Page 2 August 2, 2000 -< Music Focus CO NTR IB UTED STORY A S U P P L E M E N T OF W ^ o r t la n h for Verve music group artists to perform at Mt. Hood Jazz Festival T he P ortland O bserves Verve recordings artist Clarence “ G a te m o u th ” B row n, R eg in a Carter, and Michael Brecker will (Jije IJorthxub (Dhseruer Focus > - perform at the 19lh Annual Mt. Hood Jazz F e stiv a l in A u gust. A ll performances will take place on the campus o f Mt. Hood Community (© b a e r iie r E d ito r in Chirf, Publisher Charles H. W ashington College on the Tesoro Stage. 75-year-old American music great Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown is on the road in support ofhis most recent B lue Thum b R ecords release, American Music, Texas Style. The Philadelphia Enquirer wrote that on the album Brown “displays a seemingly effortless mastery. The result is music that’s both elegant and earthy.” The Mt. Hood Festival isjustonestoponthe 10-time Handy Award W inner and Blues Hall o f Fam e in d u c te e ’s busy touring schedule. Brown performs with his Big Band on Friday, August 4lh at 9:30 pm. V iolinist R egina C arter’s m ost recent release is her Verve debut, (Please see ‘M t H ood’ page 4) LIVE M USIC NIGHTLY Editor Larry J. Jackson, Sr. Copy Editor Jo y Ramos M cM enamins WHITE EAGLE CAFE & SALOON Business Manager G ary A nn Taylor 836 N Russell Street • Portland • (503) 282-6810 Creative Director Shawn Strahan A PORTLAND LEG EN D 4747 N E M artin L uther Featuring Famous Cajun Flavor! King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, O R 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503-2884X115 e-mail: siibwai|li()ntnjx)rtlaiidi)l*if-iver.<»ni Regina Carter is one o f the most significant, versatile, and innovative violinists to emerge on the ja zz scene in decades. D eadlines lor subm itted material: Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon Focus welcomes freelance submissions. M anuscripts and photographs can be returned if accom panied by a self- addressed stam ped envelope. All created display ads becom e the sole p roperty of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage w ithout the w ritten consent of th e general manager, unless the client has purchased the com position of the ad. The Portland Obiervor CHICKEN 1 LG.SIDES* 7 BISCUITS m ix e d Proiom loopoo whon wdonnp Ono raupoo pot niitomoi poi mil Void .tw e ptofiibitod Not «ltd »oti on» ortwt off« Good ol pariopotinj Poporos* only © M M AK fnlotpmos, lot. Offer expires August 31, 2000