Page A2 ^lorihtuò (ßbseruer Inside-Á D iabetes attacking e th n ics..........................3 City steps tow ards cable setups.............. 4 The O regon Air N ational G uard.........5 Metro-B Weather Through the weekend Today 75°F/24°C 59°F/15°C Thursday CDC strikes b a c k .......................... /...I T iger W oods does it ag ain ............................... 2 Rose G arden to host w om ens group ............ 3 Partly cloudy 78°F/26°C 61°F/16°C Partly cloudy 82°F/28°C 61°F/16°C El Observador.......... 4 Partly cloudy This Week 87°F/31°C 61°F/17°C in History On July 26,1947, President Truman signed the National Security Act, creating the Department ofDefense, the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Joint Chiefs o f Staff. On July 29, 1981, Britain’s Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. On A ugust 1, 1936, the Olympic games opened in Berlin with a ceremony presided over by A dolf Hitler. Partly cloudy -------------------- Partly cloudy 90°F/32°C 62°F/17°C Thought for the week I had crossed the line. I wasfree: but there was no one to welcome me to the land o f freedom. I was a stranger in a strange land. CDC publishes report on C rim eStoppers heroin overdoses in metro area CO M W Bl. TED STORI The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will publish reports on epidemic levels ofheroin overdose d e a th s in M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty Portland, Or and King County Seattle, WAintheJuly21 Edition ofMorbidity and M o rta lity W eekly R e p o rt (MMWR). The reports document increasing trends in heroin overdose deaths in both communities over the past several years. “Heroin overdose has been one o f the leading causes ofdeath in men 25- 54 years old in Multnomah County over the past few years” stated Dr. Gary Oxman, Multnomah County H ealth O fficer. “ H opefully the MMW R articles w ill help raise awareness o f overdose death as an important national public health problem, and will stimulate other communities to take action." Multnomah County heroin overdose deaths more than doubled (from 46 to 111) between 1993 and 1999. A public health investigation carried out by the county’s Health Department and E v a lu a tio n and R esearch U nit showed that older, long-term drug users were most at risk for overdose death. Use o f other drugs such as c o c a in e ,' a lc o h o l, and b e n z o d ia z e p in e s (a c la ss o f prescription tranquilizers) was also a sso c ia te d w ith o v e rd o se . “ Interviews with active heroin users identified several factors contributing to overdose,” according to Shelley Kowalski, Ph.D., a member o f the investigation team. “Variation in the potency o f heroin, and interruption and resumption o f use, for example, as the result o f being jailed, are important risk factors for overdose.” “Our investigation also revealed some opportunities for prevention,” stated investigation team member, Laurie Drapela, MA. “Counseling users about the dangers o f overdose and how to avoid these dangers is a key approach.” In partnership w ith com m unity organizations, Multnomah County has taken steps to decrease heroin overdose deaths. One example is incorporating overdose prevention information into programs that reach out to injection drug users. Another is improving the effectiveness o f drug programs that reach out to injection drug users. Another is improving the effectiveness o f drug treatm ent through interventions such as the Recovery Mentorship Program and drug-free housing. A provisional count o f the county’s heroin overdose deaths show a 39% decrease for the first six months o f 2000 compared to the first six months o f 1999. The provisional count is 39 deaths for January through June 2000. — H a rrie t T ubman Community notification of a sex offender The Portland Police Bureau is notifying the community of a Registered Sex Offender living in the Portland area. ORS. 181.588 allows law enforcement agencies to release such information to the public regarding convicted offenders, who are required to register, when such information will increase public awareness and promote community safety. The Sex Offender has been convicted o f a sex offense that requires he register with a law enforcement agency in Oregon. His criminal history places him in a category which indicates he may reoffend. This subject is not wanted by the police at this time. This Offender has served his sentence and is no longer being supervised by the Oregon Department o f Corrections. The purpose o f this community notification is to reduce the chances o f further victimization by this offender as wel 1 as to promote community awareness and child safety. Intimidating, harassing, or threatening o f this registered offender will not be tolerated and may be a crime. Ifyou have any information about this offender committing additional crimes, please contact the Detectives o f the Sex & Bias Crimes Detail at 823-4636. Subject’s name is Lowell Thomas Mason. Mason has a conviction for Attempt Rape 1, involving a 25 year old female who was threatened with a weapon. Mason is currently o ff supervision. He has targeted both juvenile and adult females in the past and has a history of committing sexual offenses as ajuvenile. It is believed there is a substantial risk M ason could reoffend. ( Crime Stoppers Case Portland Police Bureau Detectives, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, are asking for your help in identifying and apprehending an armed robbery suspect whose crime was captured on video. On Wednesday, May 24,2000, at about 12:36 in the morning, the 7-Eleven Store, at SE 112th and Powell, was robbed by a suspect is described as a white male, 25 to 35 years ofage, 6 ’0” tall weighing 160 pounds with a thin build, brown eyes, shoulder length black hair with long thin sideburns, possibly a light moustache, and “very dirty hands that were shaking.” He was wearing blue jeans, a zipped blue hooded sweatshirt, and was armed with a silver colored semi-automatic handgun. Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $ 1,000 for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case or any involved felony crime and you need not give your name. Call Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP. Investigator: Detective Dan McGetrick Portland Police Bureau (503) 823- 0400 Crime Stoppers coordinator; Officer Henry G roepperof the Portland Police Bureau (503) 823-4357 (HELP) (503) 823-0830 Advertise your business in ^ortlanb Qftbserücr call us today at 288-0033 Police bites Missing Camper From Government Island Justin Nero, age 20, has been missing since the morning o f July 17,h. He was camping on the island with two other friends who last saw him in the early m om ing hours o f the 17lh. W hen the friends woke up both the boat and Justin were gone. A short time later it is purported that an unidentified fisherman found the boat upriver from the island near the Glenn Jackson Bridge. Sheriff’s office search and rescue members started searching the island M onday afternoon and resumed the search on Tuesday July 18. River Patrol deputies have searched the shoreline and river o f the Columbia both up and down river from the camping sight. No sign o f Justin has been located and all o f the individuals involved, who can be located, have been interviewed. The family has also been searching for him as well with no luck so far. The S heriff s office would like to talk to the unidentified fisherman and a n y o n e e lse w ho m ay have information about the whereabouts o f Justin Nero. Anyone who may have information can call the Sheriff s office at 255-3600 extension 616 and leave a message. An investigator will return the call. Suspect In Sexual Assault Apprehended O nJuly 16,2000,at 10:50a.m .,a42- year-old N.E. Portland woman was abducted and sexually assaulted while walking on the bicycle path on the east side o f the 1-205 freeway, approximately a !4 mile north of the Halsey Street overpass*. T h e P o rtla n d P o lic e B u re a u ’s D etective D ivision conducted a fo llo w -u p in v e stig a tio n and coordinated with East Precinct in b ro a d c a stin g the s u s p e c t’s description and available information. OnJuly 17,2000,at7:34p.m.,0fficer Phillip Blanchard o f East Precinct located an individual at N.E. 199,h A v en u e and S tark S tre e t w ho matched the suspect’s description an d had an o u tstan d in g arrest warrant. Further investigation led to the subject, 38-year-old Steven Jay Jo h n sto n , b ein g a rre ste d and charged. Johnston has been charged with Rape in the First Degree, Sodomy in the First Degree, Kidnap in the First Degree, and a warrant for Robbery in the First Degree, with bail set at $ 7 5 5 ,0 0 0 . A rra ig n m e n t w as scheduled for July 19 at the Justice Center. R obbery Arrested S usp ects Detectives have arrested three people involved in a home invasion robbery in Fairview this moming. Detectives from the Multnomah County Sheriff s office, Fairview P.D., and Gresham P.D. arrested the following individuals for their involvement in the robberies: Je rry K e n n if A n derson, d.o.b. N ovem ber2,1974,fromS.E. Portland arrested at the Mt. Hood medical center this moming. He is at Emanual Hospital with a gunshot wound to his shoulder under guard. Joshua Lee Smith, d.o.b June 29,1981, from Gresham, arrested in SF Portland Monday afternoon. He is lodged at MCDC. Arthur Lee Jenkins, Juvenile ( 15 years old), from Gresham, arrested with Smith In SE Portland, Lodged at JDH. The fourth suspect is outstanding at this time and the major crimes team is following up leads in an attempt to find him. All four suspects will be charged with three counts each of Burglary I and Robbery I. They will all be charged with one count each o f Kidnap I as well. The suspects are believed to have been armed with guns and knives when they broke into the apartment occupied by Barry Stanley, Ashley Rondeau, Gary Harrington and a three- month-old child. Stanley used a gun that he had in his bedroom to shoot at the suspects and wound Anderson. The victims were not physically injured other than a small cut that Stanley suffered during the incident. A uto T heft A rrest/ Search Warrant Service Atapproximately6:50pm onJuly 19, 2000 while investigating a Car Prowl case,OfficerCocklinofthe Vancouver Police Department ’ s Central Precinct, arrested two juveniles and two adults for Possession o f Stolen Property afterCocklin recognized a stolen auto. S u b se q u e n t In v e s tig a tio n and assistance by other officers from both Central and East Precincts as well as the VPD Property Crimes Tearn, led to the recovery o f two other stolen vehicles. A Search W arrant was obtained and served at 1004 SE M organ Rd. w h ere n u m ero u s additional items o f stolen property were recovered. Several victims have already been identified and the investigation ia continuing. The adults arrested were: 1) Robert F. Brooks DOB: July 22, 19ft9of2214NE5rtlSt 2) 2) John Allan Davis DOB: December 30.197« of 1318 ZSt Community Open House Safeway cordially invites you to attend our “ Community’ Open House” where we will unveil expansion and remodel plans for the NEW Martin Luther King Blvd. & Ainsworth Safeway Food & Drug store. During the Open House, you will have an opportunity to meet and visit with architects, design, construction and real estate staff. Senior Management and Marketing personnel will also be on hand. TIME: 3 P.M. to 8 P.M. DATE: August 3, 2000 WHERE: King Elementary School Cafeteria 4906 N.E. 6th Ave., Portland Oregon cuwi bwVKUMA bi/ st/u/idz dJJtht/ w w fc J