0UL 2 6 20002 Page 2 J uly D; 2000- Portland Focus A S U P P L E M E N T Focus Free “Shanghai” public tours offers an up-close look at Portland’s river COS rWIBL'TEO STORt OF ^ o rtla n b © bserüer E ditor in Chief, Publisher Charles H. W ashington Editor Larry J. Jackson, Sr. Copy Editor Jo y Ramos Business Manager G ary A nn Taylor Creative Director Shawn Strahan Members o f Headwaters to Ocean (H20) will be “Shanghaiing” new crew at this year’s BITE festival on August 12 and 13 at Tom McCall Waterfront Park. H 2O Crew w illbe offering free public boat tours o f P o r tla n d ’s w o rk in g h a rb o r throughout the weekend-long event. Shanghai! Tours o f the Working Harbor are H 2O ’s fun and free boat tours designed to get river lovers o f all ages out on the W illamette for an in-depth look at Portland ’ s working river. If you’ve wondered w hat’s inside those huge ships, wondered how so many Idaho french fries reach their destinations around the world, what life is like for a tug boat Fortiani» (Observer captain, or if you simply want a look at a huge ocean vessel from water-eye level, don’t miss these tours. H2O will offer its popular free Shanghai!Tours during The Bite festival at W aterfront Park in Downtown Portland on Sat. Aug. 12 and Sun. Aug. 13. Trip times each day are 11 am, 1:30 pm and 4 pm. Each tour is approximately two hours long and will travel down­ river along the W illam ette and include a rare glimpse behind Swan Island. Trips are open to all ages on a first-come, first served basis. To get Shanghai’d, report to H 2O ’s sign-in center at Ankeny Dock in sign-in center at Ankeny Dock in Downtown, Portland, just south o f the Burnside Bridge, to receive an admission pass. All tours are aboard the USCG-certified vintage wooden tugboat Captain Conner, owned and operated b /H 2O . Trips depart from Ankeny Dock. Since it began operating programs in 1996, H2O has taken more than 10,000 students, decision-makers and members o f the public out on the C olum bia and W illam ette Rivers. The group operates from the Columbia River Bar to the Gorge and on the W illa m e tte , w ith programs ranging from student field trips, teen leadership overnight voyages, tugboat/kayak adventures in the L o w er C o lu m b ia and Shanghai! Tours for the public. B ook trip s o n lin e at www.h2ocean.org. H 2O ’s major supporters include Port o f Portland, City o f Portland Environmental Services, Columbia River Foundation and Americorps/ N o rth w e st S erv ice A cadem y. Additional support is provided by Cascade General, Bank o f America F o u n d a tio n , and in d iv id u a l donations. F o r m ore info rm atio n , please contact H2O at 503/228-9600, or v is it its w e b site at www.h2ocean.org. Bones & Brew national cook-off will benefit new agencies in 2000 » CONTRIBUTED STORY for T he P ortland O bserver 4747 N E M artin L uther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, O R 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503-288-0015 e-mail: thefocus@portlandobserver.com subscript* mts^ortlandobseiveccom Deadlines lor subm itted material: Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon Focus welcomes freelance submissions. M anuscripts and photographs can be returned if accom panied by a self- addressed stam ped envelope. All created display ads Hundreds o f volunteers are needed for the Bones & Brew National Invitational Cook-off, slated for September 8, 9, and 10. This is the eighth year for this event which will support two o f O regon’s oldest and most successful social service agencies - Albertina Kerr Centers and The Boys & Girls Aid Society o f Oregon. These two agencies, which provide critical programs and services for children, teens and adults, have partnered on other fund raising events and look forward to the opportunity to strengthen an already good working relationship through Bones & Brew. Festival organizers launched Bones & Brew, a national barbecue competition and beer festival, at Holladay Park in NE Portland eight years ago. The event’s popularity has brought it across the riverto Tom McCall Waterfront Park, where it will close out the sum m er’s calendar o f waterfront event on September 8 ,9 , and 10. The festival fetures award-winning barbecue ribs served up by rib cookers from across the country and beer supplied by locally-owned Bridgeport Brewery and W einhard Brewery. Other Bones & Brew entertainment includes live music, a kids’ corral with petting zoo, a beer-tasting tent, and cooking demonstrations. To make Bones & Brew a success, Albertina Kerr Centers and The Boys & Girls Aid Society must recruit hundreds ofvolunteers to work at entry gates, beer tents, and other areas o f the festival. Individuals and groups who are interested in volunteering at this fund raising event should call The Boys & Girls Aid Society at 503/222-9661. become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the w ritten consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the com position of the ad. IW 9 The Portland ObM-rver C om e visit us o n th e w eb a t wwwportìandobservereom I Live M usic • G roup Events D elicio u s P ub Fare H o m em ad e S o u p s • G reat S p ecials H a n d c ra fte d A les & W in es 8203 N. Ivanhoe Street • Portland • (503) 283-8520 w w w .mcmen.imins.com .4 AZ food, ales and wines available to go