A u gu st 9, 2ÜÖÜ Page B6 (Elje IßarManö (Ohövruvr S Classifieds/Bids Employment | Employment | Employment | Employment I Employment General 235 Home Care 225 ^H ousekeeping W ork for O ne Tough Mother! {T he Oregon Arena Corporation at ¡ th e R o se Q u a rte r, P o r tla n d ’s ^ p ro fe s s io n a l sp o rts and ^entertainment center, is seeking a full •¡time candidate with housekeeping £and supervisory skills who will ^provide overnight supervision at all facilities. M ust be able to work extended hours, including nights, w e e k e n d s an d h o lid a y s. M ust ^possess valid driver’s license with ¡¡ability to be trained on forklift. Salary ¡¡commensurate with experience, plus •¡excellent benefit package. To apply, ¡¡send re su m e to H o u se k e e p in g •¡D irector, H um an R e so u rc e s ^D epartm ent, c/o O reg o n A rena ¡¡¡Corporation, Once CenterCourt, Suite ■¡200, Portland, OR 97227. No phone ¡calls please. Equal O pportunity ¡Employer. Minorities and females are ¡encouraged to apply. M/F/D/V 1 Education 227 « ♦ J Instruction & R esearch Services ¡ w ith the office o f In form ation •'T echnologies at P ortland State «University is expanding to better ♦.serve Faculty, Students, and Staff. J Joinourtechnical team in an enjoyable ♦ work environment. The following ¡positions are open for application ¡until filled. rln stru c tu a l Technology Support : Specialist-25-35K ¡M anager, Instructional Support Î Specialist - S40-50K ¡.Instructional D esigner (M asters ; Required) - S45-55K For information on these positions, •please visit www.rams.pdx.eduyjobs .or call JackieMorgan at503-725-3588. •PSU is an E qual O p p o rtu n ity ¡E m p lo y er and e n co u rag es a p p lic a tio n s from w om en and minorities. General 235 Washington County Equal Opportunity Employer. Eligibility List $l,873-$2,279/month Closes August 18,2000 General 235 A dm inistrative Specialist II Full-Time Driver Non-Bilingual and Bilingual Eligibility List $2,173-$2,643/month Closes August 18,2000 Com m unity Health W orker II (Bilingual) $2,284-$2,778/month Closes August 18,2000 Engineering Project C oordinator S3,834-$4,663/month . Closes September 1,2000 Inspection T echnician II $2,953-$3,577/month Closes August 18,2000 Nurse P ractitioner (Part-tim e) $23.88-$28.97/hour Closes August 18,2000 Public Health N utritionist (Bi lingual - Spanish/Engl ish) $3,072-53,735/month Closes August 18,2000 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846- 4898 fo r in fo rm a tio n . C o u n ty a p p lic a tio n an d s u p p le m e n ta l application forms required. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. ApplyTo: W a sh in g to n C o u n ty H um an Resources Division 1 55 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 ; :— Columbia Sportswear Company has proven for more than 50 years that quality construction, engineering and innovation in sports apparel and footwear is a formula for success. Our growth has been built on a foundation o f value, not only in our high quality products, but our employees as well. Product Developer If you’re looking for an opportunity to p u t y o u r ap p arel p ro d u ct development experience to work, we may have the job for you. Our product development department is looking foranexperiencedchildren’s apparel developer who will: participate in the development o f new products and ensure design integrity, quality, pricing and timelines; be responsible for developing technical specs, p ro to ty p e c o n stru c tio n and commercialization o f product during manufacturing; and source materials and trims, establish parameters for style specs, quality standards and construction details. Sounds like the job for you? This is what w e’ll need from y o u ... 3 to 5 years experience in apparel development and construction and college coursework in textiles and m anufacturing. Experience w ith children’s apparel preferred. Columbia Sportswear has a lot to o ffe r you including: c o rp o rate b o n u se s, sto c k p u rc h a se p lan , e d u c a tio n a s s is ta n c e , p ro d u c t discount, and 28 PAID days o ff per year to enjoy the active lifestyle of a Colum bia Sportsw ear employee! And, o f course, there’s Medical/ Dental, 401(K), profit sharing and company paid life insurance. Please send resume to: Columbia S p o rtsw e a r C o m p a n y , H um an Resources, Dept. PRODDE V, PO Box 83239,PortlandOR97283,orFAX to: (503) 735-4597. Or email to: Jamie Millhornfeccmail.columbia.com Adm inistrative Specialist I I ♦ Columbia Sportswear Company® \ Advertise in The Portland Observer Call 288-0033 ® ije Year-Round Position With Excellent Benefits and Competitive Salary Full-Time year-round bus driver position open Requires minimum o f a high-school diploma or equivalent, one year experience as a licensed driver with a valid Non-Restricted Class B CDL. Send cover letter, resume and proof o f CDL license or come in to fill out an application: Human Resources 31224 E. H istoric C olum bia River Hwy. T routdale, O R 97060 R esponses M ust Be Received No Later than Friday, Aug. 4 ,2 0 0 0 As an affirmative action employer, we are seeking qualified minority, fem ale, v e te ra n and d isa b le d applicants; however, all qualified applicants will be considered. General 235 Business C onsultant E xpanding N ational W holesale Mortgage Lender seeks a Business Consultant for Oregon. Wholesale m ortgage and sales experience preferred. Excellent compensation and benefit plans. Please send resume to: Washtenaw Mortgage Company, HR Dept., 315 E. Eisenhower, Ste. 12, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 or fax to: 734- 662-9517. www.washtenawmortgage.com General 235 Health Care 240 Sports Radio Air Talent C e re s B e h a v io ra l H e a lth c a r e System s, a M anaged Behavioral H ealthcare O rganization that is affiliated with Magellan Behavioral H ealth , a n a tio n a l b e h a v io ra l healthcare company, is accepting ap p lic a tio n s for the follow ing positions. A dm inistrative A ssistant Responsibilities for this lull time position include front desk reception, sw itc h b o a rd , a p p o in tm e n t scheduling, data entry, and clerical support for administi ati ve and clinical staff. Requires excellent judgement, a tte n tio n to d e ta il and stro n g customer service skills. Experience with multi-line phone systems and a p p o in tm e n t sc h e d u lin g in a healthcare environment preferred. Working knowledge o f computer software (MS Office) required. Customer Support Representative This full time position provides support services to mental health c lin ic ia n s in c lu d in g b e n e fit verification and quoting benefits. Includes telephone contact with clients. Strong com puter skills req u ired . C u sto m e r se rv ic e background and experience with health insurance preferred. Ceres offers competitive salaries, a comprehensive benefit package plus a g reat w o rk in g en v iro n m e n t. Qualified applicants are invited to send resumes to: Ceres Behavioral Healthcare Systems Attn: Human Resources 921 SW Washington Street, Suite 550 Portland, OR 97205 Fax:(503)219-6892 E-maikjhatvgyfemagellaohealthgQm Equal Opportunity Employer Do you understand Sports Radio? Do you know why ABC hired Dennis Miller for Monday Night Football? Do you realize the only way to g en e ra te an a u d ie n c e o f any significance is with a personality who is entertaining? Can you do a talk show without callers or guests and still be compelling? If the answer to all o f the previous questions is yes, then we may have an opportunity for you. Sportsradio 910 The Fan is looking for the next outstanding sports talk personality. Take us beyond stats, facts and figures... find a way to make the audience react, whether by laughing, thinking or crying. Send tape/resume to PD, K.FXX, 0700 SW B ancroft St., Portland, OR 97201. Equal Opportunity Employer Health Care 240 The Multnomah County Health Department is currently recruiting for the following positions: H ealth Services A dm inistrator - D isease Prevention and C ontrol Division N utrition A ssistant H e a lth S e r v ic e s S p e c ia lis t - E n v ir o n m e n ta l H e a lth /V e c to r Control Pharmacist Clinical Health A ssistan t- Bilingual (R u ssian , V ietn a m ese, C hinese, S p a n is h , S o m a li, B o s n ia n or Albanian) M edical Records Technician (ART) Application materials and formal job announcem ents are available at: www.co.multnomah.or.us/iobs/. in person or by mailing a self-addressed stam p ed e n v e lo p e re q u e stin g application forms to: Multnomah County Human Resources Division, 1120 SW 5* Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box 14700, Portland OR 97293-0700. A ssisted access to Multnomah County job information and w eb site is a v a ila b le at Multnomah County Libraries. M u ltnom ah C o u n ty H e a lth Department is actively recruiting persons from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enhance service to our diverse communities. B ilin g u a l/ b i c u 1 t u r a 1 candidates are encouraged to apply- Health Care 240 R ape C risis C e n te r is currently recruiting volunteers for our October training class. Use your talents and serve your community by providing advocacy for survivors o f sexual a ssa u lt, a ssistin g o u r sch o o l education program , speaking to com m unity groups or providing technical support orofficeassistance. Additionally, we are seeking Spanish speaking individuals to assist with our program. We ask that you are a ca rin g , c o m p a ssio n a te p e rso n looking to make a difference in someone’s life and are at least 21 years o f age. Call (503) 680-7766 for more information. RCC is a non-profit agency serving primarily Washington County. Health Care 240 R esidential T reatm ent C ounselor, enthusiastic, positive and creative individuals needed to work with children in a nationally recognized treatment facility. Position offers a supportive and active atmosphere, a team oriented approach, and the challenge o f helping kids build self esteem in a caring, therapeutic environment. Requires a college degree in the Human Services field with prior experience working with children. A sincere commitment toy youth a must. Excellent salary and benefit package offered. Send resume to: Human Resources Director, PO Box 368, Marylhurst, OR 97036. The C h ristie S ch o o l is an eq ual opportunity employer that values diversity in the workplace. Messages 500 Are You Ready For Love? CallN ow !!! 1-900-328-3222ext 9941 $2.99 permin. Must be 18 years Serv-U (619)645-8434 Health Care 240 R eferral N urse RN - Neighborhood Health Clinics, Inc. a non-profit health care agency that operates clinics and programs forthe uninsured, seeks a30-hour per week staff nurse. Candidates must be effective in managing: referrals, patient follow-up, chart reviews and QA. Minimum: RN with current OR nursing license and two years clinical experience. Salary $27-35,000. Send cover letter and resume to Medical Program Manager, NHC 4945 NE 7,h Portland OR 97211 Office 250 W o rk as O ffic e M a n a g e r for successful non-profit in flexible and supportive environment. Manage office and computer systems, clerical and reception. Call 823-5269 for job description. tl anit Observe Health Care 240 D ir e c t C a r e S t a f f II n eed ed Thursdays and Saturdays, 2pm- midnight, to work with boys ages 9- 13, in a non-profit agency serving children and fam ilies. Position requires a BA in mental health or related field, or2 years experience in mental health. Competitive salary plus p ro ra te d b e n e fits. F o r m ore information, contact Barbara at 286- 2099. Or you may send cover letter and resume to Janus Youth Programs, 707 Couch Street, Portland, Oregon 97232, A ttn: Barbara Justiniani. Position open until filled. We value d iv e rsity and are an E qual Opportunity Employer. Office 250 S taff A ssistants Be part o f our team! Salem Area Mass Transit District has two full-time openings for sta ff assistants to perform a variety o f secretarial and administrative support duties for our T ransit Services D ivision. One position will be located in our new downtown administration building- Courthouse Square (Job #00-01), scheduled to open Fall 2000. The other position will be located at our Del W ebb offices (Job #00-02). Starting wages $ 13.04 per hour. Come inorcall503-588-2424toobtainofficial application form(s) and detailed vacancy announcem ent(s) which lists qualification requirem ents. Please in dicate w hich position/ location you a re interested in. Visit our web site at: www.cherriots.or. Send completed application form(s) to Salem Area Mass Transit District, Human Resources Division, 3140 Del Webb Ave NE, Salem OR 97303. Application must be received by District by 5:00 p.m. August 25,2000. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Office 250 R ecep tio n ist w /se cr eta ria l and t e c h n ic a l su p p ort d u tie s . Call Today 503.288.0033 F acsimile................... 503.288.0015 Email to .classifieds@portlandobserver.com 1 Information/Travel 1 Public Notice«....................... ..... OMI I Announcements/W eddings....010 A nnouncem ents/Births.... .....015 Famity Services.................... 020 I ,o«t «inti Found 030 Meeting Notices................... ___ 040 Tickets, for Sale W anted................. 050 Travel.................................... ..... 060 Real Estate Acreage.................................. 100 Homes for sale....................... 110 Homes for re n t..................... .....115 Appar tments, d uplexes for Sale aval s_ 7<*a^«««««««««««««««««« ,,,, 17» Appartments, duplexes fo r R ent.................. 125 Manufactured Homes for Sale................... .....130 Manufactured Homes for R e n t............ —__ 135 Others for Sale..................... 140 Others for R ent.................... .....145 Comm ercial Real Estate......... 150 W aterfront Property.............. 155 Real Estate W anted............ 165 Employment G uidance/R esum es............ .....200 Professional........................... 205 Computer/T echnology............210 Automotive................ _____ ....213 Contractors.......................... 215 Outdoor Hom e Care._____ „_220 Indoor Home Care, Dom estic............... ....225 Education............................. -.... 227 Financial, Insurance........... .... 230 G e n e ra l................................... 235 H e a lth ca re........................... .... 240 M arketing, Advertising ....245 Administration..........................247 O ffice........................................... 250 Legal............. ..............................253 Retail........................................... 255 Accounting............................ .... 258 Sales......................................... ...2 6 0 Social Services...................... ...2 6 5 Temporary,Part-Time, Seasonal................ ...2 7 0 Positions W anted................. ...2 7 5 Business opportunities...... ...2 8 0 Items for Sale O p p o rtu n ity w ith grow ing, nationally-recognized construction consulting firm. Skilled with MS Word & Excel, a positive attitude and good work ethic required. Construction or design office experience desired. Duties: answer phones, letters, data entry, update databases, reception, copy, and file. Excellent pay, benefits and flexibility. Resume and salary history to Pinnell/Busch, Inc. at 6420 SW M acadam A v en u e, #330, Portland, 97201. Antiques...... •••••••••••••••.. •••••■•••...J00 Appliances........................... „...J05 Auction«.................................. ...J 1 0 Clothing.................................. ...J15 C lothing................................... ...J20 Computers/Electronics, S o ftw are................. ..3 2 5 Estate A uctions/Sales........ ..3 3 0 F a rm Item s............................. „ 3 3 5 Furniture................................ ..3 4 0 G ara g eS ale........................... ...345 Garden Equipment_______ ...350 Heavy Equipm ent________ ...355 Office 250 I .ivestoek................................. ...365 Hobbies/Collectors.............. ...3 6 0 A d m in istra tiv e A ssista n t: Our Portland, OR office is seeking a highly motivated, responsible and organized individual to perform a variety ofoffice d u ties in c lu d in g ty p in g , a/p, scheduling & answering phones. Ideal candidates m ust possess strong oral, written & proofreading skills. Minimum three years secretarial experience and a working knowledge ofMS Office 97. Successful candidate must pass a drug/alcohol test. EOE. Send resum e to: A dm inistrative A ssista n t, A T& T B roadband Network Solutions, Five Parkway Center, Suite 100, Pittsburgh, PA 15220, Attn: M. V eraldiorem ailto: veraldi.meg@broadband.att.com General 235 Postal Jobs To$14.45/HR + Federal Benefits No Experience, exam info Call 1-800-391-5856x6802 8am-9pm Local not guar ed ______________________ $, 1.50.....................................................................................per column inch $13.00...................................................................per column inch and boxed $ 15.00......................................................per column inch boxed and shaded $14.00................................................................................................ RFP/Bids $90.00.....................Sub-Bids(2 column by 3") each additional inch=$ 10.00 INDEX All Classified Ads and Bids will be accepted up until 5 p.m., Friday. Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd M iscellaneous for S ale...... ...3 7 0 M iscellaneous W anted..........3 7 5 Office E q uipm en t............... ...380 P ets/ Pet T raining, Shows. ...385 Stereo Equipm ent, Television, V C R ’s,C D ’s,Tapes. ...390 Tools..... . •••••••••••••••••••••...395 Automobiles A T V ’s___________________ ....400 A n tin lies.................................. ...405 Autos by M ake.........................410 B M W ........................ ....410 Buick........................ ....412 Cadillac................... .... 414 Chevrolet................ ....416 Chrysler....................... 418 Dodge....................... .... 420 Eagle......................... ....422 Ford......................... G M C ......................... ....426 Honda....................... ....428 Jeep.......................... ....430 Lexus........................ ....432 Lincoln..................... ....434 Mazda....................... ....436 Mercedes................. ....438 Nissan............................440 Oldsmobile............. ....442 Plymouth................. ....444 Saturn...........................446 Subaru...................... ....448 Toyota...................... ....450 Volkswagon............. ...452 Others...................... ...454 ...460 Cam pers/Trailers................ ...465 M otorcycles............................ ...470 Parts/Domestic..................... ...475 Parts/Imports........................ ...480 Pickups.................................... ...485 R.VVSales, Rentals............. ...490 SU V ’s....................................... ...495 Personals M essages................................ ...500 Services............ ....................... 505