Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 28, 2000, Page 5, Image 5

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    June 28, 2000
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Page A5
(Tip f o r ila nò ffihsvruer
City, county release draft domestic
partner registry ordinance for comment
T he City o f Portland and M ultnom ah C ounty are asking
for public com m ent on a draft ordinance to establish a
dom estic partner county registry, posted on city and
co u n ty w eb sites today. U nder the registry being
proposed by M ayor V era Katz, City C om m issioner Dan
Saltzm an, and C ounty Com m issioners Serena C ruz and
Lisa Naito, dom estic partners w ould have their unions
officially registered.
“ W e w anted to do this to create an equal opportunity for
unm arried couples, be they sam e or m ixed gender, to
register their civil com m itm ent to one another,” said
K atz. “T he City o f Portland has been very clear in its
support o f all fam ilies — no m atter w hat their m ake up.
T his cem ents that support.”
“ I ’m happy that w e are now able to introduce this
ordinance. It represents a significant step forward for
our com m unity,” said City C om m issioner Dan Saltzman.
S in c e F a ll 1999, a w o rk in g g r o u p , in c lu d in g
representatives from City Com m issioner Dan Saltzm an's
office, Basic Rights Oregon, O G ALLA (Oregon G ay and
L esbian Law A ssociation), the C ity A ttorney’s office,
and former State Rep. George Eighmey, and State Senator
K ate Brow n, has looked at "best practices” o f other
jurisdictions that have implemented registries and worked
through the legal and policy issues o f im plem enting a
“ Fam ilies are diverse. T hey com e in all shapes sizes and
colors. O ur proposal is astep tow ard m aking all families
feel w elcom ed in our com m unity,” said M ultnom ah
C ounty C om m issioner Serena Cruz.
“It’s high tim e the governm ent allow s all couples the
right to form alize their relationships and fam ilies,” said
C om m issionerN aito.
The group plans to hold a com munity meeting, Thursday,
July 6at the Gresham Public Library, 385 NW Miller, from
6 :00-8:00p.m .,inordertoseekfeedbackonthep ro p o sed
p r o c e s s . T h e M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty B o a rd o f
C om m issioners w ill then hold two hearings on the
proposed ordinance w hich would establish the registry.
T he first reading will take place July 20, the second July
27. W ritten com m ents can also be subm itted by e-mail to
m ayorkatz@ ci.portland.or.us.
T o take part in the registry, both parties w ould have to
appear in person and w ith identification at the County
office designated for the registration. They would sign
a certificate declaring that they are:
1. residing together and sharing the com m on necessities
2. not m arried or registered as domestic partner in any
3. at least 18 years o f age;
4. not related by blood kinship closer than would bar
marriage in the state ofO regon and are mentally competent
to consent to the contract; and
5. each o th e r’s sole dom estic partner with the intent to
rem ain so indefinitely, and are responsible for each
oth er’s com m on welfare.
The couple w ould also agree to file a “Statem ent o f
Term ination o f D om estic Partnership” if the partnership
is term inated (except by death), or if any o f the facts in
the above requirem ents change. And they would also
have to certify that they had not signed a dom estic
partnership certificate w ith a different individual within
the prior six months. T he couple would keep the original
signed certificate. The County w ould m aintain a public
reco rd d a ta b a se c o n ta in in g th e n am es, d ate o f
registration, and certificate num ber only, as well as a
record o f partnership term inations. A fee, to be set by
later resolution, will be assessed to cover costs at the
tim e or registration.
O riginally, K atz had hoped to m odel the registry after
that o f A shland’s, w hich allow s people to register their
certificate anonym ously. H ow ever, attorneys for the
C ity an d C o u n ty d e te r m in e d th a t a n o n y m o u s
“registration” w ould underm ine the core purpose o f the
new registry — w hich is to provide those people w ho
w ish to have a form al opportunity to register their
dom estic partnership officially — w ith an opportunity
to do so. C ouples w ho are not com fortable with their
nam es being public record w ill be given inform ation on
how to docum ent their domestic partnership relationship
on their own.
W hile the registry will be available to dom estic partners
o f any m akeup, in particular for gay/lesbian couples and
families, the registry w ould provide a m eans for them to
establish the reality o f their dom estic partnership. Under
the groundbreaking Court o f A ppeals decision inTanner
v. OHSU, this has im portant legal significance in regards
to public sector benefits.
Congratulations to our local scholars
Ebony is an 18 year old Benson
g rad u ate w ho w ill be atten d in g
l.innfield C ollege as a N ursing m ajor
this fall. T hrough her involvem ent
w ithH O SA L eadershipC onferences
and a nationals com petition since
1998 - w inning m edals every year.
H e r in te r e s ts in c lu d e m u s ic a l
in stru m e n ts, sc ie n c e , m e d ic in e ,
children, exercising, doing hair, and
art. Both o f these students credit
th eir parents, R ick y an d M argie
Booker for their support and spiritual
guidance for doing w ell in school.
The children w ere reared through the
discipline o f their faith as Je h o v ah ’s
W itnesses since early childhood to
gain skills in reading and public
speaking. It has enabled them to
becom e effective tutors and m entors
to their peers.
Ricky Booker, Jr. o f
Ockley Green M lddle
S chool
re c e n tly
becam e a N ational
A w a rd
w in n e r
through the U nited
States Achievem ent
A cadem y. He was
c h o s e n as on e o f
A m e r ic a ’s
b est
students for excelling
in Mathematics. Very
few a re s e le c te d
nationwide to receive
this high honor. He is
exceptional for his
age and grade level,
especially since the
A cadem y recognizes
m ostly high school
students doing well
in one or more o f 18
academ ic disciplines
r a n g in g
Ricky Booker Jr.
A g r ic u ltu re
S c ie n c e .
R ick y
A m erican Scholar
received national recognition after
D irectory" am ong
his nom ination from his teacher, Mr.
o th e r s c h o la s tic
C had W olyn for his m astery in
achievers. A nd, he
M athem atics and serving as a math
ill be qualified to
tu to r a t O c k le y G re e n . O th e r
com pete for grants
notew orthy achievem ents include
a w a rd e d b y the
co m p etin g in a statew id e ch ess
A cadem y. Every
tournam ent sponsored by OM SI in
y ea r,
th e
1998. A hobby o f his is using his
o rg a n iz a tio n
com puter to design w eb pages for
m a k es a v a ila b le
friends. Besides his high academ ic
$ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0
achievem ent, Ricky w as chosen on
s c h o la r s h ip s to
m any other considerations: interest
s tu d e n ts on th e
and aptitude, leadership qualities,
h igh sch o o l and
r e s p o n s ib ility ,
e n th u s ia s m ,
collegiate level.
m otivation to learn and im prove,
A nother academic
citizenship, attitude and cooperative
scholar w ithin the
spirit, and dependability.
Booker fam ily is
As an added bonus provided by
R i c k y ’s s is te r ,
U SA A , R ick y ’s biography w ill be
E b o n y B o o k e r.
featured in the A cad em y ’s “All-
Ebony Booker
Foster parents sought
M ultnom ah C ounty A nim al Control
is recruiting volunteers to act as
“ foster parents” to pets from our
shelter. These anim als are either too
young, need further socialization, or
have treatable illnesses requiring
special attention w hich prevents them
from being adaptable candidates at
this time. They are however, excellent
pets w hich the shelter sta ff feels have
an excellent chance for adoption once
they are older, o r healthy again.
N eed is especially great during the
spring/sum m er kitten season, when
pregnant cats and mothers with litters
o f kitten (and in m any cases their
m others) are brought to our shelter.
Until the kittens are old enough to be
w eaned, separated from the m other,
an d sp ay ed o r n eu tered , k itten s
cannot be put up for adoption.
M any foster parents pay for the full
care o f their foster because o f the
C o u n ty ’s b u d g e t c o n stra in ts. A
special fund has been set up to help
w ith the care o f pets th at need
rehabilitation. Y ou can m ake tax-
deductible donations to the Anim al
CareTrustFundat 17000W.Columbia
River Hwy, Troutdale, OR. 97019
F o s te r p a r e n ts p r o v id e a sa fe
environm ent for these anim als to
m ature, becom e m ore socialized or
heal from an existing wound or illness.
O nce these pets are adaptable, they
can be adopted by the foster parent,
or if needed, returned to the shelter
foradoption. The M ultnomah County
Animal Shelter is located in Troutdale
at 1700 W. Columbia RiverHighway.
Y ou can also find us on the w eb at
m ultcopets.org.
Yes! It's your time! You couldn't
have dreamed it better if youd
tried. You've learned that hard
w ork and long hours definitely
pay o ff and that getting ahead is
easier w h e n there's family behind
you. That's the w ay it is w ith
American Family Mutual Insurance.
Like you, w e understand it's
consistent performance that builds
strong reputations. That's ju st one
o f m any reasons w h y year after
year were awarded an A+ (Superior)
rating from the respected insurance
r a tin g a u th o r ity , A M. Best.
BBB urges caution to consumers
S um m er is here, offering consum ers
the chance to enjoy m any o f the
outdoor festivals and fairs that take
place during the Pacific N orthw est’s
break from the rain. A s you brow se at
the Rose Festival, T he Bite or any o f
th e o u td o o r g a th e rin g s in y o u r
c o m m u n ity , y o u
m ay
opportunities to enter a draw ing for a
free vacation or a free car. Before
filling out your entry form , keep in
m ind that odds are better that you will
end up on a telem arketing or direct
mail solicitor list rather than tooling
around in y o u r dream car or enjoying
a fabulous p aid v ac atio n in the
T he inform ation that you fill out on
the entry form will most 1 ikely become
a “lead’*fora telemarketer or for direct
mail solicitation. A typical marketing
call you m ight receive may require
you to attend a sales presentation
before you receive the free vacation.
Then the “ free” vacation m ay end up
not being free after al 1 and may require
you to pay up-front fees to claim your
prize or require you to purchase an
a d d itio n a l tr a v e l tic k e t f o r a
com panion.
O n ce you b ec o m e a “ le a d ” for
solicitors, your nam e, address, phone
and any other inform ation you have
p ro v id e d m ay b e so ld to o th e r
com panies that m ay solicit you by
phone and mail as well. The Better
Business Bureau offers theses tips to
consum ers attending sum m er events :
Be aware that filling out an entry form
for a draw ing or give-aw ay may
increase chances o f m ail and phone
Do not give out personal inform ation
such as social security num bers, bank
account numbers, and date o f birth.
I f you enter a draw ing be sure that
y o u h a v e c o m p a n y n a m e an d
contract information for the company
conducting the drawing.
T he B B B ’s co n su m er h o tlin e is
accessible 24 hours a day. In Oregon,
consumercan call (503)226-3981, and
in W estern W ashington (206) 431-
u have family behind you.
Before you make y o u r move,
m ake o n e call a n d a h e lp fu l,
friendly agent w ill be delighted to
tell you more. Then go o u t there
and conquer
the w orld...
w e ll be right
behind you.
M edical care & prescription drugs
available for free
Financial A ssistance N etw ork in
W ashington, DC has ju st published
a new booklet, “ Free & Low C ost
M edical Care” .
The booklet includes inform ation on
a how and w here to get free and low
cost m edical care under the Federal
Hill-Burton program.
The H ill-B urton program has been
effect for over 50 years providing
more than 3 5 bi 1 lion dol lars in free and
low cost care to qual i fied participants.
The program was established in 1946
to assist in the co nstruction and
modernization ofhospital and medical
care facilities.
N early 6 billion dollars in grants and
loans w ere given to 7,000 facilities in
over4.000com m unities. Inexchange,
the facilities agreed to provide a
reasonable am ount o f services to
p e r s o n s r e s id in g in th e lo c a l
com m unity w ho are unable to pay.
“There are currently 687 facilities the
provide free or low cost m edical care.
O ver 1100 prescription drugs are also
available for free o r very low cost to
qualified individuals. Unfortunately,
m any qualified people do not take
a d v a n ta g e o f th e s e s p ro g ra m s
because there is rarely any publicity
in fo rm th e p u b lic .” S ay s P au l
N av estad , F o u n d er o f F in an c ial
A ssistance Network. “A step by srtep
outline guides consum ers through
th e p r o c e s s e s o f f in d in g a
p a r tic ip a tin g
f a c ility ,
organization established by volunteer
dedicated to helping people w ho
c a n n o t a ffo rd m e d ic a l c a re o r
prescription medication. The primary
purposes o f Financial A ssistance
N etw ork are to inform potentially
qualified applicants about the patient
assistance program s for which they
appear eligible and assist them in the •
enrollm ent process.
Consum ers can receive a copy by
sending $5 to cover the cost o f
printing, postage and handling to:
Financial Assistance Network Free
& Low C ost M edical C are Booklet -
Dept. M CB-0608-P.O. Box 60848,
W a s h in g to n , DC 2 0 0 3 9 -0 8 4 8
C o n s u m e rs can a lso g et m ore
inform ation about free and low cost
m edical and prescription drugs by
calling 202-595-1039. or visit the
o r g a n iz a ti o n 's
w eb
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