July 26, 2000 Page B5 (Ttje ÿlorttanô (Oheeruer ® Classifieds/Bids INDEX i City/Regional A ffordable Housing Policy Analyst/Ad vocate to work with c o m m u n ity d e v e lo p m e n t corporations in Portland. Create proposals, research and review policy, create public ed materials and organize c a m p a ig n s, a tte n d m e e tin g s. Required: 4 yrs exp in public ed/ advocacy; knowledge o f affordable h o u sin g p o lic ie s ; e x c e lle n t communication and organizational skills. Preferred; urban planning experience or related M aster’s; grant w ritin g ; co m m u n ity org an izin g background. % time, $16-19/hr+ benefits. Deadline: Aug 2. Call or email for app packet. 335.9884 or CDN@teleport.com. Education 227 Portland State University T e a c h in g P o sitio n s. U niversity S tu d ies, the g en eral ed u catio n pfogram at Portland State University seeks 3-6 candidates to teach in the Freshman Inquiry Program and other University Studies courses. Positions are available to candidates from various disciplines. These are full­ tim e , fix e d -te rm , o n e -y e a r appointments that may be extended. Qualifications include a Ph.D. or other appropriate terminal degree, a record o f teaching excellence, and an interest in interdisciplinary coursework and faculty collaboration. Send a letter o f application, statement o f teaching philosophy, and resume with the names and contact information of three references to: Denise Schmidt, University Studies, Portland State University, P.O. Box 751, Portland, OR97207. Fax: (503) 725-5977. Email: schm idted@ pdx.edu. Review o f applications will begin immediately and will continue until the positions are filled. Portland State University is an a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n /e q u a l opportunity institution. General 235 Community Outreach & Planning ’/«-time Target Area Coordinator in Portsmouth (North Portland). Seeking energetic, self-starter to manage neighborhood revitalization effort. Duties include recruiting volunteers, coordinating multiple community events/project; working w/committee to carry out implementation plans. Start: $ 1 4 /h r + h e a lth /d e n ta l insurance. To apply: Call 283-1096 or email lisa @ p e n in su la c d c .o rg for application materials. Peninsula CDC, 9025 N. Dana, Portland, OR 97203. Deadline: 8/8/00 b y4 PM. General 235 , B Parking Facility Operator Immediate opening for full and part-tim e lot attendants with Portland’s leading parkingCo. We are se e k in g d e p e n d a b le in d iv id u a ls w ith a neat a p p e a ra n c e an d a p o sitiv e attitude. $7.50 + starting wage Huge overtime potential Advancement opportunities Medical, Dental, 401 k available Applicants must submit to drug test and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1 PM, Monday - Friday. 130 S W Stark Portland, OR G eneration M anager The Eugene W ater & Electric Board (E WEB) a leader in the public power industry has an immediate opening for an e x p erien ced G en eratio n Manager. We are seeking qualified candidates with proven skills and experience to plan and manage all activities associated with EW EB’s multiple hydroelectric, thermal, and wind-operated electric generation fa c ilitie s in c lu d in g b u d g e ts, p ro d u c tio n , w a te r an d fuel management. Set production goals, m easure operating perform ance, develop and maintain production records and reports. R epresent E W E B ’s in te re sts th ro u g h negotiations with resource agencies, contractors, and others. Select and supervise staff. Participate as a m ember o f the Electric Division M anagem ent Team to identify, establish, and implement Electric U tility and co rp o rate bu sin ess objectives. Minimum o f 10 years’ progressively responsible experience with the operation, maintenance, c o n stru c tio n a n d /o r d e sig n o f hydroelectric and/or steam system facilities and including a minimum o f five years in a supervisory capacity. College-level course work in civil, mechanical, or electrical engineering or civil, mechanical and/or electrical e n g in e e rin g tra in in g in therm odynam ics, steam boilers, turbines, hydroelectric generation systems. Formal business courses, or an equivalent com bination o f experience, education and training. Application process will close Friday, September 1,2000 5:00 p.m. EWEB requires a completed application form fo r a ll p o sitio n s. In c o m p le te application materials will be returned. For inform ation and application packet contact: EW EB, Human Resources, P O Box 10148, Eugene OR 97440. Call (541) 484-3769 Job In fo rm a tio n L in e o r e-m a il Brenda, W asson@eweb.eugene.or.us o rwww.eweb.org. I Washington County Associate P lanner $3,475-$4,225/mo. Closes A ugust 4, 2000 A ssociate P lanner (Job Share) $20.04-$24.37/HR Closes A ugust 11, 2000 L ib ra ry Assistant (P art Time) $13.37-$16.26/HR. Closes A ugust 4, 2000 Victim A ssistance Specialist $2,522-$3,064/mo Closes A ugust 4, 2000 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846- 4898 fo r in fo rm a tio n . C o u n ty a p p lic a tio n and su p p le m e n ta l application forms required. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. AppiyTo: W ashington County Human Resources Division 15 5 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro,OR 97124 General 235 Production W orkers M anufacturing Rexam Image Products is a multi­ b illio n d o lla r c o m p an y w ith manufacturing and sales worldwide. We are seeking talented Sheeter/ Bundler production workers to work in o u r P o rtla n d p la n t, w h ich manufactures inkjet media and other coated paper products primarily for the high tech industry. Candidates mustpossess a minimum o f 1 -2 years’ experience working in a production, manufacturing, industrial, process or mechanical environment. A high school diploma or GED is required. Teamwork and communication skills are essential. Positions will require repetitive assembly ofpackaging materials with some bending and lifting (up to 50 lbs). Must be able to work shift work and o v ertim e w hen n ecessary. Starting hourly wage is $8.98 per hour with potential earnings ofup to $20.05 per hour. General 235 G ro u n d s k e e p e r G ab el School. L a n d sc a p e & h o rtic u ltu re maintenance on 52 acre campus. Bus driving secondary focus. Opportunity to earn CDL. Full-time with benefits. To re v ie w jo b d e sc rip tio n or download an application, visit us at www.catlin.edu or call 297-1894- 1894x373. W e offer an excellent benefits package, including medical, dental, 4 0 IK, and vacation, with excellent o p portunities for advancem ent. Qualified individuals should send resume to: Rexam Image Products, Attn: Human Resources Mgr., P.O. Box 3349, Portland, OR 97208-3349. Equal Opportunity Employers. Rexam Graphics General 235 Facility & Equipm ent Specialist PT p o sitio n . D uties in clu d e arrangem ent for repairs, m ajor preventative m aintenance, minor repair work and compliance with facility safety regulations. $10.50 - $12.00 entry w age plus agency benefits. Apply at Portland Impact, 4707 SE Hawthorne Blvd, questions ca!1988-6OOO. General 235 G ro u n d s k e e p e r G abel School. L a n d sc a p e & h o rtic u ltu re maintenance on 52 acre campus. Bus driving secondary focus. Opportunity to earn CDL. Full-time with benefits. To rev iew jo b d e sc rip tio n or download an application, visit us at www.catlin.edu or call 297-1894- 1894x373. General 235 Postal Jobs To S14.45/HR + Federal Benefits No Experience, exam info Call 1-800-391-5856x6802 8am-9pm Local not guar General 235 General 235 Wildlife Jobs To S8-19/HR + Federal Benefits Park Rangers, Security, and Maintenance No experience for some. For info caU 1-800-391-5856x6803 8am-9pm local not guar Painters H elper/U tility W orker. E x c e lle n t b e n e fits and w ork environment. Professional company. ODL, clean driving record and drug screen required. Call 234-5977 Monday-Friday 8am - noon. The M ultnom ah County Health D epartm ent is currently recruiting for the foUowing positions: • Pharmacist • Clinical H ealth A ssistant - Bilingual (Russian, Vietnamese, C hinese, S panish, Som ali, Bosnian or Albanian) • Clinical Health Assistant (On- Call) • Medical Records Technician (ART) Application materials and formal job announcements are available at: www.co.multnomah.or.us/iobs:. in person orby mailing a self-addressed stam ped en v elo p e re q u e stin g application forms to: Multnomah County Human Resources Division, 1120 SW 5"1 Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box 14700, Portland OR, 97293-0700. A ssisted access to Multnomah County job information and w eb site is a v a ila b le at Multnomah County Libraries. M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty H ealth Department is actively recruiting persons from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enhance service to our diverse communities. Bilingual/bicultural candidates are encouraged to apply. An Equal O p p o rtu n ity Employer C are C oordinator N urse CareOregon is a growing progressive Medicaid managed care health plan located in downtown Portland. Our excellent benefits include fully paid health/dental insurance and matched 401(k). The position will include a wide range o f case m anagem ent and utilization review responsibilities. A key focus will be on addressing special care needs o f our members. The most qualified candidate will have a valid Oregon RN license, e x p e rie n c e in c a s e /u tiliz a tio n management, a minimum o f 3 years of clinical experience, strong oral and written communication skills, and experience working with diverse populations. Valid driver’s license required. Experience in public health is stro n g ly p re fe rre d . S a la ry negotiable. Send a cover letter and resume to CareOregon-HR-CC.,522SW 5"’Ave., Suite 200, Portland, OR 97204, or fax to (503)416-3721. Positi8on may close at any time. CareOregon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis o f race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, disability, v e te ra n sta tu s, o r any o th e r classification protected by law. Office 250 General 235 Profitable Vending Business 50prime locations. $ 1000-$ 1200 solid monthly income. Cost Starting at $1695.00 www.vendinbusinesses.com l-877-655-7754TollFree Health Care 240 M ental Health In tensiveCase M anager R e sid e n tia l T re a tm e n t A gency se rv in g se rio u sly e m o tio n a lly d istu rb e d b o y s ages 10-17 is a c c e p tin g a p p lic a tio n s fo r an Intensive Case Manager (ICM) to design & im plem ent transition/ aftercare plans. ICM will interact with fa m ilie s, re fe rra l a g e n c ie s & community resources for youth on waiting list, in the Program and returned to the community. Position requires B A/BS degree in behavioral science field and 3 years experience in settings that prepare youth to function in community. Must be know ledgeable o f services and sources o f assistance for youth & parents. Requires computer skills, e x c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n & organizational skills. Must possess valid driver’s license with good driving record and ability to respond to calls on a 24-hour basis. Must be able to provide services to clients & families in home setting. Competitive salary & excellent benefit package. Call (503) 649-5651 for application; fax resume to (503) 649-7405: e-mail to SMHOME@aol.com or send to: St. M ary’s Home for Boys 16535 SW TV Hwy Beaverton, OR 97006 Equal Opportunity Employer Progressive children’s non-profit seeks qualified individuals to fill following positions : Office Clerk - Full Time Database C lerk - Full Time Exec. Asst. - Part Time Must be team players, have excellent com m u n icatio n , phone, follow through skills, and be computer literate. Equal Opportunity Employer. Send resume by 8/4/00 to FOTC. 44 NE Morris, Portland, OR 97212 Accounting 258 Accountant CareOregon is a growing progressive Medicaid managed care health plan located in downtown Portland. Our excellent benefits include fully paid health/dental insurance and matched 401 (k). We are recruiting an Accountant to join our diverse Accounting/Finance team. Job d u ties in clu d e: process accounts payable, general ledger, daily deposit preparation, bank reconciliation, and other banking duties. Requirements: BBAor2yearscollege education with 2 years accounting experience and strong spreadsheet skills, Normal hiring range $ 17,700- $32,155. Send a cover letter and resume to CareOregon-HR-Actg, 522 SW 5* Ave. Suite 200, Portland, O R97204, or fax to (503) 416-3721. Position may close at any time. CareOregon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis o f race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, disability, v e te ra n sta tu s, o r any o th e r classification protected by law. Social Services 265 Advertise in ÎEfje ^ortlanh (©bseruer Homeless Family Advocate FT position. Duties include providing svc acc e ss and c o o rd in a tio n , ad v o cacy , su p p o rt, and encouragement to families, youth and individuals. $ 10.50 - $ 12.00 entry wage plus agency benefits. A pply at Portland Impact, 4707 SE Hawthorne Blvd., questions call 988-6000. (Tin' ^Jort lauft (0 Call Today $ 11.50..................................................................................... per column inch $ 13.00....................................................................percolumn inch and boxed $ 15.00...................................................... percolumn inch boxed and shaded $14.00................................................................................................RFP/Bids $90.00..................... Sub-Bids(2 column by 3") each additional inch - $ 10.00 503.288.0033 F acsimile................... 503.288.0015 Email to .classifieds@portlandobserver. com t All Classified Ads and Bids will be accepted up until 5 p.m., Friday. Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd Information/Travel 1 P iihlif Nntire«........................ .....(MMI I Announcements/WeddingsMM010 I A nnouncem ents/B irths,, .... (115 Family Services.................. .... 02(1 Lost and Found................... ....030 Meeting Notices.................. .....040 Tickets, for Sale W anted....................050 Travel..........™..... .......... ..... 060 Real Estate Acreage...........................—- .... 100 Homes for sale..................... .... 110 Homes for rent.................... .... 115 A ppartments, duplexes for Sale................. .... 120 Appartm ents, duplexes for Rent................ .... 125 M anufactured Homes for Sale................. .... 130 Manufactured Homes for R ent.................. ....135 O thers for Sale................... .... 140 O thers for Rent....................... 145 Commercial Real Estate........ 150 W aterfront Property........ .... 155 Real Estate Services........... .... 160 Real Estate W anted........... .... 165 Employment Guidance/Resumes........... .... 200 Professional........................ .... 205 Computer/Technology...... .... 210 A utom otive............................. .... 213 C ontractors........................ .... 215 O utdoor Home C are.......... .... 220 Indoor HomeCare, Domestic............. ....225 E ducation............................... 227 Financial, Insurance......... ....230 G eneral............................... .... 235 Health C a re........................... ....240 M arketing, Advertising ....245 A dm inistration................... .... 247 Office................................... .... 250 Lefial._™™...™__._...„._.„_.... 253 » ................................ R etail.................... ................... .... 255 Accounting......................... .... 258 Sales..................................... .... 260 Social Serv ices..... ............. ..... 265 Tem porary. Part-Time, Seasonal............... ....270 Positions W anted.................... 275 Business opportunities..... ....280 Items for Sale Antique«...................... ........... ....J00 A ppliance«.............................. ....305 Auctions........................... «... ...J10 Clothing............................... ....J15 C loth in g................................... ...J20 Computers/Electronics, Software..................J25 Estate Auctions/Sales........ ...330 Farm Items.......................... ,J 3 5 Furniture............................. ...340 G arage S ale............................ ...J45 Garden Equipment............. ...J50 Heavy Equipment............... ...J55 Hobbies/t ollectors............ ...J6 0 Livestock............... _............ ...J65 Miscellaneous for Sale....... ...370 Miscellaneous W anted...... ..J7 5 Office Equipment...................380 Pets/ Pet T raining. Shows. ...385 I Stereo E quipm ent Television, V CR’s,CD*s,Tapes.....390 Tools.........................................395 Automobiles ATV’s................................... ...400 Antiques............................... ...405 Autos by Make........................410 BMW......................... ...410 Buick........................ ....412 Cadillac.................... ....414 Chevrolet................ ....416 Chrysler................... ....418 Dodge........................ ...420 Eagle......................... ....422 Ford............................... 424 CMC......................... ....426 Honda....................... ...428 Jeep........................... .,430 Lexus........................ ....432 Lincoln..................... ....434 I Ma/da....................... ....436 Mercedes.................. ....438 Nissan....................... ....440 Oldsmohile.............. ...442 Plymouth.................. ...444 Saturn....................... ...446 Subaru...........................448 Toyota........................ ...450 Volkswagon............. ...452 Others........................ ..454 Ruses.......................................... ...460 t a n ip c r s 'I r a ilc r s ............. ..465 Motorcycles....................... ,,.470 Parts/Domestic..................... ,475 Parts/lm ports....................... ,.480 Pickups............................... .,485 R.V./Sales, R entals............. ,4 9 0 SUV's..................................... .,495 Personals Messages............................... ,500 Services........................ ......... .,505