August 2,2000 Page B8 |Jortlanò (0bsm w r B Classifìeds/Bids REQL’ESTFORQUALIFICATIONS/PROPOSALS FOR PROPERTY ACQUISITION SERVICE FOR THE METRO OPEN SPACES ACQUISITIONS DIVISION O FTHEM ETROREGIONALPARKSANDGREENSPACESDEPT. RFQ/P #OOR-32-PKS M etro, the regional governm ent, is soliciting w ritten qualifications/ proposals from qualified consultant to provide environm ental auditor an surveyor property acquisition services for the M etro O pen Spaces A cquisitions D ivision o f the M etro Regional Parks and G reenspaces Department. The intent o f this RFQ /P is to provide "on-call” services, as required. These services contact and provide specific expertise for conducting work to ensure program goals are met. Proposers m ust submit a separate proposal for each o f the areas, o f expertise for w hich they desire to be considered. Proposers who currently have personal service contracts with M etro for these services should subm it a new proposals in response to this RFQ /P, so their services can still be used after their current contract expires or runs out o f funds. RFQ/P responses m ust be received at the offices o f M etro, O ffice o f General Counsel Department, 600N E Grand Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97232, Attention: A lison K eanC am later th an 5 :0 0 p .m . PDT, Septem ber 28, 2000. Subm ittals should be delivered to the O ffice o f G eneral C ounsel D epartm ent clearly m arked “ R F Q /P -P roperty A cquisition Services - O pen Spaces; Environm ental A uditor (or) Surveyor,” Each submittal m ust be in the format described in this RFQ/ P. Copies o f the RFQ/P docum ents are available by contacting (503) 797- 1530 Proposals m ust conform to the RFP format and be com plete including the use o f any forms. M etro m ay accept or reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part, or w aive irregularities not affecting substantial rights if such action is deem ed in the public interest. M etro and its contractors will not discrim inate against and person(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation, or m arital status. M etro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically encourages m inority and wom en-ow ned businesses to access and participate in this and all M etro projects, program s, and services. PGE PARK PROJECT PRE-BID CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT; SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIER PRE-BID CONFERENCE & SITE WALK THROUGH PGE PARK FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 2000 REGISTRATION: 9:00 A.M CONFERENCE: 9:30 A.M. Turner Construction Company, General Contractor for the PGE PARK Project, announces a Pre-Bid Conference and Site Walk Through for subcontractors and suppliers interested in bidding for the competitive Division 6-12 bid packages. Date: Time: Friday, August 11,2000 Registration 9:00 A.M. Conference: 9:30 A.M. PGE PARK Conference Room - Gate # 13 20'h/Morrison Streets Place: Portland, Oregon All subcontractors and/or suppliers providing services, supplies, materials and equipment in the above divisions of work are cordially invited to attend the Pre-Bid Conference and Site Walk Through. Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business subcontractors and suppliers are encouraged to participate and bid for work on the PGE PARK Project. SUB BIDS REQUESTED Women’s Prison & Intake Center Coffee Creek Correctional Facility Bid Package #3- Minimum Facility Partial Rebid - Wood Framing Bids Due; August 8,2000 at 2;00pm Turner Construction Company has established specific goals for the Project as follows: • • MBE 10% • E S B 10% Notice O f Opportunity For Public Hearing N otice is hereby given that a public hearing, if so requested by any in terested person, w ill be held by the T ri-C ounty M etropolitan T ransportation District o f Oregon (Tri-Met) in the Theatre o f the Interstate Fire H ouse C ultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate A venue, Portland at 9:00 A M on W ednesday, A ugust 9, 2000. The purpose o f the hearing is to consider projects for w hich federal FY01 5309 Fixed Guidew ay M odernization and State Transportation Program (STP) funds from the Federal Transit Administration is being sought forTri-M et’s rail preventive m aintenance program . Person requesting that this hearing be convened should contract T ri-M et’s Finance A dm inistrator by telephone at (503) 962-5850, or in w riting at 4012 S.E. 17th A venue, Portland, O R 97202 by Friday, July 28,2000. T he Proposed Program o f projects includes: Federal 1 otal M atch Rail Preventive Maintenance (5309) $3,356,000 $4,195,000 80.00% Rail Preventive Maintenance (STP) $1,424,912 $1,588,000 89.73% T otal G rant A pplication $4,780,912 $5,783,000 A ll projects have been selected through T ri-M et’s planning process, w hich incorporates public involvem ent, and are program m ed in the M etropolitan and State Transportation Im provem ent Programs. No persons, families, o r businesses w ill be displaced by the projects. Projects described above are in conform ance w ith com prehensive land use and transportation planning in the area. In the event a hearing is held, Tri-M et will afford opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard w ith respect to the social, econom ic, and environm ental aspects o f the projects. A person requesting a sign language interpreter shall give T ri-M et at least 48 hour notice o f the request by contacting Tri-M et at 962-4831 or TD D 962-5811, M onday through Friday, 8:00 A M to 5:00 PM. I f any interested person requires inform ation regarding the grant or Tri- M e t’s transit developm ent plan they may contact T ri-M et’s Finance A dm inistratorby telephone at(503)962-5850orin writing at 4012 S.E. 17*’ A venue, Portland, O R 97202. Bid Docum ents available from W illamette Print & Blueprint 503/223- 5011 A H offm an Subsidiary Intends to bid the W ood Framing WBE5% HOFFM AN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF OREGON H Plans are available for review at the jobsite office PGE PARK Press Box facility For bid information, contact Dave Carey, Project Manager, Turner Construction Company, 5200 SW Macadam Avenue, Suite 370, Portland, Oregon 97201 Telephone: (503) 226-9825 Bid P hone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid F ax: (503) 221-8934 1300 SW Sixth A venue - Portland, O R 97201 - O R C C B #28417 We are an equal opportunity em ployer a n d request sub bids fro m all interested fir m s including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans a n d em erging sm a ll business enterprises. O ther Subcontracting O pportunities - Internet http:// We look forward to your attendance A d v e rtis e in TURNER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Bruce H arder Executive Director Finance & A dm inistration Tri-M et y O o FAST TRACK MARKETING M u s ic U Â c tlo re ó à a lo re o & P a g in g Northwest Cooking Woods fill ■El-'"’------*. Me «faute Wood. WM fcfeory. t e s a . C ten y. <>*< M a fie . Ptau O d » W ood. A SopfMts Website NE Portland Store 503.288.9180 " Call 903-BEEP For 3213 NE MLK Blvd. 503.287.1983 A Location Near Portland, OR 97211 (fax) C all for aypofoOMM - Aak for Paul P O . Boa » 7 4 1 . Portland. O R 972940741 ( 5 0 ) 254*774 You” 8/23 7 4 3 3 N . L o m b a rd P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 0 3 (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -2 5 2 1 C h a irs /E le c tro n ic W o rd P ro c e sso rs/A n tiq u e T y p e w rite rs a n d A d d in g M a c h in e s/R ib b o n s fo r c h a rg e fo r R e p a ir E stim ate s C hairm an o fL o m b ard D ennis T. M c C o rm ack 10/19 BEAUTY & BATH SUPPLY AN TH O N Y HUFF X Open 309 N E W y g a n t St Portland OR 97211 TEL <503) 249-7329 Mon Sa: 9 00am 9 OOprr Sunday ’ Oam -5om Big A Construction Call: (503)289-0138 ORCell (503) 890-6561 * Basic D em olition • • • • • Painting $1.00sf Sheetw ork Installed Landscaping Light Fixtures $20.00 hour Plumbing $25.00 hour W indow O r Door Frames $ 15.00 wind/ door $16.00 door • Janitorial Services $17.00 hour • Free Estim ates Rem em ber The Name: O.. M PROPERTIES rvu . ’¡in n er hi m s OlficarPagmo I503) 282 2551 VM Pag«' <503: 237 6777 Pax (803) 282 6827 4929 NE Fremont St Portland, Oregon 97213 CQIII65@aol com www Chase B iu y M IS £=r R eed ' s KUTAUtMtT t B M t 03 We build strong kids, strong families, strong communities B Y M C A M issio n : To put Christian principles into practice through programs that Build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all through love, respect, honesty, responsibility and service. ■ h H B lB 11-26 7 /1 9 - V A ) nr AT m i IT IH U » Chris Guinn 111 Sales Associate 2808 NJ Blvd Portland, OR 97212 5 0 3 -4 9 3 -8 1 2 7 Cell 503 422 8110 « a r k Nelson General Manager ww Weil • Gerald Phone 288.3355 fax 288 4155 all ty p e w rite rs /T o n e rs a n d C o p y M a c h in e s./N o 12/6 LAQUISHÄS • The Grace & Evelyn Collins Memorial Community Center 128 NE Russell Street - Portland OR 97212 PO Box 11930 Portland OR 97222- 8/23 MILLENNIUM NORTHSIDE FAMILY YMCA Sc 1 Equipment ''Qompatup «pice/ L. Weil 4 Ui DJ AM ANDA PRESEN TS: M OBILE Disc Jockey Services: W eddings, Class Reunions, D ances, R eceptions, School Parties Crow d Participation guaranteed -R easonable Rates- P.O .Box42144 Portland, O regon 97242 503-309-6246 The Life o f The Party!