July 19, 2000 Page A5 (Ttje 'JJortlanó (Bheemer IJurtlanò Family H M ■ H H M M O N M i ■ m m m m m m m “Celebrating Children with James Earl Drug prevention program to be offered Jones’’ annual community recognition gala in Portland-area schools CONTRIBU TED STORY Renowned actor James Earl Jones joins Morrison Center as the keynote speaker at our Annual Community Recognition Gala! This special evening will provide an opportunity for the community to gather and celebrate our collective investment in the future o f our community through the support o f programs for at-risk children. Guests will enjoy musical entertainment, dinner, and a keynote address by Mr. Jones. The black-tie optional event will be followed by a special VIP reception with Mr. Jones. The event will be held Thursday, September 14, 2000 6:00pm at the Oregon Convention Center. Fullman-Kinetics and The Kids on the B lock A w areness Program (KOB AP) have announced the Start­ up o f a new Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Prevention Program to be offered to Portland-area elementary schools starting in September. A $6,250 grant from Fullman-Kinetics will add the program to 13 others that the non-profits KOBAP already provides free to local schools. Kids on the Block programs reach 50,000 children throughout M ultnomah, W ashington and C lackamas counties and accept di fferences in one another, as well as how to stay safe in d8 ifficult situations. Existing topics include: A d ju stin g to D ivorce, A ging Alternatives to Gangs and Violence, A ttention D eficit H yperactivity Disorder, Blindness, Cerebral Palsy, Children’ s Mental Health/Feeling, C ultural D ifferences, D eafness, le a rn in g D isa b ilitie s, M ental Retardation, Personal Safety/Sexual Abuse, ands Vandalism Prevention. Don’t let vacation plans get 'beached' by unsatisfactory travel agencies • BBB names 5 travel companies with it n s a t i s f a c t o r y records Savvy travelers know that to get the best travel deal for your money, your best bet is to see travel agent. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) suggests travelers ask plenty o f questions before making a decision on an agency or a tour operator. If you are considering a com plete vacation package get the name and address o f the tour company. Obtain a reliability report from the BBB on both the travel agency and/or the tour operator. The following companies have an unsatisfactory record with the Better Business Bureau for failure to respond to three or more complaints. Better Business Bureau reports are based on a three-year period and are subject to change at any time. Consumers are advised to contact the BBB for a current report. The BBB does not endorse, recommend or approve of any product, company or service. Consumers are advised to use their own best judgem ent when choosing a travel agency or tour operator. These companies fal 1 under the “type ofbusiness” category (TOB) ofTravel Agencies & Bureaus: LW Entertainment, PM B 143 218 Main St, Kirkland, WA Europa Let Inc, 92 N Main St., Ashland, OR These companies fall under the TOB o f Travel Clubs/D iscount Travel Services: Emerald Promotions, Inc, 12006 98th A ve N E ,Ste 104, Kirkland, W A Leisure Life & Travel LLC, 450 Shattuck Ave S # 200, Renton, WA Ultima Systems Inc, 18702 N Creek Pkwy #217, Bothell, WA U ltim a System s entered into a Consent Decree with the State o f W ashington A ttorney G e n e ra l’s office in February o f 1997. Ultima Systems has two more locations in Vancouver, W ashington and Tigard, Oregon. A copy o f the Consent Decree can be obtained by contacting the W ashington State A ttorney G eneral’s office or by calling the Better Business Bureau. Once you have decided on a travel agency or tour operator, you want to ask more questions related to the specifics o f your vacation. Find out where the hotel is located and exactly what type o f room you will be getting. If you want to be near tourist areas or the beach, make sure you indicate this upfront. Be aware that room types will differ from hotel to hotel. Clarity with your agent the difference between “ocean view” at your P ortland O bserver f O R T t .i l particular hotel o f choice. This will most certainly save you any surprises upon check in. Before you are make a comm i tment or dow n p a y m e n t, be sure you understand the payment terms and the C ancellation policies. M any vacation packages, especially if they are purchased well in advance, allow for a down payment to reserve or “hold” your space, with the remaining balance becoming due as you get closer to departure, usually within 2 months. Be sure you understand these terms and if you are asked to give any kind o f upfront payment before you are fully informed travel agency or touroperatorwill not take your money without giving you the detai Is ofyour vacation, tailoring it to your needs and requests. The Better Business Bureau is a not- for-profit, public service, provides b usiness and ch arity reliab ility reports, dispute resolution services and c o u n se lin g in fo rm atio n to c o n su m e rs and b u sin e sse s throughout O regon and W estern Washington. Consumers in Oregon may contact the bureau at (503) 226- 3981. Courthouse Square at Yoshida ’ s Sand in the City, Kids on the Block’s major fundraiser. The 4:30 p.m. awards ceremony caps the event’s opening- day sand sculpting contest. The grant from Fullman-Kinetics will underwrite a year’s performances of the alcohol/drug prevention program totaled “Starting Over.” The script is a conversation between two students (puppets “Eric and “Joanne”), during which Eric discloses his experiences with alcohol and other drugs and an “ innocent d rin k in g g am e” that changed his life. : Lots o f people think kids who use alcohol or drugs do it because they ’ re having problems at home or school or with life in general, “ Eric professes. “Maybe for some that’s true but not for me. It was really hard to NOT do something that all my friends were doing.” C om e v isit us on the v w eb at www.portlandobserver.com Fullman-Kinetics is a Portland area mechanical contractorspecializing in process piping, plumbing, heating, ventilating and air conditioning. F u llm a n -K in e tic s S en io r V ice President Perry Shinn present the d o n a tio n July 14th in Pioneer FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER: $20,000 CASH BONUS PLUS $50,000 FOR COLLEGE. Appraisal of real property Choose to serve in one of the Army’s top-priority occupational skills, and you could receive a cash bonus of up to $20,000, if you qualify. Plus, earn up to $50,000 in money for college through the Montgomery G.I. Bill and the Army College Fund, if you qualify. Find out more about these great Army benefits. Talk to your local Army recruiter today. It could be one of the most rewarding calls you’ve ever made. L ocated at 735 N S haver St. P ortland, O regon 97227 F o r C o u n try w id e H om e L oans, Inc. 9732 SE W ashington St. 284-4005 Ste: K Portland, O regon 97216 A s o f A ugust 21 1998 By D aniel R. B ush SAFEWAY The puppets use kids’ language to talk about drugs and their effects on the body, about peer pressure and how to make good choices. Capping each show is an open O&A session, in w hich the p u p p e ts a n sw er children’s questions in a clear and accurate, non-threatening way. The Kids on the Block Awareness Program was established in 1991. School audience totals have grown from 28,000 children to more than 50,000 in just the past three years. Fifty volunteers collectively travel some 15,000 miles annually to perform at over lOOschools.Kids on the Block is seeking additional volunteer puppeteers to perform the new topic. No prior experience is necessary. KOAP provides training and support. For information contact The Kids on the Block Awareness Program at (503) 246-5818. ARMY. BE www.goarmy.com ALL YOU CAN BE.* V > ì \ g ~( h ‘ ^BONELESS SKIM FO O D & DRUG ^OXEltSSSKIMfSStBRDÿS PLY BATHROOM TISSI « MAxen ¿J p Look For Your Safeway Weekly Shopping Guide In Your Oregonian FOODday in the Portland Metro Area ...and save more by shopping at Safeway. W t f M W <« i M l LM| Boneless Skinless Fryer Breasts Manor House IQF. Sold in 41b. bags only $6.76 ea. SAVE up to 7 8 ( lb. X LLL>B 23 24 Tue l 2 5 Phrrc f tlfdivf Wartoaiday W ed T hur '1 9 20 Fri Final Cost after mail-in rebate... Safeway Club Price - 5°o 99 While Supplies Last 9 Grown in California. SAVE up to $1.31 lb. PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 2000 M on Safeway Club Price Minus Mail-In Rebate (in case) Limit 1 Red Flame Seedless Grapes Visit Safeways Web site at wwwsafewaycom Sun 1" 48-Count Double Roll 2-Ply Safeway SELECT Ultra Bath Tissue J 21 I 2 2 I kPy 19 thru T. ridai II#» >•> x r o Ä prx« n tm ad are avarfat* at your total Satowav «ore» No tala» to retiauram, or *i»wuhon» Sam m reiarf quamton Quamton of »oma aim, may tw hmoad and tutaaci to a»a*ab*tv Not re»pom«a tor typography v p-eonai arm>, VW T M M toa nght to corrati al puntad uran c 7000 Satowa* Stora» tot I V l' 4? ■o *!< Î . I -I II 11 ,|. Safeway Club Price Now the savings are in the Card! I I