July 26, 2000 Page B4 f iu r t la ttò •Jltuilauì» (0bsm >er M e tr o /ilL © ^ S E IR ^ Ä © © IR (Observier Glosario Glossary 65 mil peruanos - 65 thousand Peruvians 71 años - 7 1 years 120 monedas de plata - 1 2 0 coins o f silver buque - ship céntrica - central contrato legal - legal contract el conservador Partido Popular (PP) - The conservative Popular Party el rumbo politico - the political course empleos -jo b s en las costas de Florida - in the Florida coasts enfermo mental - mental illness galeón español - Spanish galleon generacional - generational hombre armado — armed man izquierda -politically to the left la capital italiana - the Italian capital La entidad - The company las elecciones generales - the general elections lingotes de oro — ingots o f gold los horarios de trabajo - the hours o f work luchas internas - internal fig h t mil dólares - thousand dollars millón de dólares - million dollars no en vano - N ot in vain numerosos testigos - numerous witnesses oro y piezas variadas - gold and various pieces pistola -p is to l psicópata - psychopath siete años antes - Seven years ago tesoros - treasures tres disparos — three shots La mayoría no tiene contrato legal Santiago de Chile (DP A) - El 67,1 % de los m ás de 65 m il p eru a n o s que figuran com o m igrantes en Chile trabaja sin un contrato legal, lo que les priv a de beneficios legales, en tan to que unos 24 mil peruanos aceptan em pleos de sueldo m ínim o que se ofrece a operarios chilenos. D icha realidad quedó graficada el libro “ L o s d e re c h o s h u m a n o s de los m igrantes’’, publicación realizada por la O rganización No G ubernam ental (O N G ) Plataform a Interam ericana de D erechos H um anos, D em ocracia y Desarrollo. L a e n tid a d , s e ñ a ló q u e en la actualidad, sólo 11.116 peruanos se encuentran en Chile con su residencia definitiva vigente. El secretario ejecutivo en Chile de esa O N G , Sebastián C ox, indicó que un b u e n n ú m e ro d e e m p le a d o re s ch ilen o s contrata ilegalm ente los servicios de los inmigrantes. Esto los lleva a trabajar en una virtual clandestinidad, fuera de los horarios d e trabajo, porque el inm igrante que es descubierto por los servicios de la Inspección del Trabajo de Chile, sufre m ultas que van desde los sesenta a m il dólares. I M exican buppetry troupe brings innovative w ork to two local festivals C O N TR IB U TED STO R Y Looking for a home Teatro Tinglado, a leading international contem porary puppet theater com pany from M exico C ity, perform s The R epugnant S tory o f Clotario D em oniax A ugust 3 and 4 ,7 :3 0 pm. presented by P IPfest in cooperation w ith Puppetry on the Edge, N W R egional Festival o f Puppeteers o f A m erica. Perform ances are at Fir Acres Theatre, Lewis & C lark Cccollege, 0615 S W Palatine Hill Road, and all tickets are $ 14. The R epugnant Story o f Clotario D em oniax uses brilliant puppetry to tell a w ickedly funny tale o f obsessive love and m urder m ost foul, told w ith bite, extraordinary im agination, and im petuous glee. B ased in M exico C ity, T eatro Tinglado w as founded in 1980 by Pablo and M ireya C ueto to explore the expressive possibilities o f puppet theater. T heir productions incorporate a w ide range o f this ancient art form ’s techniques and styles to create decidedly contem porary w orks w here the actor/puppeteers share the stage w ith their (in)anim ate partners. Teatro T inglado m ade its U S debut w ith T he Repugnant Story o f C lotario D em oniax in Septem ber 1996 as part o f the Jim H enson International Festival ofP uppet Theater inN ew Y orkC ity, follow edbyperform ances in Los A ngeles (under the auspices o f U C L A ’s C enter for the Perform ing A rts), and at the H opkins C enter in N ew ham pshire. Tickets are available from the PSU Ticket Office, 510 S W Hall, phone 725-3307. T icket are also available through Tears o f Jo y Theatre, 503/248-0557. Se necesitan padres temporales de crianza o padres adoptivos. Si está interezada en adoptar o cuidar a uno de estos niños, llame a Judy Orellana al teléfono 731-3147, ext. 2247. A Borderless Hemisphere? for T he P ortland O bserver N ow that N A FT A has been w ith us fo rh alfad ecad e, it’s tim e to get ready for the N orth A m erican U nion. O r so V icente Fox, ju st elected president in M exico’s first-ever truly dem ocratic n a tio n a l v o te , h a s s o m e tim e s s u g g e s te d . H is th o u g h ts a b o u t b u ild in g a b o rd erless, E u ro p ean U nion-like zone o f freely m oving c a p ita l a n d w o rk e rs, c o m p le te , som eday, w ith a com m on currency, are, to p u t it m ildly, p o litica lly unrealistic. B u t that d o esn ’t m ean they don’t contain a kernel ofvalidity. Start, as M r. Fox does, w ith the obvious fact that illegal im m igration from M exico rem ains a m ajor irritant in relations between the two countries. T h e a n n u a l a r r iv a l o f te n s o f th o u sa n d s o f illeg als m akes the U nited S tates feel it c a n ’t control its borders or its labor and social policies. It also presents M exicans w ith the hum iliating spectacle ofcountrym en driven north by poverty. Enforcement efforts can never stem the tide as long as th e h u g e g ap in e c o n o m ic opportunity persists betw een the two countries. T hus, M r. Fox argues, w hy not adopt th e ap p ro ach o f E urope, w hich, th r o u g h d e c a d e s o f a id an d investm ent from w ealthier northern countries, such as Germ any, in poorer s o u th e rn o n e s , s u c h as S p a in , eventually succeeded in equalizing co n d itio n s to th e p o in t w h ere a b o r d e r le s s c o n tin e n t c o u ld b e estab lish ed w ithout u n leashing a flood o f destabilizing m igration? He has also floated the idea o f expanding legal m igration in the short term , perhaps linking additional visas for M exicans to the specific needs o f A m erican industries. Plainly, any such visa program m ight raise hackles both in M exico, w here it could rem ind people o f the bracero guest w orker program o f the past, and in the U nited States, w here even a d ecad e o f p ro sp e rity an d low unem ploym ent has not elim inated fears ofm ore newcomers. Plainly, too, lifting M exico, w hose current per capita incom e is about $4,000, to anyw here near the sam e econom ic level as the United States and C anada is a hugely expensive proposition, even if the assistance w ere spread o ut over decades— and even i f it w eren ’ t the case that aid can never be the sole, or even prim ary, factor in making M exico rich. S till, th r o u g h b u ild in g b e tte r ., infrastructure and spending m ore on. , schools, Mr. Fox is determ ined to. re d u c e th e r e g io n a l e c o n o m ic im balances w ithin M exico itself th at feed m igration, both to his co u n try ’s overcrow ded cities and to the United. States. A t a m inim um , W ashington could look at w ays to help the new president succeed in that effort. A nd the next A m erican president should • jo in his M ex ican co u n te rp a rt in • thinking boldly about the problem s that have plagued the tw o cou n tries’ relationship for far too long. A sesina a su psiquiatra, a la esposa de éste y luego se quita la vida R om a (Efe) - Un hom bre arm ado de una p isto la y que sufría problem as psíquicos, asesinó ayer en una céntrica calle de Rom a a su psiquiatra, a la esposa de éste y a continuación se quitó la v id a de un disparo en la sien. La tragedia, ocurrida en el barrio de N uovo S a' ró de la capital italiana, sucedió en un espacio de escasos m inutos y en p r e s e ^ ia de num erosos testigos, según la reconstrucción de los hechos elaborada