bid proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory perform ance bond w ithin the tim e stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City o fV ancouver. The City ofV an co u v er reserves the right to cancel this invitation or reject any and all bids subm itted or to w aive any m inor form alities o f this call if in the judgem ent o f the City Council the best interest o f the C ity w ould be served. No bidder may w ithdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof, unless the aw ard o f contract is delayed for a period exceeding thirty (30) days. TimViles Interim Purchasing A gent Business Enterprises. SUBSIDIZED UNITS SENIOR/DISABLED 1 BEDROOM UPSTAIRS, AVAILABLE NOW. G uardian M anagem ent C orporation is com m itted to “ Equal H ousing O pportunity.” ¿V Handicapped Accessable Countrywood Manor 217 SE LaCreole Drive #1 Dallas, OR 97338 503-623-9667 Fax 503-623-7210 E Q U A L H O U S IN G “ B est of the B est ”? CITY OF VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON Drivew'ay Sale EVERGREEN FISHERIES PARK U of O A lumnus you the Join A T & T B roadband N etw ork Solutions "best o f best professionals” in our Portland, O R office by m arketing and selling W ide and M etropolitan A rea N etw orks using the latest state-of-the "best o f the best" technology like A TM , IP Switching and G igabit Ethernet and TDM to provide high end services to A T & T B roadband N etw ork Solutions exclusive clientele. Ify o u rb ack g ro u n d is in selling broadband telecom m unications services with a Local Exchange C arrier, Inter-Exchange Carrier, or you have worked for an equipm ent supplier o f these technologies like Cisco, M arconi or E xtrem e N etw orks, or have system s integration background providing these high-end broadband netw orks at bandw idths o f 100 Mbps and higher, contact A T & T B roadband N etw ork Solutions “best o f the best”. A T & T B roadband N etw ork Solutions is a w holly ow ned first tier subsidiary o fT elecom m unications, Inc., and now a m em ber o f the A T & T family, w hich operates in a private carriage unregulated telecommunications environm ent to provide exciting and challenging high-end data and robust video services to its exclusive clientele for m ission critical applications o ver fiber optic infrastructure. AT& T Broadband N etw ork Solutions is a three-year-old com pany that has had exciting growth. W e are now p oised to take the next step by expanding the sales workforce w ithin the N etw ork Solutions organization. P referredqualifications include: • D egree in T eleco m m u n icatio n s, C om puter Science, B usiness A dm inistration, or significant relevant experience in broadband telecom m unication engineering and sales. • K now ledge o f high-end technical services offering a plus. • Skill sets include being highly m otivated and entrepreneurial. Strong selling & m arketing, relationship building, project m anagem ent and com m unications skills are a must. W e are looking for the “best o f the best”. Are you one o f them ? A T & T broadband N etw ork Solutions offers a superb package o fb en efits such as 401 (k), educational assistance, medical/den tai and com plim entary cable services. Successful candidates must pass drug/alcohol test and background check. Travel required. A T&T Broadband N etw ork Solutions is an equal opportunity em ployer. Send or e-m ail resum es w ith salary requirem ents to: A T & T B roadband Network Solutions, Five Parkw ay C e n te r , S u ite 1 00, P itts b u r g h , PA 15220. E -m a il: veraldi.m Reference: “Best o f the B est -A c c o u n t Executive” SUBSIDIZED UNITS MAY BE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. I f subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be placed on W aiting Lists. G uardian M anagem ent C orporation is com m itted to “ Equal H ousing O pportunity.” Handicapped Accessable Rosewood Terrace Apartments 235 Pearl Street Oregon City, Oregon 97045" (503)650-0971 EQ U A L H O U S IN G School Clothes, Work, After Five Good Condition Saturday 12, 2000 10:00-6:00pm 7052 N. Commercial Portland For sale by owner By Appointment: (503) 282-4757 or (661) 722-5565 735 N. Shaver $185,000 Large Family Home Or Convert To 3 Units Possible 6 large Bedrooms, 2 Full Baths, Extra Large Living and Dining Room, Extra Large Bonus Room, Full Basement, Large Kitchen, Approximately 3000 Sq. Ft Living Space Hardwood Floor, Original Woodwork, Fruit Trees S ub B ids R equested F or Hearthstone At Murrayhill Beaverton, O regon 3-story w ood fram e, slab on grade, 183 units o f Congregate, A ssisted & A lzheim ers Care. Bid Date: A ugust 10,2000, by 3 pm é WALSH CONSTRUCTION CO., CCB# 11398 2905 SW First A venue, Portland, O R 97201 Phone:(503)222-4375 Fax:(503)274-7676 Contact: Don G eddes, M onty O rlando or Jean H ejtschm idt Plans available at: W alsh Construction Co., DJC Plan Center, Construction Data Portland. O regon C ontractor Plan C enter, O A M E (O regon A ssociation o f M inority E ntrepreneurs), C onstruction M arket D ata, Inc., and Im pact B usiness C onsultants H U D Residential W age Project Please call W alsh C onstruction Co. F or b id form s and instructions. E m erging Sm all B usiness Enterprises, M inority B usiness Enterprises and W om an-ow ned Business E nterprises are encouraged to bid on this work