Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 19, 2000, Page 17, Image 17

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    July 19, 2000
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T he P ortland O bserver
Page 3
Disney presents “Sea of Sharks”
beast that lurks beneath
the sea and I think
people are fascinated
by that.” Shot entirely
on 35 mm, the film
conveys the serenity
and grace o f several
species o f sharks -
from silky sharks and
various reef sharks to
th e
fa sc in a tin g
s c a l l o p e d
hammerhead, as well
as an array o f marine
life including majestic
manta rays, gentle sea
“Sea o f Sharks,” an enchanting, one-
hour television nature special, paints
an intriguingly intimate picture o f
th e
m u c h -fe a re d ,
o fte n -
misunderstood shark. Syndicated by
Buena Vista Television, the film is
the third o f four wildlife specials in
“ D is n e y ’s N ew T ru e L ife
Adventures.” “ Sea o f Sharks” airs
from July 24 to August 27. Diving
to the depths o f the Pacific Ocean,
th e film re v e a ls th e rich
concentrations o f marine life around
life le s s
"The shark is at the top o the food
lava flows
patrolling as the policeman of
and coral
ruling the
the sea - looking for weakness, much
waters and
life the African lion. ”
- John Wilcox, executive producer
the weak,
for “Disney’s New True Life
but with an
ev ocative
b e a u ty
th a t’ s
rarely attributed to the shark. “ Sea turtles and the colossal
o f Sharks” explores how these humpback whale.
o m in o u s u n d e rse a in h a b ita n ts “Sea o f Sharks’ takes view ers
interact with their environment and underwater and into the lives o f
the surrounding kaleidoscope o f these creatures as they ensure their
creatu res that fall u n d er th eir su rv iv a l,” says John W ilcox,
executive producer for “Disney’s
True Life Adventures” and
F ilm m a k e r P ete Z u c c a rin i, a
re n o w n e d
u n d e rw a te r producer o f the project. “The shark
cinem atographer, offers a fresh is at the top o the food chain,
perspective o f the shark, combating patrolling as the policeman o f the
g e n e ra tio n s
fe a r
and sea - looking for weakness, much
misconception. “Most people see life the African lion.”
sharks as death incarnate,” says Tranquil underw ater scenes are
Zuccarini. “Sharks represent the ac c e n ted w ith the action and
adventure typically associated with
Zuccarini captures eye-opening
footage o f feeding frenzies and inter-
species agg ressio n , rem inding
v iew ers th a t the an im als are
dangerous. “Filming sharks, you
have to be within arm ’s reach of
whatever is going on,” he says.
“There are definitely moments when
you feel as though you may become
part o f the food chain.” The film
highlights the engaging hunt that
precedes the attack, revealing the
sharks’ intelligence and ability to
work with others for a common
goal and a quick meal.
Award-winning composer Mark
Watters scored the original music
for “Sea o f Sharks.” “We created an
ethereal underwater mood with both
instrumental and voice talent,” says
W atters. The film ’s range o f
emotion calls for especially sensual
accompaniment - from the ballet
dance o f a manta ray - for which
Watters merged operatic and new-
age sounds - to the mysteriously
quiet stealth ofthe shark’s hunt. His
credits include the opening and
closing ceremonies for the 1996
Centennial Olympic Games, and a
variety o f Disney projects, such as
the Aladdin television series and
D oug’s First Movie.
Airing between July 24 and August
27, “Sea o f Sharks” is syndicated
by Buena Vista Television. Check
local listings for date, time and
station or visit www.disney.com/
animals for schedules and show
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