AUG O 2 2000 -J u ly 26, 200 0 Page A5 CÜFje ^lurtiaiifr ©hapruer ^Iorttanò Family Living (Observer M H Looking for a home Oregon Humane Society’s Fourth Annual Adopt-a-Pet Fair D avid and Em ilio are adorable brothers o f A frican-A m erican/ G uatem alan/ C aucasian heritage. Despite their rough beginning in life, they have m ade m uch process with their foster family. W ell-rounded, curious and com petent are qualities that describe David. Reading books, watching m ovies and playing w ith toy cars keep him occupied. A train aficionado, he is quite proud o f his toys and collectables, D avid enjoyed attending Head Start this past year. E m ilio’s sm ile beam s so big and bright that it m elts hearts. His foster m other describes him as a happy and laid back toddler. Loving to play, he can entertain him self easily for hours. He also adapts positively to group and peer interactions and plays w ell with both children and adults. Em ilio is team ing to feel com fortable with physical affection, and for this reason he hugs the legs o f his caretakers as they read to him. D avid and Em ilio w ould do best as the youngest in a household w here they could receive lots o f love and attention. These brothers com e w ith their challenges, including the possibility that they were prenatally exposed to drugs; how ever, their current developm ent show s that they are doing w ell and have positive futures ahead o f them. They are delightful boys and will bring their new family many rewards. The Society’s biggest adoption event o f the year hopes to find hom es for every pet in the shelter. M ake a friend for life - adopt from the Oregon H um ane Society during the Pet Fair. A ugust 11 from 10-7, A ugust 12 from 10-7, A ugust 13 from 12-7 A sk the experts how to find the right pet for your lifestyle; discover training techniques you can use right away; check out the latest pet- related books by O regon authors; free pet food sam ples; com plim entary pet ID tags; starter kits full o f great item s to get your new dog or cat o ff on the right paw; refreshm ents; learn about volunteer opportunities; Pet Fair adoption specials; and see the new shelter facility. Parking Lot Rum m age Sale taking place on w est end o f the property. G reat stu ff and treasurers to purchase - all proceeds go directly to the animals O regon H um ane Society, 1067 NE C olum bia Blvd., Portland, (503)285- 7722 Y2K spring Cleanup New prices effective May 2000 Educational progress needed for teens to drive CONTRIBIJTEDSTORY k ir T he P ortland O bserver B eginning S eptem ber 1, O regonians under 18 years o f age w ho apply for their first driving privileges w ill need to show p ro o f o f school attendance, com pletion o f school, or exem ption from attendance before DM V will issue them a perm it or diver license. “T here are certain docum ents people can bring in to show th e y ’re in com pliance with the law ,” said Lom a Y oung ’ s, O D O T D eputy D irector for D M V. “T hat includes a diplom a o r a G E D ce rtific a te , a sta te m e n t o f Briefs uwwwwwr en ro llm en t form from atten d in g school, show ing - in the w ords o f the applying for an instructional perm it, a provisional diver license, a special it, unless their license is cancelled, rev o k e d o r su sp e n d e d fo r non- la w — th e s tu d e n t is m a k in g satisfactory progress tow ard a G ED o r a high school diploma. I f person is hom e schooled or is exem pt from attending school, they also need to obtain the form through the school district o r ESD. Y oung’s added that it isn’t up to DM V to determ ine w hat constitutes “ s a tis f a c to r y p r o g r e s s ." T h a t definition is up to the school district o r educational service district. T e e n a g e rs w ill n e e d to sh o w com pliance w ith the new law when student driver perm it, an em ergency driver perm it or a m oped restricted diver perm it. It w o n ’t be necessary fo r s o m e o n e a p p ly in g fo r an identification card. “A person will only need to show the form the first tim e th ey ’re issued a diver license or a perm it," Y oungs said. “ Ifa p e rso n applies for a perm it or a license for the first tim e after Septem ber 1, they need to bring it in for that transaction. T hat should be attendance at school.” The law also gives O regon schools d istricts and p riv ate sch o o ls the option to have D M V suspend the driving privilege o f a student who w ithdraw s from school. A ccording to this law, a student is considered to have w ithdraw n from school if he or she has ten consecutive school days o f unexcused absences or 15 days o f unexcused absences during a single semester. R) Martin Cleaning Service C arpet cleaning includes l Hall Over ten feet extra Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Stairs $1.50 Ea. Upholstery Cleaning • Sofa under 6 ft. $69.95 * Ottoman $20 • Sofa over 6 ft. 79.95 * Dining Chair $20 • Loveseat $49.95 * Chair $24.95 • Recliner $39.95 * Sectional $79.95 Additional Services • • • • • Carpet Cleaning »2500- »3500- *2 A re as O r M o re 12 Room Min. STOP! GET HELP! « Senior Art Show at Woodstock Festival S enior will have the opportunity to d isp lay an d /o r se ll th e ir artistic c r e a tio n s a t th e W o o d s to c k neighborhood Festival on Saturday, A ugust 19. H osted by Portland Parks & R e c r e a tio n ’s S e n io r L e isu re S e r v ic e s a n d th e W o o d s to c k C om m unity C enter, the senior art show w ill run 1:00-4:400 PM at the center, 5905 SE 43 A ve. Ifyou would like to subm it your w ork, please contact M ary D rennen at 659-4180. Fred Meyer KidsFair will take place August 19th Auto * Boat R. V. Cleaning * Deodorizing Pet Odor Treatment Dirt Resistant (Teflon) Protectior Spot & Stain Removal routes and tim es, check T ri-M et’s w ebsite at http://w w w .tri-m schedule or call (503) 238-RIDE for trip-planning assistance on w eekdays, 7:30 AM 5:30 PM ,TTY 238-5811. E ach A rea I p Q jJ q s if im a llJ j'S S .. Heavily Soiled C a rp e t A reas I niin isten FREE COUNSELING! SAVE MONEY! BUY A HOME OR INVEST.’ O r C h a ir I__________ Oregon • Washington • Africa A -ZEB R A Realty Inc. Lents area to hold community parade. 317 NE Killingsworth St. Portland, Oregon ^T49^ * MARTIN CLEANING SERVlCg at 3 6 0 -6 9 0 -0 2 8 1 4225 NE St. James Rd. Vancouver, Washington ino- Room Special r C a rp e t& U pholstery I A ny 3 Areas , H allw ay Plus Sofa, L oveseat and/or C hair Cleaned 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -9 9 0 0 All veterans are invited to participate in L en ts F o u n d ers D ay p arad e: “ M arch Through the D ecades" The parade w ill start at noon on A ugust 13 th at 92ndand Foster Rd. in Portland. O rg a n iz e r s hope to have rep resen tatio n from all services, c o n f lic ts , a n d a g e g ro u p s . To participate, contact K en T urner at 771-3817. 5 , Sofa & Loveseat E ach A rea I Aft Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Commerciai A Residential Services M a rtin Cleanin’» Service Carpet & Upholstery (le a n in g Appointm ent (503) 2X1-3949 George Hendrix, Broker LVe Represent Buyers Scooby Doo, G eorge Jetson, Yogi B ear and M arc W einer to provide entertainm ent T he Fred M eyer K idsFair, w hich will ta k e p la ce at th e R ose Q u a rte r C om m ons on Saturday, A ugust 19th from noon to 5 p .m ., com b in es entertainm ent, inform ation and fun fo r ch ild ren ages 12 and under. K idsfair is free to the public, but donations to SM A R T (Start M aking a R eader Today) are w elcome. K id s fa ir w ill p ro v id e fu n -fille d activities including nationally known en tertain ers and beloved cartoon characters as well as music and games. D ozens o f Fred M eyer vendor will provide fun, interactive activities and inform ation. Portland A rt M useum , O regon Coast Aquarium, Oregon Zoo and other non-profit organizations w ill be participating as well. Tri-Met offers free ride home from ‘The Bite’ A void traffic & parking hassles at w aterfront festival. W ith 200,000 people expected at “The B ite” along Portland’s waterfront this year, T ri-M et can help you avoid traffic and parking hassles and will give you a free ride hom e, too. W aterfront Park is within easy walking distance o f M A X light rail or any o f 47 bus routes serving the dow ntow n transit m all from throughout the Portland m etro area. M A X trains run at least every 10 to 15 m inutes during the festival, w hich starts Friday, Aug. 11 and continues through Sunday, Aug. 13. In order to get a free ride hom e ticket, ju ststo p b y th e 1190 K EX radio booth and show your T ri-M et receipt. Free tickets are limited toone per custom er each day, w hile supplies last. The food and music festival hours are 12 PM - 10 PM daily. For inform ation on Look For Your Safeway Weekly Shopping Guide In Your Oregonian FOODday in the Portland Metro Area ...and save more by shopping at Safeway. Fresh Fryer Breast Safeway Brand Valu Pack All Natural. Grade A. SAVE up to 89c lb. Boneless Pork Sirloin Chops SAVE up to $1.99 lb. Sun Mon Tu. Wed 2 e 7 8 Thur »" Sit 3 4 5 , /am Ao« 2 tfo, T.asdat ln» 8 XM O hints t prim »t ta» ad ar» «vaitaMr at your ta # $ata*a» stores » sata is dNtav restaurants ot mtWuWtns Sata m taa» quanwws » Quarhtas ot ton» rents ma* I» brnred and tufare to avaUW»» Mot rmponstar lor fxwgr«*w» or [»tonfi anon Sta resta» ih to fonati al pnrérd enon C 2000 Sataeay Stores t a SAVE up to $1.99 lb. 3 A v / zV Red Ripe Seedless Watermelons PRICES EFFECTIVE A U G U S T 2 0 0 0 Bone-in Valu Pack 4 or More Steaks Previously Frozen. Valu Pack SAVE up to 99t lb. Visit Safeways Web site at \ w ww safew aycom B eef Ribeye Steak Cooked Shrimpmeat Grown in California Whole Melons SAVE, up to $3.96 on 2 »-¿a 14.5 to 15.25-oz. Assorted Com, T illam ook M edium CTicddar Cheese Green Beans or Peas. Limit 6. 2 lb. Medium Cheddar Only. Limit 1. SAVE np to $3.78 oo 6 SAVE up to $34» Safcway Vegetables Now the savings are in the Card! SAFEWAY CLUB riUCt