July 12, 2000 Page B5 (T hv Jlnrilanò (ßfaseruer S Classifieds/Bids Employment | Employment | Employment^ Employment | Employment | ¡ Come Work for One Tough Mother! E-Business Analyst ♦ Columbia Sportswear Company® If you’ve been looking for the right opportunity to put your interest and experience in E-Business to work, we have the job for you. Columbia Sportswear is a global leader in the design and marketing o f sportswear apparel and footwear. We are building a team o f professionals responsible for developing business processes and in fra stru c tu re to support our E-Business. The E-Business Analyst will work with management at all levels to set strategic priorities and goals, gather information, and develop E-Business so lu tio n s. K ey re sp o n sib ilitie s include project planning and defining and d o c u m e n tin g b u sin e ss requirements. This position is the primary liaison between management, users, and developers. Qualified candidates will have a B ach elo rs d eg ree in B u sin ess, Computer Science, Accounting, or related field -o r- work experience equivalent to a degree. Minimum o f three to five years experience in progressively responsible positions providing management support by analyzing business processes, team project participation, and providing medium to advanced level o f systems support and analysis. C o lu m b ia S p o rtsw e a r’s c o m p e n sa tio n /b e n e fits pack ag e includes: Corporate bonuses, stock purchase plan, tuition reimbursement, product discount, and 28 PAID days o ff per year. We also offer Medical/ Dental, 401(K), profit sharing and company paid life insurance. If this looks like the job for you, please send a resume to: Columbia S p o rtsw e a r C o m p a n y , H um an Resources, Dept. E-Business, PO Box 83239, Portland OR 97283, or FAX to: (503) 735-4597. Equal Opportunity Employer. Comp/Tech 210 C IT Y O F W E S T L IN N Job Opportunity Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Technician $2594-$3372/m o DOQ Position prepares, maintains and amends a variety o f GIS data sets, reviews and prepares map and geographic records materials and enters data into GIS d a ta b a se s u sin g c u sto m iz e d softw are. Interprets engineering plans, aerial photography, maps and legal descriptions. R equires an A ssociate’s D egree in com puter te c h n o lo g y , m ap s and leg al d e sc rip tio n s. R e q u ire s an A ssociate’s Degree in com puter te c h n o lo g y , d ra ftin g , c iv il engineering, geography or related field and 2-3 years experience in a GIS w ork e n v iro n m e n t. W orking knowledge ofGIS software, including A rc ln fo , A rc E d it, A rcM acro language and ArcView. Requires use o f computer mapping techniques and theory as related to GIS work. Any equivalent combination o f work, experience and training that ensures the ability to perform the work, may be considered. Qualified candidate must pass pre-em ploym ent drug screen. Application packets may be obtainedat West Linn City Hall, 22500 Salamo Road, West Linn, OR 97068, or call (503) 722-3427 (voice mail)or (503) 656-4518 TDD. Completed applications must be returned to City Hallby July 28,2000,4:00 PM. EEO Employment Comp/Tech 210 General 235 Office 250 Social Services 265 Oregon Legislature Facilities Maintenance Worker C le a n s and p e rfo rm s m in or maintenance and repair work on district facilities. Starting wage $11.10 per hour. Come in or call 503-588-2424 to obtain official application and d e ta ile d d e sc rip tio n o f du ties, qualification requirements. Visit our web site at: www.cherriots.org. Send completed application form to Salem Area Mass Transit District, Human Resources office, 3140 Del Webb Ave. NE, Salem, OR 97303. Official District application form must be completed and received at District by 5:00 p.m. July 21, 2000. An Equal Opportunity Employer. CITY OF WEST LINN Excellent opportunity to gain variety of experience working with youth. Responsibilities inc lude direct service with at-risk youth, crisis intervention, answering youth crisis line, and scheduling for relief needs o f staff at w ell-established agency serving youth and ability to work well with a team. Current Oregon drivers license, own vehicle, and liability insurance required. Salary is $9.50/hr plus excellent benefits. Send cover letter and resume by 7/14 to G riff at Harry ’ s Mother, 3942 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97214. We value diversity and are an Equal opportunity Employer. PC Technician $2302 - $3665 • Troubleshooting • Respond to Service Calls • Install, C onfigure, M aintain Software and Hardware • W indow s 95/98 and N ovell Netware Environment For application information contact: Karen Hupp Employee Services 900 Court St NE Room 140 Salem O R97301-4043 (503)986-1373 http://www.leg.state.or.us Deadline July 21,2000 General 235 Washington County General 235 C o n troller: Entercom Portland, a leading 7-radio station cluster in O regon and 4-station cluster in W a sh in g to n , has an e x c e lle n t o p p o rtu n ity for an experienced Controller. This high level position requires “big picture” strategic and conceptual thinking, fiscal analysis/ fo re c a s tin g , b u d g e t p ro c e ss/ m anagement, advanced computer skills and experience in all aspects o f accounting functions. This position w ill m an ag e a 5 '/ j em p lo y ee department that includes a Business Mgr. Who oversees the day-to-day o p e ra tio n . A c c o u n tin g d e g re e re q u ire d . C P A /M B A and broadcasting experience preferred. Send cover letter/resume to HR, Entercom, 0700 SW Bancroft St., P o rtla n d , O R 9 7201. E qual Opportunity Employer. R a d io A d v e r tis in g S a le s fo r E n te r c o m R a d io S ta tio n s : Advertising/broadcast sales a plus. Good organizational, written/verbal communications skills. Send cover letter/resume to HR, Entercom, 0700 SW Bancroft St., Portland, O R 97201. KGON/KFXX/KKSN/KNRK' Rosie/ Sunny Equal Opportunity Employer. Sales Associate: For Entercom Radio Stations. Support for approx. 25 A E’s with various administrative duties while being trained in broadcast sales. A strong desire to work towards a future in radio sales. G enerate p ro fe s s io n a l p re se n ta tio n s/ correspondence and other business d o c u m e n ts. W ord p ro c e ssin g / desktop publishing. Some phone duties. Send cover letter/resume to HR, Entercom, 0700 S W Bancroft St., P o rtla n d , O R 97201. E qual Opportunity Employer. General 235 Parking Operator Immediate opening for full and part-tim e lot attendants with Portland’s leadingparkingCo. We are se e k in g d ep en d ab le in d iv id u a ls w ith a neat a p p e a ra n c e and a p o sitiv e attitude. $7.50 + starting wage Huge overtime potential Advancement opportunities Medical, Dental, 401 k available Applicants must submit to drug test and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1 PM, M onday-Friday. 130 SW Stark Portland, OR Office ClerkReceptionist Parks and Recreation Department $1658 - $2155/mo DOQ. Position serves as a Receptionist for the Parks and R ecreatio n D ep artm en t. Responsibilities include: answering telephones, computer data entry, re c e ip t o f m o nies, p ro c e ssin g re g istra tio n s and ta k in g park reservations. M ust be custom er- service orientated. Good accounting skills, desirable. Successful candidate must pass pre-em ploym ent drug screen. Application packet may be obtainedat West Linn City Hall, 22500 Salamo Road, West Linn, OR 97068; or call (503)722-3427,TDD656-4518. Completed application packet must be returned to the Human Resource Department at City Hall by July 28, 2000,4:00 PM. EEO Housing Inspector $2,522-$3,064/mo. C loses July 21,2000 Occupancy Specialist $2,460-$2,988/mo. Closes July 21,2000 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846- 4898 fo r in fo rm a tio n . C o unty a p p lic a tio n and su p p le m e n ta l application forms required. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. ApplyTo: W ashington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Health Care 240 J ill B ethphage Sales 260 Sales Account Executive WB32,AcmeTelevisionofOregonin Portland, seeks to hire an entry-level salesperson for Portland’s fastest growing TV station. Must possess g reat en th u siasm , e n erg y and creativity. The ability to develop new business is essential. Self starters who work well in a team environment are desired. Recent college graduates are encouraged to apply. Send resum e or subm it an application to Local Sales Manager, KWBP-TV, 10255 SW Arctic Dove, Beaverton, Oregon 97005. Position applications can be obtained at the offices during normal business hours. Resumes may be faxed to (503)-520- 9774. KWBP is an equal opportunity employer. Sales 260 Yttvst peltntial «.“«»wic* h? life Are you a fun, loving person who wants to make a difference? Provide D irect care for three individuals with developmental disabilities in a NE Portland residential setting. Starts at $7.25/ hr. $8.25/hr after 90 DayTraining period. Part-time, full-time (includes benefits), sign-on Bonuses, & 26 paid days off per year. Must be at least 18 years o f age & have HS diploma or GED. Experience with autism & valid driver’s license Preferred. Call Dan at (503) 261-0255 to schedule an interview O r apply in person/send resume to: BETHPHAGE Attn: Human Resources 7931NE Halsey St., Suite 305 Portland,OR97213 Fax:(503)261-0259 dmarsdemwbethphage.org Visit us at ww' Health Care 240 Community Living Manager M anager n eed ed in residential v o c a tio n a l tra in in g settin g . Responsible for the management of community living for young adults and residential staff. Requires a bach elo r’s degree in behavioral sciences or associated field and three years related experience, one o f which must be in a supervisory capacity. Valid driver’s license required. Human Resources 31224E. HistoricColumbia River Hwy. Troutdale, OR 97060 Responses Must Be Received No Later Than Fri., July 14,2000 As an affirmative action employer, we are seeking qualified minority, fem ale, v e te ra n and d isa b le d applicants; however, all qualified applicants will be considered. Senior Sales Account Executive WB32, Acme Television o f Oregon (Portland DMA), seeks to hire an experienced salesperson for a fast growing station. Must posses great enthusiasm, energy and creativity. The ability to develop new business and manage existing accounts is essential. Self-starters who work well in a team environment are desired. A minimum offouryears broadcast sales experience is required. Send resum e o r su b m it an application to Local Sales Manager, KWBP-TV, 10255 SW Arctic Drive, Beaverton, Oregon. 97005. Position applications can be obtained at the office during normal business hours. Resumes m aybe faxed to (503) 520- 9774. KWBP is an equal opportunity employer. Employment Social Services 265 Social Services/S ocial C hange/ Domestic Violence. Bradley-Angle . House is seeking Shelter W omen’s A d v o c a te B ilin g u a l S p anish preferred, but not required. 40 Hours/ W eek, $25,147 annual salary; * B ilingual N ight C ase M anager Bilingual Spanish, 40 Hours/Week, $23,754 annual salary; ***A ll p o sitio n s p ro v id e b e n e fits* * * Application packets required and available by calling 503/296-8225 or at One Stop, 3034 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Closing Date: Open until Filled. EEO/ AA/Feminist Employer P/lltT-TIMI* JOBS H IITBIIKIWAKI1S EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS E Additional $455 per month E Tuition Assistance Program E Student Loan Repayment Program BONUS MONEY E Initial $5,000 to $8,000 MANY OTHER FULL-TIME BENEFITS Advertise in B Dental, life insurance, vacation/travel for free, retirement, etc. (©bseruer OREGON CAREER COUNSI'I/IR Z-r Cornel iousCurtis (503)335-5115 SUBSIDIZED UNITS FOR ELDERLY HOUSEHOLDS SENIORS, DISABLED, HANDICAPPED, 1 BDRM MAY BE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to “Equal Housing Opportunity.' ¿V Handicapped Accessable (Flic •jJnrt la ttò (O hserticr Call Today Halftime position open at agency serving at-risk youth and families. Crisis Intervention Specialist handles crisis calls on 24-hr. youth crisis line, does intakes with new youth into program , coordinates with other youth agencies, and provides back­ up to shelter for runaway youth. E x c e lle n t o p p o rtu n ity to gain experience and fam iliarity with Portland youth services. Salary is $8.75/hr with prorated benefits. Must have current Oregon drivers license, own vehicle, and liability insurance. Send cover letter and resume to Griff at H a rry ’s M o th er, 3942 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97214. We value diversity and are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Bairwood Manor In Keizer 503-918-3884-Pager 503-623-9667 EQUAL HOUSING lassifieds A ll C la ss ifie d A ds and 503.288.0033 Facsimile.................... 503.288.0015 Email to. .classifie d s@ p o rtlan d o b serv er.co m $11.50..................................................................................... percolumninch $ 13.00...................................................................per column inch and boxed $ 15 0 0 ......................................................per column inch boxed and shaded $14.00................................................................................................ RFP/Bids $90.00.....................Sub-Bids(2 column by 3") each additional inch=$ 10.00 B i d s w i 11 b e acc e p ted up until 5 p .m ., Friday. £ Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd [ ) |7 Y Inform ation/T ravel Public Notices....................... ...000 Announcements/Weddings....010 Announcements/Births..... ...015 Family Services.................... ...020 Lost and Found..................... ...030 Meeting Notices.................... ...040 Tickets, for Sale Wanted............... —..050 Travel.................................... ...060 R eal E state Acreage__________ _______...100 Homes for sale...........................110 Homes for rent...................... „115 Appartments,duplexes for Sale................... ..120 Appartments,duplexes for R ent................. ..125 Manufactured Homes for Sale.................... ..130 Manufactured Homes for Rent....................135 Others for Sale...................... ..140 Others for Rent..................... ..145 Commercial Real Estate...... ..150 Waterfront Property........... ..155 Real Estate Services............. ..160 Real Estate Wanted.............. ..165 E m p lo y m en t E m p lo y m en t Guidance/Resumes.................200 Professional........................... ..205 Computer/Technologv .......210 Automotive............ ................ ..213 Contractors........................... ..215 Outdoor Home Care.___ —. ..220 Indoor Home Care, Domestic................. .225 Education............................... ..227 Financial, Insurance................230 General.................................. ...235 Healthcare........................... ...240 Marketing, Advertising............ .245 ..247 Administration.............. Office ................................. ..250 Legal...................... ................. ..253 Retail...................................... ..255 Accounting............................ ...258 Sales....................................... ....260 Social Services...................... ..265 T emporarv, Part-Time, Seasonal................... 270 Positions Wanted.................... 275 Business opportunities.......... 280 Ite m s fo r S a le A n tiq u e « ................................ .300 A p pliance« ......................... ....... 4 05 Auctions............................ ..... 3 1 0 Clothing..................- ......... ..... 3 1 5 Clothing............................. ..... 3 2 0 Computers/Electronics, Software............. .... 3 2 5 Estate Auctions/Sales..... ....330 F a r m Ite m « ............................ __3 3 5 F u r n itu r e ............................. .340 Garage Sale....................... ..... 345 Garden Equipment_____ .... 350 Heavy Equipment--------........ 355 Hobbies/Collectors.................360 Livestock. ••••••••••••••••••••••«••••e ....365 Miscellaneous for Sale......... J 70 Miscellaneous Wan ted.........3 7 5 Office Equipment................. 3 8 0 Pets/ Pet T raining, Show s...385 Stereo Equipment Television, VCR's,CD's,Tapes....390 Tools.................................. — -395 A u to m o b iles ATV's....................................... 400 Antiques.................................. 405 Autos by Make........................410 B M W .............................. 410 Buick...............................412 C adillac.......................... 414 Chevrolet.......................416 Chrysler......................... 418 Dodge.............................. 420 Eagle............................... 422 Ford................................. 424 C M C ............................... 426 Honda............................. 428 Jeep.................................430 Lexus.............................. 432 Lincoln........................... 434 M azda.............................436 Mercedes........................438 Nissan..............................440 O ldsm obile....................442 Plym outh.......................444 Saturn............................ 446 Subaru............................ 448 Toyota.............................450 Volkswagon.................. 452 O thers........................... 454 Buses........................................ 460 C ampers/T railers..................465 Motorcycles.............................470 Parts/Domestic.......................475 Parts/Imports..........................480 Pickups.....................................485 R.V./Sales, Rentals............... 490 SUV's........................................495 P e rso n a ls Messages........................._......500 Services................................... .505 V