Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 05, 2000, Page 3, Image 3

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    July 5, 2000
Page A3
Alliance created by OHSU's CDRC develops
statewide plan to protect children with disabilities
• Two New Publications Available to the
Public Are Part o f Plan to Raise Awareness
and Prevent Maltreatment o f Children
With Disabilities
M ore than 11,000 O regon children
were victim s o f abuse and neglect
last year, according to the Oregon
State Office o f Services to Children &
Families. In fact, this state has the
second h ig h est n u m b e r o f child
m altreatm ent fatalities in the nation.
All children are at risk, but those with
disabilities are tw ice as likely to be
m altreated than any other group o f
children. C om m unity professionals
and the public now have a new tool to
help them protect these children. The
Oregon Alliance for Kids with Special
N eeds, orO A K S , an alliance created
by the C h ild D ev e lo p m e n t and
R e h ab ilitatio n C e n te r at O regon
H ealth S ciences U niversity, has
released two publications that offer
people who w ork w ith children with
disabilities guidelines on how to look
for signs o f abuse and neglect in a
p o p u la tio n at in creased risk for
A C S Calls on
congress to
break silence
on unequal
p ro s ta te
The Am erican Cancer Society, the
nation’s leading voluntary health
organization, joined today with
th e
A m e ric a n
U ro lo g ic a l
A ssociation, K appa A lpha PSI
Fraternity, and the Congressional
B lack C a u cu s, in c a llin g on
Congress to draw attention to the
unequal burden ofprostate cancer
am ong A frican-A m erican men.
M ore needs to be done to reduce
the unequal burden o f cancer in
m in o r ity
com m unities,” said Dr. John R.
Kelly, Ph.D ., national volunteer,
chairm an o f the board ofdirectors
for the A m erican C ancer Society.
“O ur nation m ust chart a new
course in this w ar against cancer.
A course w here all A m ericans
benefit from and receive the latest
advances in the prevention, early
detection and treatm ent o f cancer.
A course that w ill provide our
m e d ic a lly
u n d e s e rv e d
p o p u la tio n s w ith th e cancer-
related program s and services
they desperately need.”
T h e p u b lic a tio n s “ E v e ry C h ild
Special - Every Child Safe: Protecting
C h ild re n w ith D isa b ilitie s from
M altreatm ent, A Call to A ction” and
“C om m unity Im plem entation G uide
to Prevent M altreatm ent o f Children
W ith D isabilities” w ere w ritten by a
team ofhum an services professionals,
c o m m u n ity
m e m b ers,
th e
M u ltic u ltu ra l F a m ily A d v iso ry
C ouncil and s ta ff at the CD R C.
T ogether they m ake up OAKS.
T he purpose o f the C all to Action
publication is to raise aw areness
ab o u t th e re la tio n s h ip b etw e en
c h ild h o o d
d is a b ili ty
m altreatm ent, identify service gaps
and opportunities for im provem ent,
a n d stim u la te co m m u n ity -b a se d
change to prevent and respond to
m altreatm ent. The publication calls
for adjusting the reporting system to
better obtain an accurate num ber o f
reportedcases involving children with
disabilities. In addition, authors o f
the report recom m end that abuse
r e s p o n s e p r o fe s s io n a ls re c e iv e
training to help sensitize them to the
specific vulnerabilities o f children
w ith d is a b ili tie s , a n d h o w to
distinguish abuse sym ptom s from
featu res o f th e d isa b ility itself.
Prevention m easures also are laid out
in the plan.
T h e C o m m u n ity Im plem entation
G uide is a user-friendly tool for
com m unity-based intervention. It
provides resource inform ation, and
en c o u rag es
c o m m u n ity - le v e l
coalitions to develop and im plem ent
p lan s sp e cific to the needs and
resources o f their com munities.
T he creation o f O A K S and its four-
year strategic planning effort was
fu e le d b y th e h a rd w o rk o f a
concerned com m unity and a grant
from the U.S. D epartm ent o f Health
and H um an Services’ Administration
on D evelopm ental Disabilities. The
grant is one o f the adm inistration’s
Projects o f National Significance.
T hese projects focus on the m ost
pressing issues affecting people with
developm ental disabilities and their
fam ilies, and are designed to perm it
local im plem entation o f practical
solutions. “Case m anagers in the
field o f child m altreatm en t help
children; disability specialists in the
c o m m u n ity h elp c h ild re n . B ut
historically, there hasn’t been enough
crossover betw een the two groups,
though both are aware o f many abuse
incidents involving children with
disabilities,” said Gloria Krahn, Ph.D.,
M .P.H, co-principal investigator for
the O A K S project and associate
director for CDRC. Krahn continued,
“The O A KS plan w ould remedy this
s itu a tio n an d p r o v id e g re a te r
protection forourcom m unities’ most
vulnerable members.”
C h ild re n w ith d is a b ilitie s face
increased risk for maltreatment due to
com m unication or physical deficits
that prevent them from defending
them selves. They also m ay have
m ental delays that make them more
susceptible to coercion into abusive
situations. The potential for longer
duration o f maltreatment, more severe
and long-lasting traum a due to the
abuse, and reduced likelihood o f
intervention are all increased when a
victim o f abuse has disabilities.
“Every C hild Special - Every Child
S afe: P ro te c tin g C h ild re n W ith
Disabilities From Maltreatment, A Call
to A c tio n ” a n d “ C o m m u n ity
Im plem entation G uide to Prevent
M a ltrea tm e n t o f C h ild re n W ith
D isabilities” are available online at:
http://w w w .ohsu.edu/cdrc/oaks
Messages from the American Heart Association
Warning signs of a heart
attack and stroke
U ncom fortable pressure, fullness,
squeezing or pain in the center o f the
chest that lasts m ore than a few
m inutes, o r goes aw ay and com es
Pain that spreads to the shoulders,
neck or arms.
C hest
d is c o m f o r t
w ith
lightheadedness, fainting, sw eating
nausea or shortness o f breath.
Less com mon warning signs o fa heart
A typical ch est pain , stom ach or
abdom inal pain
N ausea or dizziness.
Shortness o f breath and difficulty
U nexplained anxiety, w eakness o f
Palpitations, cold sw eat or paleness
Sudden num bness or w eakness o f
face, arm or leg, especially on one
side o f the body.
Sudden confusion, trouble speaking
o r understanding
S udden trouble seeing in one or both
Sudden trouble w alking, dizziness,
loss o f balance o r coordination
Sudden, severe headache with no
know cause
N ot all o f these signs occur in every
attack. Som etim es they go aw ay and
return. If some, get help fast. I f you
notice one or m ore o f these signs in
yourselfor another person, don’t wait.
Call 911 or your local em ergency
m edical services (EM S) and get to a
hospital right away!
Common Myths About
A f r ic a n - A m e r ic a n
Women, Heart Disease
And Strokes
M yth #1 - Coronary heart disease is
a m an ’s problem.
H eart attack is an epidem ic in women
as well as in men. W om en com m only
get coronary heart disease a decade
later than men.
M yths #2- W om en are protected
against heart attacks.
M ore m en have heart attacks than
w om en but w om en have a low er
ch an ce o f su rv iv in g th irty -eig h t
percent o f w om en die w ithin a year o f
a heart attack com pared w ith 25
percent o f men.
M yth #3 - W om en should be more
concerned about health problem s
other than heart disease.
C ancer and other chronic disease
d e s e rv e re se a rc h an d atte n tio n .
H ow ever, card io v ascu lar d isease
claim s m ore lives than the next 14
causes o f death com bined, including
all forms o f cancer.
M yth #4 - T here’s nothing you can
do to prevent a stroke.
Y ou can reduce your risk o f stroke by
controlling high blood pressure, not
sm oking cigarettes, having regular
m edical check-ups and learning the
w arning signs o f strokes so that you
can receiveprom pt m edical attention
should a stroke occur.
Inform ation At Your
T a p in to r e s o u r c e s fo r m o re
information about disease and strokes
th ro u g h th e A m e r ic a n H e a rt
A ssociation-For m ore information on
h e a lth tip s , s c ie n c e n e w s, an d
program s in your area, call 1-800-
A H A -U S A 1
lo g
o n to
W om en’s Cam paign- T ake w ellness
to h eart an d jo in th e W o m e n ’s
C am p aig n by callin g 1-888-M Y
H E A R T o r r e g is te r o n - lin e at
w w w .w om en.am ericanheart.org to
receive com plimentary brochures and
event information about w om en, heart
disease and strokes.
A m erican Strokes A ssociation - Call
1-888 4 S T R O K E o r c h e c k o u t
w w w .stro k e sc a ss o c ia tio n .o rg to
request inform ation about strokes
w arning sighs and prevention.
Strokes C onnection M agazine - For
S tu d y E x a m in e s R ed
W in e A n tio x id a n t
Researchers believe they have unlocked the m ystery o fhow an antioxidant
found in grapes and red w ine fights cancer.
A study published recently concludes that the com pound resveratrol,
w hich acts like an antibiotic to protect grapes from fungus, may turn o ff
a protein that guards cancer cells from cancer-fighting therapies such as
chem otherapy.
"The research m ay one day al low the com pound itself to be used in cancer
prevention and treatm ent," said M innie H olm es-M cN ary, a nutritional
biologist at the U niversity o f N orth C arolina’s m edical school in Chapel
“T he benefit is that it certainly provides an open door for potential
therapies,” said H olm es-M cN ary, the study’s lead author. That m ay
include taking a pill sim ilar to a vitam in supplement.
The benefits o f drinking a glass o f red w ine have been touted over the past
decade after the discovery o f the “French paradox” — that the French had
low rates o f heart disease despite high-cholesterol diets. Studies have
show n the key m ay be the glass or tw o o f red table w ine at dinner.
A few years ago, researchers found that resveratrol kept cells from turning
cancerous and stopped the spread o f m alignancies. R esveratrol also
blocked cell inflam m ation, w hich is linked to arthritis and other diseases.
Resveratrol can be found in dozens o f foods, including mulberries and
peanuts. All w ines have som e resveratrol, but red w ine seems to be its
richest source.
H olm es-M cN ary and co-author Albert B aldw in Jr. at the medical school’s
LinebergerCom prehensive C ancerC enter wanted to know how resveratrol
kills cancer cells. T heir findings were published in the July issue o f the
journal C ancer Research.
The researchers used previous research by B aldw in and others that
determ ined the protein called N F-kappa B enabled tum or cells to survive
even chem otherapy. W hen N F-kappa B is blocked in m ice— as observed
last year in a stu d y — the cancer cel Is were eradicated by the chemotherapy.
H olm es-M cN ary and Baldw in tested how cultured hum an and animal
tum or cells reacted to the resveratrol, learning that it effectively turned o ff
the N F-kappa B cancer gene. Untreated tumors continued to thrive,
H olm es-M cN ary said.
D iscovering the m echanism s o f resveratrol is im portant to developing the
com pound as a cancer-preventive agent for humans, said John Pezzuto,
a University o f Illinois at Chicago researcher who first reported resveratrol’s
link to red w ine and fighting cancer in 1997.
“It’s a good contribution,” Pezzuto said o f the study. “It seems like there
are m ultiple m echanism s. In the end, there may be a com m on thread to all
ofthem . It’s like w e’re laying down pieces o f the puzzle. This is one o f those
The study, funded by the N ational Institutes o f H ealth and the North
Carolina chapter o f the A merican Heart Association, also found muscadine
w ines contain up to seven times more resveratrol than regular wines.
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