Page 4 August 2, 2000 The Focus ,\U M l \ \ \ i l \ \ fOR THE PORI OBbLRYEB McMenamins Pubs & Breweries is hosting its fifth annual Half-Night B en efit fo r L oaves & F ishes Centers, “The Meals-On-Wheels People” on Tuesday, August 8 from 5 pm. to clo sin g . E ig h t area McMenamins will donate halfofall proceeds from that night to Loaves 6 Fishes, “The Meals-On-Wheels People.” Loaves & Fishes provides over 3,500 meals each day to senior citizens at risk o f isolation and m a ln u tritio n th ro u g h 16 neighborhood meal sites and the M eals-O n-W heels program for homebound seniors. Mt Hood from page 1 Rhythms o f the Heart, Christopher John Farley o f Time M agazine wrote: “ .. .Cartercreates music that is wonderfully listenable, probingly in te llig e n t and, at tim es, breathtakingly daring.” The album was also chosen as one o f Time's Top 10 A lbum s o f 1999. The acclaimed violinist will release Motor City Moments, the followup to Rhythms o f the Heart, in late September. Carter perform s on Saturday, August 5'h at 3:30 pm. Saxophone legend Michael Brecker will be performing music from his most recent release, Time Is O f The E ssen ce, w h ich fe a tu re s Pat M etheny (g u ita r) an d L arry Goldings (organ) with Elvin Jones, Jeff “Tain" Watts, and Bill Stewart alternating on drums. The album is Brecker’s debut on the Verve label. B recker p erform s on Sunday, August 6,h at 1:30 pm. Following his performance, Brecker will join pianist McCoy Tyner’s group as a special guest at 3:45 pm. Come visit us on the web at -------------------------- (Ebe JJnrtlanb ffibseruer ------ McMenamins to support seniors at annual event on August 8th We heartily welcome the entire n eig h b o rh o o d and b u sin e ss community to bring their friends and family out to a great meal and lots o f fun. “What a great way to celeb rate our com m unity and support our seniors,” said Joan Smith, Executive Director ofLoaves & Fishes. “How often can you take yourself out to dinner and at the same time provide meals for senior citizens. McMenamins has been a terrific partner for the past five years, and we look forw ard to this wonderful event every year.” Mark your calendars now and plan to join us on August 8 at one o f the following locations: McMenamins at Mall 205 Highland Pub & Brewery Mcmenamins on Broadway McMenamins Market Street L e v i's 9 Pub John Barleycorn’s McMenamins Tavern & Pool McMenamins at Cedar Hills McMenamins St. Johns Pub Loaves & Fishes seeks to enrich the lives o f seniors and assist them in m a in ta in in g in d ep en d en ce by m aking nutritious food, social contacts and other resources easily available. W e accom plish this through an organization which is com m unity-based, em phasizes vo lu n teer involvem ent and is fin a n c ia lly so u n d . F o r m ore information about McMenamins Half-Nights or Loaves & Fishes, please call 736-MEAL (6325). See vour business in Black and White, advertise in The Portland Observer, call 288-0033 today presents Mtctbdo: tïpisobe II starring _ ' Serving Breakfast Seven Days a Week • Starling at 7:00am McMenamins Kennedy School 5736 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon • (503) 249-5983 w w w .m rm end m i ns.tom /£K HEDY SCHO qi h* Wenamins vl TH EATER M O V IE S N ightly W ITH W EEKEND MATINEES & COOL DJ MELLO-C