Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 28, 2000, Page 8, Image 8

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    June 28, 2000
Page B2
(Tfye 'Portland (Obaeruer
H ow N B A 1st
round draft may go
Sampras rips protest by
Assix u r m P ress
H ow the A ssociated Press handicaps the first round
o f the N BA draft:
1. N ew Jersey — K enyon M artin, F, C incinnati. The
co n sen su s best all-aro u n d p la y er in the draft,
although he com es with a w orrisom e dow n sid e— he
broke his right leg in the Conference USA tournament.
N ets m ight trade pick.
2. V ancouver— S trom i le Swi ft, F, LS U . W ould c lear
the w ay for the G rizzlies to trade O thella H arrington,
w ho w ants out o f British Columbia.
3. L. A. C lippers — M arcus Fizer, F, Iow a State. The
self-proclaim ed best player in the draft is the safe pick
for the C lips, who are flirting w ith the idea o f taking
high school phenom D arius Miles.
4 . C hicago— Darius Miles, F, East St. Louis (111. )H .S.
Jerry K rause needs a center, but a good one should
be available at No. 7. I f Clippers take M iles at No. 3,
K rause m ight trade this pick to a team coveting Fizer.
5. O rlando — Chris M ihm , C, Texas. M agic are
salivating over the prospect o f Fizer m aybe dropping
here. O therw ise, it’s a tough year to be picking fifth.
6. A tlanta— M ike Miller, F, Florida. A bigger decision
for H aw ks is w hether to trade D ikem be M utom bo.
7. C hicago — Joel Przybilla, C, M innesota. K rause
gets his big man.
8. C leveland— Courtney A lexander, G, Fresno State.
C avs desperate to get a center, but if M ihm and
Przybilla are gone, A lexander can replace Bob Sura.
9. H ouston — Jerom e M oiso, F, U CLA . W ith Steve
Francis and Cuttino Mobley in the starting backcourt.
R ockets need forwards.
10. O rlan d o — D erM arr Johnson, G , C incinnati. Not
easy to find 6-foot-9 shooting guards.
11. B oston — M orris Peterson, F, M ichigan State.
C eltics coach Rick Pitino, desperate to m ake a splash,
could trade up to the top five.
12. D allas— Jamal Crawford, G, Michigan. M avs also
trying to deal package o f Shawn Bradley, Robert Pack
and hot Rod W illiam s to N uggets and Hawks.
13. O rlando — Iakovos T sakalidis, C, A E K Greece.
H as at least tw o years left on G reek contract, but can
14. D etro it— M ateen C leaves, G, M ichigan State. If
Pistons pass on Cleaves, he falls to 20,s.
15. M ilw aukee — Etan Thom as, F, Syracuse. And
pray Tim Thom as doesn’t bolt.
16. Sacram ento — Quentin Richardson, F, DePaul.
A nd find a taker for N ick Anderson.
17. Seattle — M am adou N ’D iaye, C, A uburn. Are
Sonics dangling R uben Patterson and Sham m ond
W illiam s in an effort to m ove up?
18. L.A. C lippers — Donnell H arvey, F, Florida.
Som eone has to replace M aurice Taylor.
19. C harlotte — Chris Carraw ell, G, Duke. H ornets
need local lad to sell tickets.
20. Philadelphia — O lum ide O yedeji, C , DJK
W urzburg, Germ any. W on B undesliga slam -dunk
21. T oronto — K eyon D ooling, G , M issouri. N eed a
point guard like hum ans need oxygen.
22. N ew Y ork — Speedy Claxton, G, Hofstra. And a
taker for Frederic Weis.
23. U tah — H anno M ottola, F, Utah. A fine Finnish
K rause gets Jerm aine O ’N eal from Portland.
25. Phoenix — D esm ond M ason, F, O klahom a State.
B est available athlete, a la Shaw n M arion in 1999.
26. D enver— Soumaila Samake, C,C incinnati (IBL)
Som eone has to back up Bradley, no9
27. In d ian a— Erick Barkley, G, St. Jo h n ’s. Clearing
the w ay for M ark Jackson’s free agency departure.
28. P ortland— Jam aal M agliore, C, K entucky. Ifh e
falls this far.
29. L.A. Lakers — M ike Smith, F, Louisiana-Monroe.
M V P o f Portsm outh Invitational is no Leon.
Defending champion Pete Sampras returns
to Jiri Vanek o f the Czech Republic during
their men's singles, first round match on the
Centre Court at Wimbledon, Monday, June
A ssociated P ress
Pete Sampras has a w ord for the Spanish protest
at W im bledon: childish.
The six-tim e cham pion had little sym pathy for
Spaniards Alex C orretja and A lbert C osta after
their w ithdraw al Sunday. They w ere angered at
not being seeded in the top 16 despite being
ranked in the top 16 by the ATP.
“Y ou really try to rise above it instead o f being
a little childish about it and going home,” Sampras
said M onday after beating Jiri V anek 6 -4 ,6 -4 ,6 -
2 in his opening match. “It’s a bit disappointing.”
U nlike the three other G rand Slams, W im bledon
seeds players according to their ability on grass
in ste a d o f u sin g the A T P ran k in g . Both
W im bledon and A T P T ourofficials have agreed
to look at a new seeding system for W imbledon.
“T hey did have their reasons w hy they d idn’t
play,” Sampras said. “It’s ju st disappointing.
Y ou know, this is the biggest event we have in
the gam e. Everybody should play it.”
Sam pras, w ho was seeded No. 2 in the French
O pen and lost in the first round to M ark
Philippoussis, said h e’d be happy not being
seeded at Roland G arros.
“ I f I w asn’t seeded at the French O pen that
w ould be fine by m e,” he said. “As long as I don’t
have to play Philippoussis (in the first round).”
Fire’s Williams injured in traffic accident
Portland Fire reserve guard Tara W illiam s was
placed on the injured list Tuesday after she suffered
whiplash and a concussion in a traffic accident the
day before. W illiam s w as riding to practice with
rookie team m ate Lynn Pride when they w ere rear-
ended at a stop light. Pride was not injured.
B y W N BA rules, W illiam s has to sit out at least
three gam es. T he next gam e sh e’s eligible for is
July 3 at Indiana. W illiam s has played in eight o f
the F ire’s 10 gam es, averaging 3.6 points and
going 6-of-8 from 3-point range.
T o fill her spot on the roster, P ortland activated
guard Jam ila W idem an, w ho has been on the
injured list all season w ith a sprained ankle.
T he expansion Fire have a 2-8 record, third-
w o rst
in th e ■
Salazarjoins Central Catholic
k ir T he
P or il asp O bserver
A lberto Salazar, international
track and field legend, has
accepted the position o f H ead
Cross Country coach at Central
Catholic H igh School. “O ur
kids will have the opportunity
to leam from one o f the greatest
distance runners o f all time.
Alberto will bring his expertise
a n d k n o w le d g e to o u r
program , w hich w ill enable us
to build a strong, com petitive
program . W e are so excited to
have him join our com m unity,”
remarked M ark Horak, Athletic
D irector for C entral Catholic.
In both 1981 and 1982, Salazar
w as the num ber one ranked
m arathoner in the world. He
has w on n u m ero u s m arath o n
races including his reign as the
N ew Y o rk C ity m arathon w inner
8 m inutes and 13 seconds. H e also
was a m em ber o f the US O lym pic
team in both 1980 and 1984.
for three consecutive years, 1980,
81, and 82. In 1981 Salazar set a
w o rld re c o rd fo r the 5 -m ile
distance in 22 m inutes, 3 seconds.
Salazar set A m erican records in
the 5,000 and 10,000 m eters in
1982, and set a w orld record in the
marathon in 1981, running 2 hours.
M ost recently, he w as the w inner
o f the C om rades U ltra-M arathon
C ham pion race in South A frica,
w hich covered a grueling course
o f 54 m iles. H e also served as
captain o f N IK E ’s 1994 H ood to
C oast relay team that set a new
record tim e in w inning the race.
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K entucky Derby's
F usaichi Pegasus
sold for stud
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Car W a s h
A ssqcjaieil E ress
K entucky D erby w inner Fusaichi Pegasus has been sold to
A shford Stud, the N orth A m erican division o f Coolm ore
Financial term s w ere not disclosed, but the D aily Racing
Form is reporting that the deal is worth betw een $60 million
and $70 m illion, w hich w ould easily top the record price o f
$40 m illion paid for S h areef D ancer in 1983.
Current ow ner Fusao Sekiguchi is expected to retain control
o f the horse through the B reeders’ Cup, but will not retain
any ow nership for breeding purposes. The colt will stand
at A shford in V ersailles, K entucky and the Racing Form is
reporting that the horse w ill carry a stud fee in the $200,000
A group headed by C oolm ore ow ner John M agnier lost out
Saturday, JUNE 2 4 th
Saturday, JU LY 1st
10am -2pm
4747 NE MLK
P O R T L /L V D
out to Sekiguchi w hen the Mr. Prospector colt was
purchased at the 1998 K eeneland auction for $4 million.
Fusaichi P egasus becam e the first favorite to w in the
K entucky D erby in 21 years. But he was stunned by Red
B ullet in the Preakness as a 1-5 favorite and settled for
Fusaichi P egasus later dropped out o f the Belm ont
Stakes due to a sm all cut on his right front hoof.
Standards from page 1
w ith RCD and provide the follow ing services on this developm ent.
Com prehensive outreach will be made toem erging construction businesses
in business management and project management. The CSP will work with RCD
and provide the follow ing services on this developm ent.
Com prehensive outreach will be m ade to emerging construction businesses
in the Portland m etropolitan region to inform them about the contracting
opportunities on the R osem ont developm ent, The outreach will focus on
m inority ow ned construction businesses and target businesses from the
N o rth an d N o r th e a s t P o rtla n d
T ec h n ica l a ssista n c e w ill be
provided to businesses that subm it
bids in the areas ofestim ating, bidding
and m arketing.
T he CSP will review the contract
aw ard process, facilitate discussions
b e tw e e n e m e rg in g c o n s tru c tio n
businesses and the prim e contractor
or ow ner, and recom m end solutions to
increase participation o f em erging,
w o m e n an d m in o r ity o w n e d
b u sin e sse s.
T ech n ical assistance w ill also be
provided in project m anagem ent to
su c cessfu l em erging, w om en and
m inority ow ned businesses to insure
successful com pletion o f the contract.
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