Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 05, 2000, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page B4
July 5, 2000
M etro/Classifieds
Education 227
General 235
General 235
General 235
General 235
Production Workers
Rexam Image Products is a multi­
b illio n d o lla r co m p a n y w ith
manufacturing and sales worldwide.
We are seeking talented Sheeter/
Bundler production workers to work
in o u r P o rtla n d p la n t, w hich
manufactures inkjet media and other
coated paper products primarily for
the high tech industry. Candidates
must possess a minimum o f 1 -2 years ’
experience working in a production,
manufacturing, industrial, process or
mechanical environment. A high
school diploma or GED is required.
Teamwork and communication skills
are essential.
The M ultnom ah C ounty H ealth
Department is currently recruiting for
the following positions:
Operations Supervisor
Community Health Nurse
Pharmacy T echnician
Medical Records Technician
P rogram
D e v e lo p m e n t
Application materials and formal job
announcem ents are available at:
www.co.multnomah.or.us/jobs/, in
person or by mailing a self-addressed
stam p ed e n v e lo p e re q u e stin g
application forms to: Multnomah
County Human Resources Division,
1120 SW 5!h Avenue, First Floor
Lobby, PO Box 14700. Portland OR,
97293-0700. A ssisted access to
Multnomah County job information
and w eb site is a v a ila b le at
Multnomah County Libraries.
M ultn o m ah
C o u n ty
H e a lth
Department is actively recruiting
persons from various ethnic and
cultural backgrounds to enhance
service to our diverse communities.
Bilingual/bicultural candidates are
encouraged to apply. An Equal
Opportunity Employer
The M ultnom ah C ounty H ealth
Department is currently recruiting for
the following positions:
Operations Supervisor
Community HealthNurse
Pharmacy Technician
Medical Records Technician
P rogram
D e v e lo p m e n t
Application materials and formal job
announcements are available at:
www.co.multnomah.or.us/jobs/, in
person or by mailing a sel f-addressed
stam ped e n v e lo p e re q u e stin g
application forms to: Multnomah
County Human Resources Division,
1120 SW 5th Avenue, First Floor
Lobby, PO Box 14700. Portland OR,
97293-0700. A ssisted access to
Multnomah County job information
and w eb site is a v a ila b le at
Multnomah County Libraries.
M u ltnom ah
C o u n ty
H ealth
Department is actively recruiting
persons from various ethnic and
cultural backgrounds to enhance
service to our diverse communities.
B ilin g u a l/
b i c u 11 u r a 1
candidates are
encouraged to
apply. An Equal
O p p o rtu n ity
Night Shift 11:00 p .m .-7 :3 0 a.m. 2
years o f custodial experience with
one year experience in floor care
(carpet and hard surfaces) required.
$ 1 0 .5 0 /h r plus b e n e fits. See
w w w .catlin.edu to dow nload an
application or call Catlin Gabel School
297-1894, ext 373.
Education Assistant 1A
Migrant EducationBus Driver
190 Day position 7 hrs day
Salary: $12.41/hr
Closes: 7/6/00
School Health Assistant
185 4 hr and 6 hr days
Salary: $10.71/hr
Closes: 7/14/00
Application materials are available
M-F 8:00-5:00 in the Lobby o f the
Ainsworth Building. Apply in person
or send self-addressed, stamped legal
envelope ($.64) indicating position
to receive materials by mail to.
Multnomah ESD, Attn. Receptionist,
11611NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland,
O R 9 7 2 2 0 o r via W EB @
www.mesd.kl2.or.us. Application
materials will not be faxed.
General 235
Benefits Coordinator
T he T ri-M et H um an R esources
Division is recruiting for a broadly
skilled Benefits Coordinator for its
active and retiree health benefits
programs. Excellent opportunity for
persons with a strong background in
benefits administration, employee
relations and database maintenance.
Qualified candidates must have an
a s s o c ia te ’s d eg ree in b u sin ess
adm inistration, hum an resources
management or related field; three
years o f progressively responsible
experience in benefits administration;
and advanced level experience with
mainframe, personal computer, and
applicable business software (word
processing, spreadsheet, database).
Excellent benefits package and hiring
Qualified candidates submit a Tri-
Met application with supplemental
and a resume no later than July 14th to
the Human Resources Dept., 4012 SE
7,h A ve., Portland, O R 97202. You may
call (503) 962-7635 for information or
visit our web site at http://www.tri-
m et.org/jobs/.
General 235
Executive Director-Regional Drug
T his position is responsible for
directing the Regional Drug Initiative
(RDI), a community coalition that
operates as an intergovernmental
agency to reduce substance abuse
w ithin M ultnom ah County. The
Executive Director will oversee all
program operations and coordinate
program efforts with state and national
a g e n c ie s , a n d w ill p ro v id e
administrative oversight o f budget,
re s o u rc e
d e v e lo p m e n t,
com m unications, evaluation, and
program implementation. Requires 3
y e a rs in c re a sin g ly re sp o n sib le
administrative experience, including
one year o f supervisory experience,
and equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree
in a re le v a n t field. S uccessfu l
candidate will have organizational
managem ent experience in business
or non-profit sector. Experience with
services and programs focussing on
substance abuse highly desirable.
Salary range is $49,920 - $69,889
annually. Exam 974502. Apply by July
14. F u rth e r in fo rm a tio n and
application materials are available at:
w w w .co .m u ltn o m ah .o r.u s or by
c a llin g (503)
Positions will require repetitive
assembly o f packaging materials with
some bending and lifting (up to 50
lbs). Must be able to work shift work
and o v ertim e w hen necessary.
Starting hourly wage is $8.98 per hour.
W e o ffer an excellent benefits
package, including medical, dental
4 0 IK, and vacation, with excellent
o p p o rtunities for advancem ent.
Qualified individuals should send
resumes to:
Rexam Image Products, Attn: Human
Resources Mgr., P.O. Box 3349,
Portland, OR 97208-3349. Equal
Opportunity Employers.
Rexam Graphics
General 235
P rogram D ire c to r- Seeking LCSW
to join the WIAR team & help shape
community services for women with
HIV/AIDS. Provide leadership &
d ire c tio n to program s & staff.
Supervise MS Ws, provide individual
& group counseling w/ women who
are HIV+& their families. Monitor
quality o f services, response to
community needs. LCSW required,
$32,000-37,000+, EOE. Send resume
& c o v e r le tte r to W o m e n ’s
Intercom m unity AIDS Resource,
1608 SE Ankeny, Portland, O R97214.
D ir e c to r A d m in is tr a tio n &
V o lu n te e r s - S e e k in g h ig h ly
organized self-starter to join the
WIAR team & make a difference in
the lives o f women with HIV/AIDS.
Manage office operations, recruit &
supervise volunteers. M ust have
excellent com m unication skills,
computer experience, and ability to
manage multiple priorities. Call 238-
4420 forjob description. EOE, people
w/HIV & people o f color encouraged
to apply Send resume & cover letter
to W om en’s Intercommunity AIDS
Resource, 1608 SE Ankeny, Portland,
General 235
Now Hiring
Church Is
We are looking for people who want
a great future. Enrich your ownlife by
helping others and receive benefits
oftrainuigand counseling. Hard work,
low pay, improve while you have a
If you are interested in any o f the
following areas:
Executive Finance, Personnel, Sales
Public Relations, Administration,
A uditing (C ounseling), Training
O th ers, C le ric a l, M arketing &
Call Rachael @(503)-963-8121, or stop
by and fill out an application at:
2636 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland OR
Church O f Scientology O f Portland
General 235
Providing regional service * Creating
livable communities
Receptionist, Oregon Zoo - $9.55 -
$ 12.82/hour, FT, Deadline, 7/14/00.
Responsibilities include answering
phone, greeting visitors, radio and
d isp a tc h ,
ty p in g
correspondence, reports, and other
materials, and updating computer and
hard copy files. Data input, accounts
payable, contract processing, and
other clerical duties may be assigned.
Required application materials
a v a ila b le at: M etro H um an
Resources, 600 NE Grand Avenue,
Portland, OR 97232. Resumes are not
accepted. Please call (503)797-1570 if
you would like application materials
m ailed to you. W eb ad d ress:
AA/EEO Employer
General 235
Immediate opening for full and
part-tim e lot attendants with
se e k in g
d ep en d ab le
in d iv id u a ls w ith a neat
a p p e a ra n c e and a p o sitiv e
$7.50 + starting wage
Huge overtime potential
Advancement opportunities
Medical, Dental, 401 k available
Applicants must submit to drug
test and background check.
Apply in person daily between
12-1 PM, M onday-Friday.
130 SW Stark Portland, OR
General 235
R adio A dvertising Sales for Sunny
1520 AM . Advertising/broadcast
sales exp. aplus. Good organizational,
written/verbal communications skills.
Great Benefit Package. Send resume/
references to Laurie Dickinson -
Entercom - 0700 SW Bancroft St.,
Portland, Or 97201. KGON/KFXX/
KKSN/KNRK Rosie/Sunny- Equal
Opportunity Employer
General 235
Cook II
Sheriff’s O ffice-Jail
Closes July 14,2000
Engineering Assistant
L U T -B uilding Services
Closes July 14,2000
Senior Inspector
Plans Examiner
Closes July 14,2000
Senior Mental Health Services
(Civil Commitment Investigator)
Closes July 14,2000
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846-
4898 fo r in fo rm a tio n . C ounty
a p p lic a tio n and su p p le m e n ta l
application forms required. Women,
minorities, and people with disabilities
are encouraged to apply.
Apply To:
W a sh in g to n C o u n ty H um an
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
General 235
Radio Morning Show Producer for
94-7 NRK: Must have a minimum o f 3
yrs. Broadcast experience, production
and organizational skills, extensive
knowledge o f the Northwest and a
huge rolodex. Send tape/resume to
Program Director, KNRK Radio, 0700
SW Bancroft St., Portland, OR 97201.
No phone Calls. Equal Opportunity
General 235
Development Director
Position with anti-poverty, non-profit
to oversee and conduct fundraising
and marketing activities. Apply at
Portland Impact, 4707 SE Hawthorne
Blvd. Questions call 988-6000. EOE/
Facsimile................. ...503.288.0015
Email to. .classifie d s@ p o rtlan d o b serv er.co m
Announcements/Births... ..... 015
Family Services.......................020
Lost and Found........................030
Meeting Notices................ ......040
Tickets, for Sale
Travel................................. ......060
R eal E sta te
Acreage.................................... 100
Homes for sale.................... ..... 110
Homes for rent................... ..... 115
Appartments, duplexes
for Sale................
Appartments, duplexes
fo r R ent................. .....125
Manufactured Homes
for Sale......................130
Manufactured Homes
fo r R e n t................. .....135
Others for Sale...................
Others for Rent.................. .... 145
Commercial Real Estate.... .... 150
Waterfront Property........ .... 155
General 235
Trail Blazers are seeking a facility
security supervisor, w/min. 1 year
exp. In Security or Law Enforcement.
Must be PS - BPSST certified.
Excellent customer service, written
and oral communication skills req.
computer skills a plus. M ust be
available to work nights, weekends
and holidays. Must posses or have
ability to obtain a valid Oregon Drivers
License and a current CPR certificate.
Mail resume w/coverletterto: Human
Resources, Oregon Arena Corp., One
CenterCourt, Suite 200, Portland, OR
97227; orfax to(503) 736-5105.
General 235 ___
H eavy E q u ip m e n t O p e r a to r s /
Excavator/Dozer, Loader, Scraper.
Laborers. Exper. Req. Mustpass drug
te st. S a la ry b a se d on ex p er.
Applications accepted 8am to noon
& 2-5 pm, at Robinson Construction
Co. 21360 NW Amberwood Drive in
General 235
Im m ediate opening for - News
A n c h o r/B o a rd O p e ra to rs fo r
weekend and overnights at KXL
Radio. Two years experience required.
Please rush tape and resume to attn:
Operations Manager, News/Talk 750
KXL, 0234 SW Bancroft, Portland,
OR 97201. No phone calls, KXL is an
equal opportunity employer.
Health Care 240
Are you a fun, loving person who
wants to make a difference?
Provide D irect care for three
individuals with developmental
disabilities in a NE Portland
residential setting. Starts at $7.25/
hr. $8.25/hr after 90 Day Training
period. Part-time, full-time (includes
benefits), sign-on Bonuses, & 26
paid days off per year. Must be at
least 18 years o f age & have HS
diploma or GED. Experience with
autism & valid driver’s license
Call Dan at (503) 261-0255 to
schedule an interview
Or apply in person/send resume
Attn: Human Resources
7931NE Halsey St., Suite 305
Portland, OR 97213
Visit us at www.bethphage.org
In fo rm atio n /T rav el
Real Estate Services.......... .... 160
Real Estate Wanted........... .... 165
E m p lo y m en t
Guidance/Resumes........... .... 200
Professional........................ .... 205
Computer/Technology.... ...... 210
.... 213
Contractors........................ .... 215
Outdoor Home Care.......... ....220
Indoor Home Care,
Domestic.............. ....225
Education............................ ....227
Financial, Insurance.......... ....230
General................................ ....235
H ealthcare......................... ....240
Office.................................... ....250
Legal..................................... ....253
Retail.................................... ....255
Accounting.......................... ....258
Sales...................................... ....260
Social Services.................... ....265
Sen«onal................. ....270
Positions Wanted................ ....275
Business opportunities...... ....280
Ite m s fo r S ale
Antiques............................... ...J00
Appliances........................... ...J05
Auctions............................... ...310
S o ftw a re................ ..325
Estate Auctions/Sales........ ...330
Furniture.............................. ..340
Garage Sale.......................... ..345
Garden Equipment___ ..... ...350
Heavy Equipment..........— ...355
Hobbies/Collectors............. ...360
Livestock.............................. ...365
Miscellaneous for Sale...... ...370
Miscellaneous Wanted...... ...375
Office Equipment......------...380
Pets/ Pet T raining, Shows. ..3 8 5
I Stereo Equipment, Television, 1
VCR’s,CD’s,Tapes.. ...390
Tools..................................... ...395
A u to m o b ile s
ATV’s................................... ....400
Antiques............................... ....405
Autos bv Make..................... ...410
BM W ........................ ....410
Buick........................ ....412
Cadillac................... .... 414
Chevrolet................ ....416
Chrysler.................. .... 418
Dodge...................... ..... 420
E»glc........................ .... 422
Ford......................... .....424
G M C ........................ ....426
Honda...................... ....428
Jeep.......................... ....430
Lexus........................ ....432
Lincoln..................... ....434
Mazda...................... ....436
Mercedes................. ....438
Nissan...................... .... 440
Oldsmobile............. ....442
Plymouth................ ....444
Saturn...................... ....446
Subaru..................... .... 448
Toyota...................... ....450
Volkswagon............ ....452
O t h e r « ........................... . 4S4
1 B ums .........................................460 1
$ 11 50..................................................................................... percolumn inch
j 13 0 0 ....................................................................percolumn inch and boxed
$ 15.00...................................................... percolumn inch boxed and shaded
$14.00................................................................................................ RFP/Bids
$90.00.....................Sub-Bids(2 column by 3")each additional inch=$IO.OO
B i d s w i 11 be acc e p ted up
u n til 5 p .m ., Friday.
Campers/Trailers............... ...465
Motorcycles......................... ...470
Parts/Domestic................... ...475
Pa rts/Im ports...................... ...480
Pickups................................ ....485
R.V?Sales, Rentals............ ...490
SUV’s.................................... ...495
P e rso n a ls
Via Post, e-mail,
facsimile or in person at
4747 N.E. MLK Blvd
1 Public Notices................... ...... 000 1
I Announceinents/Weddings....010 1
R e lie f
D eliv ery
D riv e r ,
M erch a n d iser, & W a reh ou se
30-40 H R S/W eek, $11.275/H R ,
Teamsters Union, excellent DMV
re c o rd . 50% r e lie f d e liv e r/
m erchandising, 50% w arehouse.
Grocery exp. a plus. Split days off.
East Co. Apply North Portland Emp.
Ofc.,30N. Webster, Job Ref# 1 129754
A ll C la ssifie d A d s and
503 .2 8 8 .0 0 3 3
___ General 235
<L he p a rtía n
Call Today
Messages.............................. ...500