August 2,2000 Page B5 ^lorUanb ©bseruer ® Classifieds/Bids Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment General 235 General 235 Home Care 225 Education 227 General 235 Housekeeping Excellent opportunity to work in the fast-paced, exciting world o f the Oregon Arena Corporation at the Rose Quarter, Portland’sprofessional sports and entertainm ent center. Seeking a Housekeeping Supervisor w ho w ill p ro v id e o v e rn ig h t supervision at facilities o f the Rose Quarter and the Memorial Coliseum Must be able to work extended hours, including nights, w eekends and holidays. Reports to Housekeeping Director. Min. 1 year experience in events clean in g , w ith w orking knowledge o f arena. Possess valid driver’s license and forklift training. Salary commensurate with experience, plus excellent benefit package. To apply, send resume to Housekeeping D ire c to r, H um an R e so u rc e s D epartm ent, c/o O regon A rena Corporation, One CenterCourt, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97227. No phone calls please. Equal O pportunity Employer. Minorities and females are encouraged to apply. M/F/D/V D irector of Athletics, WASHINGTON A dm inistrative Specialist I Eligibility List $l,873-$2,279/month Closes August 18,2000 Education 227 Instruction & R esearch Services w ithin the Office of Inform ation Technologies at P o rtla n d State U niversity is expanding to better serve Faculty, Students, and Staff. Join our technical team in an enj oyable work environment. The following positions are open for application until filled. Manager, Technology Classrooms -$25-35K Manager, Instructional Support Specialist - S40-50K Instructional Designer (Masters Required) - S45-55K For information on these positions, please visit or call Jackie Morgan at 503-725-3588. PSU is an E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y e r and en co u rag es a p p lic a tio n s from w om en and minorities. General 235 Casew ork Supervisor Lane County, Eugene, Oregon Department of Youth Services Salary $40,955-$56,430/annually Plans, organizes and supervises the activities and operation o f a unit within the Parole and Probation program of the Department o f Youth Services; performs a variety o f professional and administrative tasks relative to the assigned area of responsibility; performs related duties, as assigned. Requires equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree with majorcoursework in social work, sociology, criminal justice or a related field and three years o f increasingly responsible experience in casework management involving w ork w ith ju v e n ile o ffen d ers, in c lu d in g one y e a r o f lead responsibility. M aster’s degree in a related field is desirable. Candidate selection includes a criminal record check. You m ay co m p lete the a p p lic a tio n and su p p le m e n ta l questionnaire online at our website, or, if no access, contact Lane County Personnel Services, 125 E 8 Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 ( if outside o f local eating are, 541.682.3665) closes: 5:00 pm, 8/14/2000. EEO/ADA. General 235 D C W 's W anted, No Experience Necessary We Train You To Work W ith MR/DD Adults Req. 18 Yrs And A Clear Criminal History 254-1622 9 AM-4PM P ortland S tate U niversity The Athletic Director reports to the President and is responsible for le a d in g a n d m an ag in g the intercollegiate athletic programs o f Portland State University and the University’s Athletic Department. Portland State University is a member o f the Big Sky Conference and has been Division 1 (1-AA in Football) since June 1,1996. M en’s wrestling participates in the P A C -10 conference and women’s softball in the WAC. T he A th le tic D ire c to r’s m ajor functions include: providing strategic vision and leadership; managing Athletic D epartm ent Operations; building community and financial su p p o rt; e n su rin g e ffe c tiv e relationships between the Athletic D epartm ent and the rest o f the University; supervision o f the V iking Athletic Booster Club; enhancing stu d e n t a th le te w e lfa re ; and re p re se n tin g P S U ’s A th le tic D e p a rtm e n t to its v a rio u s constituents. The Athletic Director oversees a staff o f approximately 60 people with a budget in excess o f six million dollars. Required qualifications include; a Bachelor’s degree (M aster’s degree or higher preferred) and evidence o f su c c e ssfu l le a d e rsh ip fisc a l m a n a g e m e n t and fu n d ra isin g experience, preferably with a major college/university athletics program. PSU is a campus o f 16,300 students located in the center o f the Portland m etropolitan area. The city lies between the Cascade Mountains and the Pacific O cean. It offers an attractive work environment and the o p p o rtunity to p a rtic ip a te in a growing relationship between and urban university and its constituents. PSU currently has seven m en’s (football, basketball, wresting, golf, cross country, tennis and track) and eight women’s (volleyball, basketball, softball, tennis, cross country, track, g o lf and soccer) intercollegiate sports. For further information on the University and Athletic Department visit our website: Fora view ofthe Athletic Department and an extended job description visit: S a la ry is c o m p e titiv e and commensurate with qualifications and e x p e rie n c e . N o m in a tio n s and applications with a letter o f interest, resu m e an d th re e le tte rs o f recommendation (preferred) or the n am es, a d d re sse s and phone numbers o f three references should be sent to: Dr. Scott Bums, Chair - Athletic Director Search Committee, Office ofthe President, Portland State University, P.O. Box 751 -PO, Portland, OR 97207-0751. The application review process will begin August 7, 2000 and will continue until the position is filled, PSU is an Affirmative A c tio n /E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity Institution. General 235 Fund-Raising Development Director. Lead fund ra isin g e ffo rt for to p youth development agency. Exp w/major gifts, direct mail, annual campaign, budgets, database. Great writing/ verbal skills, well organized. Salary negotiable. Send resume by 8/11 to: Boys & Girls Clubs ofPortland, 7119 SE Milwaukie Ave, Portland, OR 97202. Fax. 503-232-0387 A dm inistrative Specialist II Non-Bilingual and Bilingual Eligibility List $2,173 - $2,643/month Closes August 18,2000 Inspector II - Electrical $3,564 - $4,330/month Closes August 11,2000 M anagement Analyst II Housing Services $3,743-$4,548/month Closes September 1,2000 Public H ealth N utritionist (Bilingual - Spanish/English) $3,072-$3,735/month Closes August 18,2000 Shelter T echnician I $l,970-$2,394/month Closes August 11,2000 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846- 4898 for in fo rm a tio n . C ou n ty a p p lic a tio n and su p p le m e n ta l application forms required. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. ApplyTo: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 General 235 KATU C H A N N E L 2 PO R TLA N D KATU Television and KWJJ FM/ KOTK AM Radio Stations, equal o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e rs, are committed to ensuring a diverse w o rkforce by p ro v id in g broad notification to all qualified applicants concerning jo b openings at the stations. Organizations that regularly d istrib u te in fo rm a tio n ab o u t employment opportunities to job seekers o r provide referrals to employers can receive notice o f job vacancies at KATU Television by contacting Rolonda Stoudamire at 2153 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, O reg o n 97232 or S te p h a n ie Fredrickson at KWJJ FM/KOTK AM at 2000 SW First Avenue, Suite 3000, Portland, Oregon 97201. General 235 T ransit O perators Salem Area Mass Transit District is now accepting applications for full­ time Transit Operators to operate passenger buses over prescribed routes in accordance with designated schedules. No previous bus driving experience required. We train. Starting wageS 12.82 perhour. Come in or call 503-588-2424 to obtain official a p p lic a tio n form and d e ta ile d vacancy announcement which lists qualification requirements. Send completed application form to Salem Area Mass Transit District, Human Resources Division, 3140 Del Webb Ave. NE, Salem, OR97303. Visit our w eb site at: w w w Application must be received by District by 5 :00p.m. Oct. 31,2000. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Metro P ro v id in g reg io n al se rv ic e s * Creating livable community Accountant $35,405.45 - $47,471,37, FT, Deadline 8/16/00. Performs a variety o f professional accounting d u tie s, such as a c co u n t reconciliation, financial reporting, audit w o rk p ap er p re p a ra tio n , preparation o f journal entries and assists in audit functions. Performs other projects as assigned. Requires skill in the use ofMicrosoft Word and Excel. Please submit a resume with a cover letter that details your experience as it relates to the job duties, specifically a d d ressin g yo u r p ro fe ssio n a l accounting experience and training to: Metro Human Resources, 600 NE Grand A venue, Portland, OR 97232; or fax to (503) 797-1797; or email to jobs@ m Please call (503) 797-1570 if you would like a complete job announcement mailed to you. Custodian $ 10.02 - $ 13,43/hour, FT, Deadline 8/9/00. Performs general custodial work in maintenance of visitor facilities and offices. Duties include but are n o t lim ited to sweeping, moping, polishing floors; dusting/polishing furniture; washing w in d o w s, w o o d w o rk , to ile ts, restrooms and fixtures; collecting trash and recyclable materials. This position works varied hours and shifts. Required application materials a v a ila b le at: M etro H um an Resources, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232. Resumes are not accepted. Please call (503)797-1570 if you would like application materials m ailed to you. W eb ad d ress: AA/EEO Employer General 235 Associate Planner (Two Positions), CityofMilwaukie.OR. Salary Range: $3162-$4035/m o., D .O .Q ., plus excellent benefit package. Milwaukie is a contiguous suburb o f Portland with a population o f 20,000. These positions are responsible fora variety o f technical and professional duties in current and long range planning. The positions will be involved in the development and implementation o f land use policies and regulations. Applicant must possess a four-year college degree in a related field and three years o f technical planning experience. Desirable to supplement education with masters degree in urban planning, regional planning or related field. Requires thorough knowledge o f zoning laws, policy application and project management. Must have the ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing. S u ccessfu l a p p lic a n ts w ill demonstrate ability to establish and m a in ta in e ffe c tiv e w o rk in g relationships and coordinate work with a variety o f departments and groups. Application materials include contact Cynthia (503) 786-7507, Fax #(503) 652-4433. TDD # (503) 786-7555. A p p lication m aterials m ust be received by the City o f Milwaukie, Human Resources at 10722 SE Main Street, Milwaukie, OR 97222, no later than 4 PM, Friday, September 01, 2000. Prior to hir8ing, applicants must pass a drug test. A ll qualified applicants are encouraged to apply. EOE. Advertise in The Portland Observer Call 288-0033 Footwear ♦ C olum bia Sportswear Company® Quality Control/Production Specialist Do you have a background in Quality Control/Production in the Footwear Industry? Would you like to be part o f a creative, talented, humorous and hardw orking group o f Footw ear professionals? I f So, C olum bia Sportswear has an opportunity for you! Columbia Sportswear Company, a leader in the design and manufacture o f sportsw ear and outerw ear is currently seeking a Quality Control/ Production Specialist to join our team o f Footwear professionals. In this position you will be responsible for production commercialization and quality control o f all manufactured footwear. Implement systems and procedures to audit quality o f finished footwear product and ensure that goods are m a n u fa c tu re d in a c c o rd a n ce w ith C o lu m b ia S p o rtsw e a r C o m p a n y ’s specifications and quality standards. Potential Columbia team member should possess ten years o f footwear manufacturing experience at the factory level with hands on quality assurance experience. Shoe making background which includes patterns and outsole making helpful. Our benefits include corporate bonuses, a stock purchase plan, tuition reim bursem ent, product discount, and 28 PAID days off per year to enjoy the active lifestyle o f a Columbia Sportswear employee! We also offer Medical/Dental, 401(K), profit sharing, and company paid life insurance. Please send resume to: Columbia S p o rtsw e a r C o m p an y , H um an Resources, Dept. FWQC, PO Box 83239,PortlandOR97283,orFAX to: (5 0 3 ) 7 3 5 -4 5 9 7 o r e -m a il to Equal Opportunity Employer. General 235 Parking Facility Operator Immediate opening for full and part-tim e lot attendants with Portland’s leadingparkingCo. We are seeking d ep en d ab le in d iv id u a ls w ith a neat a p p e a ra n ce and a po sitiv e attitude. $7.50 + starting wage Huge overtime potential Advancement opportunities Medical, Dental, 401 k available Applicants must submit to drug test and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1 PM, Monday - Friday. 130 SW Stark Portland, OR General 235 W arehouse/Bakery Franz Bakery seeking motivated peo p le fo r W a re h o u se /B a k ery p o sitio n . R eq u ires 3 m onth warehouse and/or production food related experience. All Shifts. $ 13.608 hour with possibility o f journeyman wagesof$ 17.01 hour. Excellent benefit package. Apply at North Portland Employment office, 30 North Webster, ref to job # 1120613 or apply at the FranzOffice,340NE 11'1’Avenue. We are an EEO/AAP employer. Classifieds Call Today 503.288.0033 Facsimile.................... 503.288.0015 1 Email to. 511 50.....................................................................................percolumninch $ 13 0 0 .................................................................. per column inch and boxed $15 0 0 ..................................................... per column inch boxed and shaded $14.00............................................................................................... RFP/Bids $90.00.....................Sub-Bids(2 column by 3")each additional inch= $ 10.00 All Classified Ads and Bids will be accepted up until 5 p.m., Friday. Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd INDEX Information/Travel Public Notices..................... „...000 Announcements/Weddings.... 010 Announcements/Births... .... 015 Family Services................. .... 020 Lost and F ound.................. ....030 Meeting Notices................. ..... 040 Tickets, for Sale W anted............... .... 050 Travel................................. .....060 Real Estate Acreage.............................. .... 100 110 Homes for sale................... Homes for rent.................. „115 Appartments.duplexes for Sale................ .... 120 Appartments, duplexes for Rent.............. 125 .Manufactured Homes 130 for Sale................ Manufactured Homes for Rent............... .... 135 O thers for Sale................... .... 140 O thersfor Rent................. 145 Commercial Real Estate........ 150 W aterfront Property........ „...155 Real Estate Services............... 160 Real Estate W anted.......... .... 165 Employment Guidance/Resumes.......... .... 200 Professional...................... .....205 Com puter/T echnology......__ 210 Automotive ................... ..... 213 C ontractors....................... __ 215 O utdoor H om eCare......... ......220 Indoor Home C are. rinmpvtir ....... .225 F.fturatinn ..................... .227 Financial, Insurance........ .... 230 G eneral.............................. .....135 240 Health C are....................... M arketing, Advertising........ .... 245 Administration................. ..... 247 Office....................................... 250 Lecal.................................. __ 253 Retail.................................. ..... 255 Accounting....................... ..... 258 Sales................................... ..... 260 Social Services........................ 265 T empor ary, Part-Time, Seasonal................... 270 Positions W anted.................... 275 Business opportunities..........280 Items for Sale Antiques............................ ..... JOO Appliances........................ 310 Auctions............................ Clothing............................ ..... 315 Clothing............................. Computers/Electronics, Software............ .... 325 Estate Auctions/Sales..... .....330 Farm Items....................... „„335 F urniture.......................... .... 340 .345 G arage Sale......................... G arden Equipment----- - .....350 Heavy E quipm ent--------- __ 355 llobbies/Collectors......... .... 360 .... 365 M iscellaneous fo r Sale.... ......370 M iscellaneous W anted.... ......375 Office Equipm ent--------- .... 380 Pets/ Pet T raining, Shows....385 Stereo Equipm ent, Television, , V C R 's,C D 's,Tapes„..J90 Tools........................................ -395 Automobiles ATV’s___________________ 400 Antiques...................................405 Autos by M ake........„.............410 B M W .............................. 410 Buick...............................412 C adillac.......................... 414 Chevrolet.......................416 C h rysler......................... 418 Dodge.............................. 420 Eagle............................... 422 Ford................................. 424 G M C ............................... 426 Honda............................. 428 Jeep................................. 430 Lexus...............................432 Lincoln........................... 434 M azda............................. 436 Mercedes........................438 Nissan..............................440 Oldsm obile................... 442 Plym outh.......................444 Saturn.............................446 Subaru............................ 448 Toyota............................. 450 Volkswagon.................. 452 O thers............................454 Buses.........................................460 Cam pers/T railers..................465 Motorcycles.............................470 Parts/Domestic....................... 475 Parts/lmports............................ 480 Pickups.....................................485 R. V J Sales, R entals................490 SUV's.________ 495 Personals Messages.. Services.... ....500 .... 505 V