Page A6 July 26, 2000 (The |IortUtnb (fihseruer llu rtla u b (P b .rru rr ■■■■■■■■H ■ ■ ■ ■ M H N M N a a M M H a H M M B i KMMHMMM CDC from page 1 City o f Portland, our local municipality, insures that we will always be a step C D C’s have "quietly, through the years, moved theircitizen based roots to now this scam, The Oregonian wrote a three-part series call “Blueprint for a Sham” closer to and more capable o f addressing the needs o f the community’s low- acting like government agencies”. PCRI was formed with citizen and government that exposed them”. Shortly thereafter. Dominion filed bankruptcy and put income residents. However, PCRI remains a separate, private, non-profit involvement. The City o f Portland and the State o f Oregon, because o f their over 350 families at risk o f losing their homes. From this community travesty, organization controlled by a board o f directors and run by a staff which Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives, Inc. (PC’Rl) was created. PCRI federally supported and mandated community development focus have always includes PCRI residents, NE Portland residents. City o f Portland residents and represents a successful community initiative, one created by a public-private been key players in the formation o f CDC ’ s like PCRI. The fact that top c ity and residents from other areas. banking officials donate their time to help PCRI as board members speaks partnership that included community leaders, neighborhood residents, the Are corporations monitoring properties properly? volumes to our integrity as an organization. For PCRI to align itself with the City o f Portland, the State o f Oregon and U S. Bank. It was created to prevent the potential displacement o f the families living in the homes held by Dominion Capital, to turn fraudulent land sale contracts into conventional mortgage opportunities and to rehabilitate and retain the deteriorated rental housing portfolio for the long term benefit o f low-income residents. Affordable rental property management was the objective for PCRI in 1993 and it continues to for Multnomah County Health Dept. and serving one weekend a month plus m Jtn .R amus be the objective today. fifteen days a year in active duty for the Air Guard. For many, this is the best for T he P ortland O bserver Here are other questions raised in the article and my responses. o f two worlds - enjoying the benefits o f military service and living a civilian Are renters in subsidized housing sharing in the general prosperity? In terms life. Balancing work or college with military duty are regular responsibilities o f prosperity, Northeast Portland has experienced the highest escalation in As a supplement to his military duty, Lt. Walden underwent technical assumed by members o f the Oregon Air National Guard (OANG). For many, property values over any other quadrant in the C ity o f Portland. Although this training to specialize in medical logistics. He furthered his military career by serving the military this way is the 'best part-time job in America.' prosperity has been beneficial to some people in NE Portland, it has led to the later graduating in December o f 1999 to become an officer entering For Lt. Bryan K. W alden from Northeast Portland, there is no history within displacement and forced relocation o f many long-term Northeast Portland Commissioned Officer Training School in Alabama’s Maxwell AirForce for his family o f anyone ever joining the military. Knowing this did not deter him residents. The article implies that the relatively few units PCRI owns should 2 */j weeks. from becoming the first. Out o f curiosity, he drove by the recruiter’s office be made available to investors. As a non-profit, PCRI passes on the savings Through the Oregon Air National Guard, other incentive programs such as while he was in college in 1980. His intent to join was to take advantage of to residents in the form o f reduced rents. PCRI provides primarily single family, technical training are provided in areas such as Tactical A ircraft Maintenance, going to their basic military and technical training that would help pay for his scattered site, housing at a rate unparalleled in the private, for-profit market. Aerospace Ground Equipment, Ground Radio Communications and more. schooling. Some time after enlisting with the Air Force Reserve, Walden Our rents remain extremely low when compared to the market rents for Technical schooling varies in length from seven weeks toone year, depending received financial assistance through the GI Bill which helped him to earn his comparable housing. on which career field is chosen. The practical experience gained has served bachelor’s degree at Portland State University in 1986. We believe in providing affordable housing options, both rental and many Guardsmen beyond the military where they have landed good paying Currently the A ir National Guard is offering the Montgomery GI Bill along hom eow nership. We actively encourage PCRI residents to consider civilian jobs. with a kicker program that was introduced in October o f 1998. The kicker homeownership as an option in our newsletters. Many families living in PCRI Other perks besides a pay check every month through the Air Guard include program is available for a total o f 36 months at $3 50 per month based on full­ homes have moved on to become homeowners. We believe that our single money savers through the Active Duty Commissary and Base Exchange fo r. time study. This is exclusively for those enlisted or have re-enlisted in an Air family, scattered site, rental-housing option is an excellent preparatory tool for additional savings. With space available, Guardsmen can travel on m ilitary, Force Career Field. Overall, the benefits amount to more than $700 per month homeownership. However, forsome residents homeownership is out o f reach. aircraft for free. Also, the Air Guard is the only part time job that offers a 20-. that apply towards a full-time education and living expenses. If homeownership is not an option or desire for a resident, they can remain in year retirement plan where the time they have already served counts. As another option for the enlisted, the Community College o f the Air Force their PCRI unit without the fear o f their home being sold or their rent being offers undergraduate education that leads to an associates degree. Looking back since he joined the military in 1980, Lt. Walden expressed with raised to the point where they can no longer afford it. PCRI has a strong Lt. Walden joined the Air Force Reserve beginning as an E-3 (Airman First concern that “It (the military) was never given as an option in school.” To commitment against the displacement o f residents. Our strategy has always Class), working in their Transportation Department and later crossed over date, his military career has spanned a fulfilling 20 years with fond memories been to preserve these homes for the long-term benefit o f low-income residents. to joining with the Oregon Air National Guard in 1996 as an E-5 Staff Sargeant. o f travel and friendships gained from both the Air Force Reserve and Oregon In addition, PCRI’s Programs Department is actively researching more ways He juggles a mixed load o f working full-time as an accounts payable manager AirNational Guard. to develop and fund homeownership opportunities for PCRI residents. As you may recall, PC R I’s first initiative was the homeownership focus that resulted in the sale o f properties which had been sold by Dominion Capital on fraudulent land sale cont4ract. We worked diligently to secure financing forthese families, enabling them to remain in their homes and become true homeowners. Is the future the same as in the past? C D C ’s were formed to address the extreme number o f vacant houses that existed in the NE Portland in the early 1990’s. This was done in an effort to provide housing opportunities for low-income residents. In effect, these non-profit organizations began a concentrated revitalization process that led to a renewal o f the housing stock as affordable housing options. Soon the private market began to play an integral role in this transformation process. Non-profits, investors and homeowners acquired many vacant homes and rehabilitated them. However, there were many homes in Northeast Portland that were purchased and had occupants in them when they were sold. The sale o f the homes left families in them without a place to live and a short span o f time to locate replacement housing. Northeast Portland has a history o f uprooting and displacing its low-income residents. It is unfortunate, but this dilemma has overwhelmingly affected people ofcolor. Many families, after living in Northeast Portland for generations, after establishing ties in the community with other family members, with friends, with their church and school for their children were forced to move to other areas to find affordable housing. Their long-term landlord had sold their home, cashing in on the advantageous market forces. They no longer had a Tuesday 5pm-7pm Located at 735 N Shaver St. Portland, Oregon 97227 place to live nor could they afford the quickly accelerating housing costs in Wednesday llpm-2pm For Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. 9732 SE Washington St. the area. This displacement was caused by gentrification resulting from Saturday llpm-2pm Ste: K. Portland, Oregon 97216 affluent households moving in from other areas causing a sharp escalation in As o f August 21 1998 property values and thriving sellers market. W hateverthe reasons, families By Daniel R. Bush were being forced out o f NE Portland and the C D C’s were only able to offer a few o f them other housing options. I We fell very short o f addressing the need. Som eofPCRI’scurrent residents encountered this situation and came to us after being displaced by their private landlords. They now live without the fear o f that happening to them again. The article refers to C D C’s as “poverty maintenance organizations” th at d eprive private investors o f financial opportunities. Collectively, non-profits control less than 3% o f the c ity ’s housing stock. I would hardly consider the loss o f private investment opportunities with this number ofunits cap ab le o f being term ed private in v esto r deprivation. The article contends that PCRI is depriving a private indi vidual of a dream. W e affirm ourselves by providing low-income families with a basic rig h t- the right to live in an affordable home. Many low and very low income families don’t have the option o f living in something that they can afford, let alone live in som ething that is affordable and 1. 5 million dollars in used ear inventory* Every Make & Model provides them with a sense o f pride. W e cannot disregard the fact that the 2. Approvals on all credit * Good Credit * Bad C redit * No Credit * Repossession * government established a means for Bankruptcy * Divorce community development corporations 3. Personal Service * One on One from beginnin«* to End * Appointment Only. to do the business o f serving very low -, low and m o d erate-incom e households. Our government knew what it was doing when it enacted m easu res to create and support community development corporations like PCRI. PCRI is an example ofhow successful C D C’s can address the low- income housing needs ofa community. In this redevelopment process, we have been able to restore self-esteem to a population that suffered at the hands o f an unscrupulous investor. PCRI is not taking away opportunities from -THE FMAMCMO SFCCIAUST* CHUCK in v e s to rs to b uy in v e stm e n t properties. It is stated in the article that the NE Oregon Air National Guard: the best part-Time job in America Appraisal of real property Allen Temple Emergency Aid 4214 NE 8 th Avenue Portland Oregon 97211 503.284.1010 NO CREDIT? COME SEE LOUIS.!! "You can own your own car today.” CARS!! TRUCKS!! VANS & SUV’S!! -Louis ! W aller 3 Reasons To Call Me Today Call Louis the finance specialist! M ake an ap p oin tm en t Today! METRO AUTO WHOLESALE Louis - Metro Auto Wholesale 7238 SL Foster Rd. Portland, OR 97206 , (503)740-3159 “’Come In And See The D ifference...M » »